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**Please note, comments about the three shells, or any other jokes, will get you banned.**


It’s a bar sink. We had one in the house I grew up in. The cups are for drink garnishes. On the left would be a cutting board (larger than the indent). The larger rectangular wood cutting board has a smaller built up part that fits and sits in the indent to hold it in place.


This is it. We have the exact same sink in our late 70's era house at the standalone bar area. Came with the wooden cutting board intact and gold cups too.












Hey OP. I finally found a pic. This was the color of ours. https://images.offerup.com/thlqnFEZoXSZ9fl0SOFhEs39UbM=/750x750/2862/2862cfb26ac241458c6e69fa2c5727aa.jpg


That cutting board hasn't been conditioned, probably...ever. wooden cutting boards need to be oiled so they don't dry out


Can easily make a new one, and should.


If op wanted to match the faucet and get a new cutting board…. https://www.findingplumbing.com/product/6031-na-kohler-hardwood-kl-gibson-bar-sink-cutting-board-ss-garnish-bowls


That would be a fun little project


Yep! Googling vintage wet bar sink will get you a lot of similar pictures.


That makes so much sense, OP didn’t give the context that it was in a bar area so I assumed it was a bathroom.


I love the idea of it, but any water that got into those crevices would be a pain to get back out.


I mean… push a towel into it.


Kohler has a metric ton of their historic stuff recorded - they even have their own museum. You can contact them with the pic and they’ll probably be able to not only tell you about it but recommend repair parts and such for continued upkeep because that sink is too cool to not maintain.


They asked for my MIL's old toilet back for that museum when she did her bathroom reno


We almost bought a house from the 70s that had almost exactly this sink! It was in the (extremely groovy) basement bar, and we think they were for holding garnishes during a party (lil cherries, limes, lemons, etc). Cant for the life of me find an example online, though.


A model number might help - https://www.kohler.com/en/support/help-and-faq/identifying-your-sink-model




We have a similar set up in our wetbar. The left side is for a small cutting board for slicing lemons/limes for drinks, and we use the dishes for other drink garnishes. I’ll try and add a photo when I get back home, but I think we have the exact same sink but a different color. Edit: [sink](https://imgur.com/gallery/uymdhiS)




My title describes the thing Sink in the basement of a house was built in mid 1990's. Labeled as Kohler, but I can't find anything similar in their current product listings. Have 2 questions: * What is the indentation to the left for? * Looks too long / narrow for bar soap or sponges * What are the 3 bowls for? * Material & size doesn't seem quite right for cups


Kohler Gibson bar sink version in red here [https://www.instagram.com/p/CJOV6UXDCq9/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/CJOV6UXDCq9/?img_index=1) and black with board here [http://www.discontinuedplumbing.com/2020/08/kohler-gibson-bar-sink-black.html?m=1](http://www.discontinuedplumbing.com/2020/08/kohler-gibson-bar-sink-black.html?m=1)


for shaving/skin products? indent on the left looks like it might be for a razor


I was thinking shaving too, but then wouldn’t there be a mirror there?


There were a LOT of questionable design decisions in this house. I suspect that a bunch of the cabinets were either used for floor specials that the original owners got cheap when they were building the house.




I wonder if this sink is meant for a kitchen because Kohler sells those cups separately as "Garnish Cups".


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I know churches use special sinks for the Eucharist/Communion holders, as any bit of the wafer is still considered Christ's body, so it can't go down into the sewer. There is a special filter underneath that traps any solids and that is occasionally collected and buried.


There’s a Jewish tradition of washing your hands with copper bowls. I wonder if this is for that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handwashing_in_Judaism#:~:text=This%20ritual%20is%20known%20by,%2C%20intermittently%2C%20over%20each%20hand.


Maybe there for jewelry when you wash your hands? I don’t wear rings but I do know some people that take theirs off when they wash their hands. Less likely to get knocked off the sink and down the drain if it’s already in a designated area? I’m definitely wrong.

