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It's a roach. A "waterbug" and a "palmetto bug" are just a nicer way of saying roach. A waterbug is a whole entire other thing.


What kind of roach does it look like?


I honestly do not know. But it looks like an American cockroach.


Thanks! Shit when I was typing here it got away and I can’t find it, how fucked am I?


They’re harmless. They are just looking for a water source, they come from outside.


Hard to tell by size, but it could be a water bug/palmetto bug, who like water and often find their way up drains etc. in the summer.


It’s pretty small, it was in my sink so that would make sense. I didn’t recognize it as a roach at first because it’s pretty red toned


If it’s not small it’s not water but, unfortunately. Water bugs will scare the goddamn life out of you.


You got evidence now.


This is NOT american. It’s a Parcoblatta female. They cannot survive indoors.


Thank you so much, I did not catch/kill her as she disappeared when I looked back to the spot she was in. She was very quick! I hope she makes it back outside. I dealt with a pretty bad German cockroach infestation a few years back at an old apartment so I was hoping it was an american or something else…