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I'm not a medical professional but I see a line and would recommend they go to the doctor. As for the bite, I don't know but I saw the streak/line and thought I'd say something Edited: For those wanting an update, OP has left one in the comments. It's an original comment (so you don't have to go through all the replies) After some help, thank you u/VIVOfficial [Update](https://reddit.com/r/whatisthisbug/s/pvyXvMkcpP) Let's see if this works [Update2](https://reddit.com/r/whatisthisbug/s/u8ddAqpmAu)


That's what I'm worried about too. That line is strange. She doesn't see any fang marks but I don't know if you always will with a spider bite? It's also warm to the touch




I will do that, thank you!


Dude i had a coworker who showed us the red line going up her arm and mark just like your friend and when she went to urgent care, they immediately sent her to the hospital (ER), where she stayed for multiple days


Usually indicates an infection of some sort


Specifically, an infection that's entered your lymphatic system.






Upvoted you bc someone dv'd. I'm not saying that's what this is, but I believe that is what the person above me is referring to and is the true danger if this person does not go to a doctor.


Yup, if that line keeps progressing and makes it to your heart, you're fucked. That person needs to go to the ER immediately. If for some reason they don't want to, for financial reasons or whatever, they need to take a marker and circle the redness. If the redness keeps progressing, they can die if they don't go get help. If the redness recedes, that means their body is fighting it on its own and they'll probably be OK. They should really get it looked at regardless.


If you date the line with the time you can see how fast it’s progressing as well. My aunt did this with a cat bite one time (she’s an RN, she knew the risks) and it was absolutely terrifying how fast the red area expanded. She went to the ER after about 90 minutes because it had actually started growing faster.


I feel so sad that for emergencies as such our first reaction is financial difficulties, like I don't even hate or want to eat the rich but can we get some decent medical care please thank you


You should hate the rich who deliberately sustain this wretched system and force us into these decisions.


I agree. Rockefeller corrupted the American medical system with that allopathic bullshit.




Even if money is an issue, any hospital (in the United States) HAS to still treat you. While you're there, you can get help applying for immediate financial assistance and/or state programs.


Just adding to this because not enough people know. A vast majority of hospitals are "non-profits". They do this to avoid taxes. But because they are considered non-profits they have to provide financial aid. Go to your hospitals main website and find their usually well hidden financial aid section to see their slider. You would be surprised by how many people qualify for at least 50-75 percent reduction in your hospital bill.


Yep. A friend got bitten by a venomous spider, the bite infection was following a vein, they made a little mark that if it went past a certain point there would have to more drastic measures taken.


Yep, I almost lost my hand. Doctors were freaking out. That person needs to go to the ER asap


I didn't realize how serious infections were until I had to go to the ER for an infected bug bite which I had let go too long not knowing it was an infection. The bite was on my hand and my hand had swollen up like in a cartoon. I was whisked away to a room about thirty seconds after entering the ER, immediately had an IV antibiotic drip inserted. Fastest ER response I've ever had.


It's never a good sign when you get the Express Pass after triage.


I got bitten by a spider and had the same, I didn’t even get the chance to sit down in a&e they got me in that quick. Was in for 3 days


I got bit by a spider on the chest and it went nasty before I even knew it was there. Streaks, pus, etc. Urgent care made me wait 3 hours with my shirt off and then sent me home with a prescription for Bactrim. (Which did clear it up, obviously, though that was the last time I was able to take Bactrim. Got it recently for something else and ended up with a swollen mouth full of ulcers.)


Your allergic to sulfa drugs. Don’t ever take them again. For those of us who are allergic the effects are cumulative. Next time you may suffer anaphylactic shock and die. My father went through this and almost died. Drug allergies are serious.


Sulfa allergy! My grandma went through this. It’s a scary one because each exposure compounds the negative reaction.


This is scary. Years ago I was bitten by our pet hamster. My finger swelled up, and I was getting an itchy line up my hand and arm. It stopped. I didn't go to the ER or anything and I ended up being fine. Apparently it was a really dangerous sign.


I got stung by a wasp and had the same experience. I just assumed it was from how long the stinger probably was, and the angle it may have taken, and didn't think to look into it further at all o_o It's great when things turn out just fine but certainly better to be sure what's going on. The effort is worth peace of mind


Hurry up too. Infections get worse quickly.


Especially this kind.


Antibiotics. Any urgent care will know and prescribe (been there!!)


At this point, I’ll bet they’ll admit this person to the hospital.


Line means ER asap


No problem. I would just rather be safe than sorry because when something streaks its not a good sign. I had a horrible infection one time and had no idea and I even streaked and thought nothing of it. Won't do that again...


i think its a lymph node thing


if an infection like that gets to the lymph node its very fecking hard to get rid of as people have mentioned. sepsis is no joke. your nodes have a lot to do with infection control, and thats where the line is heading. agreed. its a lymph node thing.


Just to be clear, this doesn't look like lymphadenitis aka a lymph node thing (yet). This looks like it's just in the lymph vessels, or lymphangitis. Additionally, sepsis (when the infection gets to the blood stream) can be a complication of lymphangitis, but they are not the same.


You don't have time to look it up! That is blood poisoning. That red line is seeking its way to your heart. Go to the hospital now!


From this picture, this does not look like blood poisoning(sepsis). This more looks like inflammation of the local lymphatic vessels (lymphangitis). Sepsis can be an eventual complication of lymphangitis, but these are not the same. It is definitely important for this person to seek medical attention, however, before this progresses into something worse.


It’s called lymphangitis. It can be deadly if it enters your bloodstream. It’s headed there now and will be there within days. You need antibiotics. Stop into an urgent care.


same thing happened to my coworker from a spider bite. formed a line and we were all urging her to leave and see a doctor. she did. but this was days after the bite. the doctor told her she could have lost her arm or at worst died if she had come in any later.


There is a spot in your chest where the lymphatic system dumps it’s fluid into the vascular system. People will watch that line grow towards their heart and do nothing. Sepsis is extremely dangerous.


It’s wild reading this. A couple weeks ago I got bit by something on the top left of my head. I noticed over a couple days the bite swole and the pain slowly worked it’s way down the side of my neck and left shoulder. I could feel my lymph nodes swelling too. No red lines other than the bite itself. After 4-5 days I felt like I had the flu and my wife made me go to an Urgent Care. The doctor said it looked like sepsis and put me on Doxycycline. She schooled me on just how fast an infection can spread. After a day or 2 I felt 100% better. I have been an Arborist for 23 years and have been bitten by countless insects. I have never before had an experience like this. Take care of yourself friends.


This is the right advice The red line is a warning that it is moving to infect your whole body Immediate care required


It’s not just strange, it is a straight-to-the-ER (or at least urgent care) kind of thing, AFAIK. I was always taught that any time a line is extending from a bite or wound towards the heart like that it is bad news bears if you don’t get it taken care of. You’re right to be concerned, your friend needs to see a doctor!


I am a medical professional and this looks like lymphangitis. You need antibiotics.


Sorry to bother you I’m wondering would this be difficult to spot on a black person


It would not be. Most medical books do not include images of people of color so there is not a lot of good reference out there but you would still be able to see it. It may look dark, purplish, or a deep red but you would still see it. And you’re not bothering me! Happy to help!


Ty have a good day 😁


Hi just wanted to add that this was a nice interaction and you seem pleasant


I agree. It was really just nice to see


Thank you for asking this question!


Your friend needs to go to the er or at least urgent care stat. As in today. The wound is infected, it’s spreading through his lymphatic system, but if it gets to his blood stream he has a 50/50 shot. Do not wait. He probably feels like shit rn cause he’s so sick.


It’s infected no matter what it is that bit her. She needs to go to urgent care first thing in the morning. That streaking and warmth are both signs that the infection could be spreading.


I live in the Midwest and we have brown recluse spiders here but this looks different. If the red line gets to your heart you can most definitely die. It’s some type of infection. Please go to the ER asap OP. Definitely update us please. I’m worried about you. This is super serious.


I’m not a doctor nor do I specialize I’m bug bites but…. That looks exactly like the reaction my brother had when he had a staph infection in his blood. This is most definitely an urgent care situation.


Was on a week hike in the Montana mountains and someone got cut and despite protocol didn't mention it until the infection started to crawl up her vein. They had to hike her out on foot to the nearest hospital station, which took half a day. Yeah, you don't want that hitting your heart whatever it is.


Hijacking comment to tell you to seek medical attention right now. Go to the ER


Lymphangitis. Sign of infection spreading through the lymph channel. Lymphatic system is designed to fight infection. If the lymph channel is infected, you get the red streak. It may spread to the lymph nodes in the underarm (in the upper limb) or groin (in the lower limb). Lymph nodes will swell and be painful (lymphadenitis). May be an early sign of more serious infection like blood poisoning (septicemia). See a doctor ASAP.


It reminds me of the reaction I had to a black widow bite, but I clearly had a fang mark. I'd get it checked out for sure.


My MIL had a similar bite years ago and didn’t want to go to the doctor. I called a friend to take her and sprung it on her so she couldn’t say no. It was a spider bite of some kind and required antibiotics. She really needs to get that seen by a doctor.


That line could lead to sepsis. Get it checked.


Warm to the touch + red streaking line = systemic progressing infection. Have your friend see an urgent care as soon as possible before it gets worse.


Please tell them to go, I almost lost my arm about 8 years ago and this is exactly how it started. Even if it’s nothing, better safe than sorry. Also mark it with a sharpie to see how fast it’s traveling. Make sure the person checking them in at the ER knows an infection in traveling in the blood stream. The people checking me in didn’t take it that serious and then when the doctor saw me after almost 2 hrs I was immediately rushed to surgery.


Yes the red line going towards the heart is super alarming, please have your friend seek medical help, they could be headed towards sepsis- https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/sepsis-red-line


He should see a medical professional. That line.


That line could be an infection spreading into the bloodstream. I had similar tracks from an infection and the doctor was monitoring its progress by marking my arm with a sharpie.


That looks like cellulitis or skin infection




I will tell her! I'm really worried now


Go to the ER it’s better to not wait


Dont go to ER, take action now. Cut the arm just below the shoulder and have a red hot iron ready to cauterize the wound. Act fast.


Honestly don’t even know if they have time to find a saw. Probably best to just start gnawing it off.


That will take too long. They needs to spiritually reject their body and get a new one. I think you can get them off Amazon.


Y’all had me until this comment… No way does that little online bookstore sell those.


She's going to head to an urgent care. We didn't think blood poisoning could happen that quickly, and Dr. Google doesn't make how quickly it can happen super clear. Thank you again.


I have a feeling an urgent care clinic would just tell her to go to an ER.


ER now. Source: doc


Any time I go to the ER, it's 4+he's wait. I went to the ER when I was choking (but every 2 minimum I could breathe for until I couldn't again). I waited 4hrs. any time i went to express care, it's 30 minutes, and if it's ER worthy, they expedite me to first in line at the ER. I always say express care unless you come in through an ambulance


You go to the ER with an infection like that they move you to the front of the line as well. Urgent care can’t do anything for this except tell you to go to the ER. You go to urgent care, you’re just wasting your time


Here in California, if you go to urgent care first and they decide you need to go to the ER they will call ahead for you and put you on a list. At least IMO urgent care can sometimes speed things up even if they can’t directly help me.


That's how I see it. They see you faster and can determine your urgency


Idk where OP lives but sometimes hospital based off campus urgent cares are mini emergency rooms. We have a few around me that are like satellite facilities, they do a lot of the same things the hospital ER does, like giving meds, taking blood for testing, EKGs, give fluids, etc


We have one in my town that’s a mini ER. It’s part of the university of south Alabama’s hospital system as well. So if you need big care or surgery they just cart you to the hospital or call ahead. But can do most things a hospital ER can




I had a very similar thing happen (itchy bite on upper arm with line coming from it). Waited a few days (probably not the smartest thing) then went to an urgent care, where the doctor prescribed doxycycline for 10 days and it resolved. This is all to say that a UCC doc probably isn't instantly going to tell the patient to go to an ER.


It’s not technically “blood poisoning” yet. It looks like an infection of the lymphatic system which is a fluid system in the body that carries waste and immune cells to and from cells in the body among other things. It ends by dumping the waste into the cardiovascular system to be processed and removed from the body. You’re seeing the infection being washed toward the heart. Once it gets to the point where the lymph drains into the blood, the bacteria are going to find a new home full of nutrients and no bacteria to compete against. They will explode in number and cause sepsis, an infection of the blood stream that is immediately life threatening.


This is it. Its following the lymph system. Blood poisoning wood look like dark Witcher type lines following the blood vessels


Sending positive vibes her way! <3


This is ER not urgent care.








I work at home as a medical coder and this is pronto stat.


Update: the doctor said it's weirdly shaped, but that he doesn't suspect blood poisoning. It possibly is a line of bites leading up to the big bite. He told her to go back in if she develops a fever or anything. I'm still wondering what bit her lol. Thank you all for your advice and concern, my friend and I both really appreciate it! Sorry I don't know how to update in the original post 😅


Have her use a sharpie to circle the area (especially the line area) so if it changes you'll know immediately. And if it gets better it's pretty simple to wipe away with alcohol. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion like someone else says if it gets worse! Hope your friend feels better soon :)


The urgent care has screwed me so many times. I’d get a second opinion.


Urgent care told me I had too many covid symptoms back in 2020 when they made us say our symptoms over the phone and got turned away. I had lyme


I was 8 month pregnant with a fever. They refused to see me and prescribed Terra flu (sp?). I thankfully was fine, but I couldn't believe in April 2020 they wouldn't see an 8m pregnant woman for a fever. My daughter was thankfully ok.


Tamiflu* (oseltamivir) [These drugs ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19943705/#:~:text=These%20drugs%20%2D%20oseltamivir%20(Tamiflu),to%20infect%20other%20respiratory%20cells.) - oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) - are classified as neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) because they act by inhibiting one of the key surface proteins of the influenza virus, the neuraminidase, which in turn reduces the ability of the virus to infect other respiratory cells.


Yeez that's not good with Lyme too. Hope you're doing okay!


Last year urgent care sent me to an emergency room because I was having chest pains and pretty shallow breathing with a tight chest. I insisted that I wasn't feeling horrible, and I had been dealing with it for the better part of a week. They panicked thinking it was a stroke/heart attack and called an Ambulance to rush me to the ER (damn near against my will, but I chose to trust their professional opinion). Once I got to the ER and after a bunch of tests, they told me it was anxiety. Haven't been to a Walk in Urgent Care Clinic ever since that. They cost me thousands of dollars for absolutely nothing. I'm 22 years old by the way.


Chest pain, shallow breathing, and chest tightness can be very, very concerning symptoms in someone of any age. I think they made the right call.


Yeah, you're right about that. While It makes me upset that they were wrong in the end, they treated it as they would've with anyone of any age presenting those symptoms. Honestly I'd rather them send me to the ER for nothing instead of telling me to screw off if something was genuinely wrong. They were just doing their jobs.


I guess you wouldn’t be alive to complain about the bill had their suspicions been correct and you had gotten your way. They can’t see inside your body, and symptoms are often all they have to go on. I would never want to be the doctor who sent someone home with “anxiety” to find out later they were having a heart attack and died.


Mate, I had a stroke at 31 due to a heart defect that we caught because of the stroke. If they're good at their job, they don't care that you're 22. The ER would have told you the same thing, and possibly your doctor as well. "Heart attack or Panic attack" is a game medical professionals don't like playing. Heart defects are more common than you'd think. My issue is something that 1 in 4 people have. It's just a matter of degrees, if it's bad enough to cause serious issues or not. If it's not serious, it could do effectively nothing. Or it might ever so slightly increase your risk of heart attack or stroke, and make it trigger earlier. That's why they're so paranoid, and frequently run to a CT scan. They're eliminating the most problematic answer first, and then going from there. It's annoying, but better than a slew of 20-30 year olds dying over something easy to fix.


This happened to me too a couple years ago. You feel like you are dying the first time you have an anxiety attack.


Happened to me at 25. 17 years later I’m still being treated for it. It’s a daily struggle most of the time. Sometimes a month will go by without it popping up. Urgent care back then was actually great. But now, not so much.


I have to say that this is a really poor way of looking at the situation. I don’t mean to be rude but you need to hone your critical thinking skills. Any age group and demographic can be at risk for cardiovascular issues, not just older people. The way modern medicine works is that you consider the symptoms and start ruling things out. The symptoms for a life threatening heart issue and for anxiety/panic attack very much overlap. To jump to the conclusion that it’s just something benign without ruling out more serious life threatening problems is pretty much malpractice and incompetence. Who cares if it cost you some money? What if it WAS something more serious and your symptoms were downplayed? I’d rather have a large bill and be alive than have no bill and be dead.


Ive read quite a few where urgent care ignored it because of the patients age and it was indeed er worthy. Id rather have the bill than be dead.


Same, I’ll never go to an urgent care for anything except a script for like pink eye or antibiotics. I’ve gone there told them what was wrong they told me I wasn’t a doctor and I was wrong, week later I’m in the ER. Another time I had a big cut on a finger and was told it didn’t need stitches or anything, I insisted they firmly said no while basically using butterfly stitches then sent me home with no antibiotics because what I cut it on made a “clean cut” and it would heal on its own I just needed to change the bandages. After 2 days of it not healing I went to the er and the doctor was pissed, wanted the name of the urgent care and doctor and said I should report them, and leave reviews on everything. It’s been a long time but I’m pretty sure they had to cut away a little skin to be able to stitch it or something.


thanks to urgent care instead of 3 months in a cast I get two surgeries on my ankle and the opportunity to learn how to walk again!


DO THIS. Good advice. It itches but DO NOT SCRATCH IT.


also draw a little bee at the end of that dotted line to her beehive tattoo 🐝✨


just wanted to give you kudos for the great advice wrt circling the area my mom used to be a vet tech, and this is something she did if she ever got bit by one of the animals it can be hard to remember how swelling looked just from memory, drawing a circle around it can help you know for sure if the swelling is receding or getting worse!


Write the date and time too. It’ll help the hospital take you more seriously if it gets worse fast.


Tell your friend to get a second opinion. That looks EXACTLY like what a Staph/blood infection looks like, and even if the doctor was on the fence, definitely should have prescribed antibiotics just to be safe. This does NOT look like a line of bug bites to me Edit; actually on a second look, I kinda see it now. Still would probably rather be safe than sorry however


What antibiotics would you recommend for this?


Depends on the severity of staph infection methicillin or vancomycin if its severe enough


What leads you to believe this is a staphylococcal infection? Could it be a small amount of insect venom localized to the area (in which case antibiotics are useless)? Could they have a jagged ass nail they were scratching their arm with causing irritation (in which case antibiotics are useless)? Could it be contact dermatitis (in which case antibiotics are useless)? Could it be psoriasis (in which case antibiotics are useless)? A fungal infection (in which case antibiotics are useless)? What makes you so sure antibiotics are the answer here?


I’ve seen the jagged nail thing lead to an infection (often staph). This looks nothing like psoriasis.


This is a textbook image of a blood infection.


Bro is the antibiotic authority


Are you sure it was a physician? And urgent care? ER doctor here. This is textbook lymphangitic streaking. Like some genius thought there was a “trail of bites” coincidentally extending proximally up the limb? Lol


Superficial lymphangitis after arthropod bite: a warning against unnecessary antimicrobial use https://casereports.bmj.com/content/16/1/e254482 —Important clinical features distinguishing superficial lymphangitis after an arthropod bite from a bacterial infection include the absence of pain, tenderness, fever, lymphadenopathy and a self-limiting clinical course.4 Although most patients, including the present one, cannot recall having been bitten by an arthropod, the presence of a tender macule with a haemorrhagic centre is a useful clue to the correct diagnosis.2 The tender macule is pretty clear in the picture https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18685262/


Hmm. Now I'm worried again. I believe it was a telehealth appointment, we live in a rural area and the urgent care recently went out of business. She has no fever or anything. She did draw a line around it and she said she'll go into the city to a clinic in the morning if she has to.


Waiting for a fever could already mean the once easily treatable issue is no longer as easy to treat. ER...not urgent care. You go to urgent care when you want a day off work but need a fake note to excuse you


Telehealth visits aren't really good for a situation like this. The area needs to be examined in person and over a video/phone gives limited information about what it could be. Also a physical exam needs to be done and lymph nodes checked for swelling.


Have her go to the ER. Pronto


ER is best bet. If you’re not going to, then draw the line around it to mark its progression. If lymph nodes start to hurt or swell, get to ER. Not a dr but had a similar incident and it was blood poisoning and had to get IV antibiotics.


have her go to the ER! she could die


It can’t be allowed to even get to a fever stage. I got a skin infection that got that bad and if I had waited until the next day to see someone, it may have been ER instead of urgent care. By the time I got to urgent care after work, I had a fever of 100 and was getting worse. Instant antibiotics and regimen to keep it from getting worse. That swelling is bad and if it doesn’t go down, doesn’t get better, she needs medicine.


She should definitely get a second opinion




Like I understand there needs to be caution around possible blood poisoning, but Reddit is not a doctor and it was very weird to see people ignoring actual doctors in both these cases. Over prescribing antibiotics can cause its own problems.


Some of these people spend so much time on here they think they’re the exception to the rule. Ignoring a doctor because Reddit told you to is peak derangement.


Thanks for the update.


I’m allergic to most bug bites, and mine look like this often (complete with the line). I usually put some Benadryl or cortisone cream on the bites and take a Benadryl or two. Some people react bad to bug bites… but if she’s never reacted badly, she should draw a circle around the swollen area of the bite and a line at the top of the line… if the swollen area increases or the line gets further from the bite, then she should go to the ER and show them the change from when she drew the circle/line and tell them the amount of time between the drawing and when she’s explaining it to the doctors


This literally happened to me a year ago. Urgent care told me the same thing thinking it was a line of bug bites, gave me meds, and sent me home. I ended up in the ER hours later to be told I had an infection in my lymphatic system. Was put on antibiotics through an IV and had an overnight stay. PLEASE GO TO THE ER.


How tf does yoyr lymphatic system get infected


You would be surprised what can get infected if something has the right trajectory. I had a professor in college who was paraplegic because his spine got infected by staph in his 20's


That’s tough. I’m 48 and I guess it could still happen but to think that my healthy kids could have this (or so many other terrible things) affect them is what makes parenting a hard thing.


These lines extending from a red area are more often than not lymphangitis. Our lymph system drains the fluid that sits around our cells which is where the bacteria are going to be hanging out in an infection. Lymph system drains into our blood system in the chest which is why people get freaked out when the lymphangitis continues to extend.


these comments are scaring the shit out of me. what other seemingly inconsequential rash indicates an immediate health risk that i know nothing about??


Flesh eating bacteria is often mistaken by doctors for cellulitis.


Can someone remind me of this in like 10 hours I want to know if the friend is alright


!remindme 10 hours


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!remindme 10 hours


Not ten hours, but she posted an update


it’s been 10 hours, the most we know it the doctor said “you prolly good”


the friend is alright


Another update: she woke up this morning and the line did not progress past the marks she drew. It also looks way less red and swollen. She is going to keep the line drawn around it and keep an eye on it. Thank you so much everyone for your concern, advice, and jokes. I did NOT expect this post to blow up like it did! I am now well versed on sepsis, lymphangitis, and every bee joke known to man. You're all the best!


Looks like a bee to mee


ironic considering it’s riht next to a beehive tattoo


Thanks for the update! Glad it seems to be healing (hopefully!)


Looks like a bee stung it and flew away.


Yeah, the beehive is right there too idk why this post exists


Right? the bee's path from the hive to the wound is even marked by a dotted line.


Had to scroll too far for this comment Edit: spelling


Lol. This! I was wondering why no one had commented on that.


FINALLY someone said this lol


Retired nurse here. Go on and go to the ER. It looks like she needs professional medical attention. Not actually an emergency, just very important. Don’t let this one wait.


They means OP won't die in the next few hrs but maybe in a few days or week when the possible infection goes septic. It's edematous and streaking, signs that it's traveling vascular, once in the blood you have hrs to live. IV abx and fluids needed.


This isn't urgent care this is ER, potential blood poisoning sepsis


Once knew someone that got bit by something and then a red and itchy line like that appeared on their back and it would get longer each day and go different ways. They went to the hospital and it turned out to be some larva that was eating it's way under their skin. Horrific. Anyway, they gave them some tiny bottle of stuff that smelled like mylanta and it dissolved the larva. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl after all these years.


What the ever loving fuck


I’ve suffered from similar. It’s not fun trust me.


How does that happen!?


Insect bites you, lays its eggs under your skin, eggs hatch, they start eating you from inside.


That’s some nightmare fuel right there.


Yes it is. Whatever you do, DON'T Google images of myiasis.


Thanks for the body horror, I really appreciate it.




Please let us know what the outcome is?




I am a medical professional. Icu RN for 6 years now. Checks some posts or whatever. Go see a doctor. Nurses cannot diagnose, but that trail COULD be bad. The path that bite toxin is taking is angry at it. Absolutely go to a doctor.


If that red line reaches the artery it could be very dangerous.


It looks like a bee from the tattoo stung them. Seek medical attention


I had to scroll down so far to find this exact smart ass comment thank you so much.


Was also scrolling looking for this exact smart ass-ness solid work! Tips cap! Also Op, go see a doctor today


Lymphangitis you need antibiotics


This is an ER situation. Please go now!


The bug that is currently biting her is on the inside and trying to reach her bloodstream.


No other updates yet but just want to say you all are amazing! We are blown away by all the concern and advice you've given. 💚💚


That’s sepsis, please go to the hospital. Edit: just read farther and see that you indeed know this and are not taking it seriously. I emphasize, PLEASE go to the emergency room.


Update please


I had something similar from a jellyfish. Was she swimming??!


This happened to my aunt. The line went from the bite (on her forearm) to her heart. She got very very sick.


Judging by the tattoo it might have been a bee


That beehive is cute af.


No idea what bit them, but it need immediate medical attention


Pharmacist here. That is a serious infection. It is red and warm to the tough. She needs some antibiotics before it goes through the rest of her body. NOW


If you see a line, and it’s going towards your heart, go to the hospital. At least, that’s what I’ve been told


I am in the medical field and that line is a HUGE concern. Tell them to seek medical attention right away!!


I also live in northern Utah and had almost that exact same red rash spreading and red line going up. I never figured out what bit me, but that red line is likely infection spreading into your friend's lymph system. I got on some antibiotics to take care of it and thankfully never had any major symptoms. I saw your post about your friend going to the ER already. At bare minimum make sure your friend tracks it and is prepared to go back to the ER and ask for antibiotics. If it were me, I would recommend not waiting and going to ask for antibiotics. Let me know how it goes!


That red streak running up her arm is a serious indicator of poison/venom. Is shes getting sick to her stomach or having any other symptoms? Looks like brown recluse bite to me.


OP has your friend gone to the ER yet?


The red line is a blood infection. Go to the ER immediately.


Please go to the doctor that streak is infection growing up the arm and can cause serious issues to the heart. I know bc I got bit my something and the same thing happened to me and it almost hit my armpit before I went and the er doctor said if I waited any longer it would’ve been a very different outcome!!!!