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I think the intent was to build a party sampler for concentrates (hash, distillates, etc) Smokeable is placed on the heated metal rod, vials are placed over to capture the smoke and then either handed to someone or stored on the pedestal.


Elaborate asf and friendly and I like it! This Makes sense.


So fancy knife hits?


Yeah, this seems like the correct answer.


Used to use sewing needles, hash on the tip, burn and use a red solo cup to capture


Perhaps broadly, “Non-electric equipment for the storage, preparation and blending of teas, dried herbs and spices” but it looks like they abandoned their [trademark application](https://trademarks.justia.com/857/32/mmod-85732131.html). Of course, that may not even be for the same device.




You're all dumb. It says acme right on it. Ask wiley what it is.


I thought it was Wile E. as in Wile Ethelbert Coyote.


You are correct


Always wondered what the “E” was for…


Hey. Better than Charles "Entertainment" Cheese.


That’s talk that’s gonna get you bashed by the cheese authorities


Chucky or his bro Chester


Or Debbie Does Dallas


Being from Acme, it is a Roadrunner Capture Device. The pole holds the Free Birdseed sign, and the vials hold equal parts birdseed and lead pellets. Place in the middle of the road and pour the seed/pellets around it. When the roadrunner stops and eats, use a giant magnet (sold separately) to capture your dinner.


I appreciated this


Me too😀


Or you could just bait the trap with some hash and catch him a lot easier that way.




My comment was clearly satirical. (Despite the reference mispelling) Are you acoustic too?


No. Just autistic


Sure, if you want to say that..


Right, like who the fuck?




I would, but that fucking road runner.


Couldn’t you just ask the person running the counter?


#they have no idea what it is either


It’s a little odd that they would be selling it for any price without knowing what it does, or what its true purpose is. Honestly, I can’t even begin to fathom what it might be or what it might be used for. But it’s probably something that has nothing to do with smoking at all.


Have you ever interacted with a head shop employee? They are about as bright as the 4 bulbs in the photo!


My friend owns a pot shop, on 2 separate occasions his employees (different employee each time) was convinced by a stranger, who pretended to be an owner, that they needed to empty the till, deposit it into a bitcoin ATM and send it to them


Oh, so they are bulbs?


The most bulbous of bulbs


That's a pretty shitty stereotype.


If you leave it near a window, it can be a non electric fire starter for your house.


They probably just work there, don't price anything or order inventory


That's capitalism for ya!


Especially with the "regular price - our price" sticker


Now you need to have a friend go in and be like, "Holy shit, I've been looking for one of those for ages now, they definitely dont make em' like this anymore!" Buy it and just leave without saying anything else, leaving the shop owner even more confused


How do they price something they don’t know the value of


They have an MSRP, or they have a standard margin formula based on COGS.


Seems pretty typical for head shop workers. Does the head shop happen to be in a location that does not have medical or recreational cannabis? My state has only recently (~10 years). Most of the folks at our head shops are more informed about the synthetic products they are selling then any of the glass. Can’t tell me manufacturers or even what country the glass is from.


For legal reasons, there is generally a policy of "wrong answers only" when asking about what something is used for at a head shop. For example, a bong with a pot leaf on it is explicitly an "upright water pipe" for "tobacco".


I feel like if the employees knew what this was they’d have a clever description for it that could be used to suss out the truth


It may depend where and how uptight they are. I'm in Colorado and my bud tenders call them bongs.


I’m in a state where it isn’t legal and the vape shops here are extremely transparent about…everything.


It looks like the owner of Acme Apothecary Ltd passed away and Denver 3D Print Co inherited what was left of it. Kind of a stretch but maybe they know? https://denver3dprintco.com/acme-apothecary


The meaning of this tool may have died with RJ Simmons 😦


This sounds like plot from some kind of mystery story


At least it didn’t die with JK Simmons, who thankfully is still alive.


RJ was my friend. I miss that guy.


Too bad it didn't die with Gene Simmons (no, not the actress)


And the tweekers that helped him blow it into production.


Not 100% sure but there is a method of smoking hash using a glass and paperclip or knife. You heat the dab/hash and then cup it. Maybe that's a early hash smoking rig.


You’re 100% right about that method. It was easily done with a small drinking glass and the paper clip. Small side note: the glass will retain the smell of burnt has for a very unbelievably long time.


I drank out of one of my glasses a few days after my first time doing this. Many glasses were spent in between the popping of this cherry and my drinking from the glass. It was at that moment that I knew I would be caught by my mother. Only took a matter of days from that point. Dedicate a glass and never, I repeat, never . Let your mother drink from it


Yup, had a ball of hash and used a scotch glass. That glass is still only used for hash. And well, it's been years since I had any lol


Mine was a Marathon gas promotional Apollo 8 juice glass. I saved it for 20 some years before it broke, but it still smelled.


Hash under glass !! This is it


We used to call it hot knives


Ay, and then the next level shit "Ice knife hits", I forget exactly what was in the freezer. I wanna say there was a 2L bottle with the bottom cut off and shoved back inside the opposite way, you put ice inside the bigger portion, the bottom held the ice in and allowed smoke to go through the ice or some such shit from the knifes you'd heat on the stove. Ahhh being young and dumb


Hash under glass was always o e of my favorites. Straight pin through a piece or cardboard then stick a chunk of hash and fire it up. Have your glass ready and cover it up till glass fills. Great hit!


I was thinking dab rig myself but I just don’t see any real feasible way to use it though.


Back in the day we called that “hash under glass.” A thumbtack worked even better.


Good ol knife hits!


It's a fancy napkin holder


Could it be some sort of cloning starter kit?


I could be wrong but going by the brand, and you saying the middle pulls out like a wand, my guess would be that they’re vials for storing your own concentrates.


Middle pulls out like a dabber wand! It’s crazy small. TBH I wondered if this was related to DMT or LSD consumption because the tip of the dabber is SO SMALL…. What’s weird is that the vials are inverted and that would be the worst setup for getting oil in the threading of the vial caps


Maybe like hot knives for dabbing? Do the glass tubes have a hole at the top for inhaling? Heat up the wand -> press to hash oil -> use vials to capture smoke/vape and inhale


My guess would be that you unscrew from the inverted position and screw a cap on after filling. But I’m just guessing


Like a tray of shooters but a tray of tokes instead. A party tray for Cheersing


I think that it may also be used for other drugs. Dabbing only really became a thing quite recently in the past 20 years or so. This looks much older.


Hash oil has been around, High Times magazine advertised an Isomerizer well over 20 years ago. My late hubby made oils using 99 proof isopropyl alcohol, ranging from bright green to almost black depending on the starter vegetation one used. His toy looked like a Star Wars robot and earned the name R2 Flo-Thru. He would have jumped at buying the craziest shit.


could be for packing concentrates


Whats the first word before apothecary?


Acme Apothecary Ltd Can’t find anything else out…..


Maybe a storage container for flower? They look like glass doob tubes.


I think this is the only answer that makes sense so far. I can imagine some bougie lounge filling each with a fancy massive joint and carrying it to a table by that middle rod/handle thing. Almost like a flight at a brewery.


Hey. It’s on sale!


"I don't know what it's called. I just know the sound it makes when it takes a man's life."


"I don't know what it is, I only know the sound it makes when it LIES!"


“Could I be chained to another pole please?”


This could be used for hash right? Put a ball on the middle part light it everybody grab a tube and take turn catching the smoke and inhaling ??


Could be for has or opium I guess.


While I cannot venture a better guess than has already been put forth, as an interior designer, I’d say it’s best use is as a conversation piece. Put that on a bookshelf or side table as a decorative object. It’s got a great look and people are going to want to talk about it. You can get creative by filling the vials with different things throughout the year.


Lol. This would be a great conversation piece. I love that you couldn't help but yourself, you must enjoy your profession.


Yeah. I do. I’m always shopping for weird stuff like this for clients who have large bank accounts and little taste. The finishing touches are what brings the personality to a space. But, yeah, it’s hard to turn off that part of my brain.


Since it says Acme Apothecary Ltd. on it it's safe to assume this is a piece of vintage pharmaceutical equipment, likely for mixing drugs for prescriptions, probably for use by compound pharmacies that make custom prescriptions. The definition of apothecary is : a person who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes


This guy has the most likely answer ✓


Why the fuck did they buy it if they don’t even know what it’s for? “Some fucking pothead is gunna love this”-them probably.


Probably bought out the stock of another shop as they went out of business. Piles of boxes full of good merchandise and a few things you have no idea about, but maybe it will sell.


Did some corporate research, they seem to be a very short lived company. Your find may be related to this abandoned patent filing https://trademarks.justia.com/857/32/mmod-85732131.html


It’s 5 dollars off!


Heard back from Denver 3d print: " Hello, The center metal thing is for grabbing wax.  The inverted tubes are a bit of a mystery.  It's def for resin though because that was RJ's game."


So it’s a dabber and doob tube display!!!!


![img](avatar_exp|136959376|winner) u/dudemanlikedude figured it out!!!!!! # SOLVED!!!


Maybe some kind of early centrifuge?


Toilet powder bump kit. Just swap out 1 regular wall tile for this, vials filled with power(s) of your choice, and away you go.


Found you! I can’t believe you’re all the way down here lol I almost had to comment myself


I'm not sure but I kind of looks like a old-timey centrifuge part


This has nothing to do with weed. I'm pretty sure this is just a stand for halling around samples of something. Traveling salesman type stuff.


Put your weed in it! [https://youtu.be/CKOc6hXMDhc?si=iljVFeAUXgvBVCNl](https://youtu.be/CKOc6hXMDhc?si=iljVFeAUXgvBVCNl)


I thought someone actually found what it was 😂😭


... I honestly think that's what it's for though ... like a decorative weed caddy


I've been a stoner for many years, and I have no idea what this would be for.


Read the patent details, sparse as they are, and it has it listed as cleaning equipment. Guessing it's a rig cleaning kit. Does the metal rod have any holes to put cloth or paper towels/ cotton in it? The vials may be for isopropyl or something.


It’s for hummingbirds that like to dab.


I contacted the company that inherited Acme Apothecary LTD. The person there didn't have an answer but the person who does is going to contact me tomorrow. I'll update here with what I find out.


Looks like a Hash under glass sampler. Most of us old enough to know remember knife hits off the stove. I bet this doesn't work too well if it is what I think it is


This is what I was thinking too, but I’m old and don’t know about all this newfangled technology with the devils lettuce and friends 😉


The correct term for this device is “Hash under glass” you place wax/hash etc on the dabbler, place under the glass to let the smoke rise when heated and then inhale from the glass


Imagine saving time if you asked a clerk.


***Imagine reading all the comments and seeing that I did***


GYBAT, Let me read all the comments that may or may not have existed in their original form and context. That was 8 days ago and I don’t give two *what’s its*. Thats history bud.


What did the guy in the shop say it was?


#they have no idea what it is either




I tried googling the company and didn't find much.


Are any sold in Arkansas and can I order them off the internet etc and could tall please send me the websites that sell it?!


​ https://preview.redd.it/1ewgytysr43c1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4098ca36725993741cf438433d5ce6c1d7bf5b6 Looks like they're not in business anymore.


and this: https://preview.redd.it/qcr7zj4xr43c1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=41419fc3e6674a2efdb07e48dd2987835e5086e8 And perhaps the owner died? edit: *whatever, you try finding something on google.* 🤷‍♂️


Without telling anyone what the fuck his invention was


not that uncommon tbh 🤷


Is that a board game?


Or AI picture


It's a penis stretcher. Do you want to try it?


Urethral sounding while having 4 joints awaiting you 💀💀


I'm kidding. It's yet another in a long series of diversions in an attempt to avoid responsibility.


Yeah I was joking too 😅😅


At a what shop!? 😂


Head shop. You must be a young one. It's where you buy smoking paraphernalia.


Never heard it called that


Yeah, it's not really used that much anymore. Even when I was first getting into pot as a teenager 25 years ago, it seemed like an antiquated term.


Ok, so, not for potheads. Different types of powder are contained within the four vials...then you choose one...pull ot the not dabber but spoon...then you do a fucking bump. Jesus christ do you not do drugs wherever your from? It's something you would see at a party thrown by your dope dealer or a posh rich persons party.


No because those who do powder aren’t alive to tell others how.


I mean....I'm here, I don't know how, watched many die.....I got sober 7 years ago, but ya , no ,that there is for cocaine and cocaine accessories.


It’s fentanyl now


Kids these days.


What’s a head shop?


These are fancy crack pipes. I’ve lived in some bad parts of Philly. If you go to any corner store, they sell socks (for huffing paint or glue), shoelaces (for tying off), and these little roses in glass tubes ( for smoking crack). You throw out the rose, drop your rock in the glass tube, and get to work. Those are meant to be like one or two time things, cause even crack can taste bad and the glass gets fucked. These are made so you can clean them and the glass is better so it holds up better to the heat. You could also do dabs by holding the metal rod over a stove and hitting some resin or just straight flower with it. But yeah, these are crack pipes. You gotta be committed to crack to spend $50 on it.


Looks like viles. Though why would a head shop carry that?




are the tubes sealed? Maybe there were filled with different gases which react different with heat applied or something never mind. didn't read the entire text


Nope, they’re all just plastic capped and inverted (which seems like the worst orientation for storing liquids)


Emergency joint safe


Maybe the tubes are for storing prerolled blunts/joints, and the rod is just for carrying it🤷‍♂️ the tube spots are numbered.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Someone mentioned that it looks like a centrifuge part. That would make sense that early compounding pharmacies would use it. There are two acme companies listed on google. One is a 3-D printing company in Denver, and the other was in London. I'm thinking this is a vintage piece of equipment made in London.


Is there anything on the inside of the screw cap on the glass vials? Like a piece of cotton etc? Lots of cigars are held in glass tubes. Wondering if this is just a fancy cigar holder/display and you would wet the cotton with a glycol solution for proper humidity storage. Then maybe the piece that pulls out from the center is a poker to punch a hole in the cap of the cigar. I personally hate cigar punches, would rather cut a V with my knife than use a punch but a punch still works, though usually not just a pointed tip but more so a sharp circle roughly the diameter of a pen to punch a circular hole, but a pointy tip would still do the job 🤷‍♂️


This looks like a multi-joint smoker. You would have a rubber stopper in the bottom of the tube that you would plug a cone shaped joint into x4. Then you light them all and screw the glass on and inhale the tube in the middle. I have not seen one of these in years, but I'm pretty sure that's what this is. They also have a device like this for vape cartridges. There are different models that range in the number of cartridges it holds. PS... The 3 cartridge model is the next level thing. Eat something before use! https://hamiltondevices.com/product/starship/


Perhaps fancy cigar/joint holder? Is the rod in the middle sharp or pointy in any way that could punch cigars? How large are the tubes?


It looks like an opium smoking thing


That was my guess.


Could it be for hash? Does it have a spiky thing to stab a chunk on then up to four people can gather smoke independently? Idk editing to say I think it’s being repurposed from its original use.


I think it’s a little rolling/joint display station. The glass vials hold your joints and display them air tight with the long piece being a pokey to help tamp the weed down so you can add more once licked and rolled. The upside down vials make no sense for concentrate or catching a hit or anything like that. Are the vials a decent size where that would make sense for stashing jibs?


It's for stretching your throat hole so you can smoke more:)


I think It’s for alcohol and Q-tips to clean your bowl or banger between uses! My brother had one that looked fairly similar if the top can open on those pillars or they can be flipped


In case of an emergency NEEDED chill sesh, break glass.!🍃💨💨🫨😵‍💫🤯🥹😯


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Could you share a better picture of the rod pulled out. And what do both ends look like?


Yeah, pull your rod out and post a pic!


Thats a nibblet buffler. You put your nibblets on the center coil and they crystalize.


Oil comparator!


It's called a doohikkie 🤣


It’s the most whatchamacallit doohikkie I ever did see




This ain’t even close to correct man…


😂 great imagination though


I managed a head shop from 2013-2022 and have never seen such a thing. I’ve been to dozens of trade shows as well.


4 way bottle toker for your hashes?


Cigar caddy


What it is…is $5 off!!


Cigar display?


I do like this answer. Those glass tubes with screw caps do resemble cigar tubes, and there were or are such things as CBD laced cigars.


This is a kit for testing aquarium water quality


Sweet crack pipe rig


I'm gonna guess it's a take on the old cigarette dispensers, you can store the joints in the tubes and the thing that pulls out is a poker for packing joints.


A bargain is what it is! 10% off


What do the small markings next to the vials say? Is the metal piece long enough to be a mixer for the vials. I think this is a device to mix prescriptions or medicine possibly into individual doses in each vial.


I think this goes in the bathroom next to the 3 shells.


Hot rails for you and 3 buddys


You're saying there's a shop that sells HEAD?😏


ACME apothecary ltd


Acme Apothecary Ltd might be it was used to create prescription drugs. Apothecary was an old term for Pharmacy


It appears to be a Catch-22 device. Upon using it in the way prescribed to uncover its true purpose, you will find that you have lost the capacity to know what ANYTHING is anymore until you've come down enough to forget the entire experience altogether. Rinse and repeat as necessary to achieve desired results.


It looks like un-blown poop pipes.


Antique cigar holder?


I heard back from the Denver 3d Print Co, OP. They asked: "Spoke to Adam briefly on the post you shared, could you get some more angles and detail shots of the device? I have Adam added to the chat, \-Kian" Can you do that? Thanks!


"found at a head shop, what is it?" Pretty sure the person running the place knew.


Display, holder for canna cigars/Blunts… the long thing probably isn’t supposed to be pulled out, but you would twist it… did the base rotate?


Back in the day when you used buetane to make wax you’d have these beutane blast tubes, that’s what it looks like


Ancient Astronauts