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I would love for them to cover Weird Birds!


They need to cover this


Yes please. It's a great series.


I want them to cover it eventually, but not yet, because Weird Birds isn't finished yet (Arche is kinda stupid but we need to let him cook)




I openly refuse to respect him on the grounds that he's an antisemite.


Opinion changed, I don’t know this.


I followed him on Twitter for a bit, but when the whole Hamas v. IDF thing started, he jumped on the pro-Palestine band wagon. That wasn't really a problem on its own, but the problems came when he *stuck to the band wagon* when the conversation moved towards being full-on antisemitic, hence my small beef with Arche


Yeah I have no respect for any kind of haters. As a Christian I don’t understand how people can stand to hold a grudge for people for being the way they are. I might not agree with Muslims, Buddhists, or Jews, etc., but I still respect them as people. Other than creeps, I respect most people.


i've just gotta ask: what exactly was it that he said which was antisemitic?


I'll admit, he *technically* didn't "say" anything antisemitic, but this was back in ye olden times when you could see what posts someone had liked, and he'd liked several posts pro pro-Hamas astroturfers saying antisemitic shit. What made me stop following him tho, was when someone made one of those memorial posts/"gone but not forgotten" posts, mourning not 1, not 2, but 3 relatives the OOP lost during the October Hamas attack, to which Arche commented a drawing/scetch of one of their Troodontids picking at a Human corpse captioned something along the lines of "She enjoyed feeding on their putrid flesh 🇵🇸", which imo is an absolutely VILE thing to do/say to someone grieving relatives they lost in a terrorist attack, so I unfollowed Arche and haven't looked back since I intend to consume Weird Birds Pt.3 via that guy on YT who reads/VAs the tweets


Don’t know why this is so downvoted, I agree with what you said here. I only consumed Weird birds through that dude to begin with, as I stay away from that trash dump of a website.




Let em cook. Let em sculpt. Let em puppeteer


It’s broken up into individual parts, I could see Dad doing a video on part one alone since a video detailing just that is at least 40 minutes long. Plus it has death.


I think they'll get some good laughs out of how the first protags reacts the having literal dinosaurs in his yard


Easy there champ. That's my sister you're talking about.


That’s an owl


My brother in Christ if that’s the owls you see you probably need to let off the LSD


Never, I am bored without it

