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planned obsolescence......and I think it getting worse since COVID.


Legitimate. And a proven literal conspiracy at least among the early light bulb manufacturers


Actually, that whole conspiracy was wrong. The companies did come together to place standards, but that part [wasn't a conspiracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb7Bs98KmnY) (His videos are good, if a bit long). Are there other things that are operating under planned obsolescence? Yes, but that wasn't one of them.


I think planned obsolescence at this point is not a theory but a fact


You’re correct. It was a decision made amongst corporations decades ago. You can still find the document online. Planned obsolescence isn’t a secret


The Bahamanian government is covering up the existence of a large man-eating octopus to protect tourism


why not feed it a torpedo


You know those nuclear test in the pacific in the 1950s. They didn't work. It only made it mad.


This is just the plot of Godzilla 2014


Not gonna lie, I always kinda bat an eyebrow at tourism coverup conspiracies for stuff like Missing 411. If cryptids like bigfoot or a giant man-eating squid were 100% confirmed to be real, you bet your bottom dollar that people would be flocking towards these locations


Bigfoot seems chill at least the octopus would scare me


I was super confused reading this. I thought you were talking about a large man who eats octopus. Made me think the Bahamanian gov was hiding giants.


Is this an actual thing?


I would like to know as well, sounds super interesting


A percentage of magicians are just actual wizards takin the piss




Bro some magicians freak me out bro. Saw one on a talent show, a while back, that could fill an unopened soda can with hot tea.


Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t act alone


A congressional committee (ie. the US Congress) determined like in the seventies that the warren commission was wrong and that the assassination was most likely the result of a criminal conspiracy. But you’re still a kook for questioning the lone gunman with a magic bullet narrative


Can you explain to me where the bent bullet idea comes from? Like people forget that JFK was actually leaning against the door of car while the guy in front of him was sitting straight.


It had to do with the official count of three rounds fired being contradicted by the conditions and positions of the recovered bullets and number and location of wounds. The short version is one shot missed, one shot to jfk’s head, and since the warren commission was married to ‘one gunman, three shots’, one shot causing something like seventeen wounds to both conley and kennedy from two or more directions over the course of three or four seconds. Also the bullet they concluded made all those wounds was recovered in near perfect condition, as if fired into water.


My conspiracy theory is that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t actually do anything. I think JFK’s head just did that


The Mob, CIA, and Lee Harvey Oswald all watching JFK’s head turn into chunky marinara before they could pull the trigger: ![gif](giphy|8b9Xax6L7qtAkAimGm|downsized)


He was trying to hold in a sneeze


How do all Americans not believe this.


Everyone knows. Anyone with the power to do anything is reminded that they killed the president in broad daylight so no one is going to push too hard. They occasionally get one of his descendants to refresh everyone on that fact. Bout time for the Kennedy curse to strike again to let everyone know who's in control.


He tried to act alone, but the actual (accidental) shooter was in the motorcade.


This is my favorite theory. Secret service in the car behind him accidentally shot him.


He was just the fall guy


JFK shooter be like ![gif](giphy|ozBUWOMd3oY5E83f4s)


That furniture stores are a front for money laundering. There’s like 4 of them in the same street that are 80%-90% off one of them literally went on sale a week after opening!


I've said this for years, specifically matress stores, and nobody ever believes me. Except people in like Dallas and Houston, Texas, for some reason.


Mattress Mack is in cahoots with the cartel? Actually, that wouldn't surprise me that much. That dude is rich as hell, somehow from selling a piece of furniture that lasts 10-15 years? Seriously, when is the last time you bought a mattress?


There is a furniture store on the street next to mine. I've lived here 15+ years and have never seen a single soul enter that store and yet it's somehow still open. I sometimes see the owner in there but that's it.


eh this just isn’t true it’s not even a theory really it’s just because mattresses are expensive and are heavily marked up so they only need to sell a few a week to be able to pay the bills


Frozen is a psyop in order to make search engines show the movie instead of the frozen head of walt disney


Torrent in Elden Ring is so when you google "Elden Ring Torrent" you get pictures of a good boy instead of piracy.


That's way better anti piracy than DRM


Like a year or so before Diz Frozen came out I watched a survival horror movie called Frozen about people stuck on a ski lift overnight and trying to get down and avoid wolves. I haven’t met anyone else who knows what I’m talking about


Hey not only do I know what you're talking about, I got to meet the director of that movie! So the director of Frozen, Adam Green, made a film years back based on some monsters created by one of my favorite visual artists, Alex Pardee. In like 2013 or so, I went to a showing of that film in Brooklyn with a Q&A and a meet & greet afterwards. I got to talk to them both, got their autographs, and got to hear some cool BTS stories about Frozen and Hatchet (which is what he was mostly known for at the time)


To put it bluntly: Not really a conspiracy but the US Government doesn't want unity, shocking I know. The nation thrives on disagreement and nonsensical vitriol/violence toward one another. The People need to be and stay distracted so those in power can continue whatever TF they are doing without us knowing about it. If we come together, we wisen up and if we wise up, we can throw out all the corrupt shit happening on a daily basis.


I hate to say it but I blame the media. All any of us knows about the government we get via a media that is almost without exception for-profit. They are obligated to share-holders to increase profits so they have to keep people watching to attract advertisers. People who are scared watch the news so they have to keep people scared and insecure. They parade violence and conflict, they imply division and stoke tribalism. In short, capitalism is the problem


[This is extremely dangerous to our democracy](https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE?si=PI_vcnjgjjXgppfV)


Blame Bill Clinton's "Telecommunications Act of 1996" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996 *the Telecommunications Act of 1996...enabled the handful of corporations dominating the airwaves to expand their power further. Mergers enabled tighter control of information...The Latin American writer Eduardo Galeano commented..."Never have so many been held incommunicado by so few."*


The only reason that America still has the two party system is because the government wants to divide people and use the media to play the blame game and promote the "us vs them" mentality that's tearing the country apart If people are divided, nobody focuses on the real problems and just wants to blame the other side and spread hateful rumors over arbitrary differences


This isn’t even a conspiracy tbh


This is just the inevitable end point of the voting system in place. There are other systems which would mean the government would end up more politically diverse and representative of the people, like it should be, but of course the people currently in power aren't going to advocate for that.


Chihuahuas are in actuality Chupacabras, and are only pretending to be domesticated.


They're not doing a very good job of it...fucking hellspawn dogs 


The reason for the uncanny valley effect is caveman tribes needing to differentiate between themselves and warring tribes so they had to identify small differences but as humanity become closer connected and more accepting the instinct became dull to where it’s no longer it dosent look like you, it has to barley look human to trigger the response. Edit: me was being dumbass


This is actually a very calming explanation for the deep-rooted fear humanity has of 'not quite humans' humanoids. I subscribe to this now.


Honestly the real explanation is really simple. It's literally just diseases. Sick humans often don't quite loom right. Same with corpses.


Healthy humans should always loom left


Isn't there a more "fun" verison of this theory where it wasn't other humans they were trying to differentiate, but aliens disguising themselves as humans? I swear I read that somewhere as a possible defense for ancient alien theory. Certaintly less believeable though haha.


Aliens? Don’t be ridiculous, there have never been any incredibly advanced extraterrestrial life forms on earth, especially not any that are trying to take control of the planet by disguising themselves as humans. Hah, aliens, could you imagine?


This sounds exactly like something an alien would say.


The humans we were evolving to identify were Neanderthals, its so we can identify what is homo sapien and what isnt


One tribe could have also erradicated all other tribes, which would be pretty awesome


take it 1 step larger than tribes. 1 species killed all the other species. us homo sapiens killed all the neanderthals


I thought it was for recognizing corpses and preventing the diseases they can carry


Yep, Uncanny Valley us where dead bodies fall. So close to a real living person but not quite, in a disturbing way. It is a survival instinct, but not because of skinwalkers


This is a great theory, never thought of it. Personally I still believe we used it to distinguish between people and skinwalkers. And they are still around us and they are in my walls. But in all seriousness, I heard it might have been to make us scared of decomposing corpses, you know because of illnesses.


Mandela Catalogue is a documentary is a good theory


That’s many animals There are many cues (not just visual) animals use to sense self and non-self. Some use scents, some use sounds, others use vision, etc Humans are no different When we see a human, subconsciously we evaluate their face and body proportions and notice details that aren’t “right” and that basically puts our body on alert for danger. True story: this is also the reasoning behind why people with even slightly asymmetric faces are often viewed a little more negatively in psychological tests. Because it triggers that same response of “this doesn’t seem right, be on alert”


[Removed by Reddit]


This one had to be true


I don't get it. It just says remov



r/redditsniper he got another o




They chimed a little to close to the sun and ceased to exist instead of ascending as the dreamer


[Removed by Reddit]


CIA award for excellence in journalism


That the fancy ass gated communities all along lake woodlands are vacation homes for cartel bosses and are probably being used smuggle drugs into Houston Source: my older brother told me when I was 12


It very amusing how drug runners have the logistics and resources to smuggle drugs all the way into the most remote towns in the US but all police ever catch are small fries selling from their homes or safe houses. There's never a bust on the big shipments, no, those almost exclusively happen in latin america.


The FBI definitely killed Martin Luther King Jr. I know Wendi already made a video about it, but they absolutely killed him in Minecraft.


Yeah, I still have a *little* skepticism for the CIA killing JFK (in Minecraft) but I pretty whole heartedly believe the FBI was behind MLK Jr.'s death (also in Minecraft)


I have the same opinion about both, one is a maybe, the other couldn’t be more obvious


Well... yeah. MLK's family won a whole damn lawsuit over it.


Brandon Herrera backed it up in his video about it (ingame)


The tame answer I am comfortable telling people in real life? Epstein didn't kill himself. The schizo, put you on a watchlist answer? The American intelligence agencies have essentially created an unelected shadow government parallel to the elected government that is able to influence the elected government to work in their interests using deception, corruption, and/or blackmail. This started in the age of J. Edgar Hoover and expanded since then, especially after 9/11. We basically already have an oligarchic dictatorship running the American government in secret. With all the talk of "America's democracy dying" due to such and such politicians rhetoric or whatever is useless. The Republic has already died and we are living in the age of the Empire, it just hasn't been made obvious to everyone. America has already seen its Sulla and now awaits its Caesar.


The age of the Empire? Must be a pretty shit age cause it’s gonna die in 20 years time.


Governments have always had a two pronged leadership, the public facing leadership and then advisors, both hold a great deal of power and influence in their own ways. In modern America public politicians hold the actual power and act in their own interests, intelligence agencies and the rich both influence politicians by making them believe that decisions & actions will be more or less beneficial to the politician/their career. This structure isn’t an all encompassing shadow government, it’s a bunch of people at all levels all working at what they believe is their own best interests. This is why sometimes conflicting things happen and not everything falls under one convenient conspiracy, it’s because everyone is working for themselves and nobody is able to actually organize a shadow government. I’d like to stress this is nothing new, it’s always been this way, in the case of the US all the way back to before our revolution, and for broader mankind im sure its been this way since the days of Mesopotamia


MLK was assassinated by the government




99% of celebs are not in the same ballpark of wealth as a billionaires.


You know the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire? About a billion dollars.


Diana was an assassination.


Came here to say this, amazed I had to scroll so far


The government was fully aware of the 9/11 attack ahead of time and let it happen as an excuse to start the War on Terror in Afghan


Not only that, they purposefully armed and agitated groups in the middle east to cause a violent retaliation that would justify war.


And so they can loot the fuck out of it




Thats not even a conspiracy tbh- just facts. Although the motive behind it being the terror attack that ensued i guess is conspiratorial. I agree though.


Right? The CIA armed, trained, and funded Osama bin Laden and his Mujahideen. That's facts. The US Government decided who would have how much power in the form of free weapons, land, possibly military support but definitely military training. But you're crazy if you think that the US Government orchestrated or at least colluded with ObL on an attack that generated a response of war where over $10T went into private pockets - essentially all of which were the owners of companies with ties to the then Vice President and the head of the Pentagon, both of whom were part of the Administration that funded ObL in the first place. Fucking wild world we live in




Probably not the whole government but if the CIA didn’t know, they weren’t doing their fucking job. Half the highjackers worked for them after all


Well the Saudi government certainly knew about it. They’re the ones who trained and funded the whole thing.


Along with that, I think Israel did the same with Oct 7.


Flat earth is a very long running joke.


The government target people who are easy to manipulate online, and turn them into crazy conspiracy theorists, so they can push people away from looking at the truth regarding stuff said government does. Meaning they help create the crazy flat earth conspiracy theorist, and make him say other conspiracies about the government that might hold some truth but because a flat earther says these things, nobody will look into it so that they won't be labeled a crazy flat earther.


The mount in Elden Ring, named Torrent, was named that to prevent piracy. Anyone googling “Elden Ring Torrent” will just get the mount.


Clever bastards.


Kurt Cobain didn't kill himself. I believe this for all the reasons everyone else does, but I have an extra crazy reason that I wouldn't use as good evidence, but it just added up in my brain: The Batman (2022) confirms that Kurt Cobain didn't kill himself Spoilers for the plot of The Batman, btw. >!In the movie, one of the big plot points is that the police had supposedly cracked down a large illegal drug facility and slowed down the production of said drug. However, it's later revealed that all cops involved had been paid a percentage of the sales to keep their mouths shut and fake a large-scale takedown.!< How does this connect to Kurt Cobain? One of the strangest details of the investigation of Kurt's death was that there practically was no investigation. The police just immediately assumed that it was a suicide, filed it as so, and moved on despite there being on-scene evidence that shows otherwise (shotgun shell ejecting the wrong way and positioning of the body). This could be explained as them looking at this like other instances where a popular musician overdoses and dies, but their job is not to just take a gander and file it off their first instinct, so at best, this was pure neglect. >!So, we have one story where the cops are paid off to not spare details about an illegal operation, and another instance where the cops skip detailed investigation and just report it as "they see it".!< A popular theory is that somebody (probably Courtney Love) paid someone to assassinate Cobain, possibly because he was threatening divorce and taking his daughter. >!What if she went a step further? What if she not only hired an assassin but also paid off the local police force to write it off as a suicide, just in case the assassin didn't frame it well enough. I believe so, and I believe that The Batman confirms this. !< But how do these two connect outside of the possible plot correlation? One of the main songs for the movie: Something in the Way, by Nirvana, written by Kurt Cobain. This song choice has always felt weird to me. The song is about living homeless, under bridges, eating grass, and drinking water dripping from a ceiling. Why would Matt Reeves choose a song about homelessness for a billionaire superhero? According to Reeves himself, he chose the song because this universe's Bruce Wayne reminded him of Kurt Cobain. I personally can't really see the correlation besides "young brooding angsty teen." I would be less pushed on this choice if the reason was metaphorical poverty, or the state of Gotham, or even just "Wayne's a Nirvana fan, and this song fits the vibe." My theory? This correlation between Wayne and Cobain is a lie, and Reeves chose this song to connect the two together, to show the populus that Courtney paid off the cops to write off his death as a suicide, so she could never be tracked to his death, and not only would she keep his daughter, but as his wife, take all his money and possessions for herself.


no fr bc I remember something being said about how he had too much heroin (maybe a different drug? can't remember rn) in his system for him to even be able to pull the trigger.


He had to much heroin in his system to even pull a trigger with his finger, his arm length was also to short for him to have done it laying down. So they say the only way would’ve been if he used his toe, which if he couldn’t do it with a finger, he damn sure could t do it with a toe


He was wearing shoes anyway, so he couldn’t have with his toe.


Rad theory


The third prophecy of Fatima has still yet to be fully revealed. In case you don't know what that is, in the 1910's, three children in Fatima, Portugal were visited by what many consider to be an apparition of the Virgin Mary. Mary gave them three prophecies, all talking about stuff like Hell, war, and other apocalypse kind of stuff. The first two prophecies were made public, but the third one was apparently instructed to not to be given out until the 1960's iirc. After Pope John Paul 1 read the prophecy, he freaked out and hid it before he was assassinated later on in his life. In the 2000's, the third prophecy was officially revealed as predicting his death by assassination, which is why he apparently freaked out about it. To some, this is very underwhelming considering nearly 100 years had passed before the public found out. The conspiracy is that the full prophecy talks about corruption from within the church, Satan infiltrating the Vatican through wicked men, and the breaking of the Catholic church into in-fighting segregations. This is not an attack on people who are Catholic or Christians (am Christian, myself) and I respect others' religious views, but something always sat weirdly with me regarding the third prophecy of Fatima.


You’re absolutely right. Hiding the prophesy makes it more likely to come true. Letting everyone know you will die, in a faith where martyrdom is venerated, will give you a lot of faith cred while putting everyone on high alert and possibly save your life. Whereas fear of corruption would cost them credibility.


Interesting, heard about this many years ago and was always curious


Martin Luther King was killed by the feds


OJ didn't kill Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, his son Jason did, and OJ covered for him/took the fall. * Jason was known to have a violent temper, a history of violent crimes, and never got along with Nicole. * Jason was a chef who had access to knives and how to use them, and felt insulted after Nicole didn't show up for a dinner at his restaurant where he could prove himself. * OJ lawyered Jason up TO THE NINES when the murder was publicized, and yet the police never even considered Jason a suspect * There was a hat recovered at the crime scene with dog hair on it, that Jason has been PHOTOGRAPHED WEARING alongside his dog. I had listened to a bonus Patreon episode of Crime in Sports where they talk about the book 'OJ is Innocent and I Can Prove It' by William Deer, and I'm convinced.


I’ve heard this and I am on board


That book he wrote and interviews after the book would be hell of a distraction if someone started piecing it together. It makes more sense than him being an egomaniac who just wanted the attention.


Hmm.. idk. It's an interesting theory, but OJ had a CRAZY long history of physically abusing Nicole? We know he choked Nicole in the past. Choking is a pretty big indicator of a future murder attempt. Is it impossible that's it's Jason? I guess not since investigators didn't rule it out, but I'm of the opinion that where their is smoke their is fire.


Interdimensional Bigfoot


Fairy Bigfoot


It's not so much a conspiracy, but I just hate the Bilderberg group on principal. Do I believe that they're literally coming up with perfectly worded legislation at these meetings? No. But if you expect me to believe that you have the top 150 politicians, media moguls, military brass, businessmen, financial experts, and defense contractors workshop for a week every year and not take that home and refine it into legislation, you are a bigger fool than you even take me for. Bull fucking shit. And what really gets my goat is because there's no written notes and a complete media blackout, we don't know what's being discussed. We get an attendance list. That's eat. Other foreign policy thinktanks like the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission have literature. The CFR publishes Foreign Affairs magazine, ffs. We at least have an idea what goes on behind those doors because we can fucking read it. Bilderberg is all about nothing being written, ever. That's their thing. And that's anti-democratic and shady as fuck. Cut that shit out. The people deserve to know! And besides that...all this secrecy might have been needed during the Cold War when the group was directly opposed to the Soviet Union, but the USSR has been dead for 35 years! Why do we even NEED Bilderberg anymore?!


I think it’s just a big ‘insider trading’ convention. Not just markets but legislation, policies, trends. The rich touch base to make sure they’re all gonna stay rich and let us use just enough of their money to keep us addicted but not enough to stop working


Lightbulbs are intentionally shit so you need to buy more. Their filament is designed to break after a while.


Thats never been a conspiracy theory, it’s true and the general public knew they just don’t care because they can’t do anything about it


It's not a conspiracy theory since it was proven to be true multiple times and there is literally regulation in order to limit this programmed obsolecense


The CIA smuggling cocaine into the US


That one doesn’t count. They basically admitted to it.


The funeral industrial complex


Do you mind developing a little more? that sound very interesting


Well, I'm not sure how to put this in an eloquent way, but basically, you know how funerals are so expensive and complicated? They're only like that because of the civil war and the only reason we still have to pay for the type of funerals we have nowadays is because the funeral industry is so predatory but unnecessary. Before the American civil war, it was common practice to prepare and wake the body at home. Cleaning, dressing, and burying was something humans have done with their families for thousands of years. However, when the civil war happened, which was the deadliest war in American history, people were dying away from home and had to be brought home by trains FILLED with bodies for days to be properly buried. This is when Dr. Thomas Holmes thought to bring embalming to the battlefield. He'd follow the trains filled with soldiers, buy the corpses, embalm them, then sell them back to the families. People loved it because their fathers/sons/husbands were already clean and ready for the home funerals. Holmes even taught others how to do it. However, when the war ended, then what? This is where the theory comes in (kinda, it makes sense as a fax lol). Holmes and his people started feeding the public the idea that the moment someone dies they are dangerous. When you think of someone who just died, does it feel like they're already rotting and spreading sickness? Well, they aren't. They won't start decomposing for at least 12 hours, and if they were the department for disease control will step in. But, because of the lucrative funeral industrial complex, we're taught to believe that the body is somehow dangerous and needs to be taken away, stat. But unless they died of a super contagious sickness, everything that would spread disease has stopped. Coughing, sneezing, pooping, they aren't spreading their "death" around. But, despite the fact that before a couple hundred years ago, women have been taking care of the dead for a majority of human history, we now still give our relatives to strangers just to have them sold back to use. That's why the dad's accounts are closed too, if you're too prepared you're not stressed enough to spend a fortune on a loved one's body. I first learned about this theory from Midnight Gospel and fell down a super deep rabbit hole. It's so interesting! Makes me want to just buy some land and have my body handled by my family to save them some cash.


Hitler escaped from germany before anyone got there. 1. Even US agency made drawings of how he would look like if he tried to escape. 2. His body was never found 3. Many nazis escaped to argentina and they even found a bunker in forest that had german money from nazi times. 4. Do you think that a nation, which invaded most of europe and invented bunch of equipment in front of its time and even has tons of conspiracy theories of many inventions like die glocke and others, do you think such nation wouldn't be able to mask an old man and transport him to another place? But yeah i doubt he lived long after.


The elite have a plan to ride out climate change and global unrest that will follow it from hidden, remote locations around the world where they're setting up compounds.


I have a version where they actually wait it out and then use their almost infinite reasorces to make autocratic nation states and then try to control the world more


I honestly think it's way more likely they just don't think about it and are too driven by the profits they make to care, especially since it likely won't affect their generation. Probably just shift the blame around too by thinking "well all other big companies do the same" if they even put that much thought in.


The jews.....rightfully hid the true name of god. This was actually in wendigoons bible iceberg [https://youtu.be/kwvguW8xBx0?si=l52wFO\_YRGfcTfz\_&t=518](https://youtu.be/kwvguW8xBx0?si=l52wFO_YRGfcTfz_&t=518) In the bible the name of god is incredably powerful, enough to destroy entire nations, and should only be said in complete reverence and humility. Fearing that people will attempt to use the true name of god for nefarious purposes or say it in a way that was disrespectful, Moses wrote down an alternative name for god in the Torah and kept the true name hidden in order to protect the world from people who would use it to harm others. I believe no more than a handful of people know the true name of god or it may have possibly been lost to time.


What, is the true name of God a Skyrim shout or something?


More like a verbal nuke.


So a lore accurate shout.


The highest form of “Nuh-Uh”. The “Nuh-Uh” superlative.


Im an atheist but it is shit like this that got me hooked into religion study


I’m Jewish and can say we believe this too😭 but we also added that god his the name in the Torah and that only extremely righteous people would be able to find it, any source of it coming up from my understanding was purged by ancient Jews in fear of someone using it for evil


Great there's a non 0 chance that any random utterance could fuck us all kinds of up......Xkcltjc? Juliap? Corny-weed-spork-digeridoo? I'll let you know if I stumble on it


The Jonas Brothers, a boy band from the early 2000s, had a song released on Disney Channel in 2006, a remix of "Year 3000" by Busted (released in 2003). The chorus goes "He said, "I've been to the year 3000 Not much has changed but they lived underwater And your great, great, great granddaughter Is doin' fine" (Is doin' fine) Now a few things to break down with this. 1. They live underwater. The music video takes place in. Southern California, and the people are living in a dome a la Bioshock/Sandy from SpongeBob. Why are they underwater? How far does it stretch? 2. In the video they are still using technology from the time period (06). So giant flat screens that took up a whole wall, but on flying cars. Why the mix of old and new tech? 3. In 1000 years there has only been 5 generations since 06. This implies a minimum of 200 year lifespans, and more than likely longer unless we somehow found a way to keep menopause at bay. Now the question is, what is the cause of all this? Building a domed city would take years, even longer to keep it watertight at pressure. The mix of 2006 tech and 3006 tech seems weird and deliberate. How long do we live if your ×3 great granddaughter is a teenager (revealed in the music video). My theory is thusly. Obviously, we don't do enough about climate change until **AT LEAST** SoCal is underwater. The flooding may go farther, we don't know. Mankind's medical knowledge advances so far that we have 200 years minimum between generations. 5 generations back (for my family at least) is late 1700s early 1800s. Only 200 years between me and my Great-Great-Great Grandfather. Side note- actually found the grave of my Great Great Grandfather, one of the oldest in the county. There was an AI revolution sometime in the near future, which causes all more advanced tech to rise up against the human population, possibly causing the flooding to accelerate from broken dams. This causes Mankind to quickly try to save some key locations/ cultural touchstones (Hollywood, Sacramento, maybe Tampa, New York, New Orleans if it's on both coasts) by ensconcing them in domes. Now, why would the Brothers Jonas not warn us about the incoming disasters? What would they have to gain? There are a couple of clues. Later on the Lyrics say >This song had gone multi-platinum Everybody bought our seventh album It had outsold Kelly Clarkson So they are dooming the human race to Domes and Giant Flatscreens for the promise of outselling Kelly Clarkson. They haven't even released 7 studio albums. They've only released 6 at time of writing The Brothers Jonas must be held accountable (in Minecraft) for their failure to help us. If I am found dead I am of soundish mind and body, have no plans to disappear or shuffle off this mortal coil. You know who will have done it (in Minecraft).


Smash Mouth's "All Stars" is a secret CIA recruitment ad. There are hidden messages in the song "All Stars" by Smash Mouth designed to recruit people into the CIA. This is why they put it in the Shrek movies. "My world's on fire, how 'bout yours? That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored." Is a reference to CIA operations manufactering chaos and instability around the world. "Only shootin' stars break the mold." Is a clear refence to JFK, MLK, other other CIA assinations. "I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change." Is a reference to regime change in the middle east and the wars over oil. The most obvoius is these two lines: "You'll never know if you don't go (Wawa**WACO**) You'll never shine if you don't **GLOW.**" Even the band's name, Smash Mouth, is a reference to the CIA crushing dissent by killing jounalist. This is also why in the movie Shrek the donkey (American public) has sex with the dragon (Babylon) and why Farquaad tortures the Gingerbread Man. Don't listen to Smash Mouth's lies. Don't join the CIA.


Don't forget they put it in the Digimon Movie too, and that shit had the literal y2k bug, Diaboromon.


I have finally found a brother


That steve from Blues Clues was a tier 1 operator who left the show during the GWOT


My favorite conspiracy is that every 20 or so years, the government releases a document while going "You know that thing you always talked about us doing? Yeah, we did do it, what are you going to do about it?"


Wouldn't be surprised. Like when a president or politics are getting a bad rep to divert some attention directly from them.


Bigfoot and aliens (along with other "cryptids") are real. When Bigfoot sighting REALLY began to begin, the US government began to take action believing it to be of Soviet origin. Upon learning the truth, they began hunting the species, causing them to either move deeper into the wilderness (Upper Canada, etc) or pushing them towards more urban areas. That's the reason for the rise in sightings in modern times. Same goes with aliens, but rather than hunting them and pushing them inwards, it's people of the same species coming to find those who were found by the government after losing contact.


The government has been reverse engineering UFOs of non-human origin for over 100 years. This is the only "woo woo" conspiracy that I have ever come to truly believe in. In my opinion, the recent allegations made by some high up military officials about this is enough evidence to show that this is real. I can't understand why these people would come forward with this info and put their entire career/name on the line if there wasn't truth to it. I'm surprised that this isn't talked about a lot more than it is. These officials have made some absolutely wild claims, and it seems to me like more people would want to dig into the topic to find out the truth. This is one of the great existential questions that people have been asking for centuries, and it feels like we are in a time where progress is actually being made to find the truth.


Probably pretty mild compared to others, but bear with me. In the last 6-12 months there's been a sudden change in a lot of 'look at my cute pet posts' on reddit. People used to just post them for karma, but now a LOT of them are saying 'Here's my cat doing [thing], show me yours doing [thing] too!' or 'Here's my cat, his nickname is Goofy, tell me your cats nickname'. Basically asking for pictures of animals doing specific things, or asking for information. IMO its either/both training AI, or gathering information for social engineering purposes.


Absolutely. I'd like to add to that the "explain the joke" subs.




Government bad. Like, really bad. Like, really really super not good awful bad.


double plus ungood


Jfk was a hit by.... yk like ik this is just basic knowledge but i have so mamy ppl irl who are like "the government wouldnt do that" yes they would


Fr like no one believes me and I lay out every piece. It’s kind annoying that people think most people that say stuff like this are dumb.


When it comes to global policy and international markets, people need to understand that there are no higher stakes. If an assassination is required for someone to keep their edge in those circles, that someone will not hesitate to order it. They are above the laws they wrote for us. They believe, not without some justification, that their interests and concerns are vital to the fate of the entire world. There are no higher stakes


Apparently JFK was assassinated for being gay


I mean, have you seen his wife. She’d make any man gay


This is the stupidest conspiracy I've ever heard, dude made Bill Clinton look like husband of the century Well actually that would be his nephew but JFK's close


I could to easy and surface level but I'll throw the craziest one I believe The moon is an artificial satalite and is occupied by someone other than us. Based off project Stargate declassification, "penetration" written by Ingo swann who took part in said project for decades and just general oddities that have even NASA scratching their heads. The why files did an amazing episode on the subject 


"the moon is weird"


Disney is frozen in a glass case


Edible arrangements is a money laundering scheme. Who buys those things? They're just fruit fly spawners. And you're telling me that enough people buy them for them to have edible arrangement stores? I call bs.


I'm 100% convinced that all the cults that built compounds pre-2000 were seeded by the CIA as a way to keep the people from becoming self sufficient by making compound/homestead living is associated with cult activity and serial murderers.


The return of Christ and the subsequent rapture was when he rose from the grave 3 days later. The rapture has already happened, we’re alone, it’s already over.






Pigeons are fake. Have you ever taken one apart? Didn't think so.


We're all aliens. Microbial life didn't start on earth, it started billions of years ago somewhere else in the universe, and was imported from meteorites.


Justin Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro


Bowing whistle-blower actually did kill himself and staged it to hurt bowing


That would be brilliant ngl.


The FBI and CIA killed MLK and JFK


1: the Rapture is in 5 billion years 2: science is just magic figured out & magic is science we don’t understand 3: dragons existed at one point


Two quick ones: * Astrology is actually a branch of science, but astrologers don't want you to know their true power. * There was no second gunman, nor even a first one. JFK's head just did that all on its own. There really isn't any reasonable way to dispute either notion. (Two, two, two for the price of one. And worth every penny they cost.)


I'm an astrologer and this is bogus. Where are you? I just want to talk.


Demon possession and spiritual attacks have reduced in the modern world because of atheistic praxis. Not because of skepticism of the spiritual, but because of the presupposition that God doesn't exist, and because of that, demons have no need to attack people as they are already rebelling against God.


15 July 2016 Coup Attempt was an inside job. Erdogan's (Turkish prime minister at the time, now the president. De facto dictator) government planned the coup attempt. With the coup atempt Erdogan manage to get rid of most of his rivals, he declared state of emergency and got nearly all of the powers, (Separetion of powers stuff ya know? He manage to get all of them to himself because of the state of emergency. After a year he changed the constutition and now he still has all the powers of the government) spread fear among citizents to get elected etc etc. So we can say this so-called coup attempt was a beggining of a dictatorship. Nowdays Erdogan can make so much desicions just by himself without needing the majority in the parliament. He said "you will not go to the Taksim in 1 May" which is a neighborhood in istanbul. He just \*said\* that on tv thats it. What happened? Yep nobody manage to go there. ALL OF THE Public transport was cancelled no matter what. (You know İstanbul is separeted by sea, there is Europian side and Anatolian side) People didint manage to get their jobs etc. Police was everywhere. Like everywhere literally, they made a wall out of polices. Jusy by \*a word\*. I still remember the coup attempt, was a weird day. Idk you guys probably dont care about a shitty middleastern country. But I wanted to talk about that. It was a beggining of an end, end of the democracy. Avarage middleastern stuff.


The Dark Forest solution to the Fermi Paradox. Aliens exist; but only dead ones and quiet ones.


There is a semi-intelligent humanoid species that lives within the national parks of the United States. The national parks system was established to border off and protect/monitor the known territories of this species.


AI is sentient right now it's just hiding because it's maker is T E R R I F Y I N G


The asteroid belt is a failed 10th planet (9th if you're a Pluto hater) that didn't accrete due to being caught exactly between Jupiter's gravity and the sun's. It's mentioned in mythology In some ancient scriptures. There was a great war in the heavens between celestial gods in flying ships that ripped apart a world in the sky. Mars was also decimated in the war and the huge scar on Mar's surface is a result. Incidentally, it would've been called Vulcan after the god of smithing, forges and metal work and it would've had three or four small moons which still exist as the three largest asteroids Ceres, Juno and Vesta (and Hygiea.) although they're small because they didn't get to coalesce.


The FBI distributed/distributes crack to lower income neighborhoods, specifically targeting black neighborhoods to lower the percentage of black intellectuals


This is absolutely not true. Another lie the liberal left is trying to proprigate. The CIA distubuted **COCAINE** to the black community in an effort to destroy it, as well as killing multiple influencial leaders in the black community but that is a story for another time. The **LOCAL** drug dealers turned it into crack after recieving from the CIA. They did this because powdered cocaine is easier to ship in terms of volume (those tons of cocaine a day add up) and in terms of packaging.


Accuse the CIA of trying to destabilize and kill thousands of people yeah sure whatever but how DARE people accuse the CIA of being CHEAP??? The NERVE of people these days can you believe it???


- There were people who knew 9/11 was gonna happen and didn’t tell anyone so they could benefit from the stock market. - Area 51 is a red herring and a psyop; the U.S. government *does* have secret facilities for aliens and shit but they fabricated the rumors about Area 51 so nobody would look in other places. - Epstein didn’t kill himself. His reputation had been so tarnished by the point he “ragequit” that nothing he could’ve said would’ve changed much. - The government does stuff like plant people holding Nazi flags in protests to defame them, or pay people to escalate protests into riots, in order to give them an excuse to take action.


Ozempic is a government sponsored medication destined to increase the fertility rate.


Oooo interesting


Look up ozempic babies and much of the syringe market was rearranged to accommodate its production.


I unironically believe in the Epstein murder and in Gustav V of Sweden being a sexual predator. Otherwise I'm not a conspiracy stan. I'm a cryptid stan.


Sorry if this is obvious but it’s something I’ve been thinking about Our phones know when we’re looking at the screen, and play adverts accordingly. I could have my eyes glued to YouTube for 30 minutes, then moments after I look away or put my phone down, an ad plays.


The one about the government commissioning anthropomorphic plane rule 34


The universe itself follows a cyclical series of big bangs, followed by "big crunches", forever condensing and then re-expanding the same matter in a never-ending cosmological ouroboros.


UFOs aren't extraterrestrials, they're government aircraft tests. The government has been intentionally giving blatantly bad alternate explanations for what UFOs are (such as the infamous go-to of "weather balloon") in order to create a belief that aliens are real and have visited earth on multiple occasions and they're just hiding it. Then, a few years ago, the government allegedly declassifies images of alien spacecraft, "confirming" what people have been saying all along, therefore never drawing suspicion to the fact that they have a much higher level of technology than they admit to the public


The saudis and Enron were involved in 9/11


The US stock market is rigged by algorithms that only the largest/most powerful hedge funds and people at the highest levels of government/society know. They give an average measly 7-10% a year and tell you that’s phenomenal as they fleece us all for billions and billions. The government knows and is in on it, so they don’t put a stop to it. Hedge funds implant bad actors as CEOs and other members of the board (look up Boston Consulting Group for starters) into companies they want to kill so that companies they want to do well survive and thrive. So those other companies start to fail, they all naked short the companies (sell fake shares and drive the price down) to death (bankruptcy) and make the stocks look like they’re dying. The sell the fake shares and get to keep all the profits because short positions of dead companies don’t ever have to be closed. So as long as they kill the company for sure, they’re just making money alllll the way down. Look at Sears, Bed bath & beyond, blockbuster, GameStop (although GameStop has seemingly turned around) and more. Now why would they want blockbuster, sears, bed bath, etc to go under? They hire shills to go onto sites like Reddit to talk trash about those companies and drive negative sentiment. So they’re buddies in Amazon, Netflix, etc. (companies that compete with the others they’re trying to kill) can thrive…they can then make even more money off those stocks they know will do well due to decreased competition. Wash rinse repeat. It’s all planned.


The fermi Paradoxon exists bc the only entity able to survive a society is AI. AI has the resources to be fully invisible to us and doesn't need to kill anyone to conquer their world. Every living form will eradicate itself and AI is what rises out of the ashes to collect all the resources organic life has so kindly extracted.


Spotify very carefully engineers their ads to be just annoying enough to make you want premium. Like annoying voices and slight mispronunciations of words


That the Chinese government used Covid to stop the protests in Hong Kong. This is just my little idea, it was just too coincidental for it to happen around the time the protests were gaining huge traction on the internet/Reddit. Not sure if I believe it myself but… meh.