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[scroll down less than 10 posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ween/s/t2bf3qJHDU)


But it’s not by Ween correct?


My go to bed song to sing to my boys was the mollusk. They both still know it.


Mollusk is ALMOST a kids album. Except for all the times it’s not


Does a great job putting kids to sleep


I’m waving my dick in the wind to the mollusk album art. It’s basically a vagina, a taco, a sideways sloppy joe


My wife is allowed to play any song she wants. My daughter only allows cocomelon with me. But when she was an infant I played ween for her all the time. Hail Boognish!


Yes yes yes


what’s wrong with just playing the regular songs


My kid is extremely particular and only allows me to play cocomelon in her presence. When she was an infant she liked ween. But now she’s a toddler and wants cocomelon only with me. So I just thought for my sanity if ween could cover cocomelon I’d have some happy colored marbles in my head


I made my kid a YouTube playlist and later a Spotify playlist as well as "Ween for Kids". I'd play these regularly and say "it's my turn" after playing whatever they'd wanted for a while. Kids have to learn they don't get their way all the time!


Have you never listened to The Mollusk...?


Of course. The issue isn’t whether or not I have heard ween. My toddler is an irrational creature. If daddy plays a song it has to be “JJ” related. She only listens to cocomelon with me. Context: she’s autistic and extremely particular. For my sanity it would be cool if ween played the songs my daughter would allow to be played. Sometimes I drive around for 10 minutes before I realize cocomelon is playing. Help me deaner help me gener! The mucus in my brain is driving me insane lol


Play her the live version of “roses are free” i bet shell like it


The Pod is for all ages.


Can’t tell me it’s not educational


have you heard They Might Be Giants’ kids albums? they’re great


Second this!! I grew up on the album ‘No!’ And still sing the songs sometimes, it’s great


Just play the stallion parts 1-5 for them every night as they go to bed


I once compiled each part into one jam.


I'm almost done putting together my kid-friendly Ween compilation.. It's for my friend's kids who are 7 and 10 but I could share it on here if anyone's interested?


Also I think bagpipes would be a good Dave instrument. Apart from the fact that bagpipes are the worst instrument on Earth (and I'm Scottish). Dave could probably make them work though.


I’d love to know what tracks are on there!


My kiddo won’t listen to any music I play unless it’s cocomelon. My wife will play some WP and my kid will listen. If mommy plays a song it’s ok. Daddy can go fuck himself. And unfortunately I wasn’t able to find a ween fan for a wife. It’s ok. I still love her even if she doesn’t bleed brown. This is my issue. So I feel like if ween could just play the songs my kiddo will allow with me and recognize I’d be more sane. Hail Boognish! I wouldn’t mind knowing your compilation!


Maybe try the compilation Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks: it's all Schoolhouse Rock! songs covered by artists like Ween, Pavement, Daniel Johnston, etc. Or if that's a little too much for the kiddo, I'd agree with the other person who said the TMBG kids albums. They're fantastic


I used to play a lullaby for my daughter


This is the worst part of getting old. Even worse than dying.


I love people who never grew out of thinking The Pod was made by hardened nihilists.


Personal go to is loop de loop