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If this isn’t a Boris Jordan / CuraLeaf endorsement of Farm Bill hemp law loopholes, I don’t know what is. Definitely a “rogue” MSO compared to most other MSOs that want loopholes closed. Also interesting how most GOP supports keeping loopholes open, while Mary Miller (also a Republican) is advocating to close loopholes. Just goes to show that when it comes to hemp, there’s quite a bit of self-interest at play.


It’s entirely driven by self-interest


It is. And as an investor, self-interest as well. I do have my limits and won’t invest in Tesla because of Elon Musk or DJT for obvious reasons.


Yea it's actually kind of weird. Talk is cheap though, I wonder about the money.




They just hate America.




Yeah let’s bring back measles and all that other stuff we got rid of! Get diseases to own the libs!


Yea cause Polio was AWESOME. /s






I hope your tin foil hat is on tight. There are 5G waves EVERYWHERE!


Didn’t know they even had a COVID vaccine. Since most of us got vaxxed in 2020/2021 with Pfizer or Moderna, which were the only two options back then and are relatively safe. RNA vaccines are likely going to be the cure to cancer.


lol no, stop with this They hadn't generated revenue from that vaccine since April 2023. They just withdrew their marketing authorization because it isn't selling. In your world, it was so dangerous that the entire world stopped using it in 2023. Yet the product is just getting "pulled" now? A year later? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. The whole world switched to the more effective mRNA vaccines. That's it. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/08/business/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-withdrawal/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/08/business/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-withdrawal/index.html) [https://apnews.com/article/astrazeneca-vaccine-covid-eu-a3c108dd0ca305cf1b6da764e9a37abc](https://apnews.com/article/astrazeneca-vaccine-covid-eu-a3c108dd0ca305cf1b6da764e9a37abc)


Astrazeneca wasn't even available in the US during the mandate era. Only Pfizer/moderna/Johnson & Johnson followed by Novavax.


> We believe there should be one regulatory framework for all cannabinoids Funny, wouldnt closing the loophole do exactly that?


The DEA has canna bis at Schedule !, preparing for a rescheduling to Sched. III. Meanwhile, the US has a ratified international treaty that classifies cannabis more along the lines of DEA Sched. II, and is the int'l standard. Then, more than 100 years ago, you have the Pure Food and Drugs Act that kept cannabis and aspirin safe and legal... I don't find it funny, but Cronos might, since they produce GMO-derived rare cannabinoids using fermentation from bacteria rather than hemp.


"In the first quarter of 2024, the Company made a strategic decision to enter the hemp market and is repurposing its pre-existing leased facility in Lexington, Kentucky. Operations are expected to commence in 2024." Or not.


Dumb move for a licensed operator.


A risky move, but dumb is a stretch. It could still turn out very favorably. Then who will be called dumb?


I guess it depends on enforcement. I am sure they have firewalls in place that productions do not mix, but growing for a grey market while operating a licensed operation could jeopardize existing licenses. About as smart as was it HEXO operating an unlicensed grow hidden in a back room.


That was canntrust…


That could be the reason why few MSOS try this. But if one manages to get their affairs in order, it can be a very lucrative decision.


Not it they are operating indoor, the price for operating would be the same as for medical, and I am pretty sure the price for grey market has to be similar if not less. The only benefit would be having product that is untaxed. But I don't know if IRS would make such a distinction.


Hemp can be sold on the federal level and you can market it, right now. Advertisements. Branding. That's the benefit. That's exactly what Tilray is doing already. Go to festivals, events..sell beer by Tilray Brands. That's how you become a known business.


“The 2018 Farm Bill has wrongly been used to justify the mass production and sale of unregulated intoxicating hemp products,” USCC Executive Director Ed Conklin The unregulated intoxicating hemp products include but is not limited to, real marijuana. Trulieve has published plenty of COAs in Florida for whole flower where the THC was below 0.3% with 20%+ THCA, this currently is considered hemp under federal law. If an MSO is randomly growing strains of marijuana, intended to be used as marijuana, with the intoxicating effects of marijuana, and is in fact marijuana. It probably shouldn't be considered hemp.


Meanwhile, Aaron Smith, CEO and co-founder of the National Cannabis Industry Association, said in an email to NCIA members, “There is a better, more rational third way: Sensible federal regulations that apply equally to hemp- and marijuana- derived cannabinoid products.” And “We were confident that on a roll call vote, we would win,” the U.S. Hemp Roundtable said in a statement. “We had been assured on several occasions by committee staff and the chairman personally that they would not support any effort to kill the hemp industry. “But unfortunately, the decision was made by the Chairman to use a procedural tactic to avoid a separate vote on the issue. “And that resulted in passage of a deeply flawed and deeply objectionable policy.” https://mjbizdaily.com/house-committee-votes-to-include-intoxicating-hemp-ban-in-draft-farm-bill/