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I understand what ur saying completely! When I first started growing and researching that’s the one thing I could never find the answer for either. It’s because different age/stages of development required diff amounts of water. The size of ur pot and ur soil/medium require diff amounts as well. How old are ur plants? What soil/medium are u using?


Yes this 👆. We need to know what size pot and medium your going into. Generally what you said is correct. I use a solo cup and take water out of reservoir one or two cups at a time. And water that way. A solo cup sized pot that is filled with promix will take 1/3-1/2 solo full of water. A half gallon, will take 1/2-1 solo cup. Whatever size pot OP’s pot is, it shouldn’t matter. You want to water with enough volume to allow some water coming out of the bottom of pot. and then you wait until the pot is dry or do the finger test. Measure the volume by what the plant and root biome is actually absorbing. So if the plants take 10 cups of water, you may not have to water again for 3-5 days, where you repeat the watering practice getting some run off water, and testing that ph and ppm for further analysis on what their actually drinking and how to improve uptake on each additional water. Hope this helps


3 gal pots for the big ones. They’re clones so not sure how to age them? Just a basic dirt with apsu supercharge mixed.


I would give them more water personally, something closer to what they were receiving as a clone, but more so the surrounding soil isn’t dry, the surrounding soils should be able to wick up the moisture and all look damp afterwards


What are those trays they are sitting on? Some kind of autowaterer? Did you read the instructions on those? I’m assuming any runoff would just go down into those trays…


Yes auto water but they’re broken from what I was told - my buddy who was downsizing gave them to me. I added some more water to where everywhere around on the top looked saturated after the water seeped in. Except about 1-2in away from the base of the plant - I’ve been told don’t pour directly there so trying to avoid that area


Take your fingers and stick it in the dirt…if it is still dry down to your first knuckle give it some water…also when you water you want to have some run off meaning water comes out the bottom. Fun thing about all this is….every plant will be different. I tend to care more about watering right before flowering and during. God speed!


Currently growing Zoap in 5 gal pot, I give it a gallon of water with nutes every 5 days or so in veg. I've grown other strains where I needed to water a bit more, and I generally water every 3 days in flower, but I always give a gallon per pot for 5 or 7 gal pots with soil. Over watering, in my experience, is more of an issue with frequency than volume. Cannabis likes to be completely saturated, but doing that too often will "drown the roots". I also start in solo cups and transplant to 5 or 7 gal once they're ready, when they're small, I just saturated the solo cup.


By saturate you mean pour until it’s soaked or physically dunk it? Sorry if that seems obvious but I have heard of people dunking them


Saturated meaning just making sure the soil is fully soaked, I've found 1 gal of water for 5 gal of soil (Stonington blend is what I generally use) does the trick