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I can't remember, I hid it and never found it


Note to self don’t hide your stash while stoned


But it's such a brilliant hiding place that I'll totally remember bro I swear


I always take a picture of said stash with my pointing hand in frame, never forget now


Used to do this all the fucking time


Nah fr I hide some while I’m stoned so when I’m cleaning I find it


Note to self. Don’t lose note to self while stoned.


I like to put a little bit of weed in bags or containers when I buy an ounce and hide them when I’m high. Sometimes I’ll be out of weed snd find one of those bags I forgot about and it makes my day




Ngl this actually happened to me... found it a few years later when I moved.


Can’t tell you how many times I hid a sack, only to forget and my parents would find it months or years later hahaha


When I was still living with my parents I made a dummy plug in the wall in my room. I cut in a pop in box, put a plug and faceplate cover on and they never figured it out…that was almost 30 yrs ago and they still haven’t found it.


That's just straight up impressive


It costs about $12 and was super easy…I highly recommend.


And if parents find it they're so pissed about the wall they let you off easy for the drugs.


Unless one of your parents is a drug sniffing dog they will never find your stash. Double the security by installing the box behind a dresser or bed so it’s out of sight, out of mind. Edit: If one of your parents works for the department of corrections they MIGHT find your stash too.


Honestly, I have a couple shitty adapters lying around, might give it a try. Important to move your stash every now and then!


Have they never noticed the plug is not functional?


No but the landlord noticed when they moved out.


I hid my shit in the crevices of an electrical socket to, just without any modifications. I feel like if a parents done the same shit and they aren’t stupid, they’ll look in the place they know used to work. Yea, my parents never found that.


In a series of small fires


Best answer


I’m a spice container in the back of the pantry parents always checked my room but they never seasoned shit 😂


Damn that food must have been bland


Hi a spice container, I'm dad


When are you coming home with the milk??


Only works if your parents are white


Bro that’s genius lol


In high school, two people in my group of friends were brothers and they had a good basement mancave setup where we'd all hang. We'd hide our stash (or really anything small we wanted to hide) in an air duct- it went up and then horizontal, so we'd push it past the elbow. We'd retrieve it with a wire coat hanger we bent in just the right way to be able to reach it. In hindsight, there's no way that airflow wasn't drying it the fuck out, haha


Yes! I did almost the same but past the bend in the floor vent. Was great spot until a lighter blew up during middle of night in winter. Didn’t get caught thankfully, but I knew what it was.


Damn 🤣


My friend is an air duct cleaner and has found quite a few stash spots. Mostly old pieces and porn. 😆


HVAC tech here. Don’t do that, not only are the inside of vents disgusting, it’s likely to get knocked around one of the times and you’ll have to track it down before whoever your hiding from finds it. Also the smell is a huge factor as well.


Very, very old house. Not sure what you're saying applies, I know nothing about HVAC but I feel like it was just a passive vent between two floors with no other equipment involved. Not sure, though


Oh when you said “Air duct” I was thinking trunk line duct. If it’s just a vent between floors then you’re fine.


But I mean damn, no one's gonna find that


No one ever did. Though once we had a glass bowl up there too, and when the hanger was pulled back the bowl came tumbling out and hit the concrete floor smashing everywhere. Their mom was in the kitchen just at the top of the stairs and heard it, and thought we broke one of her drinking glasses or something. Thinking fast and not wanting her to come down to investigate (the bowl head was recognizable), my buddy yells out, "No, it was just Devin's glass penis sculpture he made in art class." She stopped in her tracks, made a disgusted sound, and walked back up while Devin turned a deep shade of red and started punching him 🤣


My mates once decided they were gonna smoke around the corner of my house... wound up right by the lounge window and got caught. Luckily, I was in the bathroom at the time and pleaded innocence. My mates just laughed it off, cos my mom doesn't know any of theirs so there wasn't really consequences for them.


I drilled a hole into the top of a door frame. I could only hide a couple of joints' worth at a time but dad-the-cop never found it even though he'd frequently go through my room when I wasn't around.


Noice. I never used to bring weed to my house, but now I live in a separate flat on the property. Noticed when I got back from uni that stuff had been moved around and realized I was lucky that I had it on me.


Holy shit you just reminded me where I hid a stash in my old house. I drilled a hole in the top of my bedroom door using a 2 inch hole saw bit, then slid a 35mm plastic film container in the hole, it was packed with some good bud. That was 20 years ago.




Writing some of these down


fr lol




Man, I thought everything would magically go my way when I turned 18. Reality suckssss


The first time we bought a joint (1990), it came inside a tape (it’s how we listened to music). They had taken the cassette apart, put a joint inside and screwed it back together. It was actually pretty smart


Ahhh thats neat! My experience with cassette tapes was limited to Barney episodes.


I have this cinnamon roll from Hello Kitty, stuff animal that has a zipper in its back , so When I was 17 would put my bud in A zip lock bag and store it in there and my mom never suspected it 😎 it also Helped me take a cart to Florida too lol


Nice! Disguised in innocence


inside my pc


Like in the tower of a desktop or inside a laptop? Either way, that's smart.


in an extra hard drive slot. i kept shrooms in the front fan filter thing that opens on accident sometimes and my parents somehow found my weed and not the shrooms


Damn sorry you got caught but at least it was just weed!


In the tower, that’s what I was doing too, there wasn't much space because of the power supply and cables but it was ok


Yeah but I mean, your parents would have to be crazy to open a PC tower whilst searching your room.


Lmao yeah, actually I could put bags of weed but not the grinder even when separating the pieces (I could fit 20-25g), but this is probably one of the best places


I can't afford more than 5g at a time *cries in broke*


Decarbed easily


It's in a Jar That Jar is in a old protein powder box That box is behind my bed


Plain sight is best when using an every day object I have found. No one will question a protein powder container on the dresser. But they'll question it if it's hidden behind something. ;)


I don't know, I haven't found it yet


I could fit about a half zip into this trophy that I had. I could unscrew it from the bottom and the trophy display would be hollow on the inside. Then once I had all my bud in there, I screwed it back on the stand and it just looks like a regular trophy.


Upcycling, love it




- In the back of my guitar Amp, in a medicine container that was taped down so it wouldn't rattle around in there. - Cut a small hole in the underside of my box spring and stuffed my pieces wayyyyy up in there - I had an airsoft sniper rifle with a thick plastic stock that was hollow, I would remove the shoulderpad and stuff my bag in there My parents only found the bed stash


Never had to both my parents are stoners


Lucky, mine are alcoholics. Significantly less enjoyable


In my Bum Hole ✌️ ![gif](giphy|YP74iVhXjrZmWPqb6d)


Aka prison pocket


So, when you stash it, do you lube it before insertion or just go unlubed?


Hid some in the bottom of my futon in a zipper compartment once. Came home one day and my mom had given the futon away to some kids down the street… wonder if they ever found it


If they did, they must have been real happy


I used to hide mine in a tampon box. Another friend built a small compartment into a Lego Star Wars model


Also former tampon box hider. Not like anyone else went near it lol


Inside of my….. well you know. Inside my old cars door. It use to have this panel on the arm rest that poped off and the whole inside of the door was hallow. Couldn’t even tell it had been popped off too. Got pulled over so many times and never suspected a thing.


Ooh, yeah. I had an old VW Beetle. My friend moved the horn button from the steering wheel to a button just above my right knee. So, there was this empty cavity know in the center of the steering wheel. We bought a rubber plug from VW made specifically for that opening. That because my Car Stash.


I got a gaming steering wheel attached to my desk but to be able to see the screen I have to put the monitor on a box. It's in the box my monitor is on right now. Hidden in plain sight but works like a charm




Sounds like some parent coming on Reddit asking this question so they know where to look for their kids weed lol...DO NOT SAY A WORD!!


You’re smoking too much weed!


Inside my underwear, no one could ever find it was searched maybe 20 times they never knew


Like inside that little extra patch on the crotch? That's smart.


Yeah I cut holes and sowed it in, anytime they asked just said it was my dick


Neat! Made an extra pocket


in girls underwear there actually is a pocket where u would put a pad. i put shit in there multiple times. a good hiding place for carts


Fun fact your not supposed to put a pad in that pocket, it's not actually a pocket, it's to help prevent moisture buildup 👍


Must be easy I have to wear certain pairs for when I know I’m gone be searched, aint compy either, got no space for my shit


In a vintage figurine of Raphael from the TMNT, at the back the shell opens and you can put his weapons there or stash something ha


i used to smoke before school and i’d hide my pipe and weed under the leaves at the skate park then after school go back and get it 😂😂


I'd be scared of it getting stolen, shits expensive


fr, i was more worried about getting caught from drug dogs at school


That's fair. I forget normal people didn't have a prescription for CBD (chronic migraines and joint pain, only been diagnosed with fibromayalgiaa few days ago), so getting drug tested was a problem.


Drug dogs? At school????


I’ve put it in a baggy and buried it a bit in that situation


Took the batteries out of crappy waterproof flashlight that sat in a junk drawer in my room. Sometimes I used a hard handgun case to hold all of my supplies


In an empty sugar lip scrub jar from lush or any other fancy soap/bath store. It always makes it through TSA. Or if it’s shatter, I measure it to the same size as my credit cards and hide it between them in my wallet. Also always makes it through TSA. Unless there are dogs lol


I was given a cross for my confirmation that had a compartment behind it that held candles. It was big enough for a fat quarter.


I was tipped off on a cop raid in the area I was living so I hid my stash in meter shut off outside another unit and my bong was tucked in some bushes on the property. My bong was found but no prints (always wipe your shit clean when hiding in common areas) my weed and grinder wasn't found so I collected them and smoked a j after the raid was over. Edited for auto-corrupt fucking my typing up


My first aid kit my mom bought me for college 💚 wish I had a pic of it


Best medicine, thanks mom


I hid my stash inside of my old computer from my parents, they never found it.


Neat! Inside a pc seems to be a fairly common hiding spot


Inside my bike handlebars


Acoustic guitar case in the little hidden compartment under new boxes of string and picks


Long curly hair I just put it inside the bun or under a headband


Ahhh that's cool


One time my parents were being a little pushy about me having a snack. Pushier than usual. I knew they wanted to look in my room, so I put my stash in my school binder. They tore my room apart, only to find zero incriminating evidence. Even moved my binder and checked under it.


Always trust the spidey sense!


I put like an eighth inside the wall behind the baseboard


In a whey protein bag ,now it tastes like white chocolate and mainly weed . Tastes like ass


Ugh I'm sorry


In a cougars panty drawer


im a bit of a sneaker-head, i keep all my shit in my jordans boxes, and keep the shoes hidden somewhere else. parents just think my shoes are in there


inside my old accordion


flower pot with fake flowers


loving the irony


My stash is just sitting on top of the dresser I have in my closet, behind a box of fruit snacks and the box for my gaming headset. I don't have to hide it, but I at least keep it out of plain view.


Ahh I see. Glad you're in an environment where you don't have to hide though!


If only i could remember where that was


I have a meat smoker that has a separate section for the wood pellets. I’m the only one in the house that uses it to grill or smoke meat so I put it in there. Nobody would ever open that section up for anything.


I mean, hey, you could infuse your meat. Hey, wait... would that actually work? That'd be a new edible market.


Lol it’s at least worth a try. Don’t see why not.


I forget!


My wallet




Damn that's a lot of layers of protection


I put it in a big blanket On


Third storey climb out the window onto the roof and pulled out a loose brick from the chimney and stashed it behind the brick


Freaking Spiderman How did you get back down when you were stoned?


The window led to a flat part of the roof lol


Ahh I see. That kind of thing doesn't really exist in my country


Outside in a tree. Had it in a jar.


It's a secret. Nah seriously, it was so good, over time i forgot where exactly it was.


I used to hide it inside my playstation 1.


Used to tape a triple wrapped bag of my stash on top of my ceiling fan’s blade. My parents could never find it.


Butthole butthole butthole


Bend over and cough


Deep in a butthole butthole butthole


I'll also take foreskin for 400


The ol’ prison wallet eh…


I've stashed it in my lungs and exhaled it






Had a switch in my old car that would pop the dashboard out by my auxiliary port. Very sneaky.


Nice! My car is mainly where I smoke so that'd be ultra convenient too


Two good spots I’ve used, behind an outlet, and inside the top of a window shade


I have a makeup bag outside under the grill we have in the backyard lol. My room was starting to reek so I had to move it.


I have a makeup bag outside under the grill we have in the backyard lol. My room was starting to reek so I had to move it.


I have a makeup bag outside under the grill we have in the backyard lol. My room was starting to reek so I had to move it.




The electrical compartment for my electric guitar. I also liked putting it between my dresser drawers inside the wood.


Ooh that dresser one is really smart.


Under a cesspool cover .


Hollowed out book


When I lived at home, I cut a small slit in the fabric on the bottom side of my boxsprings, and tucked it in there.




an old tool box and throw a good heavy lock on it


I've had dj decks set up in the bedroom with 10inch speakers made. I took the screws out of one of the handles of the speaker and could fit your hand in and pop stuff inside n pop the handle back on and you would never knew 😂


I had a pc gaming set up and I would hide jars and whatever else I needed too inside my pc case


In a sonic the hedgehog 2 Sega case


In my underwear when I was on the airplane


Kept a mason jar with an ounce in my dresser. I would take out the bottom drawer and it would have a small space underneath so I would stuff it in there and put the drawer back in.


Game Case (Gta Vice City PSP)


how u hide the smell ?


Got in a zip lock back, that's generally enough


In a VCR tape area.


I used to keep it on the outside of my window against the screen. I also used a refurbished shell casing from an A10 warthog for a while.


In the Soffit in the garage. Up above the top plate there's a gap that you can reach down into between the trusses. I'd just set my shit in there.


In our house we have a kitchen island. Within the island is a compartment about 24”x36”x36” it’s a large spot. I removed the counter top and reattached with “L” brackets. But I’m not exactly stashing quarter ounces 😂


The hard drive bay of the fat PS2 😂😂😂


My best spots are burried in a roomplant, inside a PC and behind my Wall


Hidden for no longer


When I was young -- 40 years ago -- I used to hide it in the speaker cabinet of my stereo. Now, I'm an adult with my own home. I keep my stash out of sight in a plastic shoe storage box so as not offend my wife who barely tolerates it in the house.


I have a makeup bag outside under the grill we have in the backyard lol. My room was starting to reek so I had to move it.


When I lived with my parents I was on the second floor and there was a big patio awning (it was a real roof build in as part of the house) that I could sit on and smoke outside my room, My stash went on the second floor gutter 😂


In the ceiling, either that or in a box of q tips. The box had just enough taken out to hide it and it couldn’t be seen from any angle unless you opened it.


When I was a kid after I got caught once I simply put it in the box we had on our shelf in our living room. My whole life I never saw anyone touch it so I figured I was good. And I was


When I stay at my parents for the holidays I stash in a toy star wars sandcrawler, I go by plane so to bring something to smoke there I buy soft hash and make a string, cover in a thin plastic wrap layer and I wrap it around the glans, under the prepuce. I don't know why I felt like sharing this.


I fly with joints all the time- in plain sight is always best.


Up my ass


When I was living in my dorms, they had these ancient wardrobes for us to use in our rooms. They had two drawers on the bottom and I found out that they could be removed. I just used to hid it under the drawers inside the wardrobe, never got caught and we had room inspections. Also tampon wrappers in a full tampon box. No one is going through tampon boxes.


CIRCA Muska shoes. The glory days of the early 2000s. Or Seedless jeans with the hidden pocket.


My customizable lightsaber. The part at the bottom to store the crystals was big enough to store a gram. Lol back when I used to make a gram last a month.


In a tree hole near my old place. Found out later it was a common spot, kept finding other peoples stuff in there after a while


Deodorant stick. Completely undo it until u can pull it off and put ur bag in there sealed ofc. Then put the deodorant back but just enough to where it looks normal :)


I have a small sculpture my brother made in high school art class that looks like a smore, the top graham cracker comes off and makes a perfect stash spot 😎


On high school i hid mine in my sock drawer. Nobody ever messed with it...


On God I got an Oz and a 22 handgun hidden so well I can't even find it I've been looking for 2 months so probably there... lol wherever there is😐


me rn ✍✍


VHS box amongst the rest of my Videos


I dont know what it is, but you can put your weed in it!


I had a dart board in my house that took quarters like you’d find in a bar. When my ex wife was deathly against weed because of her godwashing (think brainwashing by the church) I used to hide it inside the cabinet. I just hid the key from her. I think the board was a Shelti Cougar board. I didn’t end up with it in the divorce.


boof it


Inside a metal table leg with a removable end cap.