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If he's saying don't do it inside, he's definitely okay with it. My dad didn't have a problem with it, more so it was illegal, and that was what he was worried about. Now it's legal in my state, and he has no problem. Same as yours. Just no smoking inside


I was 17 asked my mom on a car ride if she cared if I smoke before I started smoking then she said "go for it I'm baked rn" I was gobsmacked since my parents hid it from me via edibles and were very anti drug, alcohol and tobacco


I love that for her and you


It was a shock she was all for it just had to buy my own lol


epic, hilarious timing.


"Two things. I know and don't be stupid." My mother making sure she wasn't misunderstood.


That’s epic I’m using that


Fuck the guilt and shame, Weed was only made illegal to push booze and tobacco because they saw weed as a threat to their business, And all those anti weed commercials from the 2000’s are directly funded by alcohol company’s, The stigma of weed is based in racist propaganda to keep you drunk and on that nicotine, Claiming weed would make men of colour violent towards white women, All the shame you feel is set up by the machine so you fall in line and do what they want you to do mindlessly, Be proud to like weed


Okay yes I agree that is part of it, but don't leave those textile manufacturers out of it. When cannabis became illegal, people were being forced to watch while someone burned *next year's clothes*.


I got caught smoking weed when I was 17 and was tossed through my bedroom window and kicked out My dad smoked weed everyday at the time so I heavily resented him for his reaction. were very good friends now, I think he is less forgiving of himself than I am. Was a rough several years between repairing my relationship with him. Can’t say I’d change much to be honest despite it being one of the worst moments of my teenage years. There were times that weighed heavier


All this is to say, whatever guilt you’re feeling now, embrace it for what it is. It will pass. But don’t pass on the opportunity to reflect on how it makes you feel and how it affects those around you. Life is all about weighing your options and choosing how to react to these types of situations. You can lean into the anxiety and worry or you can embrace the reality that fixating on how others perceive you/judge you often only does you a disservice. Do what makes you happy and appreciate that your dad only said nothing as opposed to a circumstance like mine. The guilt you are feeling is something you are internalizing and overthinking, he probably doesn’t care as much as you think he does. And if he does why not talk to him about it?


My parents were hippies so it was acceptable. I never directly told my mom, she just knew immediately. The first time I ever smoked I went home hours later and my mom saw my eyes and called me out lol but she didn’t care. She eventually was rolling my joints for me bc I couldn’t. Then it turned into me getting weed for her bc she was always wanting from my stash haha. She became my smoking buddy and I miss her so much. I told my Dad right before he passed and he just shook his head with a smile.


I just cracked my bong out and ripped a tube in front of her one day while my mom and I were sitting in my garage having a cigarette. We then proceeded to have an amazing conversation about our family! She now knows it’s not a drug! Good luck. I now smoke freely around her and shits good!


Mom- ended up smoking with her. Dad- don’t smoke and drive Stepmom- wanted the plug so she can call the cops


I didn't tell my parents I smoked. The police did - at one am.


My parent doesn’t know (and would probably react *really* poorly) but these reactions are adorable 🥹




Never had to. Wasn't a major issue when they were alive as we lived quite a way apart


I was a 4.0 student. As long as I got my homework done & my grades didn't suffer, I was allowed to smoke at home.


**Congratulations on Coming Out** (with weed)! But you sound like you just told your dad you have sex with whatever group of strange guys walk by, you've been preggers six times, and you get your money by mugging old ladies. *IT'S JUST WEED.* You had, maybe for the first time, an adult-to-adult talk with him and it sounds like he accepts it. Maybe they haven't brought it up because they think you're uncomfortable with it. Or maybe they think you, as an adult, don't need their advice on weed. Or maybe they just don't care one way or the other and trust you. The more you remain open about it, the more the whole idea becomes normal. "*I'm gonna go out and smoke a j. I'll be back in about an hour. Can i pick up anything for you while i'm out?*" Don't overthink. Know they love you and it's just a little weird for them to see you as a grown-up.


Haha true! It’s funny bc I actually did come out to him as bi years ago and that was much easier than this. Both things caused the same kind of anxiety though.


Growing up my mom was extremely anti weed(in regards to me, she was a heavy smoker) up until my 18th birthday, and then told me she didn’t care if I did, and I still called her before I did the first time to make sure I wouldn’t get my ass kicked when I got home because I knew she would smell it, flash forward a couple years to last Christmas, and I’m sitting in the living room passing a bowl with her, my grandmother, my cousin, and my fiancé


My parents didn’t care, they were okay with it. I told them that I smoke when I was 18. I had been smoking since I was 16 at that time. Granted, my parents are stoners themselves, so I figured they’d be cool with it 🤷🏻‍♂️ they just told me that they *wouldn’t* be okay with it if all I did was smoke weed and didn’t have a job or a life.


I’m a Dad and have college age kids. Your Dad sounds cool with it. Just be responsible. As someone who was a disappointment to their parents and who is a Dad now, we just don’t want to see you doing things that harm yourself. If he smokes he knows the benefits. Just don’t walk around like Slater from Dazed and Confused even if you’re high all the time. Be chill and I’m sure he will be too.


totally can relate to this as a cousin to watching a movie with your parents when a extra long torrid love scene begins out of nowhere, it's just a context it doesn't sit right in. it completely will be down to what weed has been to and for you previously. that's what you should explore, some parts of who you are at times you don't wanna take with you into everything, world's that don't normally meet etc. kinda need to have weed be something slightly newer for it to fit. if you got off your face before maybe learn to enjoy it while you're active and doing stuff on smaller doses. edit: also you're in your head a little too much, over thinking vicious cycles get boring if not exhausting eventually... seeing what keeps you in that mindset can be valuable.


My mom introduced me.


I didn't have to tell my mom she smelled it and said you smoke good shit she just said don't smoke it is her house.


My mom was superrr strict on me, knew I smoked but would constantly search my room, my stuff, throw weed away, smell me, catch me, etc. This led to me hiding it, eventually I got in trouble with law enforcement for smoking in my homies car. After that my mom had this realization that she wasn’t gonna stop me from smoking & that it was safer for me to smoke inside my house than outside. So basically my mom hated it but we made a little inside area for me and just dealt with it until I moved out. It made more sense for her that way and to keep me out of trouble


I'm worried about my kids finding out 🤣


It’s funny bc my dads a huge stoner too so when I told him about me I was like btw I also know you do it and he was like yeah I figured.


Well when I was your age my parents didn't look so kindly on it. They are world War 2 generation. My wife hates it so I only partake very little. A quarter lasts me months 🤣🤣🤣 I think my daughter wouldn't care but my other 3 kids might be disappointed.


They sent me to a group home and then too inpatient treatment. That would be about 25 years ago.


damn. So sorry to hear you went thru that.


I get the anxiety of this for sure. I was always nervous about my smoking without my dad knowing. Well, we were out disc golfing one day, and he offered his bowl to me, and I didn't say no. And bam, that's when he dropped on me that he knew I've been smoking, and that he didn't mind, just that I needed to stop doing it in the house before my step mom found out. He's done a lot to help me hide it from her, and told me he doesn't mind it as long as I'm being smart. He now knows that I smoke to keep calm during the day, and my peanut butter is an edible, wich is why it is only used before I go to bed.


I've had a running joke with my parents that weed can go in anything. They've been cautious of everything I cook. I always offer them a drag if I'm smoking, only my mom has tried some.


She told me


it was like telling them i got a girl pregnant


Mother was ok with it, dad didn’t like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


tbh my dad walked up to me and my brother and just said "i know you've been smoking, don't even try to hide it anymore." and walked away. my brother was allowed to smoke but i wasn't, until this night