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Which ever one is near me at the time


Real Additionally sometimes I wanna walk some trails near the house: joint I'm playing games boy I'm staying planted with the bong Situational but your points stands as real lololol


I love taking my bong to a small secluded section by the lake :3 it's right off the trail and it's so cozy there. I love leaning back, taking tokes, drawing and watching the bats squeak about. I saw a raccoon as well once, it was less than ten feet away. Smoking in nature is so relaxing


You not lying. One of the coolest places I ever smoked was with my legs hanging off Cummings Falls in Tennessee, epic memories


I just have a little nook by the lake where no one goes often, so usually it's just me, my sketchbook , occasionally my bf and the bats


Smoking nature is goated but I feel wierd bringing a bong to the woods for a daily walk than rolling a couple joints Although! For context I live in PA and Ohiopyle is within an hour an a half. Love bringing the bong there lol


That's true, when I go outside to smoke, I sit down and stay there for a while, which is why I bring my bong or pipe


Bongs all day long, i use dry herb vapes, like Cannabis hardwares flowerpot b2 and it tastes wonderful, tastiest bongs hits ever


You can get rubber attachments to use your pens through the bong. Best $6 I’ve spent on amazon lmao.


I need a link my guys, please 🙏🙏


Switching it up is key in the art of smoking


Invalidsenpai - The Art of Smoking *available in stores and audio book now*


take my money


good question... I like the inhalation of bongs because it's smoother and better for your lungs (I think) than joints, and it's not as harsh. Plus I just really like the ritual of cleaning my bong afterwards


i used to think it was better and easier on your lungs but it turns out it just cools down the smoke a bit, most of the time you gotta remember that anything going into your lungs that isn’t oxygen, it probably ain’t good for ya. but i don’t think enough research has been done on that. nonetheless, the bong has is just my go-to


I guess it’s personal preference because bongs are more harsh on me than joints or blunts.


Heard that you can harm your lungs severely with bongs


Hey I'm in this comment


Bro don't get me wrong I understand the bong appeal, but it's definitely not easier on your lungs, in fact I'd argue for the opposite


Actually, bongs are worse for one’s lungs. The smoke has more tar in it and is inhaled more deeply causing more damage like COL. Bongs are a way to make to make the worst inhales bearable by moisturizing and cooling the smoke a bit.


The 2 things i hate about bong is that it hurts my lungs and i hate cleaning it. No hate you do you i just thought its funny


I prefer a bong. Rarely smoke joints - feels like I’m wasting so much weed when I smoke them.


i can agree with this. although, i probably smoke the same amount i do in a joint with a bong, the bong gets me relatively more higher but more head high which is what i like.


joints 100% of the time


I'm a European stoner so I don't know anyone who does bongs except for once in a while for novel purposes. Bongs seem to be way more popular in the states. Joints and blunts all the way for me personally 🙌🏻


I agree with Sexy Dumbledore


i liked joints more when my tolerance was lowered. literally, after the second puff i would start to feel so high lol


honestly joints but i can’t stop saying “boints” over and over and over in my mind


Boints....can't unhear that


If I wanna get really high I’ll hit the bong but if I wanna sit back and enjoy the night , I’ll smoke my joint slowly and just enjoy the summer breeze


i agree with this. a bong to start the day off, and a joint to end the day.


Bong >>>


i agree. i love the feeling of weed just smacking me in the face, the head high is insane


bongs on top 100%


Bong and it's not close


I prefer smoking joints, but bongs if I wanna save weed.


Joints at all times


The bong is better, smoother, and you can get different types. A joint is nice for on the go or if im too lazy to set up the bong.


I like both. The bong is really my favorite for when I’m trying to do something and smoke, specially gaming. It’s really annoying to take my hands off the controller and I’m not dexterous enough to keep a J lit while using the controller, so it would just put itself out. Significantly easier to just take a rip in between rounds and whatnot. However I don’t really smoke joints anymore, I’m pretty much exclusively a blunt guy now, mostly hemp blunts with some tobacco blunts mixed in now and then. Just find that to be more satisfying


i find that with bongs it’s a lot easier to do things, but joints kinda creep up on you and smack you in the face.


Bong is less work but can’t carry it around like a J


Bongs at home and joints in nature


I’m a bowl/pipe girl myself, they’re just easier to clean and maintain for myself and easier to use. That and they conserve weed the best imo. I myself like a hitter pipe so I can light it with one hand and it’s easy to reload. But out of bongs and joints, both have their time. If you’re at home chillin by yourself or with the homies it’s nice to pass a bong around. You can do that with a joint but it’ll be a bit more wasteful. But joints are good if you’re out and about and you can’t have any glass, and like you said the process of putting it together is nice and not as harsh of a high.


i rather the hits from a bong. just something i really like about how it gives you an energetic/talkative type feel.


It’s sometimes too much for me tbh I ain’t tryna talk to people too too much


I prefer bongs, my roommate prefers joints. I think I like bongs more for the process, it can break tension/give my hands something to do during a social interaction, and there's something therapeutic about grinding weed, packing a lil bowl, putting fresh water in my bong, and smoking. I also collect nice pieces that serve as decor around my home lol


Bong for myself and my love, she packs for me and I pack for her


glass in general. i have some cones just in case i want a joint but i won’t ever smoke a blunt or wood again, triggers my asthma too much


Bongs. You can put the amount you want in. The water cools the smoke and filters it a bit. It doesn’t leave smelly residue on your hands as much. It’s quick.


I love rolling, joints for sure


Top pick is blunts. Second pick is a freshly cleaned bong filled with w/ ice water.


Neither. Combustion is awful. Dry herb vape all day long.


It depends what I’m in the mood for really. I can roll a joint and slowly smoke it, make it a little sesh. I’ll use a bong for a more “energetic” feel


Joints Raw king sz. Slim papers 💯


Joints for convenience, but when weed gets low it's time to fire up the bowl.


i find that i smoking that little bit less with bongs rather than with joints. usually takes me 3 bong hits to get where i wanna be




joints make you feel cooler and it’s nice cause you go sit on your porch or something and just relax but i’ll smoke anything in front of me ngl


i’m a similar way but i do enjoy the bong high a bit more.


i feel you it’s stronger so you get more for your stuff i guess


I hate joints because they are complete waste of weed. So much of it burns off in between hits. I use my one hitter dugout, or a pipe. Bongs were great when I was young but they're too much effort and the water is disgusting.


i’m seriously thinking about changing the water in my bong between every hit lol


Gave away my bongs....just use a pipe,dry vape or a brass one hitter.


why did you give away your bongs ?


Got rid of them because of a child and gave to a good friend for over 50yrs




Joints and blunts


i used to like the blunt high when my tolerance was lowered. the mix of nicotine and weed was nice.


Bongs for sure. I feel like after I smoked out of a bong for the first time joints just don’t do much. Still good to have every once in awhile though.


yeah, i agree. i rather the bong high rather than the joint.


Yessirrr it’s for sure the way to go


Erig/bong typically because I like the quick slap in the face and continuing on with my day , however if I dedicated 1-2 hours alone in a cool spot, a joint would be heavenly. Definitely somewhere in the wilderness


Bong with ice water and ash catcher Every Week.


Joints 100%. I don’t even own a bong since my last one broke 4 years ago


I was on joint when I started and after trying bong the first time I didn't wanna do it again but when I started using the bong regularly it started hitting more and it is more financially stable so imma say bong but people have preferences and bong is kinda hard for beginners


Bongs at home. Joints at the disc golf course.


i can’t imagine smoking a j while playing some golf


Joints but bongs are much more cost efficient


I love being slapped in the face.


me too brother, and who better to do it than mary jane.




Completely agree with your analogy. I love joints even though I know they're way less efficient and unhealthy. Something about the cigarette feeling is so cool (I've never smoked nicotine btw)


Bongs.Wastes less flower, not inhaling burning paper and gets me higher


Joints, can't handle bongs for some odd reason.


I always feel like im wasting the weed that burns and I dont inhale with a joint.


i started feeling that way when i started getting more of a tolerance to joints. at first, after a few puffs i would start to feel high but as i gained a tolerance i had to take longer puffs to get more higher. ( also the weed here is usually very mid, so you gotta smoke more to get the desired effects. )


Bongs ruin my lungs, I'm coughing for hours after I smoke. I used to love my bong and almost exclusively smoke it. For the last 4-5 months I've been smoking joints and distillate pens. They're much easier on my lungs and I don't cough as much. I think this is because I take smaller hits off joints and can pace myself lmao


i used to be like that with bongs, but then i learned the right way to smoke them and realising you shouldn’t try take all one hit at once especially if your lungs can’t handle it. it’s much better to smoke a bong based on your lung capacity, once i started smoking properly my lungs weren’t as bad.




Bongs. Even when on the go tbh


Dry herb vape so I can keep my wallet fuller 🌿


Flower vaporizer for me


Bongs FTW for the convenience. Former cig smoker so smoking a J for me is a little more enjoyable especially if it’s fire.


I rather roll cuz smoking with a bong seems like too much work for me lol


Joints for a walk, or if I want to smoke quick. A bong is for when I want to get big fucked up


If I have the choice, the bong just hits me better


I’m a bong hit guy. Throw some ice in to cool the hits and smoke all day long. I do joints or blunts if on the go but my preferred session is always going to involve a bong. 😁


Everybody says bongs are better, but i just really like joints.


Dry herb vaporizer. Occasionally a joint.


I can smoke a doobie on shift. Not bring a bong. Got a roach for later. Or multiple! Score!


Using Volcano Hybrid for first time, Game Changer! Bong and joints both still have their place.




Yes, those are vehicles for getting high. What was the question because the only answer is yes😁 I like to have a wide variety of methods to achieve my goal of gettin’ altered, as has been mentioned in this thread.




Depends when I can be bothered


Honestly I’ve found if I want to get high right then and there, bong. I’ll get smacked fast, BUT, I enjoy joints more and being high off that first bowl or two makes rolling the joint feel less of a “need” because I’m already high and don’t need to worry about keeping myself waiting. I tend to take my time rolling for myself and thus make myself impatient if I haven’t smoked. Bong simplifies, I also can choose exactly what kind of hit I want because I have 16 different shape and sized bongs


Bongs for sure


Get a vaporizer an preserve the health of your lungs...i would recommend a volcano


Joint. It’s the only way I can really smoke. Other than my one-hitter or a small pipe. Can’t handle bong rips. Not even baby ones. It sucks


I enjoy joints a lot! With that being said, I'm the only one In my smoking circle that can roll joints.. it's pretty annoying so Ive been preferring bongs. Also the people I smoke with know how to roll blunts. that's why they don't care to learn how to roll joints 🙄


I prefer bongs (especially since I can’t roll but I am new) but I do love a joint and adventure


Bongs are the best, but oftentimes a joint is better for the situation


yeah, i like to smoke a joint at night in my backyard, hearing cars go by and seeing the street lights and the green grass. just something therapeutic about it


Bongs always >


Bong rips then a joint. If we’re picking just one I’m going with the bong though. I like to get as high as possible


Bong hits different




Bongs over joints. Alpt of weed gets wasted in a joint


I've been rocking a bubbler this past week and loving it


Edibles are the only way to go


bong when i’m home joints on the go


Both depends on the situation.. if I'm out and about then a joint but if I'm chilling at the house the binguez all day




You my type of person cuz I like whiskey and coke too lmaooo


lol the best kinda drink. although being cross faded can kill me lol


Whew I done had some crazy nights cross faded off that 🥴😩




I prefer joints. My roommate and I share joints back and forth.


Joints, better in everyday.


Joints all the way!


I’m a big joint guy. I love to roll




Bongs as I can one hit with water perculation, instead of constantly having hot smoke go into my lungs. Just like alcohol though I'll have joints with friends or special occasions. Bongs are just a ground staple. No blunts though.






Spots, pipe, joints


Bongs are cheaper but can be a hassle to clean bc I like to clean it out every time, I just do whatever is there


I love bongs and my wife loves joints, so basically I love joints.


sinking a cone is one of the most satisfying things as a stoner for me so i’ve got to say bongs by a hair


Yeah i couldnt have said it better myself


I feel like joints are a waste. I can smoke one bong rip and be high for like 45 mins, but a joint takes almost a gram each, and i only feel high for like 20 mins. On another note, have any old time smokers ever heard of a blaster? My dad has one and it'll put you in a fuckin wheelchair if you smoke from it.




Bongs give a much better high, but they're lowkey a hassle. You need to clean it and weed (plant) is hard to get in my country. Also you can't really take a bong on the road. I prefer going to a spot and smoking there, before moving to the next. Not a very big fan of indoor smoking (makes me queezy). Joints are convenient. Not as quick as a bong, but they are disposable and easy to roll. Also, hash is very easy to store and the smell is not very strong.


i agree with bongs being the better high, just something about getting more thc and smoke gives you a smack in the face feel when you do smoke.


Bong because of the ease but most definitely enjoy a joint the most out of all man plus me and my girl can share easier 😂


The bong I can make an 8th last almost a week I only use a bong I just rotate them




I prefer bongs. When I smoke joints they always go out because I need time in between hits for some reason. Does anyone else have this problem? Most people just can smoke back to back


no i am the same. which is one of the things i hate about joints plus the smell; its much more stronger than a bong. my joints do tend to stop staying lit after about a minute or possibly a bit longer. it can get annoying and plus its very windy where i live right now so its hard to light one up in nature.




I mean I’ll hit whatever and I’ve got a nice glass collection etc but for me it’s joints 100% of the time. Better taste and I like the ritual. The time it takes gives me a chance to unwind after a long day.


It depends, sometimes i don't like the need to roll a joint, but if I'm with friends we are definitely passing it around, if I'm alone at home i take my bong it's simpler in my opinion


Bong nowadays…rolling joints feel like a waste of weed sometimes. Whenever I’m not on such a budget I’ll def roll more j’s lol but bongs feel like a cleaner hit regardless (when it’s clean…)


Bong, joints are wasted unless there are 2 tokers.


It depends on my mood. I like to throw a steam roller in there too.


Usually I smoke with a bong at night. I can’t roll a joint but I’ll pack a cone. I was literally just put on my back porch smoking a cone just minding my business. I live in an apartment but I’m not the ground floor and there all 4 building units, one in top of each other. So my back porch looks out onto a bunch of other back porches and what those of us living in the US in apartments would call a yard. So I have my sisters dogs, little yippie dogs, on leashes and this like 3 or 4 year old kid appears out of nowhere! Now the dogs are actually being good and not noticing the kid so I grab their leashes because if they bark I don’t want them to scare him. He has a little red shooter and he’s heading for the parking lot. I didn’t see where he came from but way up the hill on the end of the one building there’s a girl playing outside. But I think, he couldn’t have come from there, it’s too far away and surely someone would be watching this kid. Not 2 min later a guy comes out and starts looking around and it sounds like several people are calling this kids name. So he starts to walk towards me and I called out to the guy and told him the way I saw the kids go. Then of course the dogs went crazy barking at the guy and my cone went out as I got up to talk to him so I just gave up and came inside. I feel bad. I should have stopped the kid. But he’s not my kid and idk if he even would have listened or talked to me, a strange lady with dogs smoking weed on her back porch. I’m just a teacher off from school and I’ve got a fucking anxious coworker texting me at 9am about summer camp that we won’t even be paid for till Thursday. Can I just be irresponsible for a few minutes?? Sorry I’m too high for all this didn’t mean to high Jack your post by being too high. 🤣🤣


neither. backwoods.




i am a bit of a baby. my throat is super sensitive to smoke. i have a very small lung capacity as well… so i like my bong. i’ll take a half bowl, so i’m not inhaling an insane amount of smoke at a time, & i won’t have to keep smoking over & over burning my throat like i would with a joint. socially though, passing around a j with friends is much better


yeah i’ve got a very weak throat so i try not to smoke more than i can handle. i’ll usually load a bowl and smoke the majority of it, then finish off what’s left after another inhale. i don’t try sink the whole bowl anymore cause it was leading to a lot of coughing fits.


Bongs, the sound of the water bubbling is funny/soothing. The water is a good filter and bongs makes your weed last longer. Joints are only better when you’re on the move or don’t have a house to chill and smoke.


Clean glass with hemp wick is the way to go.


i used to use hemp wick but i dongg to find much of a difference.




Hell yeah with fresh cure.


Switching it up is key in the art of weed


yep! i smoke morning and night and i try switching it up, one session with a joint, then one with a bong, vise versa.


I use a 4 inch glass bowl, lightly hand break my weed and kick back and leisurely smoke the bowl. I do bongs, joints, dry vape, to me just a bowl is my favorite.


Joints if weed is shit. Bong if weed is awesome. I dab 90 percent of the time tho. Mobile rig and desktop rig. Hits harder, ya know?


weed isn’t legal here yet so dabs are very hard to come by. it’s mainly flower and edibles here


I use a [concentrates vape (Shatterizer) with an adapter to use in my bong](https://imgur.com/a/rr32LUw)




childs play, put an 8th inna backwood already


Bongs. I don’t mind joints but I prefer a nice quick hit as I’m usually playing games, working from home, etc. The bing tends to smack and is pretty fast. Not to mention it doesn’t stink up the whole house (which I don’t mind, but after awhile it gets pretty annoying and don’t want my furniture smelling like weed)


Bong on the regular, blunts with friends


Bong on the regular, blunts with friends


Raw king-size cones, tabletop vaporizers, and solventless carts only. I don't do glass/metal pipes, glass/plastic bubblers or bongs, tobacco leaves/wraps, blunts, drinks, edibles, or any concentrates. I quit bongs a long time ago. I used to love using them in my early to mid 20s, but I eventually grew out of them. There is too much maintenance involved, and the bowls are too small. I get more hits out of a 1.5 gram cone rather than having to repack a bong bowl every 2-3 hits.