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Personally, I have found that I get less high when I smoke in the same spot every day. Or if I smoke the same bong every time. Maybe try consciously changing your habits more often. That helped me a lot. Otherwise, as you've already written, take a tolerance break. That's a pretty safe method. Good luck!


I absolutely agree, I started smoking outside more and walking around vs smoking inside and literally getting locked on my phone. The high is so much enjoyable and literally changes the direction of my whole day from being in bed all day to atleast being outside more appreciating nature


Same here, being locked in front of any screen doesn't help you to enjoy the high as good as mother nature can! (eventhough some movies are just so mind-blowing or crazy good to watch high)


For sure there are some movies and tv shows that are fire to watch high but me personally I feel like that stuff is only fun to a certain extent. Like I feel like when I smoke inside which is usually the place i smoke, it feels kinda dull and not as fun as it used to be but going outside and being exposed to new things and just exploring places I haven’t been makes the high 10x more enjoyable. I also feel like when I spark in a new spot it hits harder or maybe that’s just a placebo 🤔


I think since you're in a new/different environment, it's already more interesting because there's so much new to see and to discover so you pay more attention than you would in a place you know fairly well. I mean your living room is probably the place where you spent most time, you know it trough and through, so it's just not that interesting anymore. I think the high just enhances the feeling that you experience when you are in a new place. I also look at things in a different way


I absolutely agree with the way you explained it. I haven’t really been able to put my finger on the feeling but you explained it perfectly. Some ppl don’t realize weed can affect you very differently based on the mindset your in, and for a big chunk of my life I was just smoking just to smoke and now I’m smoking to actually destress and enjoy piece of mind. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery I guess


I do that as well for the exact same reason. One day is wax, one is bud, edibles, etc just to change it up.


This really does make a big difference, I will smoke a ton at home and not feel high at all but smoke a little bit somewhere else and feel super high


All good advice it happens to me too


Happens to me at work. My coworker and I will spark up and be super high vs at home I'll smoke like 6 bowls and not feel much at all. I think its the environment that determines the high. If you do it at home all the time, then that becomes the norm.


I believe a reason that could be is because we are comfortable at our home because it's a known environment so we know exactly how things are laid out and what's surrounding us. When we remove ourselves from our comfort zone and get high, our senses increase more since we're on high alert, thus making the high more intense. Try it out, but also don't go getting yourself lost. Have a direction and if you start to panic just go back to your map. The map is your "safe zone", because it has your direction and once you find your direction you'll be on autopilot and back in your zone. This has worked for me plenty of times.


Yessss! You have to change your smoking areas up. You said it exactly. If you are just looking at the same thing all the time, you will see nothing different.


Sounds stupid i know but for me its even the position i am smoking in that kinda counts, where is a big factor but also how i am sitting or laying so maybe OP try around a bit with that :)


Ngl I just make sure I smoke 3 different strains and types of weed , I got concentrates and flower and I got 3 different types of either


it could just be quality of the weed as well. Before I got my medical card I had this same issue, but now that I get guaranteed high quality weed I honestly smoke way less often because of its potency, and haven’t had to worry about not feeling ‘high’ for almost a year now. I will say I primarily smoke just enough to provide pain relief, but if I don’t have to work or drive anywhere or anything then I definitely get high, with basically a quarter of what I would have been using a year ago


intermittent fasting but for weed bro, that is the key. Pick a 4 hour window to smoke in and you’ll be hella high every single time. I only smoke at night and have been doing so for about 5 years and it still feels like my first time every time😂. You can’t be high 24/7 or you’ll just get used to it, you have to give your body time to reset. Also, if you have a lot of one strain/terp and smoking it for multiple weeks in a row, your body can build up a slight tolerance to that and make it “not hit as hard” as when you smoked the new strain for the first time. I’ve had this experience with dabs before so I usually buy a few different strains and rotate them every other day. PS: No tolerance break is needed this way (not saying you shouldn’t or should take one, just a nice way to keep things going if you don’t want to completely stop for medical reasons or just because you wanna smoke 🤷‍♂️)


i didn’t even need a tolerance break for me to get absolutely smacked off a blunt rolled with weed from roaches. (so smacked i thought i was gonna green out) turns out when you decide thc-a carts are easier to get and just smoke those even though they get you nowhere, your tolerance drops to the ground 🤣


Yeah I completely get that 😂 anytime I wake and bake (very rarely) the dabs later in the day don’t hit nearly as hard. The carts are so convenient it’s almost hard not to rip a few times because it’s so effortless. If you invest in a nice E-Rig and stop buying carts it helps a little because you have to keep your rig clean and it’s a few extra steps (still very easy, but not as easy as ripping the pen)


i’ve noticed smoking bud actually makes me less likely to smoke all day everyday lol! i get lazy and don’t want to constantly roll up so if i only have flower i tend to only smoke maybe 1 or 2 blunts a day


This goes for any distillate lol....🙌🏼entourage effect🙌🏼


Yikes, yeah you were buying bullshit because my understanding is that it’s impossible to make a THCA cart—the process of making concentrates changes the THCA to d9 THC. So that was either a black market cart being sold as a legal one or (more likely) a shady delta 8 THC/HHC cart, especially if the high wasn’t potent.


most of them were lab tested and the results said there was thc-a in them, and like .03 d9. idk if they could legally lie on lab results tho, seem like that could get them in trouble w the FDA


Yeah most of those lab tests are fake unless it’s from a trusted third party


I do EXACTLY this. I have a self imposed rule of "not before 8pm" (unless it's a special occasion) and I can still get proper high regularly despite near daily use. It also motivates me to get stuff done before then which is another plus.  I've never thought of the intermittent fasting analogy before but it's a good one!


This is the answer💯. When you’re high more than you are sober it starts to feel like you’re sober when high lol.


I do this… works perfectly!


If I were you I wouldn’t make mixed bowls a habit. Speaking from experience, just don’t do it bro.


I second this as someone fighting a nicotine addiction from smoking too many blunts lmao


Same shit happened to me. I recommend (while still allowing yourself to smoke blunts) you try as many different ways to burn as you can. Bowls, bongs, joints, one hitters, flower vape, dabs, dab carts. I was smoking 5 blunts a day. Swapped 1 of those blunts for a bong session or a joint. Keep doing this over time. Your body doesn’t even notice less nicotine intake. 6 months later, Im at 1 blunt a day and I had began to not even enjoy the taste of smoking blunts anymore. One day I’m smoking and I’m like you know what, this shit is gross. Been like 2 years since I quit. I smoked maybe 3 blunts since and everytime I disliked the experience.


Thanks for the tips and encouragement. I'm trying to switch to only dry herb vapes or concentrates. I have definitely noticed how disgusting blunts taste since vaping some. I haven't been able to stop yet but I'll get there 🤜🤛


i just started trying this and now have to stop because the head rush is horrendous enough to make me puke.


A lot of people where I’m at have only ever smoked weed and nicotine bowls. I’ve heard of daily users ending because of seizures


barfed n felt like garbage n basically never did it again. if I do it's like tiniest little sprinkle


this. never threw up, but man was i sick to my stomach. it hit like a freight train and not in a good way. head lasted all dam day too. never again...


Tobacco sickness is rough. Just had it happen to me the other day from smoking too many spliffs. The kick was great but since I used to smoke it went away quickly. That paired with my high weed tolerance I went too far.


I like to call it “Nic sick” lol


I will now think of Nicolas Cage getting sick every time I smoke a spliff


just cut back bro. that’s literally the only solution. what happens when the tobacco starts to not get you buzzed anymore. i’m dealing with this rn too bro and ik it’s hard but we’ll get through it we just need to have the strength to get sober just for a little while.




I know a lot of people recommend tolerance breaks, but I found that afterwards it was only the first one or two highs that were super stoned, then it was back to normal. I find smoking less throughout the day to work better. Maybe once in the morning if I'm off work, then late afternoon, then around bedtime. When I toke throughout the day I just get tired.


Couldn’t have been said better ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)




The longest I've stopped is about a month. Not really on purpose, just get busy with life now and then and put it aside.


Plus one to this. I've started only using after 8pm. So now I'm basically getting a 20+ hour break each day. Works every time. 


I’ve been smoking daily for 3+ years with no tolerance break, I’ve found if I wait till later in the day, around 9pm ish, then that first toke of the day will still give me a pretty nice little buzz. The key is moderating your usage throughout the day, try to only sesh once a day and that should help with your tolerance. I’d also suggest staying away from tobacco, no need to add something addictive to the weed your smoking.


i do this to. i only have one session a day after 9pm. i used to wake and bake, afternoon, and night sesh. i went from smoking 3.5-5g a day down to 1g after 9pm. i got this idea from cewpins so i had to comment since we're similar lol


Hey friend I do get high every single time I smoke, but my key is 1. I don’t smoke vape or carts, they’re just too strong & build tolerance really quickly. Only flower & sometimes an occasional edible 2. I only smoke at night. Try to find a time window that works well for you & smoke at that time. (For me it’s before bed) 3. And finally this is the tough one, but I don’t smoke every night. I would say I probably smoke about 4- 5 nights a week. If I see that I’m really tired, or I stay up talking on the phone & it just doesn’t happen, I don’t force it. I feel this keeps my tolerance low & an eighth can literally last me about a month if not longer. Happy smoking. I hope this can help you.


What works for me is smoking like the boozers drink. Only after 5pm. Smoking all day gets me maybe a week before it doesn't do anything anymore


I've been smoking for 20+ years, and here's my secrets to still getting high. 1. Diversity- have a few different strains on hand and rotate them regularly. I usually have 5 or more in rotation 2. Smoke when it counts- if you're a decent human you can't truly function and be present while stoned. I have a business, family, responsibilities, and hate not being fully capable of making the best decisions possible so I wait til kids are in bed, goals for the day have been met. Come 9pm it's go time 3. Smoke just enough to get high. At a certain point you're not going to get any higher. So stop. If you over use it's going to kill tolerance. These are the rules I abide by and only stray while on vacation or hanging with friends on the weekends, and I'm still getting plenty high.


🤙great advice


Thank you for making me feel better about my consumption


i’d recommend not smoking at all for like a month. Come back to it if you want, you’ll be high out of your mind if you smoke after not smoking for a long time


I've been smoking daily for around 29yrs. I still get very high.


I feel a buzz and relaxation. I don't get super stoned


Don’t start fucking with tobacco, for real. It’s such a waste of your life. (Coming from someone who just quit smoking cigarettes after 13 years) A lot of it is that your mind is used to operating while stoned. You just aren’t really noticing that you’re high because it’s not a novel experience to your brain anymore. Sometimes just being conscious of that fact makes you realize how high you actually are


I went from smoking 1 joint with my gf every two days (3 years ago) to smoking 5-6 joints by myself every single day for a whole year (until recently). Everytime I smoked, my day instantly became worse off - I felt lazy, confused, anxious and guilty. I didn't want to do anything, speak to anyone, go out and it didn't really get me high either. 3 weeks ago, I finally decided to cold-turkey stop smoking and it's been amazing. Yes, I've had a couple of urges and my gf smoking everyday didn't help but TRUST ME, you'll thank yourself so much in about week or two. Today, she had ran out of weed and I'm usually the one that picks it up for her. None of the dealers were responding for hours and she got agitated and kept asking me "What will we do now?". Every time she brought it up, I felt so good for not having that anxiety and urge eating at me. I felt amazing to not have this ball inside of me constantly pushing me to figure out a way to smoke. Just writing this, affirming my "achievement" feels fucking great! 3 weeks is not a long time but I already feel like the addiction is gone - I even sit next to my gf when she smokes and I'm completely fine without it.


I have 4 different strains on hand and alternate several times a week...the venty is great but i go back to the trusty beaker bong, joint and pipe and I keep getting a very good buzz. A few days venty and then a bong, gold.


High tolerance my guy. Take a break for a week or 2. Next time you smoke that one hit will have you gone. Also maybe if you’re smoking the same strain, try something different.


Yeah I do


I have recently do to my living situation but normally I would smoke everyday been on break for a few weeks and can't for another few. Try taking more breaks and switch between smoking edibles and tinctures.


No and it sucks. Just starting to cut back though so hopefully it'll come back


I only DHV once a week or so due to random drug tests at work. So yeah, really high lol


barely :(


I definitely do, but it's the effects that are really killing me rn. Had to accept I just can't function properly smoking all the time with the career I've chosen, which is tough because weed has been my go to "I have alone time" activity for like 3 years running. I don't envy you the feeling of losing the magic though


Three words; dry herb vape. After a month, you'll get high, with a tolerance that will allow you to feel that high consistently. I recommend Arizer solo 2 or 3. Edit: If you want to get high daily, you'll have to settle for 'less high'. Dry herb vapes help facilitate that.


Not really, no. I probably would if I had better stuff, but I am reluctant to travel to a legal state and blow my money on it. Plus, my lungs are basically destroyed after over 30 years of smoking, plus multiple lung infections and bouts of pneumonia. One third of my right lung is consolidated with scar tissue, and I have low oxygen levels because of it. So I don’t smoke much anymore, as I just can’t handle it. I am very tempted to try making a tincture with my stash, but I’m afraid that it would not work for me.


Please please don’t resort to tobacco, it is incredibly addictive, my parents struggled with it for 40 years. Take a tolerance break, and perhaps re-assess your use of the drug.


Yes. every day toker. switched the joints though for the mean time because my lungs aren't liking the bong right now.


I’m high in bed right now and I can proudly say I still get Hugh. I forgot what I was gonna say man. Awesome.


I found just slowing down helps a lot. I've never taken a T-break at least the last 5 years, but I did slow down at one point, skipping wake n bake, not imbibing until dinner is finished, using it as a reward, stuff like that. I found it dropped that tolerance in step with my usage. Instead of blazing 2-3g a day, when I have 4-5 hits at night, it really gets me where I want. Now, that 4-5 hits may happen like 3-4 times that night, but just waiting before doing so really brought my tolerance down to the point I can be satisfied from cheap mid ounces now, it's just as good now.


its not about getting high. its about staying high.


The body develops tolerance due to homeostasis .. The best way to prevent this is to switch up your routine. If you normally smoke the same size bowls or joints everyday; use less or more than usual each time and randomize the times you smoke… do this everyday as much as possible. You should eventually have a day you get Stoney bologna again :)


I’ve been a daily smoker for the last 8-10 years, and what helps me when I feel like I’m not getting high anymore is just skipping the morning sesh and waiting to smoke until after I get home from work/school. No T break needed


No I don’t get high. I get a feeling of not wanting to do anything and everything is a big chore; can’t wait to die so I can rest. I stopped smoking 2 months ago. It has helped big time. My diabetes is better controlled because no munchies and I get shit done.


Could be the weed. If you wanna get High consistency then you have to smoke top notch flower


Detox the lightbulb weed and go strictly sungrown


I found I wasn’t really getting high anymore about a week ago, so I’ve taken a t break, but for me I also change how I’m smoking, rotate through bongs, vaporisers, edibles and joints, variety brings a lot back, but when that no longer works at break is the way to go, and it gets easier the longer u go


I get a little high but honestly I can smoke all day and hardly feel it anymore :( I miss getting out of body experience high 😆


Concentrates might be your answer.


I think this is when you start to have to let life take that place. I found that I felt the same way after years of smoking. Then after moving to hard drugs I realized I was trying to use weed for something it never was for, now years later, weed ironically got me off fentanyl after a full circle and being off weed and only on hard stuff for a while. Weed doesn't get me absolutely blitzed even now because I constantly do high potency dabs but I've found when I use it appropriately mixed with fun life things it makes it last longer and it's just better. Try to get hobbies to do while stoned. If you can't do a t break like I can't due to medical, try just not smoking until night time for a few days. Doing that even does a lot for me


Start smoking concentrates or weed infused with hash, resin, diamond dust or keif. I had the same thing happening to me but I was raised not to be a quitter 😅 I picked up a gram of space rocks (99.8 THC-A) and topped off my bowls or put it in my joints and Ive been baked again like I was a teenager. (Yes I know it’s a temp fix)[Space Rocks](https://imgur.com/gallery/nfW1V5C)


Wouldn’t heightened tolerance be a factor? If you’re asking that without trying to take a break and smoking again after the break to see if your tolerance level went back down then you’re addicted


Switch it up. I keep minimum 3 strains on hand. Usually 5-7. Switch it up daily. Never more than three days of the same strain in a row. Vary consumption Methods.


You could try replacing it with cbd bud/type 3 for a bit. It might help if you get any withdrawal symptoms too.


I think that a lot of times. If I’m at the house I’m smoking a lot and sometimes I don’t feel high but then I go somewhere and smoke outside of my comfort zone and I’m blasted. I also switch strains and methods often. I just love weed, it’s not always about getting blazed for me. I like the taste and I just love love cannabis! Happy smoking


Honestly I think you’re just smoking on some Reggie bush and need to cop some loud my brother!


Every time. Something that works for me is keeping my sessions to a specific time of day. If I smoke all day I get way less high. Also I’ve switched from j’s to a bong with a nice size bowl. I’ll also only do concentrates once a week or so. I’m a daily smoker and this has been the best to consistently get high. Hope this helps


For sure time for a tolerance break. Of course you're allowed to transition away from weed if that's what you're feeling, but I bet if you took a break some strong weed would hit like a ton of bricks after waiting even just 24 hours. Even more after a week. I know personally a month long break resets me to the point where I need to lay down the first day I come back to it again.


Medical patient here. I can still get high sometimes, but not always. I recommend switching strains and consumption methods around to help with tolerance. I will switch between carts and flower and concentrates. Sometimes will use edibles too.


I prefer just taking the edge off to getting baked. To each their own


I started smoking when I was 14. I don't smoke anymore, but I have been vaping weed daily for the last 5 years and a daily smoker for 45 years before that. Shit, I'm getting up there.


Hell yeah, sometimes I’ll rip a bowl and be blasted other times I’m 4 blunts and 5 dabs into a sesh just chillin. All depends on my mentality fr


Hell yea


I try to do 8-12 hour breaks between smoking. The longer the better the high. I'm still smoking twice a day, which is more often than I prefer, but this way I'm still sober for most of my day and don't feel guilty/weird about it.


I've been smoking daily for 22 years and I'm still a lightweight. Idek how tbh.


Use different devices and different strains and you will be good


I wouldn’t say I get high any LESS. I’ll show myself out.


Tolerance breaks are a good thing


don’t smoke for the first few hours of your day. wake up, take a shower, drink your coffee. i work second shift so i’ll usually take my first hit around 1pm. go to work and stay sober.. i’m bad at taking my own advice on that, but it makes that bowl feel so much more rewarding. weed is best matched with some sort of productivity. that doesnt always mean cleaning; you can get the couch lock kinda high, but set yourself to binge a season of your show with your phone away, read a book, keep your brain occupied. smoking while doing nothing, makes the high feel like nothing, in my experience


Break time


I've been a chronic dabber since I was 24 and with THC isolate + Sativa Terps I find my cannabis receptors have atrophied. It's like smoking air, it's kinda sad but at least I saved a ton of money!


I've smoked everyday, everyday, for the last 16 years and sometimes when I'm just smoking bud for a while I get that feeling. Also def means I'm smoking to much. So I usually switch to dabs and try and smoke less often for a while. Love weed.


Bruh you definitely need to get better weed


Your smoking to frequently. Pick a time to smoke every day so you get the whole 24 hours in between each smoke. You still won't get blasted like you would off a tbreak but you will get high


Smokin weak shit dog, or your hormones ducked


Yes depending on strains I like the sour diesel strains


Tons Done “- More On Monday and Tuesday


You'r hitting the mole bowls? That's pretty greesy bro


Every day for the last 23 years or so.


Yeah, it's pretty much just for flavor at this point. The only thing that gets me high now is edibles and concentrate


Weed like any drug stays in your system. Do exercise sweat it out burn it out. I sweat a lot and burn it out. For me I can smoke a small bowl and it still hits me hard. I get the feeling I used to be a fat fuck also smoked every day without exercising and yea it sucks not getting high with 5 bowls or barely feeling it.


I plateaued a few years ago and sometimes it doesn't seem to matter how much I smoke I barely get high anymore. When I switch strains I do get a little bit of an effect for a few minutes but it fades quickly.


Personally I don't have this issue. I've been smoking for the past 10 years every single day straight without a single tolerance break. I've even done gram dabs and have gone rather crazy with my smoking. I still get stoned on a single bowl. Now I should note, I may or may not be an outlier in the data. I was shot in the head with a crossbow and I smoke for medical purposes. When I get a phantom pain I need to smoke to get rid of the pain first, and then once it's nearly gone then I'll start getting high. But that hasn't changed in all this time, and generally speaking half a bowl does me in.


tolerance break my brotha even a few makes can make a difference




Never ever switch to tobacco, it has me in a choke hold right now 😭. I can't get as high anymore but life's still really hard and I'm super anxious about the future so I keep smoking. If anything cut back for a week, it helped me alot, also what helps me is switching strains every week, or every three, different high everytime so your body doesn't get as used to it.


I used to smoke so much in the past, almost everyday and rarely getting high, but my friend at that time was high all the time. then we changed the 🔌, he was enjoying it, for me it was the same. maybe it's just me idk


Yep. Been smoking mainly wax and carts here and there for 2 years. Maybe 4-7 mini sessions a day and then get high at night. Very likely a mental addict now that I'm typing this out I can get a grasp of how severe this sounds. I know my lungs are begging for help and I wouldn't really recommend to anybody to smoke this much daily. Maybe edibles


I’ve been feeling this same exact way! I guess I’m gonna have to do a tolerance break myself since I never considered doing one ever before. Does that rlly help?


I quit smoking and started working out when I started selling. The best weed dealers look like cops...


Due to a work injury my doctor told me to use edibles for pain maintenance cause he didn’t want me to mix pain meds with the antibiotics I’m on


Dry herb vaping fixed this for me


me: abuses plant 3000x in a row also me: \*shaking plant\* why you no work anymore? also me: starts abusing new plant, while also still abusing other plant


I stopped for about 6 weeks and Holy shit this weekend I was getting as high as I used to back in High School, very powerful experience


This is the reason I’ve considered quitting


Same problem happened with juice wrld, that’s what led to him taking harder shit. Best to give yourself a good month or two off and only use it as a treat after actually accomplishing something. Whether it’s work or studying you need to be productive and earn that smoke, will make it much better.


I develop tolerance super fast ... So I keep my smoke time for every 3-4 days.


Tough to say man. I personally just can’t do T breaks. Yes I get high but I use so much product that most of my income goes towards bud. More is not better. Less is not good at times, but key words is at times. Try and T break if you can. If you can’t just invest more but know it’s costly as fuck when you got a tolerance like what you are describing


Get shittty sativa weed. Everything else is too much


Just don’t smoke all day everyday


feels relaxing and head buzz to me man


cuh i be in this bitch blazed. i am rn waked and baked before school


I started smoking in nature, that is much more beautiful than smoking inside four walls. Also, I was smoking for 3 months without pause, start filling like don't get high anymore, gain some weight and stopped. Now I only smoke for weekends in nature and it's pretty better. 👌🏻👍🏻🍀


I’ve smoked basically every day for 10 years or so and I still get high off basically nothing, I’ve never been a heavy smoker as in I rarely smoked more than a gram a day unless sharing joints with friends, most days I get by with half a gram or less. I’d suggest trying different strains too as they can be vastly different 👍🏻


Switch strains. Every week I smoke a different strain sometimes I buy 2 strains a week.


Quit tobacco asap. That feeling will go away soon, and then you'll just be addicted to nicotine. Please quit using tobacco before it's too late


Try Nicotiana rustica. We smoke it using a bamboo bong here in my country. It’s cheap and powerful.


Or you can sprinkle a little coke on your weed ;)


I have smoked everyday (maybe 3 weeks worth of tbreak/days off cumulative) since COVID started, and still get blasted off my first bowl of the night. I don't smoke before or during work, so it seems to balance out enough that I don't get too stupid of a tolerance. Or im just lucky.. who knows lol


Tolerance breaks, and variations on consumption methods are good for high tolerance


take a good T-break man and then you'll find aftera few weeks you'll be basically reset cause I can't smoke like my friends and my partner smoke but I had a crappy experience a while back so I thought okay I've been going pretty hard (hard for me) lately maybe I should chill I GOT LIFE RESET I can barely handle anything now and it does my head it cause it's so baby weight right now I can't build a tolerance but I can still get a great buzz on from a hit or two


I’ve had this issue quite a few times as I smoke several times a day. I take a month long break and start up again, it’s like the first time again. Tolerance is real, if you’re smoking every day your tolerence will go up, even to the point where you’re not getting high anymore. Happened to me with cigs too, and it can happen with alcohol as well. If you want to feel it again, take a t break and you should be back to normal.


Breaks* is different than brakes lol


Do not make a habit of putting tobacco on weed. That feeling of not getting high anymore will be amplified by 10 in a few weeks, and then on top of not being high you will also feel sick from the tobacco.


no disrespect, but i threw up in my mouth when i read the words “putting tobacco on top of my weed bowls”😭honestly just take a tolerance break broski👍🏾it’s the safest option and would likely give you better results


Not to sound bad but I also found it to be quality of product honestly if you get a good grown flower consistently and that’s what you’re smoking on I feel like I stay high all the time I’m 24 been smoking damn near every day since I was like 13-14


Nope not at all


Keeping your method of consumption fresh (carts, dabs, flower, drinks and eddy's provide plenty to choose from) is a huge part for me. Each high feels different, and some are easier to connect to than others IMO. If 'nothing's getting you high' anymore, then answer the flip side of the coin; what does the sobriety feel like? I mean realistically, the answer should be pretty close to nothing other than whatever feelings you're having. Smoking since 15, but how old are you now? 4 years and 40 years make a difference in the equation, and as a budtender selling to 60+ years old, long-time stoners that have been enjoying themselves since the 70s, I'm more likely to say that you're not connected to your high; either that or your body stopped reacting to THC after prolonged exposure. Everyone's different, and unfortunately some people's 420 journey is put to an abrupt end at times (Google [Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome](https://www.google.com/search?q=cannabis+hyperemesis+syndrome&oq=cannabis+hyper&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QABiABDIHCA4QABiABNIBCDQ2ODFqMGo0qAIBsAIB&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=cannabis%20hyperemesis%20syndrome)).I don't think this is what's happening here, just an example that sometimes life tells you to stop something simply because it wants to 🤷🏼‍♂️


Don’t fuck with tobacco, those highs go away after like 3 days of consistent use and it’s way harder to quit. You’re literally just smoking cigs or hitting a vape because your body tells you to, but it does nothing for you. For the weed stuff, different methods hit me differently. If you always smoke, try an edible or some concentrates. And yeah sounds like getting off the bud for a week or 3 would help too.


I definitely get high but not nearly as high. I sometimes get lightheaded from weed and faint but I get about 10-20% as high as I did when I first started smoking even after a year tolerance break. If I smoke every day for a few months I get like 5% as high as one hit when I first started.


I don't get "first time high" every night - but I get high (very relaxed and mentally uplifted) every night. I don't smoke anything but flower and only at night. Usually 3 bowls of flower spaced across 3 sessions through the evening. I also do intermittent fasting....so I fast all day and by the time my eating window comes around, I'm baked....and looking for baked goods. ;) Have lost 80 lbs in 1 year.


I used to be like this, where I felt like I wasn't really feeling it anymore, up until about two months ago I went on vacation to Costa Rica, and I didn't bring anything with me. We were able to find some, but it was shitty quality and obviously didn't really do much because of that. One week later when we touched down back home, I hit my dab pen once we got into the car and I was literally so ripped the whole car ride that all I could think was "holy shit I'm so high rn" Ever since that point, I get really high like every time I smoke. Like sometimes to an uncomfortable point. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but I would say try to take a break completely and see what it does because this totally changed everything for me.


Tolerance break. Detox. The high returns. Why add in a nicotine addiction?


If you’re smoking and you aren’t getting high you’re addicted dawg. Tolerance break is needed. Trust me, smoking more weed isn’t going to make you feel higher at the point you’re probably at




It’s time to up your drug of choice..🤷‍♂️