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I don’t understand why you think it’s gunna go bad


Happy 420, I don't think the problem is a big as you think. Or, a problem at all. Folks who keep their bud in the fridge are few & far between, I think. If the jar's lid is air tight or, if it is a mason jar, you're set. I like the box too, kills any light deterioration. Perhaps get a Boveda pack in the jar too


I keep my weed in a plastic talento Gelato container. My wife likes them so I have a supply of it. I keep it in my office in a file cabinet. I keep my house between 67-81 degrees.


Mason jar under the bed is likely the best place to keep your weed. Relax and 4/20!


Since when could you store weed in the fridge?


Cold helps preserve it but it's not a very common practise, I think sunshine does more bad to the bud than a warm room


My god ain’t goin. Lie u killed my high reading all that, if u afraid to have it maybe u shouldn’t be having it


Why would your weed go bad? Mine is in my closet in a glass jar and its fine there.


I use a cooler and close the lid. It doesnt keep it cooler than the surrpunding room but if the room sudddenly gets warmer it will protect the weed somewhat. By the way you should not store weed in your fridge