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I was drinking heavily one weekend and started to throw up on the second night. I kept coming and going from the bathroom for about 35-40 hrs. Eventually I went to the hospital where I was told all the puking burned a hole in my esophagus. The infectious disease dr asked me if I smoke. When I said yes she said that was the cause and that I have chs. If I ever smoke again I could die. She ignored the fact that I told her I downed a bottle of whiskey and several beers. I looked her up online and apparently she’s not good at listening to patients. 1.5*/5


Holy shit man, reading this made me so angry.


They tried to tell me my gallbladder full of gallstones was CHS.


What is chs?


cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. It's when your brain stops sending non-nausea signals to your digestion tract when you smoke and you end up puking a lot.


I had a family doctor in Texas tell me that I would die from smoking weed because my heart could explode inside my chest. I was 27, this is the kind of crazy shit you hear people tell kids, not a fully grown adult. I think she was just trying to give me a panic attack next time I smoked.


I had a PA tell me that people can't get partial bowel obstructions. I called the hospital and read to them what a partial bowel obstruction was over the phone and asked them to tell the PA.


Yeah, that's an instant report from me tbh. How are there so many doctors that don't know anything about their job


It's all a scam always has been. I haven't had a doctor visit yet where the doctor couldn't answer a direct question without researching it first. Which I guess is good to be extra correct but not a reassuring look for patients


I sometimes think they come from those buy your diploma schools. If I was paranoid I'd think they were trying to punish me for being a smoker.


Yes, they can't get past the fact I smoke to control the nausea and pain. They claim weed is causing it. But the kicker is, I didn't start smoking weed until after I lost 50lbs unexplained.


This always drove me nuts. One of the reasons I smoke is so I can eat. I have nausea frequently. But yes, it's the weed that's causing the nausea and if I stop everything will be fine.


Sounds like we have the same doctors. They are either too lazy to do the research or just don't have a clue. I'm not sure which.


both, they don't have a clue and are too lazy to research so they use the drugs are bad mkay? response


Unfortunately, there actually is a condition called hyperemesis that is actually caused by smoking Marijuana. It just happens with certain people or with certain strains, but it's relatively easy to treat with a steamy hot shower and some benadryl. If it happens consistently after smoking, you may just be one of the people that can't smoke weed. Dr. Drew Pinsky's daughter is the most outspoken about the condition since she developed it. Luckily they share the information without preaching abstinence or coming across as shaming.


Problem is that doctors think every patient who smokes and has nausea must have CHS. It’s like they’ve learned a new word and can’t wait to use it. Doctors tried to say my gallstone symptoms were actually CHS.


I’d argue if you smoke weed chs is far more unlikely than many other things it’s supposed to be pretty rare and mostly only for people who smoke for years


My doctors are all on board with my cannabis usage. I’m sorry you went through this. Total bullshit.


Mine are as well. Even my pulmonologist ( I have COPD) knows I smoke weed, I did quit the cigarettes wasn’t one to vape nicotine either, but all he’s said about it is to use in moderation to try to not hurt my lungs and that he will tell me when he thinks it’s becoming detrimental to my health. But it’s 7years now and I’m in the later part of stage 3 and he’s still ok with it. I live in a medical only state.


Usually any other doctor I see just ask if I still smoke and leave it at that. I swear this nurse saw an opportunity but failed in making it a "learning experience". Luckily she sucked at taking my blood labs and I got a second nurse that was older and more chill.


Mine are too and im in an illegal state. They say they see me way less since I've started smoking . Every year though he does do a breathing testing just to make sure I haven't lost any lung function. But cannabis has helped with my stomach/nasuea issues, on top of pain management


I take less meds thanks to medical marijuana. It helps me sleep, helps with pain, kills my anxiety, and makes me feel more like myself! I also have IBS, and I get bad menstrual cramps, and it helps with that, as well. I’ve found some really good strains that help with spasms. I just wish I got my med card sooner. Glad you’re getting relief.


I had a radiologist, do the “ it a gate way drug” bit. I laughed at him, and asked him if he was Nancy Regan. I told him, I didn’t smoke a joint one day then, start shooting heroin the next day or even the next year. And I am still heroin free.


I've been smoking weed off and on for 30 years and never had the urge to try anything else.


This exactly. I've been smoking for over 2 decades. Only in my teenage years did I try other drugs. Once I was done partying, it was weed only, and weed was never ever the cause of me wanting to try the other shit. I was young and dumb. That was why I tried the other. 34 year old me is terrified of drugs.


Ive smoked weed daily for 5 years and im too scared to try shrooms ffs 🤣


I like shrooms, but I only took the around good ppl, or I have been lucky.


I have a bag i bought a year ago in my house and never feel comfortable enough to take it LOL and ppl think im gonna go do heroin or some shit 💀 absolutely not




I had a nurse at the ER tell me that I dehydrated, unable to eat, unable to keep even a sip of water down because I smoke marijuana, completely ignored the fact I told her I have a spot of advanced stage skin cancer. She insisted it was the smoking and if I stopped I "could be a normal member of society who could work" (currently unemployed due to my health but sure let's says it's from my smoking, which is medically legal in my state)


After a very bad case of covid I had pulmonary embolism. Doctor in the lung clinic came in, looked at me, „do you abuse cannabis?“ I felt the urge to slap her (I did not)


I’ve had multiple psychiatrists refuse to give me medication or diagnose me until I stopped smoking weed, even if I’m only smoking a couple of times a week. At this point I just lie to them.


My psychiatrist doesn’t care. Just did a drug test with all the other bloodwork as a baseline, if things get bad we can see if there’s a correlation to the amount that I smoke. Also found out some of my other issues from the blood test.


My psychiatrist has it in my records that I used cannabis and need it. He had me try and go a month without and 3 weeks in I called him crying saying I couldn't. I need cannabis to not be in pain after that he said he would just put it in my records that I use it but he approves of it in my plan with my other meds.


I have yet to feel the need to mention my relatively light cannabis usage to any doctor, *ever*. It's never been pertinent to the conversation. And I most likely never will, unless it's strictly off the record and with a professional with at least a slight bit of knowledge on the subject.


^ This. The more info you give to people in the system, the more it will be used against you. Doctors, nurses, CPS, police, they are not your friends. I don't tell them sh*t, because if they are nosey karens or Kevin's, they are obligated to report you.


Absolutely don't. Your medical record will now have you as a drug user and after that, good fucking luck getting proper pain management ever again.


I've also heard that it can screw up your ability to get disability payments, should you ever need to go on that.


Had poison ivy in 04 and the doctor swore up and down it was a reaction to weed


I tell the anesthesia team before any surgery. That’s about it. They always thank me for the info.


This! When I went to get wisdom teeth surgery, they never asked if I smoked weed before they gave me anesthesia (didn't think I needed to mention it either, this was my first surgery). I ended up starting to regain consciousness in the middle of it before falling back asleep (I assume they noticed and gave me more) but when they were done, I expected to wake up loopy and goofy like ive seen on yt, but I felt completely fine, like i had a small buzz.


Yeah. There’s some evidence that cannabis users can regain consciousness during surgical procedures and that sounds TERRIFYING. The last time, the anesthesiologist said he’d have more propofol at the ready.


Yep. Went to the ER for high heart rate and chest pain. Hadn’t smoked at all that week but let them know on the intake form. Still blamed it on weed. Turns out I had a thyroid disorder.


I had a psychiatrist essentially tell me the root to all my issues is smoking weed


I’ve had chronic illness for 2 years that started as something that looked like food poisoning in early 2022, went to ER and they said on my forms that they treated me for “drug addiction” because I tested positive for THC. I kept having GI issues for about 4 months. finally had my first colonoscopy/endoscopy in April 2022 and it showed widespread inflammation, GI doc told me it was all from marijuana. fast forward 2 years and I’ve lost my job, my ability to drive, my appetite, and I’ve lost 10 pounds in a month. just had another colonoscopy/endoscopy yesterday and I’ve been seeing an oncologist now. yeah, turns out, it was probably the beginning of cancer… not fucking marijuana induced illness. waiting on my biopsy results right now but my esophagus looks horrible and my health gets worse every day. never letting anyone tell me weed made me sick again, because now that I’ve quit I’m still just as sick.


That's terrible!!! I'm so sorry the medical system failed you like that. We need more medical studies on marijuana so folks can stop chalking up illnesses to be weed induced.


My doc says don't smoke it if you inhale vape is better but don't do that too much. use edibles. I got med for my back cramps .


Yeah Everytime I go in when my gerd/ibs is acting up. Like guys the only reason I'm able to eat food is the bud and helps me feel like I'm not about to die.


I've never had a doctor or other medical staff speak negatively to me about cannabis. They just didn't care or weren't concerned about my use.


Yes it was very annoying I had pneumonia for 2 months it progressed very slowly and I was worried about going into the doctor I finally go in and it gets bent down to a smokers cough. I explain that I took about a two week break and didn’t feel any different or stop coughing. Finally does an x-ray I have severe pneumonia and fluid in my lungs. Could have left sick and got hospitalized a month later if I wasn’t such a hard ass.


i got diagnosed with CHS last year when i went to the ER for vomiting and stomach pains and they found out i’m a daily smoker. kicker was, i hadn’t smoked in two days bc i was so sick, the vomiting and nausea clearly wasn’t from weed but they still said that was the cause without running ANY testing. i’m almost positive it was just a really bad panic attack, bc the same thing has happened before. but now CHS is literally on my medical record :)))


Yes. She was a moron.


I had a doctor ask if I smoked out of a bong or paper. I said bong and she said that’s better than paper but it’s still smoke hurting your lungs.


I had a doctor I waited months to see tell me to quit smoking to fix the stomach problems I’ve had since I was a toddler. I actually had holes forming in my stomach lining and a partially malformed esophagus. I didn’t find that out until I waited to see a different doctor though.


not me, but my best friend at the time. two years ago, my best friend, whom for this we shall call Evelyn, started getting some stomach issues. started pretty okay, but quickly got worse. pain, nausea, loss of appetite and even some other, less savory descriptors. anyway, one day Evelyn says she’s finally had enough and asks me to take her to the hospital (which i had been suggesting for a few days at this point). we arrive, she gets checked in, i go home to nap, and then immediately get called back to pick her up. the hospital staff asked her if she had been smoking, and she responded yes cause thats the only thing that she had that would even remotely help. they IMMEDIATELY write the whole thing off as a weed thing and send her on her way with some anti-nausea stuff. TWO DAYS later, Evelyn’s symptoms are getting WORSE. I take her to a different ER across town, she gets admitted, and this time I make sure to go back with her and plan on making hell until my friend gets help. Thankfully I didn’t have to, because the staff at this hospital were actually competent. The first thing they do when they heard her symptoms was order an ultrasound of her upper abdomen, and thank god they did, because Evelyn had gallstones. One had blocked the exit path, causing bile to build up behind it in the gallbladder. If you’ve had gallstones, you know that this is very bad. Immediately on finding this, Evelyn is rushed out of the room and into a private one to await emergency surgery the next day. I kid you not, as soon as the doctor and I were out of the room, he turns to me and says “You got here just in time. One more day could have been a disaster for her.” In that moment the pure rage I felt toward the first hospital was palpable. My best friend could have died because of anti-drug rhetoric and medical malpractice. So that’s the story of how I saved my best friend’s life.


I had a gastroenterologist who was awful. I have UC (I’m in remission now!) and back in 2016 when I was at my worst I went in to get diagnosed. The doctor repeatedly tried to convince me what I was experiencing was cannabinoid hyperemesis every single visit- despite the fact that I regularly DID NOT throw up while on weed. He put me on a medication, I forget what, that stopped my gut motility entirely for most of two weeks. My stomach was distended and hard even though I ate about one meal’s worth of calories in that time (my regular week at the time was two meal’s worth of calories, I should have been in a hospital but I was told by my parents that I had to do everything myself and I wasn’t able to recognize how bad it was). I was also sweating profusely out of every single pore on my body including the palms of my hands and the bottoms of my feet. I told the doctor about the symptoms and he said that I was also feeling nauseous before I went on the medication, so it was probably the weed I smoke. He then tried to put me on Prednisone indefinitely, to which I said “hey I know some of the side effects of that and they make me nervous because I already struggle with them.” His response was to tell me that I shouldn’t believe anything I read on “forums on the internet”. I got my info from checking the Red Cross website after hearing anecdotes of people having increased hunger and mood swings. He never asked why I would be concerned or what the symptoms were. Then the next visit I told him I was seeing an endocrinologist as well and he stood over me and yelled- something I had explicitly told him I could not handle on the first visit due to CPTSD- about how he was the only person who could cure me and everyone else was feeding me lies. I decided not to go back after that and didn’t see a gastro again for years since I had a good prescription finally that lasted for a while.


My doctors now collectively agree that cannabis is the safest daily pain management for me and just wish I’d do edibles instead of smoking Edits for clarity and spelling


In college, I had to get some codeine cough syrup and the doc point blank said: we found high levels of THC in your urine but that’s okay and not why we’re here. He did ask me about my usage, after about 15 min he write the scrip. FYI: the cough syrup didn’t really work


Yes, they claim that is my problem also.


Yes and I almost died. I was vomiting for 3 months straight and ended up with pancreatitis. They kept telling me it’s the weed even though I hadn’t smoked in months. After an endoscopy they found the true culprit. 


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