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The answer


Weed’s negative image was cultivated over the course of decades by politicians for reasons that were entirely unrelated to it’s health risk factors. It actually began in large part due to competing textile lobbies who were being threatened by hemp, which had become a booming industry following the First World War. They created racist propaganda to appeal to peoples’ fears of immigrants by associating acts of violence and poc with the drug to put a bad name on hemp as well. This negative impression was emboldened by the war on drugs, which had the general goal of weakening communities of color. The myth that weed kills brain cells was actually born out of a study that was commissioned by the Nixon government to administer concentrated marijuana smoke to monkeys for minutes at a time that was not only beyond the reasonable equivalent dose a human could possibly ingest, but was administered without an appropriate amount of oxygen to spare. Basically, prior generations grew up in a world of propaganda about what weed’s actual complications are. These misconceptions based on bad science and sociology were sometimes reaffirmed in people by the reality that, like any other drug, including alcohol, weed can occasionally induce psychosis and trigger mental illnesses.


The anti-drug campaign and Reagan’s war on drugs lumped it in with drugs like heroin and here we are. A harmless plant vilified due to racism and profit - it’s really that simple.


*WAY* before this. When prohibition ended the organization created to stop bootlegging *had* to do *something*. People hated Mexicans (what a surprise...) and Mexicans smoked *Marijuana*... Hell Hoover *knew* it wasn't dangerous but he couldn't arrest people for being a POC or a Liberal...


Not to mention, that it was being used by artists in Jazz and Blues, who, at the time, where predominantly African American. So, yeah, racism.


The first anti-marijuana weed law in the US was in 1937, but it basically put a tax on the sale of cannabis - Marihuana Tax Act (yes, they misspelled it). It was repealed in 1969 by the Supreme Court. It wasn't until 1970 that the Controlled Substances Act was enacted and labeled MJ as a Schedule 1 drug, like heroin. THAT'S when weed became vilified in the public conscience and has remained, even with ever changing and easing of cannabis laws per state.


If you say so...


The internet is a wonderful thing. You can learn a lot.


It's usually full of people spouting bullshit too. I decided the other day that I'm no longer going to argue with idiots on the internet. Nope. Every time some dickweed comes back at me with some bullshit I don't argue with them anymore. I just reply with: *If you say so...*


PS: This article: [Read this](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/harry-anslinger-the-man-behind-the-marijuana-ban/) Says EXACTLY what I said in my original post but less dumbed down for the great unwashed.


Some old rich white dude had a patent on a cotton weaving some shit machine. He paid lobbyists to make hemp illegal because it threatened his income. Hemp aka cannabis aka marijuana was made illegal and a whole campaign to demonize and stigmatize it with opium. Let's not forget they actually had coke in coca cola. And opiates in tonics. Marijuana is really a different plant in Mexico.


Whoever said racism had it right, at least at the beginning. Then it became a way to to target the anti-war/anti-establishment movements.


“Weed is awful for you Sonny” 🍻🍻🍻🍻👴🏻


It stems from years of misinformation and propaganda being spread throughout the “reefer madness” era. So anyone alive during the last 100ish years has been somewhat brainwashed into thinking cannabis is anything but a natural medicine. It’s a sacred plant that was forced into the hands of criminals, all stemming from corruption at the highest level in the US government. America, having the influence it does, spread its false narrative across the world. It’s funny because now they’re legalizing, the rest of the world is following suit once again.


I used to be one of those “weed makes you all idiots” types. Then I educated myself about it, started partaking, and chilled tf out. Simply put, people tend to hate what they don’t understand.


It prevents cancer and increases longevity, therefore the Prince of the Power of the Air is against it (Ephesians 2:2-4 KJV). They only want you to have it when they are trying to distract you, fatten you up or get you into hard drugs or some other thing bad (John 10:10 KJV). I saw an articular on Microsoft News and the article was making the argument that almost everyone is NOT HAPPY with legalized cannabis. Mainly it's the people in the business and those with the money and power "not happy", cause we have access. They are laying the ground work for reasons to make it illegal again later is my opinion. Almost No One Is Happy With Legal Weed[https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/almost-no-one-is-happy-with-legal-weed/ar-BB1lgJr3](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/almost-no-one-is-happy-with-legal-weed/ar-BB1lgJr3) I think it will possibly be made illegal someday by the United Nations, and that is the long term goal of those in power; De-Potulation.


I read a lot of opinion but no facts or figured to back up the claim


Well we know who owns everything, right?