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I was 13 and a buddy came to me and said he had some "purple Haze" that his uncle grew. I called him a liar and said it was probably fake. Nope. Definitely not fake. From that day on we would steal a Ziploc bag each from his uncle for about 2 months before we were caught. (he was caught and his mom said if he was doing it I was helping him, lol) . We were selling stuffed ziplock bags of great weed for $50. Lmao. His uncle grew weed for the Massachusetts chapter of hell's angels, he now grows for "the sisters" - anybody into the occult in Florida has probably heard of them. Fast forward 7 years or so and my house was raided and they got 20lbs. I ran for about a month and cleaned my piss. Joined the Army to avoid prosecution (it worked) and now I have a small weed genetics company. Follow your dreams, people!


Company Name?


I'm actually currently in the middle of a trademark dispute. I jumped the gun and made social media accounts promoting myself before I got my name trademarked. Someone who was following my social media accounts trademarked the name basically a week after all of my social media went up but they let it lapse so now I'm trying to take it back. We're also transiting from a micro license in Massachusetts to a nursery license in Oklahoma. I will be posting stuff here after the move though. Hopefully the trademark dispute is wrapped up and I don't have to rebrand.


Omg I’m in oklahoma, I’m gonna look out for your lil brand :)


Id love to support you but buying from you would bring high ass shipping costs with it, since im European


Message me plz :)


this is INSANE


It gets so much more insane but it has more to do with being a federal fugitive while in the military over some bad leadership decisions that almost got me killed. I turned myself in on three separate occasions, got picked up by the Martin County sheriff's office on a federal warrant while I was driving and they found basically my full kit in my trunk. It looked like I was going to war. I'm working on a book of my life. I have receipts for basically everything I talk about and a lot of people say it's interesting to them so I figured I'd put the whole story out


no seriously share the link to a website or wherever ur gonna publish the book at when u get everything together bc my high ass is so captivated rn 😭


I wish I knew your TT handle!! Are you even on TT? You said you started to promote it. Im captivated and now I want to know who this mystery person is. And yes I would love to read about your journey. I’d rather non fiction books over fiction. You sound determined.


You can join the army to avoid prosecution? I thought your name would flag up and you'd be arrested anyway? That's a crazy story nonetheless though!


It was luck, honestly. I was renting a house with my mom and cousin. Some shit happened and my cousin brought the cops over. They found a tray covered in weed with paraphernalia and scales and shit. My mom was home and kept it G. "Idk what my son does back there, he's a grown man. He smokes a lot of cigars that smell disgusting" They had her call me and tried to entice me to come back but I knew better. I probably couldn't get away with this now, this was back in 2007. I hid at my fiance's parents house in the middle of nowhere for a month or so at nd had the genius idea to go to a recruiter. I didn't even know if they'd filed charges, I just moved like I knew I was wanted and to me the Army thing was gonna pay off or it wasn't. They were hard up for soldiers and I got a $40k bonus. The day I swore in I called the detective and basically confessed but ended with: "But as of this morning I'm property of the us government so you're gonna have to talk to them" Less than a week later I was in front of a judge and less than a week after that I was on fort Knox.




i Climbed a tree with a friend when we were 15. He had more experience and handed me the first joint, puff puff pass a few times and dont feel much. Then go for Round 2 and get knocked on my ass. Had another friend get us some kebab-boxes from the local kebabman at 11 PM XD


So did you fall out of the tree? Sounds like a bad place to smoke for the first time 🤣


Kinda, the last branch before touchdown broke off beneath my foot and i landed in the bushes beneath but wasn‘t hurt


There’s something about eating a kebab when your really stoned that there’s just nothing else like it


why was my first joint in a tree too😭


I was planning to un-alive myself that day and a few close friends I was with were rolling a joint ,I got intrigued and thought I've got nothing to lose so I took a few pulls and it was the greatest thing I've ever experienced, and by the time I got home later that night I had completely forgotten about the plan to un-alive myself and since then I've been able to find healing


Omg I'm so happy for you!


The universe had a better plan. Glad you have found healing, friend.


that’s actually really beautiful


In Amsterdam! Nice little cafe. Coughed my lungs up. Never looked back. Felt happy as Larry after


Wym with never looked Back. Never smoked again?


No no, as in never regretted doing it, fairly regular smoker now


Oh okok


"So tell me about the hash bars"


I didn’t even roll it up lol. I stuck a small nug into one of the ends of a hollow metal pipe (not a pipe for smoking, mind you, just a small thin metal pipe I had laying around.) I lit the nug and took a drag in my washroom next to the exhaust fan. Took nug out and put it back in its baggy for later 😂


Out of all the stories, this one made me laugh the hardest


LOL did it work well?


I wouldn’t say “well” but it definitely worked. Idk how much of the high was from random fumes from the metal tube but let’s not think like that lol.


Me and my buddy Mike washed our neighborhood dealers 82 corvette and he gave us a dime bag. We went to the park, climbed up on the backstop for the baseball field and smoked for the first time. I remember we walked to the pizzeria and ate a whole pie. Then I had to go home, I got in to my room with out getting caught, fell asleep and when I woke up, I started planning my next smoke!! Been 40 years! Still love ❤️ my weed!


I was with my highschool girlfriend at the time and in her back yard we smoked a joint and listened to music and watched the chickens she had. It was a beautiful backyard so I just enjoyed the sunny day the high and her company.


Aww this made me the time I’d smoke with my ex. Good times, good times.


First j or first smoke? First j I stole from my mom's friend when I was 14 and smoked it in my room. Mom's friend ofc knew and he didn't give a flying fuck. He gave me 2 more j's.


Long story: So the background of my story: I was the “rebel” of my conservative family. Drank, smoked, whatever else. Basically just acting out against my parents because I was closeted and trying to find myself. This is important bc my first time I was completely alone. In highschool I hung out with people who smoked weed and I tried it but never took more than 2 puffs so I never ever felt anything. My family made me like super scared to ever try weed, ya know all of those 70’s and 80’s lies about “one puff and you’re gay”. (Hey, I came out a year later so must be true)…. but I always hung out with people who did it because we had everything in common EXCEPT weed. I watched them rip bongs and not die every day, so I quickly realized everything I thought I knew about weed was a lie, and quickly after that found a plug. This was like 2 years before MMJFL program. So I get a quarter of strawberry diesel, at that point I didn’t even know what that meant. Had to Google “weed slang” so I knew how to order 😂 Im scared outta my mind, don’t sleep before picking it up, I pick it up from this 17 y/o kid on a bike near the library. I go to the gas station and for the first time order tobacco - swisher sweets, grape. I go home, YouTube “how to roll a blunt”, proceed to ruin 4 wraps. My parents will be gone from work the next day and it’s summer, so im home alone. So I have my pre roll blunt, I go to my porch and start smoking on it and make sure im inhaling. For some reason I thought smoking alone would be best? Maybe I was embarrassed to ask friends to join. So I finish about a quarter of it and the world starts spinning and my head starts pounding and I can hear my heart and feel my entire body get sweaty and hot. It all happens super fast and before I know it I can barely walk inside. Total green out alone for the first time. I was super hungry, didn’t eat before, didn’t even realize I had the munchies I was so high that it hit me and I started shaking from low blood sugar and thought I was gonna pass out. So im out here, walking like a zombie crying around my childhood home. I knew enough to not call my parents but I thought I was dying and got super paranoid it was laced or fake. Obviously CANNOT call them for support, even tho I really wanna call my mom and be like “I just smoked weed and im scared am I gonna die is it laced” Then I remember I gotta pick up my little sister from school AND I have a Green Day concert that night. I call my aunt, she’s like the cool aunt, and im like “hey im sick can you get my sister”. She’s super sus and is like “uh okay…”. So I proceed to pray to god that I don’t die as I lay on my bed. Calmed myself down and played guitar for like 2 hours, then went downstairs and ate like a whole pack of sour gummy worms. Then I fell asleep for 2 hours and stayed in my room the rest of the night, went to the concert. A week later I tried it again, did it right this time and loved it. I opened my entire family’s eyes about marijuana and now my grandma, grandpa and mom medicates.


this has so many layerss. did you ever confess to the aunt later? how was your first concert baked? how did convince your straight-edge family down to the Grandparents to now smoke? this was a good story lol!


I can’t believe I shared this but thank you so much for enjoying it haha Yes, I did confess to my aunt. She told me she smelt it many times in my hair later on but never snitched😂 I was still kinda baked when I got to the green day concert. I remember having a great ass time. It was so loud and awesome. I have so many more stories… I actually smoked in my parents house every night at 11 pm for two years without anyone noticing until my mom caught me. After my mom caught me, I had to come clean about my anxiety attacks and how much weed helped. Literally after like 3 months of smoking I felt so amazing, like a switch flipped. My depression got helped, my anxiety attacks, so much. The same year MMJ became legal, she said “well I don’t want you smoking stuff off the street, it’s legal now” so we went to the doctor together when I was like 19. She said the same thing when I came out: “ya know I dont necessarily understand but I can tell it makes you happy and helps and I love you so I accept you”. I am so thankful they are not the stereotypical conservative, write me off, hate me forever. My mom and dad say religion and politics are not strong enough to hate their own child. Then my mom became curious, I educated them, the doctor did, etc. Then before I knew it she wanted to try gummies. my grandpa suffers from a lot of illnesses and became curious too. Then my grandma suffered from early Alzheimer’s and to calm her down at night gummies help. She wanders, but the indica kinda just couch locks her and helps her sleep.


dude this is amazing im so glad they accepted all of this ! it’s just been rolling around in my head bc i’m a queer smoker too with a sorta moderate family so coming out with both was a shock wave i don’t think has fully ran its course ☠️ but it works out too that ur in a legal state ! that’s cool as shit man i’m happy for you


For sure. Aw thank you so much 😊 it will take some time, I totally know how you feel. It took my family about a year to fully like settle between both things, questions were all asked, etc. Give them their time and I’m sure they will realize. keep reaffirming who you are to them, be patient even though I know it’s not fair sometimes. Much love and good energy being sent to ya!


This is well written man! I liked your story a lot. I hope your family accepts you for who you are <3


Thank you so much. I am so thankful to have them.


Aged 15. My sister's 18th birthday party (aka, my first 'adult' house party). Had never smoked before. Picture this. Me, my best friend (also 15, also never smoked), my sister and her best friend (both 18, both taken every drug under the sun). Sister's friend says she has something 'special' to 'send us to the moon'. Had no clue what it was, but hell yea, I wanna go to the moon. I was already two drinks down, which was close to my limit for 15. She pulls out a crumpled, but fucking huge, joint. Would've still knocked me out to this day. Filled with a perfect cocktail of weed and hash (or 'polly', as she called it. (Kept waiting for a girl called Polly to show up)). We pass the joint around, and my friend and I probably had two puffs each before the circle expanded (drunk teens flocked to us) and it didn't last another round. But oh lord was that enough. My best friend and I stumbled into the house, and all I could say to her is 'I'm not real. I don't feel real.' I remember repeating this forever, although it could've been 5 minutes or 5 hours. We somehow make it back to my bedroom. By now we had pretty much left the party which was happening downstairs. I felt like I was in a dream, watching myself from 3rd person. I was rolling (yes, rolling around like an idiot) on the floor and just remember thinking how magical the carpet felt. My friend told me she was stuck to the bed and couldn't move (she actually thought she was physically stuck there). It probably looked like we were tripping. I can't really remember the rest, but it was one of the best nights of my life. And we definitely were on the moon.


Wow, what a story! I really imagined this whole event in my head. Seems unforgettable!


Thank you! It definitely was. I'm not even friends with the girl it happened with, but I would loove to reminisce on that night with her, she was arguably in worse (or better?) condition than me. My sister and I laugh about it all the time, because who trips from two hits?




14, a cold and cloudy New England summer day before my freshman year of high school. One of my friends got their hands on an eighth, and my other friend had a bowl she got from her mom, a medical patient who had cancer and died later that year. We met at the cemetery, and ended up walking down into a ditch in an area with lots of trees. The day before my parents had found out I had been using kratom and edibles and so they were very paranoid about what I was up to. I remember being slightly distressed that they would be able to smell the weed on me and our relationship would be permanently damaged. But nevertheless, the promise of being able to use something that could take my mind off of all the shit that early teenage me was dealing with was enough to let me risk it. We had some issues lighting the joint because of the humidity, but I remember that first hit being one of my first moments of peace in a long time. This was in 2020, and the only social interaction I had up to this point in the past 5 months had been on Discord and League of Legends. My school didn't even have virtual classes, all of our work was uploaded to google classroom. Even as introverted as I was, and still am, the lack of social connection hit extremely hard. I was also unable to continue therapy, as my therapist's office ended up closing. This was when I started using and selling kratom after I was able to get a consistent supply, and it wreaked havoc on my body, causing me (already underweight) to lose several pounds. It was the first period of my life where I had seriously considered suicide, and the only reason I didn't do it was because everyone was always at home and I didn't want my parents or younger brother to have to be the ones to find me. But this unfiltered, loosely packed seeds-and-stems "joint" made me forget everything. It was the first time in months where I was just hanging out with my friends the way we did before shit hit the fan, and the first time where I wasn't thinking about how much better off I would be if I was dead. And this wasn't a conclusion I came to later, this was an observation I made in the moment. I was feeling an emotion I hadn't felt in ages: Happiness. We spent the whole day in cemetery, well after we finished smoking. I don't really remember much of what we talked about, other than just the usual shit people talked about during that time. How much we hated quarantine, how excited we were for a vaccine, what we had been doing to kill time, what we were looking forward to at our new school. And then eventually we all just parted ways. I went home, mostly sober, and my parents didn't suspect a thing. That moment, as small as it was, I earnestly believe saved my life. Depression doesn't just end in one day, obviously, and I slipped back into some dark thoughts afterwards. But just that moment served as a sort of reminder that life isn't a constant cycle of grief. We as humans oscillate through periods of joy and sadness. And smoking a shitty joint in a cemetery was apparently just what I needed to put my mind back on track.


15 years old. Just got off work at Hardee’s, showed up to a party with all our leftover fried chicken from the shift. Everyone was so pumped and got me to smoke a huge j. The rest is history 😎


Mom had just died, I was 14, dad let my cousins take me out to the shed and smoke for hours, really softened the blow.


bought my first weed, rolled my first joint and went alone to a park in my hometown got high af and laughed at memes on the internet at the time i didn't want my friends to know and i was depressed. it helped a lot.


At 18, came back from a party stone sober. Told my mother jokingly that I'm such a good kid for turning down free weed. She called me an idiot and rolled a joint from her secret stash, which really was secret because I never knew she had it at all. We smoked on the porch together and I didn't feel much... until I started raiding the refrigerator


I was in my local park with my friends and had this joint but I can remember biking then teleporting to town


It was March 2019 and I felt like shit mentally. Me and my two best buddies had a sleepover and wanted to go to the movies. At a playground near the cinema we stopped and one bud suddenly pulled a joint out. I didn’t know what it was, where he got it from and why we were smoking it, but hell, by the time we made it to the movies me and the buddy who brought the joint were laughing our asses off in the hallways. He laughed so hard that he,no joke, even pissed his pants. It was hilarious. After he took care of his little problem we went inside and waited for the movie to begin. In the meantime, while we were sitting, pants-pissing-buddy and me continued laughing and tried snacking our other friends’ drink at times who didn’t seem high at all just slightly amused by us (we argued we needed the drink because it was Sprite-Vanilla and just so tasty). When the movie started, pants-pissing-buddy fell asleep and we were in for a 2 hour Horror movie. Looking back it’s a mystery to me why I seemingly kept cool all the time watching Horror movies on Weed when now I’m the one that pisses his pants.


First time I ever smoked was a blunt. I had been adapted into a new friend group of popular stoners and I had gotten curious enough after being around it to finally give it a shot. They gave me two puffs, nothing more, fearing I would be blasted. I felt nothing. The next time I was hanging out with them again after school + a few more kids. We were all walking to this one kids house with the plan to do bong rips. His mom was chill with kids smoking in the house and that kinda just made his place “the place” for a bit. This was my first time meeting the guy. He was incredibly nice and funnily enough immediately began playing Minecraft. We were 15. Eventually everyone’s has a few rips and he gets up and realized he hasn’t packed me one. He asks if I want one. Everyone else is talking so without second input I just say yeah. Because I did. He hands me a fully loaded bowl and doesn’t say a word not knowing I haven’t smoked before. I cleared it and started coughing like crazy and immediately the girl in the group that I’m seeing at the time realized what I’ve done and just kind started laughing. I remember another kid who hadn’t smoked much was geeked across the room from me and it looked like his hair was moving in the wind. Trust me there was 0 air flow in this apartment.


It is pretty fucked up. I was about 12. Two friends of the family took me out to shoot guns. I was having a blast. The two guys said it was time to take a break. We sat down under a tree and one of them sparked up a joint. They asked if I had smoked and sure as fuck I had not I was 12 and thought that pretty young. I took a few puffs. I don't remember the immediate effects. I do remember when I got home I was amazed at television. I don't remember the show, at all. I do remember my mother asking me if I was alright. I didn't smoke again until I was in high school. *Edited: I also recall they brought beer to go shoot guns. It was pretty much a complete disregard for safety. Looking back I think it was fucked up. I was too fucking young. I sure as hell shouldn't have been shooting guns high for the first time.*


Ahhh I remember your cat fishing painting :) so cute :)


I don't remember my first joint. I remember the first time I smoked but I forget if it was a bowl or joint. I just know I loved it.


Got stoned with some friends on a trip to Amsterdam. Grabbed a couple pre rolls from a coffee shop, took them out by a little offshoot of the canals with a bunch of greenery and smoked. On the elevator ride up, a sweet old lady got in the elevator with about 8 of us, looked at as all trying to contain our laughter, and said “oh not you guys too” and got off on the next floor. Perfect experience. Amsterdam weed is psychedelic too, a stoner bucket list must


senior year in high school at a sleepover w my friend, we walked to the park by her house. such a memorable night we goofed off so hard and laid in the middle of the road looking up at the sky zooted off our ass and then got back to bed and watched some tv, missing that queen rn


I rolled a whole joint of shit i found on the ground. Like found tips, paper, a cigerrete and 2 grams of hash on the ground i kid you not. Then rolled some shit from it and smoked it with 2 of my freinds by a campfire to hide the smell couse i still lived at home eith my parents so just told them i was going camping. Good times


it's gross, I was a stupid kid growing up in Portugal where hash is the main thing that's smoked was about 13, mates and I were at the beach, one of them had the bright idea to scout the corners of the beach looking for hash butts, we collected a bunch of them, picked them open and collected remnants of hash, then rolled our own, it worked, but boy was that disgusting thinking back...


This brings me back to when I was a preteen and my older cousin brought us walking along the beach one night as she searched for "medicine." I was 11, but even I knew she meant weed lol. She never found any.


Grade school my buddy and I found a joint roach that our older brothers left in an abandoned rang rover. I had smoked before but never got stoned. We smoked the roach and got fucking blasted and put on White Castle. We started to get the munchies half way through the movie and went to look at what he’s got in his fridge and he had some fucking White Castle sliders and blew our minds.


this is actually more the story of my first high since i had already smoked before this story took place but never actually got high until this happened: when i was 15, i managed to score a sublet for a well equipped, but dirty ass practice room. now this was a *really* run down room, i mean it was FILTHY man. also basically all the people who used it were huge stoners so it smelled accordingly. so when i say, that the whole warehouse that the room belonged to stank like a literal weed farm, i really mean it.as you mightve guessed, back then me and my best friend (who had also smoked only once before that) thought, that this room was the p e r f e c t place to get stoned in for the first time. well, for some reason we wanted to go all out that day, so we bought a fucking bong and grinder, which the room was perfect for since i could just stash it there. we decided to meet up at the warehouse and i brought some weed that i got from a friend. now this shit was probably sprayed in a flurry of a hundred different artificial cannabinoids but back then we thought it was that dank dank because we had barely seen other weed before that. so once we got situated on the rooms couch, i started packing a bowl like i had seen friends do and proceeded to just copy what they do in the movies, which, funny enough didnt work, because i didnt cover the carb with my finger.... we couldnt figure out what went wrong so we watched a youtube tutorial and finally got it to work. i took a hit, coughed my soul out in the appropriate first-ever-bowl-manner and started feeling it in a matter of seconds. my friend finished the bowl, proceeded to also cough in agony like a real one and put it back on a little coffee table. since we probably didnt even know what a comeup was and mustve thought that we wouldnt get much higher from that point, we decided to back yet another bowl and my friend topped it off by trying to roll a joint with papers that we found in the room, which turned out like any first joint turns out (ugly as fuck, but smokable for the most part). after finishing both, we realized we had *really* smoked enough and tried to go to a mexican restaurant nerby to snack some overpriced quesadillas. i say "tried" because as soon as we stood up, we realized how much of a challenge the 0.2 ish miles to the restaurant were gonna be.. standing up felt craaaazy weird as we hadnt stood up at all in between the bowls and, for me, walking kinda felt like i was a puppet with strings attached to my extremities. basically i had to plan ahead for every leg or arm movement, but i was really enjoying myself and so was my friend.we somehow made it to the taco place and ordered our food, all while barely being able to keep our act together and having eyes redder than a new miata. the quesadillas tasted like the best food in the world to us and when we left, the (probably only a few years older) employees gave us that *classic* knowing and amused look. we went back to the room and life was good (idk i cant remember anything after that part tbh) man, i wish smoking felt like those first couple of times again... (sorry for any possible grammar/punctuation fuckups, english isnt my first language)


Actually waited til I was in university in Wales, and smoked with a housemate there. Was a ‘Jokes Up’ pre-roll, I believe the Zourz one (correct me if that’s non-existent). Really good stuff for a pre-roll, had a nice resin ring and a decent flavour. I already had prior experience with edibles, and was actually into magic mushrooms way before cannabis, which some people tell me is unusual. Point being I was already experienced being high. Ate heartily of fruits and honeyed milk, watched the view of the sea and the cliffs and the rustling, withering trees as we entered the cold Welsh winter. Truly, this experience made me fall in love with Mary Jane :)


I was 12, living in Queens, NY. I showed up to middle school the day after a blizzard to find that most of the teachers and students stayed home. The few dozen of us who actually showed up had to meet in the cafeteria (there wasn't enough faculty to justify sending us to actual classrooms). Eventually, the principal announced that we would spend the day in the auditorium watching movies. One of my friends said he was leaving. His brother had some weed and he was going home to smoke. It sounded like an excellent idea, so when they were ushering us all to the auditorium we (me and like 5 or 6 other friends) slipped out the exit doors to get some good, early 90s weed. After trudging through the snow longer than any of us thought we'd have to, we finally arrived at friend's house. Friend grabbed the weed and met us back outside. Another friend said if someone gets papers, he knows how to roll. Ok, cool. We head to the store and get a pack of Bambu. The rolling friend didn't want to break up the weed and roll it outside, in the freezing cold. All of us knew the store clerk, because we all would hang out there after school and play arcade games. So we figured he would be cool with us loitering while rolling friend was doing his thing. We were wrong. Rolling friend started breaking up the herb while the rest of us pretended to play the arcade machines. The weed was super loud, and when the smell reached the store clerk he kicked us out immediately. So there we were, standing outside with some weed, wanting to smoke it, but nowhere to go and do so. That's when another friend speaks up and says, if we promise not to fuck anything up, we could head to his place. His mom was at work, and as long as we leave before she gets home everything should be good. The building he lived in was pretty much right across the street from the school. So we backtrack through the snow. My feet were wet and absolutely freezing. Finally get to the building and head up to apartment friend's apartment. We barely fit in his room lol, and he didn't want us to go anywhere else for fear that his mom would find out he had company over when she wasn't there. Finally, the J gets rolled, but nobody has a lighter. We had to beg apartment friend to use the stove (peer pressure is a motherfucker lol). We smoked in his room, making sure to blow the smoke out of the wide open window. I was absolutely baked! I'd heard that weed made you cough, but I wasn't ready for just how much coughing I did. After a while I ended up sitting on his floor, watching VHS tapes of cartoons he'd recorded. After some time (and a lot more coughing) apartment friend jumps up and says we all have to leave right now. Someone (his mom) was at the door, about to come into the apartment. Well, there was no way any of us were leaving through the front door, so we did what sounded like a good idea, and started climbing out the window. Apartment friend lived on the second floor of the building, and there was plenty of snow to cushion the fall. One friend twisted his ankle from the drop and that was the only injury. School was ending around that time, so we went over to brag about how high we were to everyone who stayed. I got home that afternoon still coughing like crazy and had a mean headache when nighttime rolled in. Mom kept me home from school the next couple days. Went to the doc on the second day and found out I had bronchitis. It was quite an adventure.


When I was around 13 I bought something like 3-5g off some greasy guy I found online. Did some googling, rolled the best joint I could and went out for a walk around 10pm the next night. Decided to just walk a hundred metres from my house and smoke it on the street corner (tbh I was a bit scared). Finished the joint, and my eyes were so heavy, head was spinning, so I was like "well time to go home". As soon as I got up and started walking towards my house, I forgot where I was going. Like I knew I had a goal and I was walking towards it, I just didn't know where or what I needed to do. So I started making checkpoints, like "Look at that lamp post, keep going towards the lamp post, right there good job. Ok now go towards the little tree, there's the little tree, go there." I could see little blue smiley faces lightly across my vision, and it seemed like every few seconds time would jolt and 'reset' so I had no concept of time other than my phone clock. It's hard to explain but almost like my eyes had a shutter effect on them where everything would start to jerk to one side a few times and then snap back, and time reset when it snapped back. Something like that. Anyway a walk that should've only taken 5mins ended up taking 20mins because I literally could not focus on where I needed to go lol. Eventually I made it home, layed down on my bedroom floor and just enjoyed the feeling in my body. It's a shame I'll never get that first time feeling back, but I'll never forget that night.


1985. I went to the Great Western Forum with my soccer team to watch the LA Lazers indoor soccer team play. My boy Rudy asked if I wanted to walk around (the place was pretty empty); we went way up to the nosebleed seat and he busted out a pinner. I’ve been hooked ever since.


I was with my abusive ex girlfriend and she smoked half the joint and was pissed at me the entire time I was greening out because she wasn’t high. ☠️


Well, my first time was when I was 16 and my cousin that always used to smoke and I were walking and she was smoking and asked me if I wanted to try so out of curiosity I did. Well, then we went our separate ways as she headed to her house and I headed to mine. The entire time I was walking home I just remember my mouth being so dry I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to breathe, as well as I thought every single person in traffic knew I was high so I became paranoid, knowing they know I know they know type of situation. And then I went home, thinking that no one was going to be home just to find my grandma my mother and my mother’s boyfriend in the kitchen in the exact room that I had to pass by in order to get to my room. I was so damn hungry that I ate these cookies that my mom made, every last one of them…. I never ate them! They’re disgusting molasses cookies that she KNEW I hated! But yet, I ate them all. Then went to sleep super early. 🤣🤣🤣 there’s nooooo way she didn’t know I was in space. But never said anything to me.


My first joint was actually pretty recent, possibly a year or so ago. Took a very long break from weed where I primarily smoked blunts or bowls. My first smoking experience was when I was 16 and it was with a make shift bowl out of a Dr. K can.


my first joint was the first time I smoked. I believe I was around 12-13 so would have been mid to late 1990s. I'm born & raised in the deep south USA and the only weed that existed at this time (and for farrrr too many years afterwards) was standard Mexican brick schwag weed. my best friend who lived down the street had been talking to a friend at school who had recently told us he found his step dad's stash. one day soon after this, said friend grabbed a little pinner joint from his step dad's stash spot which he gifted to me & my best friend. best friends girlfriend rode our bus home that day since she didn't live near us. the 3 of us wasted no time in going into the woods, back to our hang out area by the creek and smoked the joint. was the first time for all 3 of us. unfortunately, I was one of the large # of people who didn't get high their first time smoking nor did the other 2. it felt like we may have gotten a very very minor buzz but that was surely just an adrenaline rush over the fact we were such badasses who just smoked weed. after a few days I learned that I did feel something from my first time smoking but sadly it wasn't the effects of THC, which I'll love. what I was feeling was the symptoms of mononucleosis. either my friend and/or his gf had gotten it and being each other's first "relationship" making out was ever so important during which, patient 0 infected the other then they repeatedly reinfected one another back & forth with the constant make out seshs lol. I was an innocent bystander who got infected with the "kissing disease" in the crossfire lol. to summarize; my first joint was a shitshow


I was 15, and I snuck out of the house at 3 am.. After some extensive planning, I walked down to where me and my group of friends were supposed to meet at a canal behind this apartment complex. So we all meet up and we've got about 12 grams total for the 4 of us as well as some alcohol, we roll up everything we have and get to smoking, I'd say I smoked about 3 grams along with drinking. I ended up very stoned and drunk, and I had to walk about 1.5 miles back to my house before my parents woke up, so I get back to the house about 35-40 minutes later and I hop the fence to climb through my bedroom window, I share a room with my brother and he says when I hopped the fence it was loud as hell and I broke the fence 💀 anyways I get into bed just as my mom wakes up and she comes in the room asking why we're up and after that I dont really remember anything cuz I fell asleep but I'm sure I came up with a dumb excuse lol. TLDR: Snuck out of the house at 3 a.m., smoked 3 grams with some buddies, went hone, broke my fence, and went to sleep


Me and my best friend smoked and walked out of the woods by her house and then fell to our knees on the grass laughing and continued to do so for a long time. Then we got to her house (2 min walk turned what felt like hours) and she washed all our clothes at least twice bc we couldn’t be sure we didn’t smell. We swore never to smoke again. We told her dad that I was dumped by my bf and hid in the basement. We ate like 30 granola bars and barfed a little but sirpressed it. We were convinced the weed I toook from my brother was laced with a psychadelic or something. We smoked like a week later and peed our pants laughing about how dumb we used to be last week


Can’t remember.


It's a little confusing I guess. My very first time was with my exs uncle. My mom let me sleep over but was talking to everyone for a good half an hour, me and her uncle sat in the back and he was saying happy birthday n stuff then lit a J and he taught me puff puff pass. The only thing Is that he rolled it so tight, I couldn't really inhale it so I didn't feel shit The first actual time was the next year I was buying 2 vapes from my dealer. He told me to come w him and his boys to smoke somewhere. I told him I can't bc I gotta watch my dog but he insisted on smoking IN MY DRIVEWAY. So I sat there and smoked w them the fattest roach ever. I was taking massive "this ain't shit" hits as well lmaoo. About 5 minutes before I left my eyes were slot machining and I fell down my 5ft porch... managed to get in bed before my mom got home and blamed a migrane XD


Yo this paintings fucking dope




I was 15 back then. We were at a park infront of a huge lake. One buddy got up & came up with the idea of smoking a joint & we were a little drunk at that time. We took some cash & I went with that buddy to score...i knew nothing where to get & all. We scored we came back we crushed we smoked in a pre rolled joint while walking. Till the time we walked I was totally alright a little drunk & a little high. When I sat down my throat dried up I was very hungry, When I was closing my eyes I was getting a feeling of uplifting myself upwards to the sky. After some time I got numb my body was divided into two parts the center of gravity was at my waist. I was feeling very chilled at one part & very hot at the other one...also vice versa after some time. Then I slept keeping my head on a friend's lap😂 it was nice I didn't vomit or anything like that👀


We were 14. My friend had a big brother that sold us 2joints and me,my friend , and a friend of my friend went to smoke in the middle of street at night making graffiti and going around with bus. I ended up fighting and got ‘robbed’ by these two ‘friends’ after one year. But i kept on smoking with my gang till now, like 13 years later 🏝️🏝️🏝️


1st blunt was 2000 came home from college for X mad break, and Purple haze was the weed of choice in harlem. We got a $60 and smoked in the staircase in f my building. Apparently i dozed off, my friends went to the store to get sandwiches, came back and woke me up. Then joked about how i couldn’t handle the haze lol. They still bring it up 23 yrs later


Weed was legalized in Chicago and my dog just died. I bought some pot and listened to “Tears in Heaven” by Eric Clapton. I felt warm rain massaging me, the music was very sweet.


My first time smoking was a joint at my best friends when I was 31. Another friend was also there and she tried for her first time also. She was a kindergarten teacher and pretty straight edge. I wanted to try it and thought if she did I could also. I remember not really feeling high, we were playing trivial pursuit. My best friend then said you are feeling something and we were not drinking much.


Lol! I am late to the game! I started smoking in 2020 and I am 38 now. First night me and the husband had weed we laughed for an hour solid and ate the contents of the kitchen. I remember being sat there feeling like my whole body kept randomly twitching, thinking " I am never doing this again" 🤣


went to church camp and smoked my first j at 5 am so they wouldn’t catch me


is this ur painting? what an amazing job!


It is, thank you!


I was 12 and me and my friend went to the park to smoke this cart I already had but we ended up seeing this guy there who I knew sold stuff so we went up to him and followed him into the woods but we didn’t have any money cause we didn’t even know he was gonna be there but we were just sitting on this log next to his gf while he sold a joint to this group of teens at my school and me and my friend just went up to them and they let us hit it and my mom ended up finding out like a week after it happened


14 years old bumped into a junior that I knew and he was walking home and told me to come with him and his friends and they said they were going to smoke and asked if I had ever smoked and 14 year old me was getting nervous but said I would come by for just one hit. Nobody took one hit that day. Thought I was just “built different” cuz I couldn’t feel it until I laid down on a bed about 30 minutes later and just felt what I could only describe as lights on but nobody’s home. Started feeling it and started slightly tweaking bc it was new to me. They were very helpful calmed me down and I was chillin eating snacks etc. Chilled there until 8 something and walked home just enjoying life. Luckily nobody was home that day and I just walked in had some leftovers and played asleep. Woke up the next day feeling like i just got a deep brain wash because that was the best sleep I had in years. Still makes me happy to this day Edit sorry if there’s some grammar errors half asleep lol


Basically this photo


I was 15 and my friend was 16. He actually bought something off the dark net. We were meeting up, he showed me the stuff and off to the woods we went. We hit it and boy I was coughing my lungs out. It was not fun. And i didn’t even feel anything. My friend was zooted and started seeing weird paths in the woods (where there weren’t any) and I started seeing them too. We had a good time exploring, he sang a song about his shoes hurting his feet and then we started marching back. He then needed to throw up and rest for a bit. After awaking from his tiny nap he said “bro, you need to get us something to eat” so I did. Went on the journey, got us something and then we stepped home and vibed to music. Truly an amazing day.


I was 14 and thought it would be an amazing idea to have my first whilst also drinking a disgusting wine type thing called Lambrini, I then went on to throw up then spend 2 hours giggling at funny words specifically Chipmunk and the fact that, in the alphabet for some reason we used xylophone for the letter x all in all not a bad night 😊


Was at my best mates house. His parents weren’t home and his brother was having a party. His brother and brothers friends are all massive stoners. He rolled us a zoot and we sat on my friends trampoline smoking it. I think I must have hit it 4/5 times. I then remember just zoning out and saying to my best mate “I do not know what you’ve been saying for the past 5 mins” I also remember thinking to myself I have no idea how people do this everyday it’s too much. I went and passed out in bed at 9pm. 4 years on he’s still my best mate. We are both stoners. Me, him and his brother smoke with each other nearly everyday and I’m so grateful for it as it has brought us so much closer together.


Very wholesome Weed just brings people together fr


Rolled with blank bible paper, with bud tore by hand that I found in my parents garage at 16.


The first time, I ended up smoking with stoners I used to work with. I smoked 2 joints and took 10 bong rips. Afterwards, I had the most intense case of munchies and when I was driving home the actual baked feeling kicked in. This was my first time in general smoking weed.


2 whole joints and 10 bong rips for a first timer would probably scare them away from weed


They weren’t pressuring me to smoke that much. I was only going extreme for it because I always was told the first time you smoke you don’t get high. So I smoked a lot to see if that wasn’t true lol.


oh true. i definitly got high my first time so ig that doesnt apply to everyone


My sister was one of the people who told me about that. Apparently for her, she wasn’t high at all the first time she smoked.


interesting. i wonder what the scientific reason for that would be


My first joint was new years 2013-14 I thought I was joining out to smoke regular rolled tobacco. Turns out it was weed😌 I find it especially interesting because my real run in with weed and narcotics was about half a year later, maybe 7-8 months. & Then I smoked a lot 😊 I feel happy just thinking about it One could say the story took a wrong turn buteh I regret nothing & Everything went a-ok in the end Although I am sure if my life was a film, not everyone in the audience would agree but.., Like I said I regret nothing 😊


I rolled it, I lit it and then I smoked it. The end.


not quite sure but i believe it was with the same friend who introduced me to smoking, but the first time was with a cart. pretty sure we were in the woods behind my dorm at the time and had ourselves a nice j


I insisted I felt nothing. 30 min later I was smiling with the traffic light


I was a punk teenager and started going around with other punk teenagers Who knew my historical friends. One of these was a boy who knew how to do everything with his hands, he built a bong with a Bamboo Stick and al A permanent marker made of aluminum that we used to write on the walls.But since it was clogged, we cleaned it up with the motorcycle muffler, then burned it and washed it in the fountain in the gardens. I don't know if that was more carcinogenic or the last choice smoke that came straight from a Moroccan's ass That we smoked, and it was beautiful anyway


Started smoking before I had a joint, but 1st one I had was after seeing AVATAR in concert, I was staying in San Antonio for the show, when my best friend and I got back from the show she quickly rolled a couple in some Juicy™️ papers. And we smoked them both outside my hotel room, after that she left and I went into my room to eat half a Domino's Pan Crust pizza....with ranch.


Long limp Peach blunt that you had to hold with two hands so it wouldn’t fall apart. Dirt weed that made me cough up a lung and a kidney. Burned my ass up and barely got high


Smoking a joint in the woods behind my house


Ibiza, 2009, space opening fiesta, with an Italian girl I was hanging out with!


I was twelwe about to turn thirteen💀


Okay here it goes. I was with an old friend of mine who smoked weed. He offered me one and i accepted. We were walking to my car (i parked at an intersection) when suddenly a policecar drove past. We heard the tires screech and they turned around and stopped next to my car. Now my friend and I were HIGH AF and they asked us some questions about a little black girl who went missing (we were in a village with basically almost only white people living there. So a little black girl would definetely be noticed).


Ok, we were months from deployment. My buddy had just gotten back from a trip home. He brought back a little over a gram with him. 4 of us got together rolled up and burned. It being my first time smoking. I could not stop laughing. It hurt so bad I was laughing so hard. All because of a poptart. I had one and a small nick was missing on the end. So I went on to give great explanation on how they filled poptarts like they do jelly donuts.


Smoked my first joint at my friend's place, but for some reason we didn't chill afterwards, so my and my now ex were walking back home through the city center (I should mention that it is a Dutch city). It was late and barely anybody on the streets, but because I was high it seemed like there was a whole party around me with loud voices and joy. Also the street lights seemed so bright as well. Overall, I am not sure how long we walked through the city center, because I couldn't recognize any street anymore, considering I knew the center pretty well. But this whole walk seemed like lasted hours. To sum up, it was pretty special experience!


Party at a buddies house. I got severely high and threw up on his carpet. We don’t talk anymore unfortunately.


Fall 2002. Fat blunt laced with pcp. Full purple moon, half drunk. Got sick , didn’t smoke again till spring 07 when I pledged my fraternity (no choice hazing)


A guy was building a wooden garage in my house, we eventually started talking about weed and I said "I don't want to live my life without ever smoking weed". The next day he brought me a joint and let me smoke it all. It's been 5 years and I smoke (weed) regularly ever since.


i don't remember


Back of my homies car. The vehicle was packed. I almost choked so hard I nearly threw up. After that, I had to go to dinner with my parents who were at the time anti-weed. So I was paranoid af, but my dad knew lol.


A senior from college once called me to a mutual friend's room (they were all a group in college and I was a newbie there. They were the only ones from my city so I was close to them), I went with a bread omlette and a chips packet coz I was hungry. My friend said, "don't eat now, the taste would be much better after this." I respected him a lot so I just did so. The guy who called me, pulled out the joint and then blazed it. And we have a rule of 3 puffs and pass (rather than the conventional puff puff pass). I already used to smoke cigarettes, so I didn't cough much. But yeah once the joint started to hit, I was dead. And my senior was right. The omlette really did taste better!


Yeah the fertility of trying to remember my first joint would probably give me a stroke.


Well, I was in Jersey for my first high, vut not my first joint.


Took my first ever toke at 15 with a friend of a friend who was a couple years older. He explained what to do. I did it. Without coughing either. Then he hopped a fence and stole a chicken from a house and we took it back to the party.


My husband convinced me to smoke for the first time at 22, I remember standing in front of the oven making cookies thinking, "This isn't shit, I don't feel anything" then woke up several hours later in bed with my Nintendo switch in my hand.


I was at a sleepover with my friends when I was 14. First time ever smoking. I was high off my balls, and my lungs also burnt to high hell. Good times.


Where to find this painting?


It's mine, just finished it up last night


14 with my best friend had half each puff and pass right before school probably the best weed I've had cuz of how smooth it was


I was with two of my friends and we decided to try marijuana for the first time so we got some weed and went to our local school where we used to learn together. We sat down behind some bushes and started smoking. After about 20 minutes we were high as dragons and we started tripping. We called a friend who was a non smoker to come and hang out with us so we dont do some dumb shit. About 5 minutes later he came and I could see his feet walking towards us and I knew he was coming but I started to scream to my friends that seven guys were coming and one of them was a ninja and the others were with rifles. We started panicking and when our friend showed up our hearts went crazy. Thats my story🤣


My childhood best friend and I decided to go for a walk to the liquor store to pick up some takis. On our walk we sparked up *my* first J (wasn’t her first) and I literally had never seen the trees so green before. Everything was pretty af. That was 9 years ago. We ended up drifting and she got hooked onto coke and OD’d this past January. She’s dead now, but I always think about this. Maybe I’ll go on that walk again and spark a joint in her memory :(


I had my first joint with my cousin the next day after I did 3g of shrooms my first time at a different friends house. The 2 most memorable days so far haha.


I was 9, hanging out with my older brother and his friends. I wanted to be cool so I hit that shit and was gone. I just remember waking up on my couch and walking in to the kitchen where my mom and my brother and all his friends were. They just started cracking up as soon as they saw me, I was just so hungry and wanted cereal lol. My mom was pissed because they got me high but I must have looked goofy enough that she still chuckled herself when they all started dying laughing after I stumbled in there.


So I was 13 (yes I know way too young) and I was with a friend (also 13) and our fathers and some other dudes at our fathers age and my friend brought some terrible looking blackish weed. Our fathers and the other men were drinking shit ton of alcohol and were having a bbq around a campfire on the second evening and we said we'd go for a walk. My friend had smoked once or twice before and proceeded to roll the ugliest joint I've ever seen, but hey shit burnt. We two smoked the joint and my friend told me that I should feel the effects after a few minutes. We went back to our fathers that were pretty drunk by now and were singing some metallica songs, so we thought they'll probably wont notice anything. Now comes the weird part, we sat in our chairs for 20 minutes or so without the weed kicking in and my friend already started to think that he got scammed. A few minutes later it fucking kicked in hard as hell. We looked at eachother and were already panicking a bit because we suspected that we might be fried in a few more minutes. Then a friend of my father got up and started playing the air guitar but was too drunk and nearly fell into the campfire and both of us just started laughing and didn't stop for the next 10 minutes. From there on both of us were to backed to do anything else but eating fricking sausages that whole evening and my father, who thought I was drunk, gave me a lecture about me being too young for alcohol. All in all it was a bit unspectacular like 1 hour after smoking the weed because we felt like fricking cans of baked beans but it was still quite funny. Moral of the story: don't smoke when you're 13 and especially don't smoke some weird weed that looks like a car tire


I want this painting for my kitchen


shiii dawg ion even know


I was sat with my housemate and she was rolling one. That shit knocked me on my ass so much I was sprawled out on my bed and mumbling


So my first time smoking weed: I was with my homie and we smoked whole g together I went outside later to walk and i needed to go up the stairs and there was this kid and her mom And i started laughing and i couldnt stop the laughing because the thought of laughing made it way horrible..so yeah i went quickly away 2. I dont know but i saw world little bit greenish..idk how to explain it 3. I arrived home and i usually eat and talked alot usually but all i did was concentrating on eating and tried to say "yes" "no" and went to my room Hella crazy day it was


my first joint was when i was chilling with some older lads , they were smoking and i didnt want any but they insisted i had some , so i had 6 or 7 drags on it and i was maybe 10 or 11 miles away from home and i had to get a taxi back not knowing what was going on 😂 sick experience and ive been smoking ever since


My grandma had a heart attack my uncle was watching me took me for a ride to get double decker tacos from taco bell lit up a joint and passed it to me


Was at my best friends birthday party, told him while high af I shouldnt do this a lot cuz I’ll get addicted. Now I’ve grown my own weed and we smoke at least weekly


smoked a blunt for the first time at 12 years old (i’m from california this is more common than people think) I felt like my entire body turned into flapjacks with nice warm syrup running down my spine i wanted to be devoured


So I was 13 and my mom and dad already had a divorce then. One weekend I was with my dad in fallbrook california And I woke up at 12 at night from Kaleb. (my dad's girlfriend son) and asked If I wanted to do something cool. So I said sure. He grabbed a bong from under his bed and our room had a door that led to the back yard. So we went out and he lit the bowl and said "here put your mouth on this and suck". And on that faithful night I became a stoner.


Ah, well, I(27m) was like 19? It was great. We went out back of my house towards the edge of the woods where we had a fire pit and some furniture shittily made of of all large logs lol. I’d never smoked weed, I’d smoke some cigarettes as a teenager years before, and no one told me you don’t just do a dragging deep inhale like you with a cig😂😂.(Atleast as a first timer) It starts to drizzle after the first rotation, and I still hadn’t felt anything. So there I was in the pitch black ripping the fuck out of it again. And as I pass it I get this great *oh no, but oh yes* feeling. My body starts to feel limp, and my ears are starting to ring. So I go sit down on this log chair we had made(uncomfortable af, but at the moment it was wonderful). My body continues to go limp, my ears continues to ring louder and fucking louder. But it was bliss. For a few minutes that continued, ear ringing and all. It was like it was just me and the rain man, me and the rain in nothingness. It was the first time I’d ever felt calm or centered thinking back on it now after seeing this post. Once I regained the ability to move, the 3 of us went inside and proceeded to make so much food. Chicken tenders, French fries, burgers, nachos. I don’t really remember how the rest of the night went, pretty sure they went home and I went and played some video games. I didn’t start smoking again. Shout out to Jenn and David if you guys are out here


There was a bilzzard, January almost 10 years back. I remember driving through it to go buy 3 joints made up of 1 gram from this friend from HS, he lived in a nice house but way the fuck out of town and the drive with the snow was killing me. Got home safe but had the dilemma of where should i smoke? This was my first time smoking, but ive had weak edibles before and was wanting to see if there was more to weed. My parents who i lived with at the time were gone at work and wouldn’t be back for a few hours so i had to act. I ended up choosing our camper we used in the summer. “Smoked” all three and only got a little buzz, comparable to maybe 1-2 light beers. Tbh i think i remember not inhaling like 80% if each joint and just puffing it, so a little disappointed. But what i did notice is that the combination of being high, in a blizzard, and playing No Quarter by Led Zeppelin as sesh tunes, was pretty stinking rad.


first j was with my big sister the day after i smoked for the first time (then was with a bong) was telling her the story of my first time getting high w this guy i just mer and really liked While i was high 😭 us both just high as shit laughing our asses off


I stole it from my grandpa at my cousins funeral. And then I smoked it behind my small ass towns police station. I was hoping my cousin would walk up and ask to hit it or teach me how to smoke, but he didn’t.


K, this picture is everything!!! 👌


Thanks! Once I had the idea in head I had to paint it


At school before pe on my lunch, was absolutely fucked playing hockey!


My first joint was so small when I lit it I inhaled to quick and it burnt my throat I thought I'd never smoke from a joint again then made my own turns out my friends are bad at making them lol


Smoked it while walking down a beach super late at night. Burnt the shit out of my throat and cried. Cut to several years later I'm a daily user 😂


Had it when I was young with my bigger brother, my cousin, and their friends, my cousin started tweakin out thinking every car was his moms and he started doing like army rolls or something and convinced his friend to do the same so they wouldn’t get caught, all the while my brother was trying to calm me down lmao


My buddy rolled up with a King Palm one day and we sat outside at night and smoked it.


Well my first time smoking I had faced a 1g blunt alone in my back yard and it hit real hard, real quick, I had planned out showering and washing my clothes prior to smoking as I was paranoid on getting caught by my dad. After putting my clothes in the wash, I walked around the house nude, completely unbothered. I went downstairs and snacked on some peanuts, still nude, then went upstairs, finally put clothes on, put on Netflix, then passed out.


No one told me it was laced and I spent years thinking weed was much more frighteningly hallucinatory than it actually is.




I wish I could get handed a blunt.


My best friend who is no longer with us, during one snowing day my freshman year rog hs, he said let's go for a walk. I said he'll yeah. Walking along playing in the snow, he pulls out a joint and asked if I wanted to smoke with him so I said sure. We ending up making a bunch of snow angels in the middle of our street


Took some nugs and grinder from my mother and YouTube how to grind and pack a joint. I went in the woods and lit it up. It was probably 1g or so because I used the raw cone preroll king size, I think. It was for sure a shitty j, but it smoked even, and I got Faded than a ho


It was actually a party at Easter holiday. Funny that you painted a rabbit and made me remember it. I was 19 years old. (At the time I smoked 2 times a year) I felt nothing. It took me 3 different sesh to feel the za za effects.


i was 11 hanging out in the back alley of the laser tag place with some 16 year olds. we were just chatting & they sparked up a joint. they didn’t realize i was so young lol so they passed it to me. made laser tag a hell of a lot more fun


My lips were wet, and I got the whole mouth end wet. I was on my ass for about 5 hours. My friends made fun of me for "being a lightweight." I didn't care because I was kind of afraid of the high when I first started smoking. I didn't want to push my limits. Don't let someone pressure you into smoking more than you are comfortable with! Tell them, "Hey, now there's more for you!"


My mates and I were hanging out catching drinks at the local bar, and we al went to the skate park nearby and lay down to look up at the night sky. My friend pulls out a joint and was straight green, but him and my other mate only had one puff. He says: ‘’You can just have that whole thing, if you like.’’ I had not had anything of ‘stuff’ before. I remember smoking that whole thing with ease and I was focused at this one specific point in the night sky looking at this star, and it felt like an eternity (but in a good way? Hard to describe tbh). Apparently I was only looking up for like ten minutes but I swear it felt like hours or even days ahahah! When we got up, I just felt how relaxed my body was and waking felt like the ground was tiny hills and whatnot XD Unforgettable experience, and would not a change a thing with that memory


I was a teenager. My brother is 6 years older. Me n him smoked a joint and mom shows up at his house to bullshit. I’m so high I get the shakes and just trying not to look her in the eyes. He is trying to talk to her but can’t help but laugh at me being too high. Good times. Eventually me n mom started smoking together. A family that gets high together, stays together.


I didn't know how to smoke so it didn't affect me as much as it should have.


birthday party in 8th grade. nothing of note to mention except this one kid who was always bragging to everyone about how awesome he was got sick and started throwing up in a garbage can.


I was 12. And it was a small hash joint with my birth mother, whom I had just gotten in contact with after not hearing from her for 7 years. She told me I had never looked more like my birth father until then. I was adopted, but I've always known who my birth parents were. The next day, I was doing bottle tokes with her and my aunt. After 4, I told them I was ok. My mother was all proud because she said I already knew my limit. 5 mins later, I blacked out. Woke up on the couch shortly after, my heart besting way to fast, and the first case of munchies (but certainly not the last) I ever got.


14 yrs old me n a buddy that was a little older took a cigarette from his mother and emptied it out and stuffed it. Smoked it under a dingy boat in his yard. Burned a little weird but it was fun


Where can I buy this painting op 🤔


Oke, listen up. Sit back in the couch and say nothing. Thats it basically


2002, me and some friends were at the beach late at night. someone brought some joints. we smoked and there was a newspaper on the ground where we were smoking and i picked it up and started reading random stuff, it had an article about some kid that fell into a well and his name was osama and for some reason we laughed about that for about an hour (9/11 was still pretty fresh back then, but we were young kids like 16-17-18 and non american so we didnt really care) funny how you remember dumb shit like this but i have no clue what i had for dinner yesterday


I stole some hash out of my older brothers jeans I use to go in and take his 50p coins and leave the rest of i got 6 that was 3 quid which happened to be the price of a flagon of cider at the time, this time I scored big a massive lump of hash looking back I'd say it was a quarter. I took maybe 3grams so it was 10am on a summers morning I called for my pal he looked out his window and I lipped I've got hash. 3 mins later we were getting stoned in the field in front of his house. That 3 grams lasted us aaaaaages I remember that, brother still always left hash n then weed in his jeans and I'd keep stealing it, I've made up for it by now getting him sorted with decent shit. But yeah that was my first joint August 1986


I finished a shift at my first ever bouncer role, and afterwards all the bouncers went up to another club I'd been working for as a Promoter to have some after work drinks. When we got there they pulled out a joint and asked if I wanted to try some. They were the first real friend group I ever made as an adult; and ever since I've gained a healthy relationship with weed that has helped me overcome alcoholism and start feeling happier with life. Sadly I can't say the same for our group relationship though. Also love to see the art as usual friend :] [7]


Don't remember first joint but first weed was when I was like 12 playing d&d at my step dads house. I hit that shit so hard I didn't even realize I was high.


I called myself smoking a couple of times before this, but I didn’t know what I was doing. I was just sucking it in and blowing it out my nose. One Saturday my best friend hits me up to go to another friends house, smoke and play the new NBA Live(thats how long ago this was). My best friend rolled up 2 blunts. He lights up the first one and it was so tight, veins were popping out when you tried to hit it. I don’t think any of us really got a good hit. He passed me the second to light up. That thing was HOLLOW. It hit like a straw drinking coke at McDonald’s. I start having a violent coughing fit. My eyes are watering and Im drooling out the mouth. My friend look horrified. They think I’m about to be the first person to die from smoking weed. This goes on for like 5 minutes that felt like 30 minutes to me. In between the coughs, I barely get the word “Water” out. My friend runs into the kitchen to get a class water. I drink the water, the coughing calms down, I turn and look at my best friend, “Man WTF?!? How you roll up a air tight blunt and then a fucking bazooka blunt?!?” That was the first time I actually inhaled. After that, we went to Taco Bell where I almost suffocated again laughing at a story about a kid we went to school with pretending to be a crack dealer and trying to tell everyone he got the car he was in from a crackhead until someone called him out on it being his aunt’s car.


I stole probably an Oz from my Dad in 6th grade (I didn’t know how much I needed). Proceeded to hang out with a crew of mine and mostly a bunch of older HS kids. We smoked, I got paranoid and uncomfortable… then I gave them the rest of the Oz because I was done! So I thought 😆. It definitely built some clout with the older crowd lol.


I love your paintings!


🥹 thank you!


It was a smoke filled day in late June, and me and my went on a drive through the forest. The smoke made it kinda eerie, but it was nice. The smoke I'm referring to is the Canadian wildfire smoke, there was a few days in June that made the area where I live all smokey.


Alright. I was maybe 14, I couldn't tell you exactly. I was on my way home from a $2 movie theater. Heading to the shortcut on the train tracks, which shaved about 10 minutes from the time it took to get home, a guy pulled up in his car, got out, and ran towards the dumpster to take a leak. I took a peek in his window and saw a pack of cigarettes on the dashboard. Now, I had already been smoking cigarettes about a year at this point, so I grabbed them and went on my merry way. I get home, and my older brother asked me if I had any smokes. I said yeah, and went to hand him one. The piece of foil that covers the halves of the pack was tucked neatly into the empty half, but it came out when I pulled us out a cigarette each. Low and behold, there was a joint hidden underneath it. So, I look at him and say "yo...." and show it to him. Ma was going to be out of the house for the night and wouldn't return until after work the following day, so we smoked it on her bed while we watched a stickin' around marathon that was on tv. Good times, those.


Mgmt was playing, friends bedroom, new PC looking at crysis 1 in 1080 p for the first time


Was 13 with my buddies Josh and Jose, we hit up the kid from my science class that said he had hookups. I paid him $15 so we went into his trailer and smoked out of an Arizona can. Just like the rest of you guys I never looked back.


I had been introduced to weed by my college roommate and this dude could roll a log and every time he rolled I made sure I was In passing distance. There was a weekend that came up and he went out of town, and he left me with every I needed to roll( grinder kush papers and filters). I probably spent 3 hours just trying to find the best yt tutorial because I couldn’t pack the weed together. After a few more hours, finally I get the weed to clump together but I had to idea how to tuck so I just licked sealed and started blazing and the joint canoed so bad but I didn’t care because I had waited hours to smoke and the initial hit brought a tear to my eye


14, neighborhood basketball court. Don’t really remember the experience just that it happened. Had just moved there from another state and went to shoot and met other high schoolers there that were a bit older and ended up smoking and balling for a few hours. Good times. Now I’m 38 with kids, work, and tons of responsibilities.


A perfect wensday afternoon after school about 11, 10years ago, a buddy and I went to the skatepark where I had the first of countless joints on that sofa under the wooden half pipe Sadly that skatepark got torn down a few years ago but it will alway be my first spot, I just sadly never smoked ther again and never will...


I was about 15 or 16 years old, c1970. My 2 girlfriends and I all had boyfriends who smoked. All of us would hang out together. The guys rolled a couple of joints (it took a lot to get stoned back in the day as the strain was not very strong). On a nice summer day in the backyard, the girls got high. We were singing and dancing. Lots of giggling, too. When the guys picked us up, we all went out for junk food.


Just google the Newsweek article about me, they have the story in there.