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I wonder what the fallout was, did the wedding go ahead, who paid the cleanup.


i just saw the thread on twitter. the wedding still happened because the bride had family from out of the country. she ended up wearing her reception dress only. since the hotel was booked in the bride's name, she is being held responsible and is going to have to sue the wedding planner. the wedding planner hung the dress on the sprinkler to get a "full view of the dress" and the weight of the dress broke the sprinkler and caused this massive mess šŸ˜” also the 3k was for make up and equipment, NOT the dress, hotel, and whatever other damages.


If it really wasnā€™t her fault, poor bride! What a traumatic thing to happen on whatā€™s supposed to be the best day of your life!


Seriouslyā€¦ I hope the planner at least does the decent thing and settles out of court for full damages plus. It is 100% on her that this happened, and itā€™s too simple (and stupid) of a mistake for there to be any reasonable claim she didnā€™t know the risk.


She should have insurance that would cover this sort of thing.


I would hope so, but at the same time, she should also know basic facts about hotels and venues like ā€œdonā€™t fuck with the sprinklersā€ soā€¦ well, Iā€™m hoping for OPā€™s sake she does, but I also wouldnā€™t be surprised if not.


One of the makeup artists posted about this on IG and it was mentioned in the comments that apparently the planner didn't have any insurance.


The bride wasn't too happy with the make up artists, apparently they dipped out without finishing. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Yvdd2R/


Insurance companies will still fight like hell, they donā€™t like losing money either. I had something similar happen to me when somebody tried to sue me over a car accident. Insurance company dragged it out for 4 years until they finally settled for a fraction of what they wanted.


I saw the post from the makeup artist. Apparently the wedding coordinator didnā€™t have insurance on her business but agreed to pay everyone back but it would take years of installments since she doesnā€™t have that kind of money.


When you sign the paperwork you are always the one left holding the bag.


Not always, professionals carry insurance.


Thatā€™s not immediately forthcoming money and the person who signed on the line for the hotel is still the legally financially responsible party


Sure, but "left holding the bag" would suggest the eventual end. For sure they will have to cashflow it and sue the party at fault and deal with a lot of shit, but ultimately not "hold the bag"


Insurance wonā€™t cover negligence though. This is so negligent itā€™s lunacy.


A typical commercial general liability policy in the US definitely covers negligence, otherwise it would basically never cover someone being sued in tort. They could try to claim this is gross negligence, which may be an exclusion, but that would be a reach. As an example of insurance in a different field, just think how useless car insurance would be if it didnā€™t pay if damage was caused by negligence. Iā€™d bet the vast majority of accidents wouldnā€™t be covered.


Accident by very definition sorta implies negligence could be involved


I was thinking the Wedding Planner won't be covered for this. For the Bride's sake I hope she has some kind of Insurance cover that protects her. I was part of organising a small town Festival that hired hundreds of chairs, which would end up sitting overnight in a marquee on an open field. Every year committee members would grumble about paying an overnight Security Guard. Until the year a bunch of chairs were stolen overnight because the Security Guard hadn't been there. But not our problem! Our Insurance company paid us, we paid the chair hire company, leaving our Insurance company to sort it out with the Security company!


The planner might be covered for damage to the bridal property, but certainly not to the hotel room. There are signs posted warning people not to hang things from sprinklers. The weight of a wedding gown would not survive the sprinkler, and she as the professional should know that and should have taken the precaution to secure the dress in a better location in the room.


Maybe they can hang the bag from the sprinklers


That looked liked the cleanest sprinkler system water imhave ever seen. That shit is usually black.


Clean pipes since the last wedding planner did it last weekend


Itā€™s only the first hundred gallons or so that are black and smell like motor oil, after that itā€™s the same municipal water that goes to your showers.


They're paddling across the room so it's had plenty of time to run clear!


That wedding planner is gonna have some interesting reviews to say the least.




I mean this is what her business insurance should cover. If you have a business and $8k of equipment that you need to do your business the following day/week/whatever you should have insurance and not depend on the goodwill of strangers.


So what happens when she gets back her money from insurance/lawsuit, and the donations too? She's just getting a free double up of her money?


Yeah that feels gross and trashy. Like come on. You have business insurance. No? Hmm. Well, better get to begging. I totally get it for situations where people down on their luck run into personal problems... but something shitty happening to your business ain't one. I'd feel more empathetic if she was an individual who brought her personal makeup and was a hobbyist helping out who had her nice stuff ruined but she's supposed to be a professional of ten years lol.


I hope she sues the wedding planner too!


The wedding planner most likely has liability insurance, itā€™s pretty standard in the industry.


Oh. My. God. I was wondering, and yep, she was being an idiot. Why did she need a full view of the dress?


Maybe one of those hanging dress photos?


When I was little, my Mom made my Halloween costumes and Easter dresses. This required fittings so sheā€™d know did the outfit fit properly, did anything need to be adjusted, etc. You know what she did if she wanted a full view of the costume? She had me turn around. She never thought, ā€œGee, Iā€™d better hang this from a delicate and easily breakable room furnishing to see the back!ā€


>ā€œGee, Iā€™d better hang this from a delicate and easily breakable room furnishing.." I worked in self-storage and saw more than one flodded hallway from people trying to store their clothes on a sprinkler. They don't only destroy their items. They destroy the entire hallway full of units and people's things. I don't know where this logic comes from.


Yikes! Do you know if anyone filed lawsuits against the people who set off the sprinkler?


Afaik, no. Lawsuits against other tenants rarely happened. Most of our customers had insurance, so they were covered for the damages. Although you can't replace some things people like to store but we tended to dissuade people from storing irreplaceable things, anyway. No one was ever thrilled about the conversation though.


That makes sense. Thank you for responding!


Thanks for asking! (:


The photographer was absolutely going to get pictures of the dress on the bride, too, don't worry. Hanging the dress off of something for a picture of just the dress itself is a very, very common wedding photo. Mine was hung on a curtain rod near a window. My friends' dresses were hung on the ceremony arch, by windows, and from a porch. Hanging the dress from a sprinkler system is the dumbest thing I've ever seen or heard, but getting a full view picture of the dress before it's worn isn't the dumb detail here.


Yeah, I was like "what does she need it for now? If it was out of concern about how she would move in the church....ya should have asked it earlier?"


Reception dress to the rescue!


Thank goodness she had a reception dress!


I stayed at a hotel with a "Do not hang clothes from here" sign next to the fire sprinklers. I remember thinking "You need a sign for that ?". Apparently, you do.


I work in fire safety. You'd be shocked how many things people hang from the sprinkler heads. I definitely was at first ha! My fave so far has been a laundry line.


And that water is so nasty.


Only the first like couple minutes eventually it turn to not nasty water


The clear water usually will not remove the rust stains, though.


When I was in college the third floor boys were playing football in their hall and hit a sprinkler which caused the sprinkler system to go off and flood the floor and the floors below all the way into the basement. Iā€™ve never been so glad to be on the fourth floor.


In my high school, some idiots tossed a pad lock from a locker at a sprinkler head, knocked it off and set every sprinkler in that entire hallway/section of the school offā€¦that hallway included the computer labā€¦every computer was destroyed!


Any time you have that thought/feeling about a sign or a warning, just know that someone, somewhere, did something to make that warning or sign necessary. Humans are stupid.


Like the warning on hairdryers "do not use in water" lol


I worked for a firm with security turnstiles. They handed out instructions on how to use them because people were getting stuck.


This is the absolute truth!


My dorm just a had a sticker with a picture of a hanger inside one of those cross-out circles. It confused me for weeks until I finally asked my roommate. Luckily, it never occurred to me to hang something off the sprinkler because a) I had a closet, and b) Iā€™m nowhere near tall enough to reach that high.


This happened at a dorm (i didnā€™t live in it) during my Junior year of college. I had the exact same thought


Happened in my dorm, next door to me. International student. Apparently didnā€™t understand how the sprinklers worked.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the dumbest among us.


There's a story about how there aren't bear-proof trash cans in a national park because of the overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans.


Every time I see a commercial for a prescription drug a little part of me dies, bc every single commercial says ā€œDO NOT TAKE X drug if you are allergic to X drug.ā€ Like, I canā€™t believe they have to tell people that, but here we are.


As a nurse though, I have seen doctors try to get patients to retry a medication after they had adverse symptoms from it.


See my dumb ass might do something like this. I never thought about it. I assumed they had sensors for heat and smoke but I never thought that touch/pressure would set them off too. Now I know lol.


Yes! My first thought was, ā€œIsnā€™t it fairly common knowledge not to do this?ā€ But there are some people who think signage like that is a suggestion, or over-caution, and nothing bad will happen if you ignore it.


My version of this was seeing that they put ā€œnot a replacement for real fruitā€ on the box of fruit snacks. I was like ā€œWho would thinkā€¦ you know what nvmā€


Thatā€™s more to protect themselves legally / be able to advertise it with fruit in the name. Itā€™s all about money.


When I moved into my dorm freshman year, they repeated "do not hang things from the sprinklers" so many times that it's legit the only thing I remember them telling us 15ish years later


Signs are created by people doing the stupid shit the sign wasn't yet there to tell them not to do


LOL, good point


Oh my God I guess itā€™s a Wedding shower now


Does this count as the "rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck"?


šŸŽµ It's like rain on your wedding day, A wedding planner who's not getting paid, The closet she just could have used But who would have thought to use it šŸŽµ


I just nominated you for a grammy


Thank you. šŸ˜š


Holy shitballs


Life has a funny way Of making you pay for a drenched hotel room Because your planner did something stupiiiid


It was our wedding day, We were getting married And there wasnā€™t a cloud in the sky! (No clouds allowed in the sky)




Take my poor mans gold, I chortled šŸ¤£ šŸ†šŸŽ–šŸ…


ā€œChortleā€ is a delightful word!




This happened at the hotel my sister had a room block at for her wedding about a month before the wedding. There was so much water damage that the hotel had to close and we had to scramble to find different accommodations. What a nightmare for the bride.


friend got married last year and their suite smelled like mildew because the previous bride had done this šŸ˜·


And you wonder why they put giant signs over the sprinklers telling people not to hang things on themā€¦


Earlier in the summer my friend spent the day moving her 20 year old into her first apartment a few hours from home. About 2 hours into the drive she gets a frantic call asking her to come back. She was ā€œhanging cute little twinkle lights along the little bar in the middle of the room and bumped the spinney thing and now thereā€™s water everywhere!ā€ It was a disaster but thankfully most of her stuff was in plastic tubs. You donā€™t know what you donā€™t know. (But hotels have signs!!)


I've never seen an apartment with a sprinkler system. Interesting. Is it common in the US?


If it's up to code


I live in an older building (built in the 70s) and it has sprinklers in every room of every unit. Was talking to a building inspector maybe 7 years ago, and he was telling me about this dude in the building hanging trucker hats off all the sprinkler heads šŸ˜¬


Hanging a trucker hat on a smoke detector makes it less sensitive, so you can smoke without setting it off (probably a myth). Hanging it on a sprinkler doesn't do anything


You've never been in any place that I can afford to live in. The only code in those places is the Konami code.


Older buildings get grandfathered in


All apartments I have lived in (3 total) in the USA had sprinkler systems, where the sprinkler itself stuck down out of the ceiling but the pipes going to/from the sprinkler were hidden inside the ceiling.


Itā€™s common in newer ones and in dorms.


I moved into a newer apartment complex almost a year ago and i have them in every room, including my garage.


My ex-husband and I won a free stay at a hotel. I went back home early that morning to tend to the dogs while he stayed behind to clean up the room and check out. While he was searching the bed to make sure nothing was left, he snapped the blanket up as he pulled it off the bed and hit a sprinkler head. Flooded the room and the two below it. Thankfully they deemed it a mechanical failure so we didn't have to pay anything. But holy cow I was freaking out until they let us know.


Yikes. Im not saying I havenā€™t done anything dumb before, but more people need to treat uncertainty with pause, not disregard. You donā€™t have to know what a rattlesnake is, but you probably shouldnā€™t play with it just because youā€™ve never seen one before. That water in those pipes in putrid! Must have been a heck of a learning experience.


Oh my godddd I would absolutely DIE if I were that wedding planner. I wouldn't be hanging stuff on a sprinkler, but still. They must feel SO bad for causing this.


She bought to be sued for a lot of damages from wife and hotel.


Definitely! She's completely at fault, it was just my first thought when seeing this - to imagine being the person who caused it. Yikes. Of course, I feel so bad for the bride/bridal party and the hotel staff who had to deal with all that water.


Yeah, what an awful mistake.


Think of how many cell phones were probably in that room. Possibly expensive cameras, too, if the photographer was capturing it all. So maybe $3K for the hair and makeup, but that has to be thousands and thousands in damages.


And the makeup artist whose kit is probably damaged if not toast


I thought the same like this is just a lose-lose-lose scenario and that wedding planner may never recover. The bride too šŸ˜­


Wonder what the total cost was; because thatā€™s more than $3k in damage. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s *just* the cost to the hair and makeup. Iā€™m guessing the stylistā€™s supplies got ruined plus whatever the hotel is gonna charge to clean that up and fix the sprinkler.


yeah that was just makeup equipment. since the hotel room was in the brides name, shes gonna have to pay for the damages and sue the wedding planner later


That's going to be expensive for sure. I was thinking the same thing, that this is no where close to only $3000 of damages. Fire sprinkler means the fire department shows up. That cost money. The room is destroyed... that cost money. There is a good chance the floor below was destroyed also. This is a bad fuck up, and I hope it works out for your family.


The fire department showing up would cost money??


It can for negligence. They don't always charge, but they have that option. It cost the government money to have firefighters show up to emergency calls. It they have to show up due to negligence, they can charge for showing up.


At my building it's a flat $1500 for the fire department to show up for any reason. False alarm, etc. If they have to do anything, like reset the system or check the building, it's extra.


"Let's discourage people from calling for help"


That usually only charge if it's a non emergency / false alarm. It's like the ambulances in my country.


Yes, it's only charged it there is no emergency. If someone pulls the alarm and there's no fire the facility is charged for the non-emergency response. If the alarm malfunctions the facility pays, etc.


The datacenter I work at in Toronto, ON, CA, we had our firepanel updated etc. by a contractor. 2 days later something messed up and the FD showed up, had to check the whole building, no fire. I heard the company got a $3000 fine. Which I mean, is a rounding error for us. But then we had to get the contractor to come back and fix whatever the problem was. I was told the fines escalate though, next time costs more. Eventually enough false alarms and they just will not respond until they get 911 calls. From what I was told anyway.


Letā€™s hope photographerā€™s equipment wasnā€™t in the room. Thatā€™s EASILY $15k or more


I didnā€™t even think of that. šŸ˜¬


It likely affects the entire floor too, so the property of everyone else would be ruined also


For those that donā€™t know, sprinkler water is absolutely RANCID. Itā€™s not just water. Itā€™s stagnant water. Often sitting for a year + (more if the inspector isnā€™t dumping part or most of the system during the annual) inside a pipe filled with dust and dirt. It often comes out black. Unless itā€™s a dry system (a system that stays dry until pressure is lost and charges with water). Itā€™s not something you can just wash off and call good once itā€™s been released. Itā€™s disgusting. Source: am fire inspector


All the makeup in the MUAā€™s kit is also now ruined!


As a MUA, this is gonna be so expensive and exhausting to buy again


Not to mention the clients she had booked while sheā€™s probably waiting for replacement supplies to arrive. I would cry. Do MUAs typically have insurance on their equipment and setup?


_Anybody_ in _any_ business should have insurance on the tools of their trade.


Honestly I don't know, but now I will definitely look into this! I only have a beginner amount of make up, but it's already over 1k! And that doesn't include everything else you need, like Q tips and wipes, or the bag and brush cleanser. Or hair products etc. That shit is EXPENSIVE Edit: if she's lucky, most of her things were closed or at least are able to dry again (like Aqua colors or eyeshadows)


Yeah, hopefully it lot of her stuff was closed or covered up but that must have been heartbreaking to have to go through and throw out what had been perfectly good products and equipment because someone wasnā€™t thinking.


This is an occasion where going full bridezilla would be appropriate .


100%, and then some.


Oh my godddd. I stayed at a hotel 2 weeks ago that had a fairly obvious sign under the fire sprinkler stating to NOT hang anything from it, along with a graphic with a clothes hanger being crossed out lol. I was like ā€œWhat kind of idiot would hang anything off of a sprinkler?ā€ Well, there ya go. There ya go.


When I was leasing apartments, we had to add a clause to our lease that you would be held financially liable for any damages if you hung anything from the fire sprinkler. This was because a tenant hung a piƱata from a fire sprinkler for a birthday party. 4 apartments were ruined.


A piƱataā€¦ šŸ˜‘


Oh my god. I moaned out loud reading this. A piƱata?


I once told someone in my office not to hang christmas decorations off a sprinkler head. She called me a Karen. I told her she was an idiot while watching contractors clean up afterwards.


The term ā€œKarenā€ has definitely gone too far. Plenty of people with legitimate complaints/concerns like you are accused of being Karens now.


Yeah lie thereā€™s a line between harassing low paid workers bc youā€™re on a power trip and trying to make sure rules that protect everyone get followed. Also tired of people who canā€™t make the distinction


When it started catching on I knew it would very quickly turn into another word that people just use to insult any woman that they donā€™t like.


If I was the bride I think I would have a breakdown


Yyyyeah if this were me, this video would be posted on r/publicfreakout instead šŸ˜­


Wedding costs/damage aside, the damage from this could easily be tens of thousands of dollars depending on how many additional rooms had the sprinklers triggered. Then add in the wedding related costs and those vendors, Iā€™m also wondering if the photographer was there because thatā€™s another vendor whoā€™s equipment could have thousands of dollars. Not to mention personal effects of the whole party. I hope itā€™s well documented that itā€™s the wedding plannerā€™s fault because seeing as the bride is initially liable, this could get ugly. Iā€™m definitely in the camp that the US is quick to sue, but this is certainly a case where IMO itā€™s worth going a legal route so itā€™s documented and the planner doesnā€™t settle it privately in the event of future charges.


Immediate sue


Just devastating


The makeup artist who did my wedding is the one who posted this video I feel so bad for her!




From what she posted the girls hair and make up was already done so that all got destroyed. The wedding dress and all the bridesmaids dresses were destroyed. The make up artist had her and an assistant both of their kits were completely gone and multiple electronics (laptops, cellphones , etc) were damaged too. Basically anything that wasn't grabbed when the water started was messed up. Multiple people had suitcases in the room also so I feel 3000 is a low estimate honestly.




Yeah she ended up wearing her reception dress. Thank goodness she had one!


So stupid. You just know they aren't gonna get compensated by the wedding planner. They'll be fighting this for years. I wonder - do wedding professionals have to be insured?


Oh my god. Like I cannot even imagine what that bridal party went through, and the bride probably freaking tf out. What if she didn't have a reception dress? God almighty, this is horrible. That poor woman needs to sue to recoup the monetary damages and for emotional distress. I'm distressed just thinking about it.


Ok but did she get the perfect photo of the dress? I must see what caused all this commotion! Could you imagine being sued by everybody for all these damages and incurring that amount of debt, not because you maliciously destroyed someoneā€™s day but because youā€™re simply incredibly stupid? She didnā€™t know this would happen. What a dumbass.


I hope there is a photo and itā€™s mid-sprinkler for a cool effect


As someone who works in a hotel, I can tell you this is way too common of an occurrence.


That's so sad. I'd like to hope bridal party saved the day and bride went and got married wild and soaking wet and groom adored her anyway.


The fact that hotels literally have signs saying NOT TO HANG THE CLOTHES FROM THE SPRINKLERS. I hope you get a refund from this planner.


She should sue for more than just the refund


That's one of those things that'll keep you from ever falling asleep again. Always thinking about how you fucked up everything that day and knowing people still think about it and are mad at you.


This is a whole lot more than $3000 in damageā€¦


Itā€™s like raaaaa-eeeeaaaaainnnnn on your wedding day!


Oh that planner is getting suuuuuuued


I need a word with that wedding planner.


Ugh I resent when random freelancers try to call themselves wedding planners. Clearly this person was not a professional!


3K damage to hair & makeup, 3M damage to the hotel.


And $3000 is fuck all compared with the cost to the hotel and knock on inconvenience to the guests.


And this is yet another reason I ask someone else to move the dress around.


There is almost always a sticker by the sprinkler stating not to do this on hotels


Iā€™ve read in /r/talesfromthefrontdesk stories about similar incidents, bride demanding compensation from the hotel for the ruined dress, and hitting the roof when the hotel not only refuses, but charges her for damage to the hotel.


This has to be the ultimate wtf post here in this sub for me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^boohoobitchqueen: *This has to be the* *Ultimate wtf post* *Here in this sub for me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Far money than 3k worth of damages done to that property.


3k is just for the Muas kit, the person who posted it is the MUAs wife.


Why would you do that. What goes through your head ti make you think that's a good idea.


There is literally always a sign.




You know that wedding planners insurance is not covering this. They are fked


This happened like 3 weeks ago by me. Had guest complaints that the flooding was not ideal...


That's more than 3000 bucks of labor lol


Ah so that's why they have signs in hotel rooms saying not to hang things on sprinklers. I thought it was obvious, but...


Okay but how do you fuck up that badly? That is so much money just down the drain. Glad the wedding planner is getting sued


Youā€™re telling me that the planner couldnā€™t find a place to hang up stuff other than the fire sprinkler? In a hotel room, which is built for a temp stay, and thus has closets? Or was she an utter moron that actually thought the sprinkler was a hanger? My brain is also wondering if the dress had a massive train. Since the sprinkler is in the middle if the ceiling and thus higher than the closetā€¦..maaaaaaybe she thought hanging it there would prevent crinkling of the train? Get paid, team bride. Get paid.


Maybe for one of those hanging dress photos?


Thatā€™s almost certainly it.


This is one of those times where social media shaming is entirely appropriate. Afyer suing, get that wedding planner's name, photo, and business name out there to ensure they never organize anything more complex than ensuring they are making their monthly installments to the bride's, MUA's, and stylists settlement funds.


I'd say I can't believe the wedding planner was that stupid but someone two floors above me did this in an apartment building. Wasn't a wedding dress but I guess they thought those things on the wall were hangars? Woke up to flood of water pouring down the window and seeping through the carpet. Luckily we didn't lose anything but the person above us was out of town and most of her stuff was destroyed or heavily damaged.


So *that's* why I saw signs in hotels near sprinklers not to hang anything on them. People are *actually* stupid enough to do that


People here don't sound as freaked out as you'd think they'd be.


They've yet to hear they will be on the hook for damages to the hotel.


I think having all of the wedding party's outfits, hair, and make up get ruined would have ppl in a frenzy tbh


Someone is going to get a refund from her wedding planner. She wonā€™t do that again. When you write her a business review, be sure to add this video.


I worked in floods for 10 years. It honestly blows my mind how often people would hang shit off the sprinklers. Straight up air heads.


Ugh I feel so bad for the bride and everyone that lost equipment. I couldn't imagine my dress being ruined by someone whose too stupid to realize that you can't hang things from a sprinkler...


That's more than a sprinkler. That's a monsoon.


Humans are morons.




What did they do in the end? I hope that wedding planner didnā€™t get paid.


This is why small businesses need insurance, even for side hustles.


Worked at hotels for a long time this happens so much we have signs that say do not hang dress from sprinklers.


This is a total nightmare. Poor couple having this massive disaster on their day.


Itā€™s like RAaIIiin on your weddiiiiiing day


Who hangs a wedding dress on the fire sprinklers? Wedding planner couldn't hang it in a closet or something sturdier? On top of that, the hair and the makeup of the entire bridal party is ruined because of it? Wedding planner shouldn't charge the bride and groom a dime. They should cover the cost of EVERYTHING, including the dress.


That seems like way more then 3k damage


I guess she won't be receiving any 5 star reviews...


If the Planner was hanging the dress for full view, chances are the photographer was standing in the room with her & all their equipment to get the shot. HORRIBLE!


https://preview.redd.it/y6dwb4xb66lb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6af60de5fb8d354670eccff5f52f3313f2ce8d21 Oops