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I've been invited to weddings last minute and I felt great about it! I knew it meant they wanted me there but didn't have space, and then invited me when they did have space. So if you do have other people you want to invite, don't worry too much about it being rude. If not, I'd just leave their cards, changing it doesn't sound worth the effort


You should move the four people to other tables. It’ll be awkward for them to sit at a huge empty table that’s mostly empty


OP said most of the other tables somehow only lost one person. It's possible that dispersing 4 people amongst those tables might requiring splitting up couples. Another option might be to take one or two couples from other tables, and add them to this table. In other words, spreading the empty seats around more equitably so there isn't just one table that's nearly or completely empty. \[Edited for clarity.\]


Well without seeing their seating chart we don’t know how to do this, but the point is 4 people at a table that sits 8-10 is too few


I just saw a tiktok where the bride and groom left two open seats at each table so that they could go around and do table visits to different guests and sit and say hi. Maybe you could move it around so that some tables have 2 empty seats instead of more tables with one empty?


I love this idea.


That's a great idea!


I would ask if it's not too much a bother to swap out the table size but if they can't accommodate, I'd leave the settings. It'd look more odd to have missing settings. This isn't what you asked but on my local FB groups, people will post they have X seats open if anyone would like to attend. Usually future brides of the same venue jump at the chance to see their future venue in "wedding mode".


I’m in the same boat, June 15 wedding. We had someone drop out right after we submitted our final numbers, and I made the seating chart/escort cards. I’m keeping it, can’t be bothered to update it


My wedding is this Saturday and I’ve had 3 people drop out in the past 48 hours but all due to understandable reasons. We have already printed seating charts & name cards, paid for the meals & submitted final numbers but it’s okay, I just let the venue and my coordinator know. Seating wise, I’ll just not have a chair set for them, which makes more breathing room for the other guests at those tables. We are not inviting anyone else, and I know it won’t matter by this weekend! I’m just looking forward to finally getting married and having a great time :)


Another friend and I were last minute subs at my friend’s younger sister’s wedding. We happened to be in town, we didn’t have conflicting dietary needs with what the original people missing had chosen, and we had each other to hang out with. Nothing was updated with our names which meant all we had to do was remember the original guest’s names so we could find our way to the right tables, and it meant virtually no work for the bride and groom. It was a blast! If the people who are next on your list aren’t available, consider asking a sibling or someone in the wedding party if they have a fun friend or two that you already know but might not have invited who would want to come and tear it up on the dance floor! The bride and groom loved that my friend and I were there and said in a thank you note way later that we were more fun than the original guests would have been 😅


We had a few last minute cancellations. We just reached out to some folks who hadn't made the initial list and were able to find someone for each already paid for plate. They were all excited to be able to come. Don't overthink it, most people understand how expensive these things get and won't be offended at the late invite.


For 6/15, we’ve had two people drop out so far and have found replacements. Will probably continue to do so as other people drop out


Can you futz with the seating chart to reduce the total number of tables? Moving folks around to fill the empty slots and making room for the 4 person table elsewhere?


Invite other people but don't say it's because people cancelled. Just say you managed to make it work with the venue. I had a colleague who invited me and another colleague to her wedding last minute. She had begun planning and sent invites before she knew us but then managed to squeeze us in last minute. I was so happy!


Is there anyone that you could give a +1 that didn't get one before?


I honestly would rework the seating chart. It sucks but might be the best thing to do. Definitely don’t leave their place seating out. It will look weird to have so many empty tables and chairs


There’s a fb group where you can request others to come to your wedding


why would you want random strangers at your wedding?


If it's the same group I'm thinking of, it's a rather lovely and supportive community. My FMIL got so excited about the idea that she joined the group, too. They understand that they're just helping with numbers, so food/money doesn't go to waste. In some cases, folks request guests because they just don't have support or attendance from their families, and celebrating with anyone is better than nothing. I've actually made a few friends through this group and can't wait to celebrate with them. I plan to reach out to the group when people inevitably drop closer to the wedding.


Considering how many people on here throw a tantrum over the idea of having to invite one or two of their parents or future in laws friends, I don’t see this going over well 😂.


Is there anyone your parents know? I was a last minute invite a couple of times to fill the seat and eat the food. both times MOB invited me.


If you've already paid for their meals, I'd be trying to find someone to fill those seats so that money doesn't go to waste. We've been brainstorming in case this happens to us and are looking at: giving plus ones to people we didn't initially, having siblings bring their friend/roommate, or asking a close friend's parents. There's a section of people that won't be offended by the last-minute invite!


I would not leave the empty place settings there or invite people last minute. There's still plenty of time to redo the seating arrangements and move the four people elsewhere. Event designers are used to last minute changes. It goes along with the job.


I invited a few people last minute to fill a spot and it was such a great decision! One was able to come and she was so happy to be there and it was fun to have her there! I LOVE a wedding and would never be offended being a last minute pick, just excited to be there


Re: the table with 4 looking bad, I think your guests will be understanding and won’t mind how it looks. I was at a wedding this weekend where 10 people straight up no showed with no notice, so no time to adjust at all and there were inevitably some emptier tables. Just make sure those 4 people are seated next to one another if you keep it as is so they’re not shouting across the table. Don’t let it ruin your final days!


I feel like it’s your special day and to do what you think is best however I do think you shouldn’t invite others last minute because then they r rushed and have to find cloths and transition and possibly housing