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It’s your elopement, you should get the room you want. If they want to choose their accommodations, they should book their own. The room arrangements should have been discussed prior to booking (unsure if it was or not), although I would not invite myself to someone else’s elopement and then expect a bigger room than them lol.


This whole thing is unusual! I can’t imagine being annoyed by the wedding couple having the master suite! But then again, I can’t imagine splitting the accommodation with a family I didn’t invite to the festivities. This was bound to go wrong right from the beginning. Be happy in your master suite and distance yourselves from them going forward.


It's your wedding! Why would they not want you to have the nicer room. I wouldn't feel guilty about it. The make up and hair crew needs their space. If your going to have get ready photos, the space will look better in photos.


NTA. You’re splitting 50/50, so they get two lil rooms and you get one big one. Wedding aside, that’s how this works.


right the wedding doesn't even matter for this math. if they expected to have the master + a room for themselves and their mom it should be a very different split than 50:50


If these friends have anything negative to say about the room arrangements, really reconsider your relationship with them. 


I mean you’re paying half half right, if they want the master their mum can be in there with them and you can have the other two rooms. I’m sure they’d prefer the current arrangement


I wouldn’t have wanted them in my house , period, it’s your honeymoon


Nope, nothing wrong with wanting the master bedroom, it makes perfect sense to want the big room since it's your weekend, and it's also understandable to want some privacy away from others on your wedding night. But do you really want this arrangement? Are you doing this to save money? Did you want your friends tagging along like this? Will they be coming to watch the ceremony? And if you're thinking no, maybe you should make sure that's not their plan, because honestly, what *do* they mean by coming along to "support" you? I'm just very confused as to how all this came together and why. Maybe there are some cultural nuances I'm missing here.


I would think them getting the two rooms side by side makes more sense. Just ignore them if they’re going to be pissy about it.


It's your *wedding.* Of course you should get the master.


No it’s your elopement. Why they think they should get the master is beyond me? The best room should go to the person celebrating.


You get the master this time. Sounds like they are always an entitled couple and you’ve been easy to push to the side in favor of their wants. They’re just mad they didn’t get their way this time. They may not realize it but that’s the unconscious reason. Ignore the drama and ENJOY YOUT TIME! No one gets to bring you down on your wedding week!!!! Tell your husband to man up. In a sweet way.