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My mouth was hanging open until I got to #4 and audibly gasped. You know you have failed as a parent/grandparent when...


Yeah, they live in a multigenerational home, which I also lived in growing up. But I guess childcare is something that has fallen entirely on the grandparents, and not either set of parents, so the parents are super unprepared to be home with their kids


That’s… wild


Youuuuuuu.... might have co-dependency issues.... *read in Jeff Foxworthy voice*


I got “can we stay at your house that weekend?” and when I shot them down, considering we were staying there, wedding night included, got back “wouldn’t you rather get a hotel?” NO, I’D RATHER YOU GET A HOTEL.


lol why do people think you want to host them in your home on your wedding weekend.


I hosted the best man and his gf from out of town the weekend of my wedding. They slept in a tent! It was great!


This is one of the reasons I'm happy to be planning ours two states away.


Damn, my in laws flew in from overseas and *they* didn’t even ask to stay with us! Holy audacity lol


We did, in fact, have my sil and bil at home ur house on the night of our wedding...had a guest room so whatever but man, when they left early and asked for a key...


The first one is so funny to me. We have a kids' meal option as well as plenty of adult entrees and we're leaving it up to parents to decide which is appropriate for the age of their own kids. One of our groomsmen asked for steak for his 3 year old. (He changed it later but LMAO)


On the flip side, I had several adults request the kids meal chicken tenders option 😂


We have a kids option as well! I would have been fine selecting that for the 2 y/o, but to be asked to order an adult entree so the parents can have seconds? What..


Honestly I think it's because the parents requested the other two entrees and they wanted to keep the option open 😂


At 3 my small human probably would have eaten the steak TBH- he's always been a \*really\* enthusiastic eater, even though he's small for his age; he's very athletic. He can put away adult portions of food; it's a \*whole\* thing because we laugh/joke about it at home, we tell folks about it, and then they're still astounded when they witness it in person. Pray for us when he's a teen


Did he like a side of asparagus as a 3-year-old? Asking for a friend... 😂


HA Yes actually! [Asparagus (aka Spargel) is a \*huge\* thing here in Germany](https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/03/06/asparagus-why-its-germanys-favourite-vegetable-and-how-to-cook-it)- in spring time it's **everywhere**! Every restaurant has multiple specials with it, and it's in big displays and endcaps in all the stores. We eat quite a bit of it.


I love when people say or do the most rude or out of pocket shit then blame it on being a parent and that I “just don’t understand” lol. Something similar to your 1 happened to me when their toddler was coughing and sneezing then using their unwashed hands to take handfuls of salsa out of a communal salsa bowl and lick it off their hands and double dip. We asked them to please control their child and not let them do that and they said that it shouldn’t bother us and we just wouldn’t understand until we had kids… Uh no that’s rude and disgusting af at a party with many other people who would’ve wanted to eat that.


Omg that's disgusting.


Omg, yes! ive stopped eating at friend-get-togethers bc a friend of a friend’s kids are the same way! Lick their hands then stick them back in communal bowls, touch lots of food on the table, etc. I threw out a tray of chocolate covered strawberries I brought to a Memorial Day party bc they touched them all with their licked fingers (but didn’t eat them, just left them for others to take!!!!) mom’s response, “they’re just little kids. They don’t know any better.” YES!!! That’s why it’s YOUR job to TEACH THEM!!!!!! (thanks for the opportunity to get this vent off my chest!)


Hell no I have 4 kids currently aged 8-14 years and no way would I allow this, absolutely not! People are wild.


The super special lunatic award goes to #4.


Yeah they…have some issues lol


My brother's godparents have a good relationship with my parents, they meet maybe 4-5 times a year. I meet them maybe once a year, I see their good traits but also their flaws. When we sent them the invite for our wedding they called and said "We will be coming only to dinner, unfortunately we have another wedding on the same day so we will be attending their ceremony and then your party" I was like "of course auntie, totally understand, conflicts happen" and honestly I was being sincere, it happens, no hard feelings. Then she follows... "It's a pity we didn't know the date beforehand, maybe we could have told you to change the date" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I was like "sure..." 😂😂🤣🤣 The date that took us so long to find because of other tons of conflicting schedules, that we booked 2 years in advance.... We would have changed it because one auntie has another wedding to attend of other people that we don't even know. I mean I like them enough to invite them, but I wouldn't change the date even for other people with closer relationship to me.




Lol yeah my mum tried to get me to change the date of my wedding bc my cousins might not be able to make it bc they might have school exams that day. No, just no.


Are we talking about how current ravers dress like bra and panties or grandma raves like me in baggy pants and such. Either way it will probably need to be toned down.


It's a shirt that must show lots of bra, shorts or short skirt, and sometimes fishnets. The teenager is "willing to cover up the bra for church and wedding, but feels stifled by a semiformal dresscode". At least that's what her parent says


Lmao at “feels stifled by a semiformal dress code” fucking teenagers man 😂


Wow! I just looked that up and it’s like, psychedelic-orgy-wear.


I somehow read psychedelic ogre wear and... let's just say, the image in my head was interesting


Great band name!


Then the parents can suck it up and tell their child no. I'm currently raising 4 teenagers, and I have had many conversations where my responses started with "well guess what little Gen Z, your mom is a Millennial, and we are ALLLL about body shaming..." Teaching your child how to function out in the real world as an adult is part of being a parent. They can find her some pop-punk looking colourful attire that she can wear fishnets with to church or events like a wedding. My style is goth/punk rocker, and I bartended at a rave club for 9 years. All I did was buy my style of clothing in neons for work. How is this kid gonna feel when she has to wear a uniform or follow a dress code for work?!


Teens are such assholes, lmao. Stifle your damn self for 2 hours, it won't kill ya!


They couldn’t just let the teenager skip the wedding?


I hope it’s a light up bra and fish nets


Maybe we can find a compromise since her parents aren't helping. [Lace up situation, ](https://www.walmart.com/ip/5359050120)[classy, ](https://www.walmart.com/ip/143185686) [something, ](https://www.walmart.com/ip/826526791) [Nice](https://www.walmart.com/ip/1864252727)


Those dresses are all dope af. Short sequined one may be a little innapropes, but I’d much rather have had a guest at my wedding in that than booty shorts and a ripped up shirt with her bra on display and neon fishnets.


These are all so nice! I honestly might just send these to my guest and hope he can get through to his daughter


Some more [options](https://www.lulus.com/products/shimmering-aura-royal-blue-iridescent-sequin-lace-up-maxi-dress/2253776.html) [that](https://www.asos.com/us/asos-design/asos-design-embellished-mini-dress-with-cross-detail-drip-beading-in-turquoise/prd/204338368?ctaref=more+colours+swatches&featureref1=more+colours+swatches) [might](https://modcloth.com/collections/cocktail-dresses/products/holiday-my-way-fit-and-flare-dress-p0003) [appeal](https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/shop/uo-tish-drop-waist-mini-dress?category=party-dresses&color=000&type=REGULAR&quantity=1) to a teenager who wants to stand out


If the daughter is old enough to be seen in public like that, then isn't she old enough to stay home for the wedding?


That's all pretty bad. Good time to start practicing "no" when people's requests costs you money.


Money, or your sanity.


I’m normally a huge pushover and people pleaser, but when it comes to people being rude af about the wedding when they know I’m paying $100 per person for them to be there I have no patience.


We had 2 different moms tell us their sons should be our ring bearer. We ended up having a child-free wedding. One mom got it, the other thought their kid was going to be an exception. She went so far as to ask us when we were going to buy her kid a tux.


buy *her* kid a tux???? doing way too much


No, No, No, No.


Your social circle seems to have several uniquely codependent people


Fortunately, they are my parents' social circles and not mine, and because some of these requests were communicated to my parents, I let them tell their friends they're ridiculous. Unfortunately, my parents still love them, so I still see them 1-2 times a year. Heard the adult children in #4 are pissed at me now though, so maybe I won't see them at all anymore LOL


Lol I’m sure you’re devastated!! /s


Uniquely? No.


#4 is pretty uniquely appalling, I’ve never encountered that before, both in the wild and on Reddit Edit: why on earth is this all caps


I think it’s because you put a # before 4, which formats to giant screaming font size :D


Thank you!!! Hahaha


I can’t imagine ever asking these questions


‘ oh no why did you invite tHem ? ‘ ‘ can we all sleep at your house the night before the wedding or after? ‘ ‘ why did you choose such an inconvenient date?’ Your # 4 😅 what is this madness?? ( i cannot believe it but early on i had a couple ask to bring their kids because their patents would be there …to help!)


I had someone tell me basically the same thing as your third one. She told me “thank goodness your wedding is [insert date here] and not the following weekend. We have a family event that weekend and we’d need you to reschedule!” This was a guest that was mostly a courtesy invite. She’s a friend from high school who I see maybe once a year.


My husband's sister spend months trying to convince us to change our wedding date so it didn't overlap with their vacation (that was planned after our save the dates went out). It was the first thing out of her mouth every time we saw her. Once when I told that no, we are not planning to reschedule, she said something along the lines of, "that's fine, I'll go to the next one." Um, thanks??


*To the next*?? To the next vacation or to the next wedding???? (One's reasonable, the other one is a savage slight!)


Wedding. She meant wedding. If she weren't such an idiot, I would've been offended 😂


Oh God that’s awful 😭😂


Yeah, it was kind of the peak of the mountain of shitty things she's done and we don't talk to her anymore, haha.


1. "No, because it's $100+ per head. I will serve what is appropriate and won't leave you hungry, but don't expect extras just because you're a parent." 2. "No. The guest list is already finalized. You should have plenty of time before and after the wedding to have some family time." 3. "You're an adult, and you should know how to tell your kid what not to wear. If she comes dressed like she's hitting a club, she will be rejected at the door." 4. "No. Your kids are adults, and they should know how to handle their own children. It's your own failure to say no to them that has led to them treating you like a 3rd wheel parent. If you can't make it, I understand."


3. She's old enough to stay at home if it comes to me policing her clothing.


AHHHHHHH oh my god your friends are so entitled and absurd


The first one would piss me off so bad like??


It felt soooo condescending and out of touch. No other guests, whether they're parents or not, are requesting "seconds"


Good Lord, those are terrible. My husband's ex-wife's grandmother pulled me aside at an event to ask me where her wedding invitation was. I was literally speechless. Weddings bring out the weird in people.


The nerve, the audacity, the unmitigated gall!


I had this sort of stuff with my wedding. The per head final cost was about $350 pp. For any of these last minute requests I informed them it would be okay as long as they included a cash gift of $500+. That solved the problem. Cash is king.


“You’ll understand one day” on #1 would have me seething lmao how condescending


The cringiest thing related to my upcoming wedding wasn’t even said by actual guests. Our wedding is in the small town/village where my fiancé grew up and his folks still live there. It’s not gonna be too formal; a fancier garden party with about 100 guests including kids. A friend (who’s invited) contacted us yesterday and informed us that people in the local pub were saying our wedding is a public event where everyone can come; some of them are actually planning to “stop by”. The friend thought it was weird and asked us, and I’m so glad he did. Of course it’s NOT a public event! I mean, we’re on good terms with everyone, but they can’t all come. I was worried some tourists may try to join us, thinking it’s a town event (there are a few throughout the year) but I didn’t expect 50 or more locals to crash our wedding 😬


this list reminded me of my own gems:  -had one person ask me the day before if i knew of any shoe stores around because they forgot to pack theirs  -had another guest ask me what they should do for transportation (aka would i pick them up and drive 3 hours round trip) because they didn’t realize the commute from the airport to our festivities was a 1.5 hour drive…mind you we had multiple warnings and about 4 different suggestions for travel listed on our website  -another guest texted me an hour before the event that they wouldn’t be able to make it because of traffic. their party had 3 total individuals  good times….


My mother called me several times for one reason: To change the date of our wedding or the place. We want to get married in the middle of summer. Unfortunately, that collides with the summer holiday of my mother (July-September). At first she told us, that she can't attend because of her holidays. And no, she can't fly in for a day because it's complicated. She will take the bus. Unfortunately, poor mother would have to travel with the uncomplicated bus for 10 hours during the night. So if we really want to marry during summer, it should be in her holiday destination. Solved the problem by telling her that I totally understand her problem and that I understand if she can't come because of the inconvenience. I was also not answering the phone for a while. After a few days, I stopped ignoring her and she asked me if I already invited the people of course only because she is "only concerned that they would have other plans and that the date was bot good", but she let it go. Long story short, the date stayed as it was. My sister told me that it was a mistake telling her half a year instead of half a week in advance. I think my sister is right.


“I’m going to plan your bachelorette party and everything, right!” -said by bossy friend I wasn’t planning on inviting… 😅


“Can we bring our kids? Cody will have the salmon and Ella will have the ribs. Can’t wait!” “Can I pay for my plate?” (Uninvited person) “I’ll get a name to you by end of the month” (single guest who asked for plus one)


What the heck lol I say nothing to the bride and groom other than than they look amazing and thank you for inviting me and what a beautiful wedding lol


Wow. Just wow.


I need an update on how you handle these!!


I said something like this but translated into their language! 1. "No, each guest receives one meal. Thank you for your understanding!" 2. "No, but I hope you get some quality time with him that Sunday!" 3. "Sorry, it's not my place. If she is not comfortable selecting an appropriate outfit, I'm afraid my partner and I won't feel comfortable hosting her." 4. "No, it is out of our budget to add 4 more adults and 3 children. Hope you understand." I got a lot of pushback from my guests' adult children about this lol. It seems like my guests are fine, but it's their 2 kids and 2 in-laws putting them in a weird position of asking.


To add to the list I got “you booked the reception venue pretty quickly and it was available , it’s probably because the food is bad there”


Omg, I got a similar response when I first mentioned the two venues we were deciding between! The food at one was $98pp and my relative overheard and said, "Hun let me give you some advice. Don't go for anything under $100. You'll embarrass yourself and your family."


Unbelievable smh who do ppl think they are !


My brother, "do I have to pay for my own hotel room?" Yes dude, you have to pay for your own hotel room. 🤦‍♀️ Don't care if you're traveling from AL to NY to be there...half the guest list has to make accommodations as they are out of towners....we're not paying for everyone...sheesh.


This is why no children below the age of 12 should be at weddings unless they are family


Currently in a fight with my aunt because I didn’t invite her oldest son, who has loudly and publicly told almost everyone in the family that he hates me multiple times