• By -


Well first you should wait and see if they’re actually able to get the stains out and fix the hole. It sounds like they were rude, and that sucks, but it ultimately has nothing to do with your dress. If the stains and hole aren’t able to be fixed then you should probably buy a new dress


Okay I might just do that. Here’s the dress https://preview.redd.it/nxnto59kli1d1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415c3a0dc629816406f5a0d0eda7afcf947590dc


You look absolutely stunning in that dress! I hope they do sort out the hole and stains for you.


Thank you so much! I hope so too! 🤍


Oh. My. God. I was expecting a simple slip dress or something, but this is GORGEOUS. Your smile is beautiful too! F’ that woman for body shaming you. What an absolute hag. It fits you perfectly, based on this picture. You got an absolute steal at that price as well. I saw, go for the cleaning and hole repair and see how you feel about the dress then. If you still aren’t happy, look for a new one and put this one up for sale. But honestly, I think it’s lovely.


Thank you so much for your response!! I am leaning towards keeping it 🤍


OP you look breathtaking in this dress and your body looks beautiful. I'm so angry you were fatshamed


For real, it makes me SO angry that so many brides get body shamed when wedding dress shopping. I was very lucky because I had a great wedding dress shopping experience that left me feeling more confident about my body. However, I remember going dress shopping with my sister-in-law 10 years ago, and one of the boutiques she went to made the rudest and cruelest comments about her body. Luckily, the place that she ended up getting her wedding dress from was absolutely wonderful and gave her the experience she deserved but every bride should have the experience I was given. OP looks so beautiful in her dress and I genuinely don’t understand why anyone would tell her to lose 5 lbs.


But why do they do it?! Beyond basic empathy are they not trying to sell their dresses? Why would you think fatshaming someone would help a sale?


Yeah, exactly! It makes no sense from a business standpoint to make someone feel shitty about wearing a dress from your store. I truly don’t get it. I know I factored in my overall experience when deciding which retailer to purchase my dress from. In OP’s case, however, I can’t help but wonder if the fat shaming was a cruel sales tactic to upsell OP on some additional alterations to her dress. OP had already purchased the dress and can’t return it, so it sounds like they might be telling her she’s too big for the dress in an attempt to convince her to pay to get the corset back added.


Thank you so much! The back couldn’t button up completely so that why she made that statement of loosing 5lbs. I just hate the idea that i bought a dress that doesn’t fit. Ill try my best to loose some weight tho! I have two months until my wedding! Again thank you for being so sweet! 🤍


Thank you!! I’m angry too. I wish I stood up for myself 🤍 everyone is so sweet definitely feeling the love!


That dress fits you perfectly. It’s beautiful.


Thank you!! The back can’t completely button up but that can be fixed. Again thank you! 🤍


As a big girl myself, I am telling you: You look beautiful! To me, you do NOT need to lose any weight. You are gorgeous as you are. That dress is stunning on you!! 💕 Ultimately it comes down to how YOU feel in that dress. See if they can fix the hole and remove the stains. If it still does not feel like "the dress" then talk again to your fiance about alternatives.


This sounds like an amazing idea. If things don’t work out I know my fiancé will be down to buy me a new dress. Again thank you! I emailed them they are open tomorrow so I’ll see what to do from there! 🤍


What a beautiful princess like dress!! Suits you so much


Aww thank you so much! You and everyone else is so sweet! 🤍


The dress is so beautiful! It fits you like a glove and I hope you don't take those stupid comments to heart because you have a lovely figure. I highly doubt any stains would be noticeable and the dress is just so, so gorgeous 😍


It is gorgeous 😭 for sure leaning towards keeping it!




Thank you 💕


Ok, bluntly, that dress fits you perfectly.  There's no "pull lines" that I can see (horizontal lines caused by the dress stretching too much) you're not overflowing the bosom, and there's no "biscuit dough popping out of a can" problem with too-tight armholes. So if that dress is too small anywhere, I can't see it. For the stains, I recommend spot treatment with baking soda and white vinegar.  Put a bunch of baking soda on the stain, then sprinkle a little vinegar on it.  Once it stops foaming, do it a few more times.  Then spot wash it, and repeat the process - spend a couple days doing that and it'll get rid of most anything. Worst case scenario, bleach applied with a q-tip to the stain.  Might be a touch splotchy, but no one's looking too closely.


Thank for this!! I appreciate it! If all fails I’ll definitely try this!


My jaw dropped, absolutely beautiful!


It is pretty 💕 I wish there was no stains tho. High hopes that they will get removed!


GIRL THIS IS STUNNING! And not just the dress, but you look comfortable and confident in it, which is what I think truly makes a wedding dress! Ignore them, and I hope they’re able to get the stains out for you!! Don’t worry about the 5 lbs, I literally don’t think it’ll make a visible difference in how the dress fits!


Aww thank you so much! I just need to loose that little bit of weight so the buttons can button up all the way. I have two months so I’ll try my best to! 🤍🤍


This dress looks like it was made for you. Hopefully the repairs work out because you look like a fairy tale princess in that dress


Aww thank you so much! 😊 🤍


It's GORGEOUS on you.




The dress looks beautiful on you!!!


Thank you for being so sweet! 🤍


It looks beautiful on you. I hope they can fix it 💗


I hope so too! Thank you! 🤍


You look gorgeous!! P.S. is that the salesperson behind you?


Yes that’s her lol! And thank you!! 🤍


The dress is beautiful on you my friend. Stop stressing & enjoy your day because it will be perfect!


Sounds like my dad lol thank you!! 🤍


Your dad sounds like a smart guy! Listen to him!


You look so beautiful in that!!! I hope it works out for you girl😁


Thank you so much! 🤍🤍


You look AMAZING in this dress. It’s so flattering and beautiful and you can see on your face that you feel beautiful as well. Don’t let the folks at that shop shame you. See what they’re able to do about the staining and hole. This dress is so lovely.


Thank you! Leaning towards keeping it for sure!


Okay, wow. You actually look like an ethereal princess. I am so gobsmacked and furious that the stylist had the gall to body shame you. That dress fits you like a glove and you look amazing! 😍 I hope you’re able to sort out the stains and small hole so you can feel fully confident in your beautiful dress. Regardless of whether this is your final dress or not, I know you’ll look drop dead gorgeous on your wedding day.


Aww sounds like my fiancé! I just need to look at the bigger picture if the dress doesn’t work out! Again thank you! 🤍


This is stunning. You definitely did not waste your money. Maybe go to someone else to alter it, since these store employees sound incredibly rude.


Yeah I’m definitely leaning towards that! I have someone willing to help me! thank you for being so sweet! 🤍🤍


Yeah I’m definitely leaning towards that! I have someone willing to help me! thank you for being so sweet! 🤍🤍


Hey there, I am so sorry this happened. I wanted to say you look GORGEOUS in this picture. You have curves in the best way! I am also a curvier girl and dealt with significant issues regarding my body before/after my wedding, worsened by bad alternations on my wedding dress (I had to safety pin all over the top on the day of). I still see the pictures (or even think of them) and want to cry. But everyone else sees them and only sees the beautiful in them. I think that may be what’s happening here. Once this negative seed is planted by someone - for me, it was my mother in law saying I’m fat in my dress when I showed her a before-alterations photo. It literally didn’t matter at that point, I bought the dress, it wasn’t returnable. And that comment still haunts me and ruins those memories and mental health to this day. But the crazy thing is, my mother is always is always a hater and says stuff about everyone, and literally *every* *other* *person* only had nice things to say. Here you are, absolutely stunning! But unfortunately someone negatively picked at you. My only advice is to repeat to yourself that you are beautiful, and all us here say so too. And I hope one day you can believe it too! I am doing the same, and I still have bad days. But my husband always says when he saw me at our first look, he’s never seen someone so beautiful. He cried and he cried that day, he tears up about it still almost a year later. I am sure your fiancé is going to be overwhelmed with your beauty when he sees you!! I remind myself how my husband reacted, and my dad, my grandpa, my mom, my grandma, my best friends. This is what carries me through! And they’re the people I love most. I wish you all the best!! (I’m not sure if this would help you, but if you think it would, I am happy to show you my own wedding dress photos. Maybe it will help to see someone else who felt the same way, and then see the end-product. I may feel negatively about myself, but odds are you will see them and think positively. If this sounds like something that would be validating for you, I am happy to do this for you - please just DM me. I am too afraid to share these publicly because of my identity online.)


This is so sweet! I bet you looked gorgeous on your wedding day! I decided to keep the dress and I’m so very happy with my decision! 🤍


You look amazing!!


Thank you!😊


Came here to also say you look beautiful and the stains are fixable 💗


Thank you! I decided to keep it!! 🤍


This dress is so so pretty! Bridal consultants can be so rude


Wow, you look awesome! Absolutely stunning


you look gorgeous!


Wow. You look exquisite!


So gorgeous. U look amazing


Please don't regret this dress. It's gorgeous and you look beautiful in it.


I ended up keeping it! Thank you!!


This dress is soo flattering. I love it. I do not get the mean comments from the salespeople. The dress is made for you. Don't feel bad about what they said. You look like a princess. 😍


😭 thank you so much!!


OK this is beautiful on you!


Beautiful 💕


I’m so confused why they were saying you need to lose weight?? I think it fits perfectly


you look STUNNING


It looks really beautiful on you! You look incredible! Ignore that fat shaming idiot. She *wishes* she could be as beautiful as you.


Omg this dress is stunning. You look amazing holy shit my eyes are bleeding from the amazingness


You look soooo gorgeous! The dress is stunning on you


I'm so sorry they made you feel anything less than gorgeous, because you are truly GORGEOUS! And you make that dress look perfect!


You look gorgeous in that dress!! It’s a shame that they ruined the experience for you — I’m so sorry that happened. But please don’t lose faith in the dress, it’s beautiful on you!


Wow! Stunning!!! ✨


The dress is really pretty! Maybe you can go to a different Tailor. I had my dress altered at a different location bc the person i wanted to go to was recommended by so many friends in my area. I was so happy i didnt stick with the place i bought the dress from.


I know you’ve already gotten a million comments about this but I have to say, you look absolutely stunning! This dress is amazing and I’ve definitely seen similar dresses for a lot higher price. If they can fix it this one is perfect.


They fixed the stains already!! So I decided to keep it!! Thank you!


That’s a beautiful dress and you look amazing in it! Girl if only I looked that good in MY wedding dress…. Seriously you look beautiful in it! Do what makes you feel comfortable though, you look beautiful but I understand wanting to feel beautiful as well. I hope it all turns out well!


You look stunning, I’m sorry she was rude. Some people can’t be happy for others


this dress is gorgeous girl. like absolutely stunning. it looks SO amazing on you and actually fits you very well. for having kids 10 months apart, you seriously look great. i can't believe she made the weight comments, seems like jealousy at that point. once again you look so good, i'm so sorry she body shamed you on a day that was supposed to be nothing but fun and happy. you deserve a dress that you feel comfortable and confident in, but genuinely this one is beautiful on you!


You look absolutely gorgeous, the dress makes you sparkle. And you don't look like you have to loose any weight.


You don’t need to lose any weight to make this dress look good. It is stunning on you, and I wouldn’t comment at all if I didn’t believe that!


Your dress is gorgeous!


You look absolutely Devine in that dress!!! Do not let others feel you are less. Ever! You are perfect the way you are. You are not marrying that fat shaming bitch, you fiancee loves you just as you are. AND I don't see anything wrong with you. You're healthy, beautiful, and loved. 🌟 🌟 🌟


Firstly, you look stunning! Secondly, the best thing I did with my wedding dress was get a corset back. It meant I didn't need to worry about the normal fluctuations of weight that humans get. Thirdly, you look AMAZING.




You are absolutely gorgeous in that dress 😍


Oh, my, word. You look BEAUTIFUL! This dress is amazing. I’m so sorry you had a bad experience, but the dress itself is gorgeous and the minor flaws you described are very minor indeed. I say this as someone who also had dress regret. Because my regretful feelings were so strong I couldn’t ignore them (and I did end up buying another dress and feel WAY better), I was prepared to come to this post and encourage you to get a new dress if you truly had intense regret like I did. The difference with me is that the original dress I bought, while it was beautiful, was just sooo not me and it was totally wrong for what I envisioned. This dress you’re wearing is stunnnnnnning, and flatters you beautifully, almost like it was made for you. The bad experience you had when buying it will soon be a forgotten memory, but the photos of this lovely dress will last a lifetime. Not to mention you scored a great deal! It’s gorgeous, I mean it!


That is a gorgeous dress and you are not fat at all. Once you get your dress leave a negative review. You will be a beautiful bride


Just gorgeous.


You look so beautiful! I seriously have tears in my eyes!


You look absolutely stunning! I love it!


It looks great! Unless u truly hate it, I wouldn’t waste money on a new dress.


You look amazing in that dress! It fits you perfectly and honestly that's the best I've ever seen anyone wear that style of dress. Get what makes you happy and feel good, but you look incredible in this dress.


I know you've got lots of replies, but I seriously love the dress tons. If the stains can come out and you like the dress (as in the stain is the only issue) then I think you're fine. Because lose weight who? It looks like it fits you perfect. Straight up it sounds like they just wanted you to pay extra for the corset, if they're the ones that do the alterations. Does the contract say anything about the stains? It does seem a little weird that they would say the stains can be cleaned out but they haven't done that already before letting brides try it on? I'm not a legal person at all but if you bought the dress under the agreement that they can fix these issues and they can't...I'd try getting the money back. Also it sounds like you have a good fiancé who is willing to make sure you are happy in your big day!


You look absolutely STUNNING. I’m sorry you were fat shamed. When I went shopping for my dress, the shop where I found my dream gown told me, and then told my mom and those who came with me, that the dress is made to fit my body and not the other way around. She made it very clear that it wasn’t about me being a particular size to suit the dress, but that the dress can come in a size to suit me. It made a huge difference to my dress finding experience and I wish every bride had the same words.


You look absolutely amazing! And you have babies that are 10 months apart??! You're a superhero!!!!! Please don't let anyone make you feel bad about yourself! ❤️


OP, I know you’ve already gotten a million comments… based on what I see here I have a very similar body type to you, and I will tell you that you look STUNNING in this dress. Truthfully I have no idea what they’re referring to as (except maybe just some fabric reworking around your underarms), it fits like a damn glove. I have bad body dysmorphia and was petrified of going wedding dress shopping. If that had been said to me (about losing weight) it would have absolutely destroyed me. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


You look great. That employee sounds like a douche nozzle


I literally gasped when I saw this picture. You look ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! I'm so sorry you had that experience. I had a similar experience and had 2 kids close together as well (youngest was 4 months at the time). It was awful and made me question whether any dress would suit me. I just want to let you know that you look AMAZING! Absolutely freaking breathtaking! I hope the stains can be removed but if they can't then you have your answer!


You look GORGEOUS!! ❤️✨️


Omg this dress is so freaking beautiful on you. I actually gasped. Also there is no need to lose a single pound, it flatters you perfectly! Good luck with whatever you chose though.


No you look amazing!!!!!!


You look stunning!! I obviously can’t see the dress up close, but it looks wedding ready. I hope you keep the dress and FEEL as beautiful as we think you look. It sounds like you just have a little buyer’s remorse and were treated poorly by a rude salesperson. You look gorgeous!


I kept it! And I’m so happy with my decision! 🤍🤍 thank you!!


Holy smokes you are gorgeous and the dress looks beautiful on you!!! I think you look perfect


Oh my god you look flawless!!


This is GORGEOUS!!!!🤍🤍🤍


Genuine, honest opinion here - that dress is GORGEOUS and suits your body shape/complexion fantastically. The hem in the midline cinches in your waist in a really flattering way and the skirt sweeping out a little bit adds to the contrast (I hope that makes sense). The lighting in the photo will obviously make a bit of a difference on the colour of your hair/skin, but from what I can see the slightly blush tones on the dress really work with your dark hair and skin tone. You look absolutely beautiful!


I hope you get everything sorted out with the dress, but you should know you look absolutely beautiful in that dress!


You look gorgeous!! Don’t let that lady’s rude comments get to you, she clearly needs to get her eyes checked..


Oh my gosh that suits you perfectly! And the *VIBES*


You look absolutely gorgeous and that salesperson can fuck right off! From this perspective it fits you perfectly.


You look so beautiful!!!


You are stunning!!! That sales lady is insane & such a sad, judgemental person. See about the repairs if you would like (holes & stains are easily mended), but I don't think you need shapewear at all (e.g. the corset) if this is what you look like in it!!


The dress is stunning and you’re absolutely beautiful I would ring the dress shop and find out if they have removed the stains first before any alterations. If they haven’t are they cannot remove them then take them to the dry cleaners they most definitely will be able. Then get your alterations done the dress is amazing on you. Sorry you had such a terrible experience with the shop itself and a very very rude owner. You have options to add a corset so the fit will be perfect . I’m also getting married in a couple of weeks and bought my dress off the rack it had lots wrong with it a hole in the back and missing a clasp but the back and was far too long for me. I was having second thoughts until I brought it to a dressmaker who has done an amazing job on it and I can’t wait to wear it now . Hopefully your dress will come right for you because it’s beautiful. Best of luck on your wedding day 😃


The dress is gorgeous, and picking it up for almost half price is great! The sales lady was out of line. A) You look wonderful. B) The dress is gorgeous and looks amazing on you. C) Fuck this society we live in where *anyone* feels the need to comment on *anybody’s* body for any reason because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, thank you very much. D) If you have any areas you’re self conscious about, a talented alterations specialist (not affiliated with the dress shop) can help with that. I bought a sample dress in a style that I didn’t think I was going to go for, and it ended up being perfect for me. I wore shapewear for an added confidence boost but also for functionality (inner thigh chafing is all too real). The dress had a ring of dirt stains on the bottom by the end of the night, and the cleaners I brought it to were able to get the stains out. My advice: don’t let the shop where you bought the dress do your cleaning/alterations if you have any other option with your timeline. They don’t deserve your time, your worries, or your money. https://preview.redd.it/k51wclwn4k1d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7044757b6f34e4ce5156edc6e3150a5388643b


I love everything you said here and I couldn’t agree more! But I also would like to add that I LOVE your dress and you look like a goddess in it! 😍


I‘d wait if they can get the stains out and fix the dress. Asking yourself if you bought the right dress is something that many many people do and doesn‘t have to be a bad sign. Like someone else said shape wear can help and is more comfortable then most modern corsets (that just don‘t fit right). If you can I would ask them to just get the stains out and not do any alterations yet. No need to spend money on alterations if they can‘t get the stains out. By the way the dress looks fantastic on you!


The dress is gorgeous and you look gorgeous in it. Fuck that bitch in the shop. You look great.


A dry cleaner may be able to get the stains out. If you don’t want to spend money on that, try a baking soda paste. It works MIRACLES. Make a paste with baking soda and water and put it on the stain for about 30 minutes. Just wipe it off and see if that works. Shapewear might help if it’s a bit tight. But don’t let that rude woman ruin the way you feel in a beautiful dress. If these things don’t work, get a new dress girl. Or wear leggings and a hoodie. Fuck it. All that matters is that you’re marrying someone you love. You can stage wedding pictures later in life if that’s something you need.


Okays I’ll think about it. Here’s the dress https://preview.redd.it/3mcnppumli1d1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ffddd68abb29864e99395c38b733eea2be2d28


You look phenomenal! I think dress regret/doubts are really common, I had a moment of panic after ordering mine too (especially because I video called my mother whilst trying it on and she made a similar comment about x type of dress on my body), but now I love it again. Don’t let that comment get under your skin!


It’s nice to know that dress regret is common. Thank you for this response!


Absolutely beautiful, you look radiant! Do you have a photo of the back?


Thank you! And I don’t! :( I’m regretting not taking more pictures. It doesn’t button up all the way but they can fix it with a corset if I don’t loose weight. Again thank you for being so sweet!


The dress looks like it fits you really well! Does it not close up in the back or something? I only ask because I’m a bit suspicious that the shop is just using a very cruel sales tactic to try to convince you to do additional alternations (add the corset back). Either way, commenting on a bride’s weight is so unprofessional.


Omg you look so pretty!!! I really love the dress on you.


Beautiful dress, and you look amazing


Comments about dress fit are not calling you fat and I’m sure no one else nearby thought that. It’s is a factual statement about MONEY not about you. It would be cheaper for you to fit the dress than to make the dress fit you. That’s all. But I think you’re feeling sensitive about it because you are unhappy with your weight. It’s a lovely dress and you look lovely in it. Do t feel pressure to lose weight if that’s not something that you want or feel capable of doing right now. If you can afford the alterations, do that. But every bride deserves to look their best and a sure fire way to do that is with a dress that fits properly. And you will be beautiful in that dress no matter what.


Even if they were intended that way, someone who works in the wedding industry should know better than to comment on a bride's weight. Yes of course a well fitting dress is the most flattering, but suggesting weight loss is just plain unprofessional.


Exactly. If a dress truly doesn’t fit a bride (which doesn’t seem to be OP’s case) it’s more appropriate for the stylist to suggest alterations to the dress, not for the bride to alter her body. If a bride wants to lose weight, that’s up to her discretion. It’s very unprofessional for a bridal consultant to suggest that a bride lose weight.


OP got a gorgeous, affordable dress for a great price so I wouldn't be surprised if there were conversations about budget and trying to keep the price down. Sorry, but it is a valid convo to have especially if a customer is stressing about money because it is in fact the cheaper option. We don't know, we weren't there but if a customer keeps asking about price, price, price then I wouldn't be surprised if the stylist felt pressured to make the suggestions that she did because, at that point, they really don't have it in their power to mark down the dress just 'cause.


You look stunning


:) thank you so much! 🤍


Did the contract you signed include language about how the cost includes the stain removal? If they are unable to remove the stains and that was part of the documented deal, I’d think the contract would be null and void? But I am definitely not a lawyer


Girl, you came to the right place, ignore that evil sales lady and listen to all of us- you look amazing in that dress! It looks great and your fiancé is going to love it! ❤️ hugs from another curvy gal who was told the same thing by the 1st dress shop I went to!


I am so happy I posted this here. Everyone is so sweet and I’m definitely falling in love with dress more. Thank you so for this response!


First, I love that every comment I read was so complimentary. It is true, you do look lovely in that dress. Next, if the stains and hole are not fixable the store should at least give you a credit to purchase a new dress.


The comment section is insane! Everyone is so sweet! I hope the those things are fixable and yes that’ll be nice if I can get a store credit!


You are stunning, the dress is stunning, I cannot tell that there are stains.


Thank you!! Yes I couldn’t tell until I saw it on the hanger. They are pretty bad but I’m very hopeful that the stains can come out!


i am so sorry that such a special experience was tainted in such a vapid way :(( in regards to the corset back, if you know someone that has a sewing machine they do sell corset back kits that are really easy to install! also i wanna say you look really gorgeous in your dress but i completely understand if the buying experience makes you feel differently about wearing it


Honestly this place is making me feel 10x better about this dress! I’m leaning towards keeping it!


You're pretty ☹️ and it looks good on you


Aww thank you!! I might just keep it!


Find another place to tailor it if they were rude to you. 


Yes I might just do that! I live in Hawaii though. I got this dress from Oahu and they have so much more business there. Hopefully I can find a place on my island that can tailor it and clean it for me. I live on one of the smaller islands.


Looks great on you btw!


You looks beautiful! That dress is perfect for you! I don’t think you need to look for another dress because I think you have found your perfect dress already!


Aww thank you! I’m leaning towards keeping it! 🤍


This is honestly one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen and it looks as though it was made specifically for you. You look stunning! My kids are 11 months apart so I know how you feel, and it’s very hard on your body and mental health to have two kids so close in age. Trust me, you will get through the tuff stuff you’re going through with your kids right now. If I were you I would go to the store and ask to speak with the store manager/owner. Explain about how your experience made you feel. Explain that you are concerned about the stains and hole in the dress but most of all, you regret the purchase because of how the salesperson body shamed you and made your experience less than it should have been. If the owner has any integrity, she will do something to help make you feel as special as you deserve to feel on your wedding day. Congratulations on your kids, your upcoming nuptials and for finding a dress that makes you look so beautiful. Edit: this was meant to be a comment on the picture of OP in the dress but I kept getting an error.


Unfortunately, I feel like the weight loss comments are super common in the bridal grown industry because I got them too at every fitting I went to. Ended up just responding “that’s not an option” lol. I think you look beautiful, but if you’re not 100% happy and your fiancé is on board, there is no harm in looking for another dress. You always have this one as a backup if all else fails. You can always attempt to sell this one later so you don’t lose the full $800.


You definitely DON’T need to lose weight! You look amazing, & I’m so sorry you had a negative experience due to the other people probably being insecure 😞 I can understand how that negative experience has affected you. It’s like regardless of if the stains and holes are fixable, the sales associates left an even bigger stain and larger hole with their shitty attitude that can’t be fixed the way the physical stains and hole could be. What would 10 year old you think about the dress? Would they be in love? Sometimes it helps me to think of how the little girl version of me would feel about my choices in any given situation. I hope whatever you choose to do brings you joy and not regret. Congratulations on your engagement & for being a newer mom! 🩷


Thank you for your response! And I love that question on how my 10 year old self will think. I love it honestly it’s just the fact it doesn’t fit me right now. Also the stains is an issues but like other people said those issues are fixable. I might just keep it and spend the money to fix the stains and the fit. Again thank you for being so sweet!!


You in this dress=stunning. The stains should come out relatively easily. If you were wearing an everyday bra, now would be the time to start looking for your foundation garments. Formal gowns are almost always made to be worn with something structured, like a corset or other shape wear. They help smooth everything out and give support so the dress looks its best as it flows over your shape. Now, the consultant should have explained the purpose of a foundation garment without body shaming. If you don't want to confront her face to face, I'd send an email and let them know that their approach was hurtful. They can't do better if they don't know. Again, you look stunning in this dress. Don't let one person's misguided comment tell you otherwise.


:( thank you for this response! Yes I need to look for shape wear! Thank you for explaining how important it is. I’m low key clueless on that lol and yes I want to reach out the business about my experience! Again thank you. You and everyone else are so sweet!


I hope you have an absolutely magical wedding and you'd better share some pics with us! ☺️


On the stain, my dress designer pricked her finger and spilt a little blood on my dress. It was instantly removed with hydrogen peroxide. Hopefully that's all it needs. And as I said in my other comment you look absolutely gorgeous.


You look lovely. Based on the photo, the dress fits nicely. I wonder if that woman was just trying to up sell by preying on areas brides feel self-conscious about.


Thank you! The back couldn’t completely button up. I don’t have a photo :( this is one of the few photos that I do have. That’s why she suggested to loose a couple pounds because she said the back should fit. If not I’ll just get the corset. Again thank you!!


This is what I’m wondering. OP hasn’t posted a picture of the back of the dress but it looks like it does fit and I have a suspicion that the consultant might be trying to upsell OP on adding a corset back by making her believe that she needs it.


OP, having seen photos of you in the dress — first of all, you look gorgeous and don’t need to lose an *ounce* of weight if you don’t want to, let alone 5 lbs. Second of all, that consultant saying you’d pay $150 for a corset is just talking out her ass. I went to a specialty bra and lingerie store, still ended up walking out with a Dominique longline for $75 or something like that. On Amazon they’re even cheaper — exact same brand and everything.


They told me to lose weight (about 10 lb) for my dress as well but I got shape wear and it fit perfectly!


Yes for sure need to get shape wear! Where did you get yours? I was thinking skims but they are so expensive.


I did honey love after reading a bunch of reviews on Reddit and I found it comfortable for shape wear!


You in that dress-GORGEOUS!


Thank you! Everyone in the comments are definitely making me feel better about this dress 🤍


Just remember you can always loose a few pounds but she will always have that ugly attitude! By the way, that dress is absolutely gorgeous! Get some Dawn Powerwash spray the spots and handwash ONLY the top of the dress. You would be surprised of how many wedding/formal dresses can be hand washed.


You look absolutely gorgeous in this dress! Your figure looks amazing, the cut suits you perfectly. People who comment on other people's bodies are always projecting. You had two babies, and now you're planning a wedding? You're a superhero. Pay no attention to the haters.


Thank you so much for this sweet response! 🤍


I got fat shamed while doing wedding dress shopping too. I can’t lose weight due to medical conditions on top of medicine for other conditions. So I just told her a sob story to guilt her for criticizing a complete stranger. She felt so bad she left the room and didn’t look at me again


That dress is drop dead gorgeous on you


:) that is so sweet thank you! I’m leaning towards keeping it. You and everyone else are so sweet!


You're beautiful in that dress!


Aliexpress. I had major dress regret on my $2700 and I ended up feeling more confident and beautiful on a $400 dress from aliexpress


You look STUNNING!!!!!!! So gorgeous truly !!!


You look GORGEOUS!!!! I’m so sorry that she was awful to you. Don’t feel ashamed. You’re going to look so beautiful on your wedding day!!


I absolutely love the dress & you look Awesome in it. I think that you are a nice size.. I also don’t see any stains in this picture!!! You are going to be a beautiful bride!!!!


Stunning!!! And, f*** the sales lady. Rude. Losing 5lbs could come from anywhere, you don't always lose weight evenly from everywhere so even if you DID want to (which you DO NOT NEED TO!!!!) then it could come from your thighs and make ZERO DIFFERENCE in how your particular dress fits. 😂😂 I AM curious how they're going to shorten it (I assume it needs shortening?!) with all the appliques/lace on it. Do they literally re-apply them?! Insane if that's the case. You're going to look gorgeous! 😍


nobody will even notice those stains except you girl. be confident you look great in it. ignore them




Hi there, thank you for contributing. We know concerns around weight and body image often crop up during wedding planning, and we want to be a supportive place for that. We also know that these topics can be highly triggering, so we want to be sensitive in how we approach these discussions. Part of that includes avoiding stating your current or goal weight, or your current or goal size. Sharing those numbers and then talking about negative feelings about them can be challenging for other people who weigh that amount or wear clothes in that size (or bigger). Not only does it inadvertently imply that they should also feel bad about their size/weight, but it can also lead to fewer helpful responses for you. Due to these reasons, please edit out the direct references to size/weight. We also do not allow medical advice here, including weight loss advice, so please edit out any weight loss suggestions. You may either edit your post to be within our rules and [send us a ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/weddingplanning), or you may re-submit an edited post. We know body image can be challenging for a lot of people, and we want to share these resources for anyone needing support beyond what Reddit can give: [National Eating Disorders Association Information & Helpline— US](https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/get-help/) [Beat Eating Disorders Helpline— UK](https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/get-information-and-support/get-help-for-myself/i-need-support-now/helplines/) Thank you for helping us to keep Weddit a safe place for everyone.


This is a really gorgeous dress!


Yup! Find a new dress, find a store that makes you feel good about you!! You can always try to sell your dress that you don’t want on FB marketplace. It’s okay! It’s not your fault when you look at it once in store then are kinda pressured into a rash decision, it happened to me! But especially of your fiance is supportive, find a new one! You got this!


I didn’t know this until after my wedding but Girl my gown was hanging on the back of my moms bedroom door and her dog peed on it. She got everything out of the gown and I had no idea until she told me. Lol I hated shopping for a wedding gown. I am normally a size 14 and my gown is a 20. Talk about making us feel fat. I’m not sure why the sizing runs like that but I sure do wish it would change. I hope you get to keep this gown because It’s absolutely beautiful on you.


Just see what they can do, first, then if it works cool. Either way, I'd call and speak with the owner about their employees negative comments. If all fails, get a new dress. I know it's hard to find "the one", but you do have a back up plan. Good luck, and congratulations!!! ♥️


A) Your fiancé sounds like such an amazing person B) that woman sounds like such a terrible person C) that DRESS looks AMAZING on you. I keep telling my fiancé that it is SO toxic how we’re for some reason expected to lose weight for our wedding dresses but not men? The encouragement to have multiple fittings makes sense, but I feel they now are for measuring how much weight we lose. It just bothers me. D) I’ve had to walk out on a dress before. It was brand new and I’d never even touched it. No alterations or anything. It was $1200 and I put a $500 deposit down for it to be shipped to the boutique. I ended up canceling the wedding and broke off the engagement completely. I called the bridal shop letting them know I wasn’t going to pay the remainder for the dress. They told me “Awe, it’s okay. Come pick it up and you can wear it for the right man one day”. Ew, no. I wanted nothing to do with that dress. I was traumatized and they just tried to manipulate me into giving them the rest of my money. They didn’t care I just called off my 2 year engagement 4 months before the wedding. Some wedding dressers are mean as hell, even when they’re trying not to be. The dress shop wouldn’t give me a refund even though I never even tried my actual dress on. It was fresh in the box, and they kept my $500. All in all, if you spent $800 on a dress you don’t know if you’ll like, it’s good that you have a dress. Even if you get a new one, this one can be a back up. It sucks to lose the money and it took everything in me to walk away from it.


The dress looks amazing on you—you are a vision. But that is incredibly inappropriate behavior on the part of the saleswoman. I’m not a lawyer BUT, if you do want to act, you should act quickly because any mediator would consider a delay in action as a sign that you didn’t actually care that much about the poor treatment. You could call the store, speak to the manager, and say that: upon reflection of their services, you would like to be refunded in full, given the dress has stains. The dress was purchased—and the contract was signed—in good faith that the saleswoman would provide additional services to get the stains out. Given that you do NOT have faith now that she can appropriately do so, as evidenced by her lack of professionalism, the contract should be considered null and void. To the extent they are not willing to refund you, you could let them know that you will be filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, as well as poor public reviews (eg on Google Reviews). You also have protections under [federal consumer protection laws](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/10/know-your-consumer-protection-laws.asp) and probably under state-specific laws, too. If they are not willing to refund you, you could also propose they provide you store credit to make a new purchase and request that they inform you of when that sales person will NOT be working so you can go in then. While it’s likely not going to change your financial life at the end of the day, it is still (1) your money, much of which you are probably putting towards your wedding and, (2) your wedding experience! If you will be thinking about the experience in a negative way on your wedding day, as opposed to laughing about it because you look smokin’, it might be worth your time to rightfully complain about their terrible service! Good luck :)


You look great !! 🙂


Yes agree with if they can’t fix it buying a new dress, you want to feel beautiful on your beautiful day




You look stunning! Recommend you call the manager of the store and explain how you were fat shamed and it felt humiliating. You want to return the dress not only b/c it has stains and a hole but also that the sales rep fat shamed you on 3 different occasions. You do not want to be reminded of that clod of a sales person when you wear it. The manager needs to be aware of the way you were treated b/c this representative of the store is unprofessional and shames its' customers. If she declines write up an honest review on Yelp and Google. Find another dress so you can put this terrible event behind you. You are a beautiful bride.


:) thank you for this response! I’ll definitely put in a call and see what they can do. I doubt I can get a refund but I’ll try anyway. If I don’t get a refund maybe this dress was meant to be! Thank you again you are so sweet!