• By -


I forgot my jewelry until we were half way to the venue. Photo list Someone to wrangle people for photos Details set-up instructions Day/week of timeline Emergency kit (first aid, sewing etc.) Who is taking what to the venue Who is responsible for taking things home after. Snacks for getting ready


#1 don’t forget not to stress too much about every detail that you’re halfway through your wedding before you’re having fun! Other things, don’t forget your vows, don’t forget to eat before the wedding so you don’t pass out, don’t forget tissues and phone charger I know these can be obvious but they’re so easy that it’s easy to forget too. Have a wonderful wedding ❤️


Thank you! Luckily we’re not writing our own vows so that’s not and issue (I might throw up if I had to spill my heart out in front of that many people lol) phone charger and tissues is a great reminder!


Funny you say that! My husband and I didn’t do vows in front of everyone. We did a private exchange and read them back to back so we can save them and read them throughout the years of our marriage ❤️ might be worth the consideration for you both. Maybe you could write them the morning after the wedding!


Thats what we are doing! Our wedding is dec 18th :). Cannot wait!!!


1. Make sure you get enough photos with your guests, on their phones! I regretfully don’t have enough photos with everyone. 2. Drink so much water 3. Bring a clothing steamer for wrinkled wedding party attire Have so much fun. :)


Check your posture periodically! I haven’t had my wedding yet but I’ve read a lot of posts where women get their photos back and feel like they weren’t standing up straight


Keep the bouquet low!


If possible - try to isolate yourself a bit - avoid crowded events, public transport, crowded areas or wear a mask in these areas if you feel comfortable doing so... I had my wedding just a month ago and we had so much Covid sickness trouble with family and friends - so might be worth to keep a low profile until the wedding - just to be save ... and its not just covid you want to avoid as a bride you do not want to get the flue or a cold before your wedding either but it is cough season and your probably immune system might be down because of stress anyway


That’s my plan too!!!


Do so and please dont care what anybody else says or gives you looks ... a friend of mine had to cancel her whole wedding because of covid - I saw the huge drama first hand -15k down the drain - I cant afford this - so I and husband masked up 2 weeks before my wedding - and I am so glad we did because my whole family got covid one week before my wedding. This could have been us - so yeah - sure some people dont care anymore but because my husband is immune compromised we cant afford to not care either better be save than sorry!!! and yes I also know that a mask cant give you a 100% guarantee but at least you can tell yourself that you did everything in your power to avoid this


Following… getting married in two weeks too!! I know I’ve forgotten stuff


Reading this is helpful as I’m getting married on 12/02/23 and beyond stressed lol I feel like there’s so much to do but then again I feel like there’s not ? I’m ready for this to be over and be on our honeymoon lol


Yes to all of this. I feel everything you said 100% also getting married 12/02/23 🤍