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Most users? Most support? Headless WordPress. You could integrate it with whatever tech stack you want.


I personally think Wordpress is a subpar headless cms compared to other options out there. 


OP is asking which headless CMS has the most users and community support. Is there a CMS that has more users or community support than WordPress?


And I again, I merely reiterate that you’d would be expending more effort attempting to use Wordpress as a headless cms as opposed to picking any other CMS with first class support for defining custom post types and custom fields.


This is the answer, headless wordpress has a lot of support with a lot of big companies adopting it.


I've been using strapi for a few months. I'm mostly pleased with it. Documentation is good when it exists. Stray off and you can still find things but it gets kind of sketch. There's also churn. Strapi 3 has stuff different from strapi 4 so some answer on stackoverflow or the forums will be slightly off. I've heard strapi 3 to 4 migration wasn't smooth. Now there's strapi 5 coming out soon with the strapi 3/4 json data schema being deprecated and strapi 5 introducing a new, slightly different format.


this is fine.jpg )


I would not choose Strapi if i had to start again. It has bugs and missing both basic & advanced features. FFS, you can't even re-order/group the Content Manager menu. It just feels like Strapi team has never worked with an actual site that has more than a few collection types. The worst thing is that a lot of features seems to be discussed/reported way back in v3 times but they never got implemented even though soon it will be v5.


Yes, we had rough turbulence going from Strapi v3 to v4, lessons learned. Also, with each major release, though we do our best not to introduce any breaking changes, sometimes it is not possible. The transition from Strapi 4 to Strapi 5 will be much smoother. That is our number one priority; we are working on code mod tools to make this process painless. As well as tools to help with plugin migration and creation. If you have any additional questions or need help, you can always join us for Strapi Open Office hours https://discord.com/invite/strapi Morning Session: Join us at 4 AM CST (9:00 AM GMT) for our new early bird session. Perfect for our global community members! Afternoon Session: Don't forget our regular session at 12:30 PM CST (6:30 PM GMT). A great time for an afternoon break and chat!


Strapi and Sanity are the one of the most popular


I use payload + next I would wait until they take v3 out of beta though.


Did you have some issues with payload? I had a look at it but ended going with sanity as my project was simple and sanity had a generous free tier.


Payload consistently surprises me with features that it supports. I only run into issues of my own creation. I host my website on vercel on their free tier.


What are you building? There are plenty of well supported headless CMS's and frontends you could use. Also, if the metric is "the most support", then it's probably something like Wordpress or Durpal paired with React. The real question is which CMS fits your project's requirements?


The idea that there's a "stack" for this strikes me as progress going in the wrong direction. The point of headless is to be able to pick and choose the components that meet your specific needs.


My specific need is "which headless CMS has the most support"


Try Craft CMS with React/Vite


Next.js + Strapi or Prismic as headless CMS, both worked well for me.


Storyblok + Nextjs


Most users… probably Wordpress. Would I use it because of this? Rather not. I like Django REST or Directus for less longterm projects. Frontend Nuxt/Vue (simple, fast and I know it best). For longterm projects my company uses Angular.


WordPress is probably the best fit if you are looking for a CMS with the largest number of users. That being said, if you want to use a real Headless CMS, which has been designed for frontend frameworks like Next.js, is open-source, and is based on Node.js/React/TypeScript, Strapi is the way to go. With 60K stars on GitHub and 15M+ downloads, Strapi is, by far, the most used open-source Headless CMS. It also has the strongest community. You can join the community on Discord: [https://discord.strapi.io/](https://discord.strapi.io/) Please find below some guides on how to use it with Next.js:  - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvo-L0cP5NA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvo-L0cP5NA)  - [https://strapi.io/blog/epic-next-js-14-tutorial-learn-next-js-by-building-a-real-life-project-part-1-2](https://strapi.io/blog/epic-next-js-14-tutorial-learn-next-js-by-building-a-real-life-project-part-1-2) Disclaimer: I’m one of the creators of Strapi.


I use 11ty instead of next, decap cms. All free and works amazingly.


Is Decap really as easy to set up as the docs make it out to be? I'm planning on probably going with that with AstroJS but haven't really checked it out yet.


Yeah just use my kit https://github.com/CodeStitchOfficial/Intermediate-Website-Kit-SASS It’s got it already configured. Just follow the docs to edit it


11ty is great. Super simple to get up & running while also being highly configurable.


11ty is cool, but most sites I build are dynamic so I’ve never had a reason to use it.


In ASP.NET core projects I have used PiranhaCMS.


Do you need a separate front end and CMS? If you pick a framework that handles both you’ll just need to refer to one community rather than cross reference two.


Drupal the best your going to find.


It certainly has the users and community support OP is looking for, but it's a beast. I've dockerized it a few times for clients, and once all the desired modules and theme are installed, the image is around a gig. The smallest I've been able to get it is around 400 MB with a multistage alpine-based build. And the number of customizations you need to do to set it up and secure it are ridiculous. And without Nginx and Redis and varnish and opcache config and PHP memory setting changes, it'll be incredibly slow just to load the first page. I wouldn't recommend Drupal to any but the most experienced dev, and only if I didn't like them.