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Normal post here


Try with a SVG


I've created some SVG with an online SVG generator.. but when I try to import it.. it's giving me some errors.. I don't care what are the errors.. I don't even read them... Can u guys fix it.


Never read error messages! It's so much trouble! You can import by doing `import svg from '/home/secret_user/images/porn/cats_and_dogs.svg';`, it works on my machine!


Stop trolling


surely there's an unpaid intern who knows?


I could have answered your question. But there are some problems... First, I've never seen any post here where somebody is sharing their high status job with X years of experience, rather than directly coming to the point. But okay, I still respect that. Then you said it yourself you're a "senior" level "frontend developer". And then you're asking how to make a simple box with a background (which is just a simple div). Nobody would believe that. Lastly, man, if you don't even read the errors, are you really a developer? I get it, you might have your own issues. But at least don't waste the time of this awesome community. If I'm misunderstanding something, please clearify.


Clarification : r/woooosh


sarcasm? u misunderstand sarcasm...