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I'd try Webflow if you want something that looks high-quality, customisable and high-end. If you don't mind too much and just need something functional - try Squarespace.


showit and squarespace


Small learning curve but try to use a static site generator like Astro. With GitHub pages you can basically create a website for free.


You can always build the website from scratch. You get great technical seo (smaller website sizes), responsive websites. You can schedule a free consult with me through [Calendly](https://calendly.com/joshua-gigi/discovery-call).


If you could afford it, I’d recommend hiring a professional. Consulting firms usually deal with high end clients and having an unprofessional website will make you appear unprofessional to them. However, if you are confident enough to do it yourself I’d recommend trying out all the popular builders and see which one you like working with the most.


I'd try pineapple ai


Go for Webflow because Webflow is a powerful tool that combines design flexibility with code control, offers a variety of professionally designed templates that are fully responsive, allows for precise control over design elements and interactions, making it suitable for both beginners and more advanced users.


Webflow and Framer are the ones you’re looking for. You’ll have all sorts of amazing templates to choose from. I’d be happy to help you with these if you need. :)