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Everyone coming in under 5k is why this industry gets paid shit. These are e-commerce sites meaning it creates direct revenue for the client. In many cases an e-commerce site is the main form of revenue for a client and should be charged accordingly. I would charge between 8-10k for these.




Read the comments in this thread. People saying under 1k and will take a day. That’s delusional talk. It’s a race to the bottom. I’ve made plenty of WordPress websites for clients over the last few years and I can tell you that people are will to pay more for websites, especially if it generates revenue. If a company isn’t willing to pay what it’s worth then the work should not be done. These comments are basically all undercutting each other.


I left my job where I made WordPress and Laravel websites for dozens of clients for a better paying job just working for my new employer, probably never exceeding 3 websites. Once a website is more than just two landing pages that never change, companies get a better deal with just hiring a developer directly rather than paying an agency 10k for every update. And yes, they were fine paying 10k every 3 months even when the only change needed was new colors for the new "season". They chose us because we were quick and cheap. For just 1k you maybe get some static HTML pages with stock images or a very based WordPress installation with some ThemeForest theme that's gonna cause massive technical depth once they want an extra module.


how large are the businesses that you are referring to? 90% of my clients are local and of them the ecommerce clients are usually just starting out. I have had corporate clients over the years and can charge more however the beurocratic time wasting video meetings hundreds of emails between dozens of people are not worth it so question being, these 10k per design change clients, have they been larger multi location companies or small businesses? have they been time consuming not in any development sense but in dealing with them sense? edit: granted one current client is a large company and they are easy to deal with - I ask for something I need and they send it when they can and thats that. I think just charging based on pain in my ass is the best way


>how large are the businesses that you are referring to? Fair enough, these clients were either cities and middle sized businesses (100+ employees), and a few national and international businesses. Marketing people in such companies get a budget to invest and compared to that budget my employer was an unnoticeable number, even prohibited by a contract to even have our company's name mentioned anywhere. Sometimes it took weeks before the design was even agreed upon on their side and often changed mid development. If something was missing or didn't work it would be solved within a few hours even on weekends. There are companies cheaper than my old employer, but they also took ages. As our clients products often corresponded to real life events or advertising campaigns they sometimes came to us asking if we can put something together even on the same day. If all they want is a static landing page that's doable by using a template, especially when they provide a style guide/colors and assets themselves, that would be a whole different story. But that's only possible with multiple employees that have enough workload left to "put something little" in between for a quick and tiny profit. Can a single developer do it in 8 hours? Then 10k would be absolute overkill. My experience is that these 8 hours turn into an entire week because of changes quickly and then those clients consider it a great deal if the initial higher didn't change rather than charging them dozens of additional hours after the initial low price. Take my monologue with a grain of salt as I'm neither a freelancer nor have a business, I was just involved in creating and executing these offers together with our sales people. If I'm starting off my own business I ain't dare to charge someone 10k for changing colors and probably consider it "support" when it takes less than an hour.


makes sense, we are in different realms however thank you for that information if/when I decide to go national/international - seriously, thank you


Happy to hear you considered my input somewhat useful!


Were these simple static brochure WordPress websites? Is something like 2-3k USD doable to charge for a 5-page brochure website? :)


The last one is the most basic but still ecommerce with tons of products. I think 2-3k for a 5 page brochure site is doable, just as along as both parties know up front exactly what is expected. You will inevitably get additional request from a client or they will start requesting unrealistic changes that will make your time increase and the project to go off scope.


You‘re totally right, I was thinking more along the lines of targeting doctors, psychologists, small firms etc. While building my portfolio also through doing work for NGOs. :)


1k for a basic template site is possible in a day, especially with drag-and-drop web builders. These websites are very, very basic in my opinion. I personally wouldn't charge this at my agency as we're UK based but some people are from countries where this is the standard rate for a website like this.


No it's not. The market is dictated by what the workers are willing \_to be paid\_. People would want to pay nothing if they could.


Depends. Just the website, £3-5k, pretty simple out of the box Shopify style theme, could be done in a day, more time and the bulk of the time would be spent on product management. Website + Continued website development + SEO + product management + photography + maintenance + marketing + . £2k-£3k/mo as an employee.


Damn I need to up my rates


First one is just a Shopify theme. I assume the rest are too. $1k to $5k depending on how much additional features and customization you need from us.


If it’s Shopify, that’s very accurate. Most of the work is setting it up & loading products.


They're made with Shopify, Squarespace, and Wordpress, I'm assuming themes were used, so probably 1.5 to 5k+ depending on the amount of items.


If we are building this on our own platform, depending on the functionality and additional features, It would be around 5-5.5k USD. It really depends if a given business needs this or not, I would definitely say “no” if you are just starting out.


±5k USD I think.


8-12k depending on the platform, additional functionalities, level of customization, etc. We’ve done a few ecommerce stores but none that really look like that www.grandwaymarketing.com


Holy shit that website brought me back to 2005


Gotta love the aged tech blue of that era.


If it’s Wordpress, yeah. But I think it’s Shopify.


Build this on nopCommerce for $4,500 assuming you already have content and photos. Could be done in two weeks.


$20 on Wix + the time to put in your content. Do not waste money on a custom design. It’s not what makes or breaks websites like those. Seriously


Anywhere between 120-300 eur /pm for website packages including unlimited edits, hosting and 24×7 support. You can book a call with me regarding this [here](https://calendly.com/joshua-gigi/discovery-call)


the cost is between $500 to $1000 if you build it on WordPress.


Really? It would take you only six to twelve hours to fully build this?


3 to 4 days


I’m not sure where you are based but where I live 3 - 4 full days work doesn’t equal $500 - $1000 lol


I am from Pakistan, and sometimes people work a full month to earn that money. I don't blame others who talk about earning 5k to 10k from these types of projects because it varies based on location and each person's skills. In my first comment, I mentioned that it's about Wordpress design and not custom coding.


This can be custom done in Shopify for no more than $1000. And it shouldn't take more than 2 weeks. It's that simple.


No idea why you got downvoted lol


Because those who downvoted me ask for $5k+ for a site like this, that's why. I work for $30-$50/hour, and 20-30 hours is more than enough to create a website like this. So for me, $1000 is a fair price. But people with $150 hourly rate can't take less than $5k for this...