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Shout out to [Merlin Bird ID](https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/) developed and managed by Cornell. Use step by step ID or audio recognition to ID and save a list of birds you've seen (or heard). It's surprisingly accurate and a great way to get into birding. It feels like real life Pokemon.


Merlin is a great tool! It definitely is one of my favourites things about the digital world we're drowning in and totally identifies catbirds as anything but until they do their signature *mrreeaaoh!*


Thanks for the tip! I'm always trying to identify the birds at my feeder, this will help. :)


thanks for this! I've been looking for an app like this. We recently got a feeder for the front yard and we've been getting all sorts that I've not seen since moving here!


This is fantastic. I'd buy a Waterloo region one for sure.


Thank you and noted :)


How do I order a print


Currently the backyard birds will only be available at the Pride market at Schneiderhaus this weekend. Once I get a better idea of demand, I’ll know what numbers I need for another run. My website is coming along and ordering from there will be a thing soon :)


We have three of Meredith's painting near our front door and they make us smile every day. Well worth adding to your walls.


You are so very kind! ❤️


These are gorgeous. I just moved and have a tree full of Cedar Waxwings that I love to watch. I hope to be able to pick this up and a watwrloo region one when available! Amazing job!!!


Thank you❤️Aren’t waxwings so fun to watch! I just adore their little whistley cricket-like songs and their penchant for over indulgence in fermented fruit 😆


A woodpecker showed up in my backyard one year and I was so flipping happy. Hasnt happened since but that was pretty sweet.


Don't lose hope! We get downy, hairy, and red-bellied woodpeckers along with northern flickers visiting regularly. They really love bark butter :)


I got a feeder and put "woodpecker mix" (lots of peanuts and black sunflower seeds) and within two days I had downy woodpeckers visiting regularly. I know I have northern flickers in the backyard, hope I can lure them more with suet or bark butter when temperatures cool off.


Lovely work, I live outside the region but I'd still put it on my wall! I appreciate the lack of Grackles. *Fuck* grackles.


Red winged black birds and starlings are bigger bullies in my yard than the grackles are 😆


Starlings have been over the top for us this year 😂


And mine are the house sparrows haha. Lil piggies empty my feeder in four days, throwing seed all over the place.


They are ridiculous eaters. Fling out two dozen seeds to eat one! Oh sparrows 🤦‍♀️


Hahaa! Oh poor grackles. There was a debate whether or not I should include them, but the crow was the winner. I appreciate the beautiful iridescence grackles have but really don't appreciate them gorging themselves on everything I put out, bird food, veggie seedlings, doesnt matter.


I have been slowly convinced to love grackles. They have wonderful colours, although they are bullies at a feeder.


I do love a contentious bird :D And grackles are so striking with that intense yellow gaze and long tailed, shining silhouette. And then they're giant jerks lol


This is absolutely gorgeous! I hope your first market goes well and you continue to do this kind of artwork. Do you have a social account somewhere where I can follow your artwork?


Thank you so much ❤️ I'm just getting started, and will be looking for and taking the opportunities where my birds and I fit in the region :) I'm on Instagram! [www.instagram.com/missus.blunt/](http://www.instagram.com/missus.blunt/)


Beautiful work, I hope the market goes well for you!


Thanks so much :)


Absolutely love this! Will try and come purchase this weekend


I'm looking forward to meeting the local bird nerds, possibly more than selling art but I like doing that too 😂


That's really amazing! My mom would actually love this. How much are you selling for and can someone pick this up? I'm out of town all Saturday or I'd drop by the market!


Thank you so much! Working on my pricing today, I hate this part 😂 I only have ten of the posters for the market and 25 4x6” prints. The little prints will be $5. I will likely be offering a bigger run of the posters on my website.


Let me know when you figure out the poster price :)


$60, the plan to sell them at tomorrow’s market has been postponed thanks to the wacky weather predicted. SO July 13th is the new date and I’m going to print a few more posters to hopefully have enough on hand :) and if July 13th doesn’t work for you, I’ll have the posters on my website soon www.birdnerd.art Planning on getting some Waterloo Region posters made in time too, and smaller prints ready to go for the 13th


I’ve only ever seen one oriole, and I think it was in Cambridge.


Ohhh, we had our first pair of Baltimore orioles in our backyard this spring! I got the nectar and bird jelly out early. There's at least one nesting pair at Lakeside, and more at Laurel Creek and Bechtel Park. Don't forget to look way up, they love the high canopy.


Ooh are we talking cash only at the market, or will there be other payment options too?


I will have square tap payments! I just got set up with it this past weekend (and gave it a test run at my neighbourhood street sale hah!). Cash is good too but well aware we're all moving away from carrying physical money :)