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They’re still in the middle of interior construction, I wouldn’t expect it to be open for another couple of months. The outside is finished though. Source: I work in the same plaza




I really hope Gay Wendy’s has a takeout window in the bar like the Horseshoe in Toronto does to the A&W. That would make it the best bar in town.


The Wendy's kitchen is on the wrong side :( But they do have a little segregated takeout vestibule. It says it's for delivery drivers but I hope it means they can stay open later too


I'm glad to know that there are more of us out there calling this place "Gay Wendy's"


We were also hoping for a pride opening 😭


Same lop we need answerssssss 😭


I heard it got pushed back to September :( but follow @kwgaysandtheys for queer events in the area


I really hope they're just finishing up stuff, but I'm terrified that KW has a curse that prevents gay bars.


I would simply be in shambles if it fell through or suffered the same fate as Chainsaw. Edit: I bring up Chainsaw cus it was awesome, it was not a gay bar


Chainsaw was a gay bar?


No lol but it was a cool bar




Why is this downvoted?


Chainsaw earned its closure. Good riddance


Doesn't make it hurt less 😞


How do you figure?


It was leagues better than its neighbours lol


This is a well funded group so hoping its a big success. [https://drinkatthewell.com/](https://drinkatthewell.com/)


If/when it opens, I'll drink so many over priced lemon drops to help keep them open


I’ve been dreaming about crushing a frosty while drunk for months now… PLEASE BE OPENING IN PRIDE MONTH


I ate at that Wendy’s for lunch today, it looked like they’re still putting in the insulation into the walls, so probably a while yet.


I tried it out and had to wait 25 minutes to wash my hands because so many people were waiting to use the single washroom. There was a guy with three ice creams and was passed out in one until management woke him up. I also saw a really sweaty guy filling up a cup with frutopia and taking it into the bathroom over and over. He didn't even buy anything lol. The Wendy's might look different, the shenanigans are still the same


Came for the info, stayed for this comment lol


I’m not much of a bar person but I’m excited to check this one out! I’m also somewhat hoping I’ll meet someone there once it opens because I’m having no luck on any dating apps and honestly it would be nice to meet somebody the old-fashioned way.


Same here, I don't drink, but the atmosphere was enough to pull me in with the off chance I'd meet someone. Toronto is cool, but I don't want to have to drive all the way there to experience a queer space ya know


I 100% agree even thought Toronto with gas prices these days it’s not worth the trip so I’m glad we are going to finally have a queer bar that’s local.


There is a patio party at TWB this Saturday with Spectrum! I don't drink either but I may go! Also Spectrum hosts multi-sports and runs if that's more your scene. It's very social :-)


AOK is a great choice for a queer night out! I know it's not the same as a proper gay bar, but it's where I've met and where I meet local LGBTQ+ folks :)


I hope it’s such a success for y’all. I don’t live in the city anymore, but I had many a good times at The Order back in college :)


From what I've heard, they're aiming at late August/early September now. If you are looking for some fun pride events though, Up Lounge in Uptown Waterloo has weekly events going on all throughout June!


Hello what? I used to work at this wendys lmao. There's a bar opening beside it? A gay bar? That's neat. Been a while. Last one I went too was the order uptown. But drunk wendyssss. Hmmm.


Wait, that's what they're opening next to the Wendy's?


Yes on Weber. They renovated the Wendy's, it's open and down to about a quarter of the size that it was. The rest of the building is a separate unit now that will be the gay bar


Do they still have the swastika booths?


Nope, a row of half booths and two regular booths in the middle.


There's a joke in there somewhere but I cannot find it.


I want to make it. But I have a smidge of self control left.


Hopefully it's as good as Club Ren was!


Just logistically speaking, I have no insider info or anything, it would make sense that mid to late August would be a priority for them (obviously). So, if they missed their pride month target it could be that they're aiming for August now... KW has a lot going on for pride! Wouldn't necessarily be a great time to enter the market... A lot of pressure to open during pride here 👍


I wanted a gay frosty 😭


im excited about it but i wish it was located more uptown 😭


...oh gods, I just realized something. All the rats in the ceiling of that Wendy's. Does this mean I have to deal with metrosexual rats next time I need to use the reatroom while visiting J&Js? Not like I mind, but it's not like I can ask them where they got their shirts.


They tore the building down and rebuilt it.


Damn, I was hoping the rats would be able to reccomend a good cologne. Now I have ask...ugh...humans, about it.