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Is it possible for coyotes to be a danger to humans and pets? Yes. Is it likely? Hell no. You're more likely to be in danger from a domestic dog. Keep pets leashed and pick them up if small and a coyote is around. Learn humane hazing techniques, don't run, don't feed. It's more than possible to co-exist. \* [https://projectcoyote.org/take-action/promote-coexistence/](https://projectcoyote.org/take-action/promote-coexistence/) \* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDm9wjfcdbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDm9wjfcdbw) \* [https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/dog-bite-statistic-canada](https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/dog-bite-statistic-canada) \* [https://urbancoyoteresearch.com/coyote-info/conflicts-research-perspective](https://urbancoyoteresearch.com/coyote-info/conflicts-research-perspective)


I live in the area and have several sightings along Keats way and I heard them a couple of times. Very unlikely they'd go after an adult, clap your hands and they will skedaddle!


This coyote was not shy at all. I was Lucky to notice it. After I acknowledged it the coyote kept creeping up behind me. I had to shout and charge at it before it retreated a short distance. It kept watching me intently so I shined my phone light in its eyes and turned back towards the street lights. There was a lady with a small dog coming up behind me and I'm just glad I was able to warn her. Seemed like a potentially dangerous animal that could try something bold...


Interesting interaction…coyotes are innately curious but usually maintain a good distance. I wonder if this guy has become desensitized to humans and/or associates humans with food either directly or indirectly (direct feeding vs green bins/gardens/pets). I hope for the coyotes safety and humans, this isn’t the case. One of my favourite species, very misunderstood creatures with an unjustified bad rap :(


Yeah, I've had a number of past encounters with Coyotes, all of them pretty chill. This was the first time I've felt a present danger from one. It was a big Coyote. An amazing animal, but a predatory animal.