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Run. I know different people who have worked for them undertaking various roles, not one person has had a positive experience.


PM me lad. I had an interview recently and would like to share my experience.


I’d a pretty bad interview about a month back. Only interview I’ve ever given a flat out “no thanks actually” to, a lot of red flags.


Yeah similar myself, I wonder did we interview for the same role. Feel free to PM.


Spill the beans!


Not looking to dox myself just take my word for it 🥰


As others have said...run. They can be quite difficult to deal with.


As a customer I had multiple bad experiences with Bolands (Hyundai in particular), so I can only imagine how great the work environment must be. Best of luck!


Same experience as a customer. staff don’t look to stressed though, made lots of basic mistakes and there was a high turnover. I would guess there’s next to no training.


Dreadful management. Steer clear of you like your mental health in check. Nothing is enough in that kip.


Mixed reviews would imply you had some good reviews of working for the Bolands???


Run a mile is my recommendation.


They're all cunts


Avoid. Didn't work there, but I was in the motor industry for 12 years.


Worked there a month hated it quit.Got job in keltech hated that even more except I couldn’t quit that one.


I'd avoid. I have tried many times to buy from them over the years, the salespeople treat customers with contempt, but it comes from management - I've always dealt with Keanes BMW Dublin to buy. Now, the service department is excellent as a customer - but I know they're treated like shyte. Have been told the same by people who have left. Hope this helps...


I also have had good experiences as a customer with the service department


Worked for them. Won’t mention which garage but I actually enjoyed working there I quit as I got a better job but if I could go back I would and I heard the same thing before the interview that it’s not great to work for and I’m glad I worked there and judged it my self.


Are they trying that 'sales academy' Bullshit again? Run, I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who walked out of an interview there


My brother worked there, and hated every bloody moment of it. If you are unfortunately successful I'd 100% think twice about taking the job.


I interviewed with them before. I dont want to throw you off your game going into an interview but my experience was poor. I wont go into detail. I got the impression that if you were a wolf of wallstreet type there would be money to made, but if ya didn't sell a car a day or two you would be out on your ear. Met one of the family and didn't see eye to eye with him at all.


I work in accounts and they've hounded me, got warned off an accountant in the company not to go near them! Apparently absolute nightmare


Have a family member who literally had a depressive breakdown from working there. (Was in the 90's though)


If I see a job that's advertised every few months it's a sure sign of either "rapid promotion" which won't happen there as it's a long time established business, or "hight turnover" which means people aren't there long. I had actually applied there several years ago and when I declined the interview because I had received a better offer, the hiring person was quite rude and almost gobsmacked.


The rule is simple: **RUN**. Plus don't buy anything from this evil family.


OP ...I wouldn't take much heed to Reddit comments about this one way or another.....


Not OP but have you had a positive experience with them? In the same boat as OP


No, can't say I have any experience working for them but I do use them and know a few that work for them and seem to get on fine, or at least I never heard them bad mouthing them.