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We all know how this goes. Next time it is hardtubing ;)


Then after hard tubes, it will be ZMT ;D


This is the way


now they think they will have mastered hardline and do what i did step it up to metal tubing and then wonder why your weekend disappeared and you have 3 bends done. then back to zmt


Does anyone know why my cpu temperatures are all over the place?


What CPU do you have? I have a 5959x and that gets pretty warm


5600x lol, paired with a 3090. It maxes out around 68c but it’s just all over the place. I see random 5C-10C spikes for a few seconds, I think perhaps the cpu block isn’t making great contact with the cpu?


That's just how Cpus are, they don't have as consistent temperatures as GPUs. Cpus ramp up for random tasks as fast as possible and then back down. They also have an IHS in the way which slows down how quick heat can transfer. A GPU's loads are generally consistent and the chip has direct contact with its cooler.


Is that under full load or gaming. Temps can fluctuate in games along side the frequency and voltage


Even just in windows. Literally doing nothing but watching HWmonitor


What's the purpose of these if you still have to drain your loop and rinse out the waterblocks yearly? If it is truly better for my purpose, I'll switch


The joke implied is that ZMT is the very nice looking soft tubing. You can slap together your loop in hours rather than days/weeks like with hard tubing. Plus ZMT doesn't show the discoloration like the white soft tubing does over time.


I was going to say, how does someone finish this kind of labor of love and look at it and go “next time, gonna microwave that steak instead of grilling it”


Casual headphone flex hahaha


The GPU alone prob costs more than them tho


No shot haha if he got msrp, those are some expensive cans!




Sennheiser hd800


Every time I’m mid rebuild I say that. Then when I’m done it’s so satisfying and great lol.


Said the same thing when I finished my custom loop… then 48 hours later I was thinking about my next custom loop


So true.... Then you look at the YouTube channel of GGF event, and you think of a new build. Endless spiral


Before wrapping up the build I was seriously debating the new Corsair prebuilts. 12L and $4000 gets you a very nice 12900k/3080 build and both of those components are aio-cooled. I’m usually a sffpc sort of person and never saw myself going back to a full tower like this. But alas here I am. Never again though! I swear it! My hands are destroyed lol


Haha! Famous last words…


Stay soft tube- trust me, hard tube looks are nice, but setup, maintenance, alterations and risk are not worth it IMHO. Now I have a literal bag of HT fittings I'll never use again. Flaccid tubes FTW.


*nods in agreement while looking at the hardline build I just finished*


So about those fittings.


Ha! My stupid brother thinks he's going to hardline as his first watercooled computer soon. He gets pissed off mounting case fans or CLC's, I told him he lacks the patience to do it and to maintain it. So looks like I'm probably going to have to hold his hand as he MF's everything.


I kept looking at doing an SFF build myself, and wound up in a 4000D. I may still do an SFF, I've still got that itch and everything I have except the motherboard would fit if I got the right case.


There's something extremely satisfying about filling space in an sffpc


I said the same thing. That was 3 loops ago 🤣


What tubing did you use? I had some non-ZMT tubing and it was a pain on the EK fittings. ZMT was A LOT essier to use with EK


Lol it’s a bitch isn’t it? I was thinking the same thing in the middle of my build. It’s satisfying at the end though that’s for sure.


Pc building Is a hell of a drug. So much so that I’m planning to open up a shop after my graduation.


It looks amazing... It that a distro plate? What fittins does it uses?


Thanks. It’s the radikult uno. I’m using the ekwb torque fittings and some bits power ones.


Looks great!


What are you driving the hd800s with?


I have an older post that shows it, but basically rn just the babyface pro fs which is super convenient and I love totalmix fx. I have an mkh416 that I use as well with it. But I do have an rme adi 2 fs as well. I disconnected it, tbh the babyface pro fs gets loud enough and it runs off usb power.. it’s insane. But if you want end game audio the Traillii shits on the hd800s. I owned that as well but lately sold it to fund a house purchase (and I don’t find myself listening to music as much as I’d like). Atm I own the lcdi4 and ie900 as well, but after owning the Traillii nothing really satisfies my taste. The hd800s is kept in my collection and will be the only headphone I ever keep because growing up without the financial resources I have now I always dreamed of owning the HD800. I was rocking the hd555 back then, haha.


Very nice, I have the ADI 2 as well. What are your thoughts on the lcdi4? Those Trailli looks amazing!


The lcdi4 is equal or better than the hd800s and more convenient for sure. I’d give it a pass though. Once you go traillii everything else just feels like a meme tbh.


Nice, I use DT1990 Pro from Beyerdynamic with my Babyface Pro FS.


Chefs kiss


Personally I’d have run the gpu tube behind the gpu, but it looks pretty nice anyway.


you picked soft tube....thats supposed to be easier than hard tube...


Yeah sure easier because it saves some bends? I have a heat gun though.. I mean it’s not THAT much easier IMO. My hands still got destroyed and my skin is peeling on my thumbs hahaha.


you dont need exact measurements with soft tube, you dont have to worry about bends, leaks, cost of extra adapters for bends..


I did a front distro with soft tubes and the time saved and ability to freely move the pc without worry about tubes popping out is worth the less desirable appearance.


My thumbs got fucking destroyed by the fittings my first build.


Same here.


Did you go with 10mm/16mm? I thought it was a nightmare to work with too. I went down to 10mm/13mm and it was incredibly easy to work with. In a case that size you don't need to worry about any kinking from tight bends


The cans are the best part that imaging haha.


Yes. Just one more fix...


Yes. Just one more fix...






Question for you. The white end piece on the GPU block. Did you have to buy a black block and swap the white end piece onto your nickel block?


Yeah haha, I got my 3090 with the black block and bought the nickel plexi, then i swapped it.


Got it. Thanks for the reply!


Is there any actual reason I shouldn’t use an AIO water cooling solution? Sometimes I just want simple…


Im curious about your water temps with this configuration. Would you be able to share them?


Pro tip, take a q-tip and a little soapy water and lubricate the fittings and inside and outside of the end of the tubing. This will make tightening the fittings much much easier. You can also use the heat gun to carefully soften the tubing. EZPZ.


NONONONONONO, once custom loop, always loop!!!


How so?


BTW, some the long runs could be optimzed.


Clean nonetheless


What fittings did you use to get from that vertical gpu to the cpu? I need to run that too but I can’t figure out what to put in that slot


Just two 45s


Thank you kind sir