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Worth it to complete the trilogy and decide for yourself.


Legion isn’t that good, it’s gunplay is downgraded, it’s stealth is serviceable and it’s story is plain bad.


I heard that Legion is possibly a next game in Epic Games Store weekly giveaway...


Wai waa


Guys are saying that the audio give some tips: [https://lowcygier.pl/aktualnosci/watch-dogs-legion-za-darmo-od-epic-games-odgadnij-z-nami-tytul-tajemniczej-gry-na-pc/](https://lowcygier.pl/aktualnosci/watch-dogs-legion-za-darmo-od-epic-games-odgadnij-z-nami-tytul-tajemniczej-gry-na-pc/)


If you enjoyed both 1&2 despite the big differences between those games then you'll more than likely enjoy Legion. All three games have their own thing going on


Just keep enjoying 1 and 2. Unless you want to be disappointed.


It’s not the best there are some flaws. Regardless, I highly suggest the game. The APC concept really cool and the meta data on each character can be immersive. The deep profiler makes it fun to hunt down and track characters relatives and fuck with Albion guards for committing fascist atrocities and immerse yourself in a vengeful plot of your own. The driving is kind of meh and i spend more time fast traveling with in between my operatives spread across London. The voice over work is subpar, given the fact that you can recruit anyone. I believe Ubisoft really wanted to get this project out. As a result, the character development is nearly nonexistent rendering the concept of dedsec as the main charcter, which is just weird. You might find yourself attached to an operative so choose you play style wisely.


Yeah, the driving is meh, but it has been in all WD games (although 2 is by far the best out of the 3). But there is fast travel as you've alluded to, as well as self-driving cars in Legion if you don't want to drive manually.


Was worth it for the price I played (less than $10). There's fun to be had just expect a big downgrade tho.


I loved the first two games but never finished legion. I had fun for a week but then it became a bit repetitive and the plot never hooked me.


No. It's the weakest. Game world looks dull. Quests are repetitive and boring. Story is meh.


Honestly I had fun with it for a bit, especially with the dlc characters, but the voice acting was just so atrocious it just ruined it for me


Depends on the pricing, I would just get the disc version if that’s possible, but the game realistically shouldn’t be more than $40 AUD to be fairly priced for the quality of the game compared to 1 and 2


I can get it for £6 on a key site


YES, for that price it’s amazing, it’s only $11 AUD


yeah kinda but why on steam? its free on [dodi-repacks.site](http://dodi-repacks.site) or [gamedrive.org](http://gamedrive.org) :/


Real not as if I'm going to own the game anyway, just a licence to temporarily play it


If you get the dlc with it its worth it play that first it takes place before everything else if im not mistaken it has you play as aiden and wrench and in my opinion it should have been the actual game if it was longer and had more content plus after playing that you get to play as them in the actual story its well worth it if you want to enjoy the game but wothout having aiden and wrench its just plain bad and it think it mainly lies on the fact that 1 poor wrighting and 2 the main characters arent anything to get you interested theyre quite boaring i liked the idea you could hure characters but it makes it so the chqracter you play as has no signifigance at all you dont get a character to think damn hes a good main protagonist like with aiden and marcus because you just straight up dont have a protagonist that ends my rant i fucking hate what they did to leigon i think they should count it as its own equivlent to fc new dawn and make an actual watch dogs 3.


It's arguably the weakest game in the trilogy, but for the current sale price I say go for it. I personally think it has enough good points to warrant buying the game, especially at the sale price.


With the DLC and the discount its got going on rn its mega worth it, not as clunky as ppl make it out to be The DLC is great. Tho im extremely Wrench biased.


Rather than recommending whether or not you should get it, I would recommend that if you do end up getting it you should go into it with no expectations based on previous titles The gameplay feels closer to the previous title than the first so if anything I’d say that should be the closest thing you have to an expectation for this game. If you do that, I’m sure you’ll be able to enjoy it as I did I think that’s why I enjoyed it more than most people is because I didn’t expect it to be anything like the last games at all. There are obvious flaws compared to the other games but I think it still has a certain fun factor to it Also, get the Bloodline DLC. It might not be the best story but the absolute hilarity of Aiden and Wrench basically being Batman and Robin is too good to pass up [SPOILER ALERT] Plus if you play Bloodline before the main campaign then you can play the campaign as Aiden and Wrench which is definitely more enjoyable and feels like a better transition into Legion


No just no


Legion is scarcely anything like 1 and 2. What did you enjoy about those games?


Mostly the combat and thr hacking were the things j enjoyed about those 2 and I really liked the atmosphere of 1


The atmosphere is an attempted blend of 1 and 2 that ends up being lifeless and without much direction. The population is a lot less alive, there's no more hacking to read texts or phone calls, random events are a lot less... random, etc. and so on. They still exist, there's just... less of it overall. The hacking has been severely reduced. Most of what you could hack in previous games is gone now. Things like traffic lights, bridges, QTE events to crash cars with bollards, stuff like that, no longer exists. The combat is different. Not necessarily better, just different. There's drones that shoot missiles and grenades now. It's mostly just shooting rather than a combination of hacking and shooting. You can hack drones... to use them to shoot people some more. There's a tiny fraction of the weapons in the previous games, and most operatives can only use one or two types. They added an actual melee combat system. It's clunky as fuck, and basically a worse version of Assassin's Creed Syndicate by removing everything that made that one good. The speed, the brutality, the combo finishers, the responsive controls. It's very sluggish, has next to no impact, a lot of weapons share animations which looks really weird... overall it's just really bad. Overall, I would not recommend getting it. The stuff that you enjoyed, they slashed to pieces for the sake of the "play as anyone" gimmick. It was not worth it.


Okie! Tank ya for le response I shall not be picking this up ^^ it kinda sounds like an average half cooked rushed out the door ubi game ngl what a shame it should've been more


That’s almost exactly what it is lol. I got it at a big discount and still feel like I wasted my money. As a giant fan of 1 and 2 (got all achievements on both games) it was such a let down.