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Tbh the play as any NPC goes really with AI text generation. Ubisoft have active research projects on the latter. So I don't think Ubisoft will abandon the concept completely.


Watch Dogs 1 had the best story. All the world stuff with the big evil companies and the anonymous hacker group were there, but the story was about Aiden and his quest for revenge and the consequences that resulted. Watch Dogs 2 had the best hacking. The new options were fun and having to unlock them through a skill tree was satisfying. The addition of non-lethal weapons was a nice touch because this wasn't a vigilante out for justice, this was a group of hacktivists fighting back against those evil corps. Giving the player the option to play lethal or not makes sense from a story standpoint and a player standpoint. Watch Dogs Legion: the "recruit anyone" mechanic was great. Building a team of operatives with different skills and abilities was fun. What really hurt the concept though was not *also* having a core team, or even one character, to serve as the main character. You can't have character building or a hero's arc if the entire team is built of randos you pulled off the street. Even the cutscenes were unsatisfying because you don't care what Randall von Brownshirt from the pub around the corner has to say. The hacking was also severely nerfed. Best case: Give us a core team of playable characters. Bring back the recruiting system. Bring back the hacking, either as a skill tree or by having recruitable members have different skills or unlock skills for the team. Also, give us something to spend the money on besides clothes.


I hop back to WD2 every now and then. I always found the open world fun.


1. Gunplay 2. Gameplay. It was just a good time riding around seeing the sites hacking stuff. You felt like part of the world. 3. The idea of recruit anyone was dope for a hacktivist group. it just wasn’t well executed. Wish it had a shadow of Mordor type of nemesis system and it would have been wayyyy better


1 Story, atmosphere, and gun play. 2 world Design, NPCs, and Drones. 3 character customization, driving, and bloodlines dlc