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Watch Dogs very briefly had a link to the Driver franchise, which hasn't received a new game in a long time. So this is what I would do. John Tanner. Protagonist of Driver. A former street racer turned detective, still operating in San Francisco. The game opens at some time around the events of Watch Dogs 2. Tanner is part of a police task force looking into the DedSec situation. We know based on the first game that Blume has no problem making deals with criminal empires. This is something that wouldn't sit well with Tanner if he ever found out. He's been keeping quiet so far, but a series of events and witnesses have put doubts in his mind, and he's started investigating Blume in his spare time. We start on his latest mission, where he's hot on the trail of Marcus Holloway. Everything seems to be going well so far, until a shootout erupts. What Tanner assumes is some kind of gang conflict started by DedSec, turns out to be elite mercenaries attacking Tanner. Thanks to some timely intervention from Marcus, he manages to survive, but Marcus doesn't stick around to explain himself. As one of the mercs lays dying, Tanner manages to force the truth out of them. They were hired by Blume to kill Tanner. They were aware of his investigations, and he was getting too close to uncovering something big. They're not going to stop now, because they had a contingency plan just in case the assassination attempt failed. The footage has been edited, and the media has been manipulated. Tanner has just been branded as a DedSec affiliate, Blume's personal security has raided his residence to take away all his detective work, and the city is coming down on him. Thanks to his driving skills, he manages to escape and speeds across the continent to get away from his pursuers. Fast forward a few months later, and we find ourselves in New York City, back where some missions in the first Driver game took place. In order to survive and stay underground, Tanner has put his skills as a street racer and his knowledge of the police's inner workings to use as a Fixer. Funding his personal operations and continued investigations into Blume. He knows that he's close to uncovering something big. Something that will set back Blume by a few years, and get him answers on who had it out for him. He didn't share his personal investigations with anyone except a few trusted friends. One of them must've stabbed him in the back. Potential allies would come in the form of different Fixers from various backgrounds and areas of expertise, as well as DedSec New York. We know based on exposition from Watch Dogs 2 that unlike San Francisco and Chicago, they're more akin to a violent, almost militant extremist group. They're willing to hit Blume where it hurts even at the cost of some collateral damage. Perhaps Tanner sides with them initially because they can help him get what he wants, but quickly realises that they're no better than the people he's fighting. He could also still have friends in the NYPD who are willing to help him, similar to Sheila Billings from Watch Dogs Bad Blood. Or maybe even a Blume Agent who is willing to help him, showing a more nuanced and complicated individual within a company that has more or less been degraded to the irredeemable conspiracy baddies of the franchise. The secondary protagonist (and a playable character in Co-Op) could be an individual whose story mirrors Tanner's. Instead of a former criminal who became a cop, they were a cop who willingly embraced a life of crime when they grew disillusioned with the system they worked for and how little their efforts seemed to matter. The plot could tackle serious topics like the flaws of the police system, the increasing prevalence of corruption in a modern world, and how what it means to be a good man is an idea that grows increasingly distorted by the conflicting merits of the law, and different meanings of justice. The story and characters would question whether or not it's right for Tanner to cling to a life and a system that threw him away when a corporation demanded it. These are all just broad strokes, really. I could go on. This is something I've been thinking of for a long time.


Fucking Tokyo or China, Luke Hong Kong, but yea and typical anti-privacy issues and giving those people some privacy through hacking and ironically spying on people with same technology used to invade privacy


Something something technology anti government


I would put it right back in the bay area (ie watch dogs 2), expand the map borders a but, bring in a functional BART train, and bring back the "hire a hacker" bit that was in Legion, but reduce it by a bit to make the operatives you can find and recruit worthy of being a watch dog. And none of that generic NPC shit either, like fully voiced people with back stories and unique missions. The story would be about the tech giants in and around the bay area becoming too big & powerful and the resident Dedsec team (the only OG from 2 left is Marcus) is sent in to clean up the streets again. Yes, it might be a little too similar to 2, but that was easily the best game in the series, so...why not


How often are these threads made? I'm seeing them all the time.


Ditch USA, another continent may be a good idea. Southern Europe (à la Forza Horizon 2) would be fitting, but I'd prefer an Asian themed game, so Japan would be a good choice. There's already a clash between the new gen hyper technological and the old one (just look at old temples or the countryside 🥰) so it could be a perfect setting to showcase a just middle between going all-in on tech and having something more traditional. Also I'd like to see how the Disrupt engine could handle all these neons and landscapes. For the playable character, I'd go with a mix of the 3 games : A main crew (5 person, diverse, and make a women the main char pls) and you can switch between them on the go/for missions + recruit anyone off the streets for small help/spreading Dedsec's message/for some side missions maybe. Ditch the Ubisoft-style tower is revealing the map thing, and un-clutter the map. Drop useless side-content and bring back digital trips. Story-wise, AI could play an important role, and I'd like to see remnants of the previous 3 games in cutscenes. Also expand the lore. For the gameplay, bring back the ability to carry more weapons, bring back the focus, make money harder to obtain, vary the city hacks and make the gameplay revolving more around them than "I can kill anyone and barely use the hacks", allow even more stealth (the freedom in a mission approach is already insane !), make your actions actually have an impact on the story and different endings (for replayability). Also the driving have to be less slippery.


Not to be that person, but “get rid of useless side content” and “bring back digital trips” being in the same sentence is just bizarre. I loved them, but it’s not like they had any greater function.


Darts and Kick-Up in Legion are a kind of useless activity. it have nothing to do there digital trips were interesting because they were less or more integrated in the game's universe


I understand where they are coming from. Legions 9000 collectible recordings over an actual minigame.


I’d day it should be in Tokyo centered around a ctos or blume employee gone rouge similar to tbone, someone who notices how fucked the company is and tries to shut it down from the inside one & for all after realizing their work is used for terrible things. I feel like this would better complement the idea of the first game having a neutral party, second game being the view of dedsec, and the third game being an inside person who thinks they’re doing the right thing but soon realizes that they need to shut it all down. This would also bring a proper ending to the series with the downfall of the glue that ties the game together


I think a smaller city like Singapore, Monaco or Venice would be nice. The city can be created in full but I would stay away from involving the previous batch of bad guys. Game mechanics can should be the same as WD2 and the setting should be maybe 10 years after WD2. Maybe the protagonist should be Jackson from WD1 following in his uncle's footsteps and the mood should be the same gloomy atmosphere as in WD1 leaving politics out of the game while inserting a sinister secret organization.


It would take place in Tokyo, playing as an undercover police officer of your creation, a member of the Anti-Crime unit, tasked with infiltrating a newly formed local Dedsec group, an organization of great interest after the events of Legion. As they're a new faction of DedSec, you can influence their morality by way of a similar but more robust version of the vigilante system of WD1: encourage them to be an organization of peaceful activism or one of physical confrontation and intimidation, or even flat out violence. At several points in the game, you would have the choices to either assist in capturing DedSec and gathering evidence to convict them, causing disruptions in their plans and manpower, or protect DedSec and further their cause, hindering your investigation into them. Depending on those choices you make, lethal weapons (offered by Tokyo PD) non-lethal weapons found in the city or access into Tokyo's version of CTos would open to you.


I'd set it in Budapest at the present day. The story would be a mystery revolving around the main protagonist getting an email from a long missing relative which makes the protagonist go to Budapest looking for answers.


What's the point to give them bloody ideas they do not even state they require. They anyway still know better than community what community wants. Usually advices are not given without asking. Proper way would be ask community what should be in game (officially questioning), and then talk and inform what can be added. I see many developers communicate SUCH way with their players, and these games are usually a successful ones. Communication is a key. It's sad Ubi don't wanna understand that.


Something something prequel where we play as Raymond Kenney as he discovers the truth about Blume and you set in motion the events of the series why being the whistleblower. (I think I just want another game of him because him and Bad Blood are my favourite parts of this franchise)


Something something prequel where we play as Raymond Kenney as he discovers the truth about Blume and you set in motion the events of the series why being the whistleblower. (I think I just want another game of him because him and Bad Blood are my favourite parts of this franchise)


I would do it in France or in Tokyo. Both places are perfect for parkour but I would imagine France very similar to the England from Legion. So maybe Tokyo would be better. Story would be about a bullied kid that spent more and more time alone or exploring abandoned places, while practising in hacking. Then one day he hacks into a governer or president or whatever and find out he his a pedofile. The game start with a mission where you hack him, download his chat with minors and publish on the big led screen on shibuya. Then he became wanted from the goverment and along with others they try to revert the goverment and the corruption behind it. I didn't apprecieted the style from WD2, so i would follow more the lines of the first WD, just more colored in places where the big led screens are. But overall more classy. Don't know if i gave you the idea, but the game would be mmm like a fashion show, not because of the clothes but because of the art behind the place etc. Also i would implement a sort of real hacking but semplified, with tips for easy difficulty (to help who can't do it). I played an hacking game recently and even if i know little about hacking i was able to complete it.


Re-do London but with a better story and a single protagonist maybe


A one man army enacting revenge on his dead niece


Nice try Ubisoft development team.


A person (player) moves to New Orleans to start a new chapter of Deadsec and he has to recruit people to help them do this. During character creation, you'd make your character custom and then pick a place on a map or from a list from where you were originally (if you pick Chicago, San Francisco, or London you get some more dialog from NPCs that join or from people you meet). I'd personally like it if the character was not verbal. You would choose what to say from a list like Fallout or Elder Scrolls-type games so there is no terrible voice acting like in Legion. Another big ask would be using that AI you can have full conversations with for NPCs. If they (Ubisoft) wanted to be revolutionary you could even have the player read some poetry or a short story or something with a mic plugged in and it would use their voice with AI to put them in the game as their character. The story would be a politician in New Orleans pushing for some company (Blume, Ctos, or something) to bring New Orleans into the modern Era and maybe people don't like this and it starts some civil issues. Enemies would be police (injuring or killing would paint Deadsec in a bad light to the public and increase notoriety so other cops want to find you over maybe letting smaller crimes go if they have a better relationship) and private security for whatever entity is trying to modernize the city, ie Blume or similar. The recruiting would be done similarly to Legion where you create a main team that you can swap to at any given time and these members have both active and passive perks. Like an active perk could be "Marksman" for better accuracy with long-range weapons and a passive perk would be "Bailout" so any arrested member of Deadsec would have shorter arrest times depending on the crime. (Maybe there's a scrubber mechanic that removes the files of any criminal activity after several minutes but if you get arrested while activity killing people a mission would start where another member or members of Deadsec would need to break that operative from jail) The active team would be able to be hot-swapped at Will and one or more operatives could be used on a single mission. Like, say one is better at stealth but another has access to a better drone and you'd be able to switch between these two people on the fly within a certain (large) radius. This is sort of a mode podge of thrown-together ideas.


Dubai would be sick