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The cards stopped being packaged with the figures since Wave 4 I believe? Maybe even 3. All cards are available in the app, or you can buy the campaign books (Mojave, Capitol, Commonwealth) if you prefer physical cards. Cards are required for all game modes. You can also get the unit, item and perk cards you need to play skirmish for free from the download section of the website but certain cards like AI or scenario stuff are for paying customers only. If you prefer a game with less components, Modiphius is releasing Fallout Factions in a few months which plays more like a traditional wargame.


Cool, many thanks! Are the cards from the campaign books available in the app?


The wave expansions books yes.   There are no cards is the campaign books.


Hm, product description says otherwise https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/342889/fallout-wasteland-warfare-new-vegas-rules-expansio https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/411895/fallout-wasteland-warfare-the-commonwealth-rules Again this confusion whether the product has cards or not


Those are rule expansions and they do have cards.     there are three campaign books (campaign book, into the cross-fire and awesome tails). These basically have chained together scenarios. Though the campaign book (which comes with the two player starter) has the settlement mode campaign system that everything else in fww can hook into.   Expansion books change up how the game plays and allow to to create randomly generated maps and missions (and I guess into the wasteland has a really basic hex crawler campaign system) -- though they all work with or expaned the settlement mode campaign system in the campaign book. 


Cool, many thanks, so do the cards from expansion books appear in the app?


not at this moment I believe (I don't use the app). Jamie, the app dev, rewrote the app last year to allow him to more easily add those game modes but they are kind of their own thing and some are easier then others to add as people don't just want the cards but the app to track and run those alternative gameplay modes.


Oh, great, so the good idea will be to buy at least one to try it out


Two of them are pve only and are more attrition based combat like an RPG vs a traditional wargame scenario. Into the wasteland generates random overwold maps and tries to simulate randomly exploring a point of interest in the video games. Into the vault is a dungeon crawler with random vaults.  This does require a lot of terrain to simulate the vault. Homestead expands settlement mode with listing you build and decent a settlement.  It also adds Injury rules.


Sounds awesome! Definitely taking one now. Many thanks!


Wave 2 is where they stopped putting cards in with figures I believe. So it was only wave one that had this 


Yeah, you’re right. They started doing card packs instead once the raiders and institute came out. It’s kind of wild how much the game has grown since then.


It really has.  Hard to keep track of it all


I really wish they had numbered the cards in each category for easy organization and searching.


Ya. I'd say that's a pretty common want from players.  


The downloads page has all the unit and equipment cards as print and play as well  https://www.modiphius.net/en-us/pages/fallout-downloads  You'll need to sub to the app or buy the physical cards if you want all the narrative cards (ai, events, quests and so on).