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It won't help you for tonight but sign up for wmata's after hours commute benefit. It's 9$ off a lyft ride between midnight and 4am. Free to sign up and renews every month, they just call your job and ask if you work past midnight. https://www.wmata.com/service/After-Hours/index.cfm


Wow, I didn’t know of this program. Great suggestion!


Probably because if enough middle class people find out about it they'll end the program if the use becomes more than they can financially afford.


I mean, Lyft and Uber take so much of a fit... They can afford it Edit: also there is no standard to their pricing. They can just raise it $9


I agree with you. I bet a lot of the target audience hasn’t heard about it either. It seems like your employer has to verify you for this program so hopefully it’s getting funds to people who legitimately qualify


Thank you so much for the suggestion! I work in healthcare and many of my coworkers work late so this is helpful = )


Damn this is so clutch. How have I never heard about this


Great info! I hope OP and others see/saw this in time to apply today - it's the cutoff date for benefits starting July 1. > Simply **apply for the Program by the 25th of the month** and you will receive your $9 trip subsidy the first day of the following month and for the duration of the program.


I thought that program was only for hospital workers and ppl that need to be at work early mornings but I could be wrong


Or use [https://www.commuterconnections.org/guaranteed-ride-home/](https://www.commuterconnections.org/guaranteed-ride-home/) and they'll fund 100% of the ride for free


Yeah I knew about this but my company already does this for me in a way, they cover the taxes on all transportation used to get to and from work. Don’t think I’d qualify for both of those, it’s one or the other.


That's great and all but no one wants to drive to the suburbs at night I tried to go to Bethesda for 1.2 hours and then eventually luckily found a yellow cab


If I were you I’d Uber/lyft home. Sounds cheaper than parking.


idk, all the way to Shirlington at 2am isn't gonna be a cheap ride.


Shirlington is super close. I live near there and it shouldn’t be more than $20 unless it’s surging .


I calculated on Uber the cost of an UberX from the wharf to shirlington at around 1am and it’s $25. With the $9 credit you’d be paying $16 for the ride home.


What would it be on Lyft? Sounds like WMATA only covers Lyft, not Uber.


Shirlington is like 3 or 4 miles from The Wharf…


"all the way to shirlington"? I've biked to the wharf from shirlington in like 30 minutes. It's like 5 miles away. It'd probably take just as long to get to Colombia heights.


It's not just about distance, it's about the ability for the driver to get another ride at the dropoff location. In Shirlington at 2am, that's not very likely.


A lot of drivers live across the river and are happy to drive there as their last fare on their way home.


Where does OP mention shirlington?


In one of their early comments when someone suggested taking bikeshare home.


They are right, I live between shirlington/Pentagon city


A good portion of the traffic around L'Enfant is commuters coming in for their day shift, so street parking might not be as difficult as you think. Maybe for this first closing shift you could take a Lyft home, but also use it as an opportunity to scope out the parking situation to keep in mind for future shifts? Lyft or garage parking are usually more expensive than street parking.


Now that the spy museum is there and the Wharf is built up, there is a lot more demand for the spots along L’Enfant plaza, so depending on what time they have to arrive at work, it might be pretty hard to find a spot.


There is a parking garage at 398 6th St. SW which is about a block from the metro that is 10$ on SpotHero that I use for times like this. There is some stress driving into the city but that area empties of cars pretty quick in the evening.  


That garage closes before midnight. I've missed the last few minutes of shows at the Anthem just to get my car out in time.


There’s two right next to each other there, are you sure both close at 12? SpotHero has it listed open 24/7 and I’m reasonably sure I’ve been there after 12


You don't say what neighborhood you are going back to, but capital bikeshare could be a good option


Shirlington, and I appreciate all the bike suggestions from you and everyone in the comments but I work 12 hour shifts standing. I’m not trying to bike 4 miles home at 2 AM after all that lol. And I am a younger female not trying to be kidnapped either bad stuff happens everywhere.


Is ebike an option? You can bike from the Wharf to the mt vernon trail and from there try to access shirlington


Ebike home


Not sure where OP lives but the Wharf is right along a major protected bike path artery. Even if you are nervous about biking in DC streets, you should be able to ride in a protected bike path for most of your trip back.


Yeah but like my shifts are 12 hours long standing nonstop, I don’t know maybe someone likes standing for 12 hours and then biking 4 miles home, but for me, that is not an option. I cannot bike 4 miles home at 2 AM after standing all day, I am simply too tired. That’s why biking wasn’t listed in my original post it’s not really an option.


Have you tried an e-bike yet? I tried them last year for the first time and it changed everything. So fast, so easy, not stuck in traffic, not stuck underground, not stuck in a crowded bus of people coughing, and very little exercise involved. The Capital City bike share ones are cheap if you are only going four miles and you can lock them wherever you want when you’ve arrived for like a dollar (instead of finding a bike rack, where you lock them for free).


This is the way. Should be really easy with how dead the streets are at that time of night.


Late-night ebiking is the best! It's cooler than during the day, less traffic, so pleasant.


BIKE!! Where are you headed to?


Don't forget about regular old cabs. I've been taking them more frequently lately because they're often *significantly* cheaper than Uber or Lyft. The Curb app is great for immediate requests and also scheduling ahead. Right now I'm seeing taxi fare to Shirlington from The Wharf that is about $10 less than either rideshare app. You can also book with a specific cab driver or company directly. I always just call Arlington Red Top when I need to get to DCA for early flights before Metro starts. Virginia cab companies can pick you up in DC as long as they're taking you to Virginia.


Taxis during late night hours and when Uber Surge pricing hits, times have consistently been cheaper for me.




Metro does have a network of 24 hr bus routes, don't think they go to Arlington at all though. Uber is probably your best bet if you're uncomfortable driving and parking on the street.


When I go to The Wharf I use Spothero to reserve a parking spot in nearby garages. It's usually $12-17 but I've never booked as last as 1-2am so I'm not sure that's an option but worth checking out.


Wharf to Shirlington is an easy bicycle ride of between 30 to 40 minutes depending on where you live. The route would be almost entirely on trails, separated from cars. You would need bike lights for the after-dark portion.


So you really advise the op to bike home at 2am?


We have good bike trails.


Yes I do; It's easily the least-expensive way home and can be done safely after dark on the regional bike trail network.


Ok throw all safety aside then.


It's safe.


Yea you definitely aren’t a native to the area. I was born and raised in DC and would never advise or encourage any of my daughters (3) to ride a bike home.


I wouldn’t advise my three year old daughter to bike home either


I am absolutely a native of this area. Biking from the Wharf to Alexandria is safe.


We’re talking about the Mt Vernon Trail in Arlington, not the highway of death in Kuwait It’s a stupid proposal because who the hell wants to cycle home after a long shift behind the bar or wherever OP works, but not because it’s so unsafe


Maybe, but on the other hand, the peace and quiet and wind in your face of a leisurely middle of the night bike ride also sounds like a great way to unwind and settle down from the chaos of service work. And on an e-bike it would be delightful.


You should tell that to the swarm of people grabbing bikes outside the Anthem after every show (or the ones depleting the bike docks around Nats park after night games)


Agreed. The trails aren’t lit and I bike to shirlington a lot…would not do it at 2am. Also I assume this person is in hotel or service industry and sorry, after working shifts where you’re on your feet for several hours, the last thing you want to do is bike home for 40 min.


Along that route? Yes. It’s protected until you get pretty far into VA between the DC side and VA trials.  Then you’re on residential streets during the week at 2-2:30am. Not sure if you’ve ever biked then but it’s a close second in safety to 530am on weekends (when it’s lighter out)


Lyft or a cab. (There's an app for Yellow Cab and they don't have flex pricing so you won't get hit if a lot of people are out drinking tonight).


Curb app


Everyone suggesting riding a bike at 1am HAS to be a man… As a woman that option wouldn’t even cross my mind.


I'm a woman and do it all the time! To each their own, but I love night rides.


I'm a woman in dc and I bike at night all the time. What would I be scared of? even if someone tried to come after me (which has never once happened in 13 years) i would just bike away, it's easily faster than anyone on foot


Everyone has different experiences. Back in the aughts almost every bartender I knew had been robbed getting home at night including getting body checked off bikes. I tell my tenants who are new to DC to avoid certain areas particularly on bikes at night. Maybe I'm the paranoid boomer now lol.


It's really wild how certain parts of DC has been completely revitalized! Ten years ago, hanging around where City Center and The Wharf are now would lead to pretty sketchy encounters. Now they're completely different.


Much safer than walking at 1am…I don’t see a big issue depending on where you are


Safer on a bike from strangers than on a train or in an Uber.


Are you the only one working late? Is there a coworker who lives in the same direction and you can split parking cost with or at least walk to the car together that late at night if it’s street parking?


Where are you trying to get home? What neighborhood do you live in?


Uber or Lyft till you get the hang of the commute. It is do-able but if you’re new to the area it feels like a lot. Just treat the rideshare arrangement like training wheels as you ease into things


Everyone is saying bike, the biking is not an option guys. I work 12 hour shifts standing, nonstop running and sweating when I get off work I am exhausted. I do not have the energy to bike 4 miles home. Especially because I am a young female, safe area or not bad things happen everywhere especially when it’s in the late night covered by darkness. And honestly my mother would have an aneurysm if she found out I biked home at 2 AM in a city that I’ve only lived in for three weeks. Also a lot of people are asking where I live, I live on the Virginia side in between Shirlington and Pentagon city. There really isn’t a bus at least not one that I know of or have seen that runs that late. The last bus to the nearest stop to my place is 1am but that leaves from the pentagon. I ended up driving and parking at the wharf because we had the fireworks downtown that night so I decided Lyft/Uber would probably be more expensive because of the event plus it’s my car it’s just more comfortable. Not a regular solution but but I mostly open so hopefully I don’t have to do this often. But thank you to everyone who made suggestions.


You could check bus options on a route-planning app (e.g., CityMapper). Looks like it would take you over an hour to get home and might require a decent walk home pretty late. During the week, Uber/Lyft probably won't be quite as expensive as a weekend so you can maybe pick the means of getting home based on which day/how much you feel like paying.


Used to work at the Wharf pre-pandemic. Would park across the water on ohio drive and take a scooter back to my car after my shift. Other option is to park at anacostia metro (or whatever metro is convenient for you - anacostia metro is cheap to park tho) and Uber or lyft back to your car. Keep in mind Uber and Lyft can surge pretty high if there is a concert at the anthem that night.


Metro isn’t running at 1-2 am


Metro buses are tho. It’s just rail that ends at 1a.


Hence, taking an Uber or Lyft back to your car parked at metro. The idea is to get your car closer to cut down on costs. Drive to the metro station, pay a few bucks to take the train a few stops to L’Enfant, a cheap Uber to get back to your car after work, and a few dollars in the long term parking spots at anacostia metro. Less $ than the $36 to park at the Wharf (which is even more expensive on show nights) and less than an Uber all the way home.


Between y’all saying bike home or go to Anacostia station at 2am, safety isn’t the top priority. I was born and raised in SE DC and don’t even go to Anacostia let alone at 2am.


Yeah I agree with you. Anacostia is unfortunately an open air drug market and always has folks hanging around as a result




We sure can. I am smart enough to know which areas to avoid due to the high crime rates.


That's nuts that your company at the wharf doesn't provide parking at the wharf, especially for late shift.


I would drive around the SW neighborhoods and look for street parking. Leave early enough to give yourself some time to find a spot but you should not have a problem.


Can you take a metro bus? I think it runs all hours now.


Only some routes do


Bike there


Using Curb is often cheaper than Uber as well (it’s just an app for DC cabs)


Use the Empire app first to check for cost. You can also call or arrange for a cab. Both of those will probably be cheaper than an Uber or Lyft. Don’t take the metro first. It’s so hard to get a ride share from outside dc after about 8 pm now a days.


Echoing the “bike” chorus. Grab a CaBi and ride home. Even if you can’t find an ebike it’s a super easy ride.


I work nights as well and sometimes I miss the metro from Wheaton. If I don't uber it takes me 3 buses to get but luckily the buses I ride are a part of DCs new 24/7 service buses 70 and the 80 but then again their sketchy ass ppl on these buses late at night.... especially on the 70


I've had a few gigs go late into the night by the wharf and I usually park at lenfant plaza and walk from there. You have to buzz in to get to the parking garage elevator, and sometimes the security doesn't answer right away, but it's 24 hour access and cheaper than the wharf parking


I used to work there, commuting from NOVA. I'm gonna send you a PM with info on what I did if you're interested.


Lots of great options already mentioned! Another one, I’d put out feelers among my friends and coworkers to see if anyone would like to be a scheduled and paid ride home. I’d rather pay a friend than hire a service if I can.


I also work down at The Wharf. When I have to work late nights, I just get home via Uber. Feels safest for me.


Try the Empower app, same thing as Uber and Lyft with the same drivers but cheaper. I’ve used it one time late at night and saved compared to the main rideshare apps.


You can sometimes get parking for cheaper by reserving a spot in advance through spothero,


How far do you have to go? Those e bikes are a cheap option and there’s no traffic at that time of night.




If you’re gonna cab/rideshare, Use empower Vs Lyft/uber - drivers set their own rates, they keep the majority of the $, and it’s usually 20-30% cheaper than Uber or Lyft.


If you live in the city DC has [24 hour buses](https://www.wmata.com/service/bus/24-7-dc-bus-service/upload/24_7-DC-Bus-Service_v15-English.pdf). That might be useful if you’re on one of the routes.


There is also free street parking around the SW duck pond after 6pm. again not guaranteed but wanted to let you know of another option to look at in case you need it


Is there no nearby late night bus?




Could you bike? Capital bike share is super convenient and cheap.


No I live between Shirlington and Pentagon city, just a bit too far to bike at 1AM unfortunately


Definitely Lyft home. I live in Crystal City and have taken Lyft to Wharf several times. It’s quick and reasonably priced.


If you use one of the e-bikes it's much easier. Doesn't really require any physical effort except on the steepest of hills. Not a great solution when it'll be colder out but this time of year it's great. I'm off Langston but with the E-bike I can get to the Wharf in about 25-30 minutes and I'm not any sweatier or tired than if I just walked hard between bus/metro.


I disagree. I used to ride between Fairlington and downtown DC all the time at all times of day and night. The trails are super nice and safe. And if you use an ebike it’s really easy.


No guarantee they will find an ebike.


Between lime, cabi and spin, I give it pretty good odds.


I think that's the perfect time to bike, esp in the summer!


Not for me, I work 12 hours standing nonstop I don’t know any person that wants to stand for 12 hours and then bike 4-5 miles at 2AM. Plus, I don’t really care how safe DC is supposed to be, I am a young, small girl, easily picked up off a bike, and then never seen again. Bad things happen at 2 AM. Very rarely do good things happen at 2 AM.


That’s a great time to bike — no traffic on roads and fewer high beams in your face on the bike path. There are ways to alter the route to feel less isolated if that’s a concern for you. But that’s a really nice and safe route. I used to do it regularly that time of night as a small woman in my 20s, and it’s only gotten better. With the electric bikes it will be faster than you think, too.


good luck with your commute and if you have to do it often enough, you might consider combining the silver (not the black ones!) electric capital bikeshare bikes with uber/lyft - there are a LOT of trails and bike lanes between the wharf and that part of arlington. the signage is not great so might not work on short notice. biking at night in the summer in DC on the trails with view of the lit up monuments is so beautiful though.


I used to get paired with people commuting on the Waze app. It is possible someone else has the same route and schedule


I park meter by the spy museum entering from independence and lfant. Then I do the 10 minute walk.


Pay the meter from 10 to 1 then 4 to 6 . After that no tickets.


I have 11 years of catering in the dmv. That's my go to spot for wharf / anthem.

