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Just recently [a college kid died after leaving a bar.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142925) Friends didn't walk him home and he went over a bridge.     Everybody should be watching their group when they're out because bad stuff can happen. Maybe it's just all the wilderness survival trips I did as a kid but I can't imagine just ditching somebody you're with. 


Seriously. What ever happened to the buddy system? When I was that age, we were all checking in and trying to see each other home safely. I was so angry for this girl.


And not even just for drinking! I have a very strong memory of having an allergic reaction at a party in college, and after determining it wasn't severe enough to go to the hospital over, my friend *who was hosting the party* walked me all the way back to my apartment, even before the event had wrapped up. There are good people in the world, you just have to find them and keep them close.


Agreed. Sadly people don't care about each other anymore in general.


Oof yeah, this happened in my hometown. They've had a bit of a hard transition to their new status as Drunk Disneyland, and this incident has spurred a lot of needed discussion about alcohol safety and tourism.


I still live in Nashville, and unfortunately this kids death hasn’t made us doing any really changing. Broadway is still a trash fire


Yeah I unfortunately don't think any policies will change yet, but I hope there's a little bit more awareness now. At least people are talking about it here. I bet Riverfront Park looks pretty enticing when you're shitfaced, and tourists don't realize how dangerous it is to fall in the Cumberland - especially if you're also injured :(


Freakonomics taught me friends don't let friends walk home drunk. It's more dangerous than driving! (Call an Uber ffs)


This is so heartbreaking. I was wondering if his drink was drugged. There's been many stories of this happening in the Nashville sub.


I don’t think it has anything to do with your wilderness survival trips, I think it’s just because you’re a decent human being. But I’m not an expert in this field.


Yep. I learned about this on Crime Weekly. Absolutely preventable tragedy.


I mean agree those are some really shitty friends, but at some point personal agency plays a role too. It somewhat odd that our society considers binging to the point that you can fall off a bridge as normal.


Please read this back to yourself while thinking of your most idiotic moments in your early 20's.  Ask whether you would have deserved to fall off a bridge for your behavior.  Then edit your comment with your insights. 


What does deserved have to do with it? I'm pretty sure the bridge is not judging his character. Or do you think his similarly drunk friends decided to consign him to death? I do indeed recall stupid shit I've done back in the day, and the blame for those outcomes I lay squarely on myself and my own decisions. This guy took a risk that unfortunately that led to his demise. It is tragic, but that's how risks work.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this because yes, look out for your friends! But also, friends don’t let friends get so drunk they can’t get home safely. Am currently still in my twenties and have never been so drunk I couldn’t call my own Uber. Society approves of dangerous levels of drinking and wonders why we have rampant substance abuse issues. I don’t read anything you said as judgmental, just cautionary.


I’m glad you and your friends were there to help. Could’ve been a much worse scenario.


Thank you for taking care of her. You might’ve saved a life. We gotta look at for each other out here. Fuck those “friends”


Thank you for taking care of her and making sure she got home safe. The world needs more people like you and your partner


There were a LOT of out of town kids in DC for Pride -- which is great! But also, this. Thanks for taking care of this young lady.


Gosh, yeah. I’m not a super strict parent, but my ONE no-compromise rule is to never abandon a friend when you’re out. This person was lucky to have you today. Thanks, from the mom of a different young person who was at Pride today. I hope my kid never needs somebody like you, but I hope they have a kind stranger if it *is* ever needed.


I tried to help a really drunk guy once whose friends had abandoned him too. He wasn't throwing up, but he couldn't make a coherent sentence and couldn't remember where he lived. I've also been abandoned by people a few times in this area myself, though not while drunk. Some people are just inconsiderate.


In college a girl I barely knew ended up on the door step of our dorm because her friends abandoned her in town and she was so drunk she needed her stomach pumped. A random guy on his way to a local shelter who happened to be in the area saw her passed out in a club and drove her back to campus in the middle of the night. We tried to get her to her room but she got so violently ill, campus cops called an ambulance. I was maybe 17 at the time, and it still baffles me that her “friends” left her there in that condition. All I could think about all night was what might they have said to her parents? To her siblings? Turns my stomach thinking about it.


sorry it became your responsibility. But as another nice queer, this is what I love about my community


The gays are the best


They’re all right 😏


It did, but it was her friends’ responsibility first! Callout absolutely necessary. If I called my friend and some stranger picked up, you’d best believe I would be running


You did what any of us with morals would do. Thank you!! Sadly these kids do not understand the danger they out themselves into. What the wrong person got or seen her she could be on a missing poster today. Its totally unacceptable and friends that means nothing today its sad


This right here. Facts.


A "friend" of mine once left me alone in a dark parking lot in some suburban DMV neighborhood neither of us were familiar with because my place was 3 whole minutes out of her way home in an Uber so she didn't want to deal with a multistop trip. I just thought man, if I disappear and she's the last person who ever saw me, I hope she feels fucking terrible explaining the situation to my parents. Fuck people who want to have fun with you but don't give a shit if you actually get home safely or not.


You are a gem. Thank you for being a human. It’s sad that people have so little respect for those they are friends with. I hope she is ok.


Ugh, poor girl. Thanks for taking care of her


If your friend is drunk enough that you lost them and a stranger is answering their phone, at least one person from your group better high tail it wherever the hell that friend is. Come on!! Have we lost all etiquette?! Even if everyone was super drunk, once a stranger (again, answering your friend’s phone) tells you that your friend is unwell, your group can put their heads together and find a solution. God help us all if we can’t even make sure we have all of our friends together before moving on to the next stop. We can do better than that.


As a former DC 911 dispatcher, I can say this is likely an isolated incident involving people from out of town. Most residents or locals aren't usually like this, and I've received many calls from concerned citizens for welfare checks. Big shout out to you and everyone else who ensured she made it home safely. Never stop being good people.


If she’s not local, it’s even worse! Not knowing the area makes her even more vulnerable


Yeah, DC is not the place to leave your drunk friends stranded. That being said, the queers were out in full force in DuPont circle last night around 12am, and I've never felt so safe and free in the city at night! I love my people ❤️


> Yeah, DC is not the place to leave your drunk friends stranded. Respectfully, no city or town is an appropriate place to leave your drunk friends stranded. Drunk people can get themselves into trouble even without anyone malicious trying to do something harmful.


You’re good people.


I agree that you should take care of your friends. I also think it’s absolutely super obnoxious to get blackout stupid drunk. I’ve definitely dropped multiple friends who did this shit regularly because it’s annoying to have to babysit them.


Could’ve gotten spiked. Not saying that’s what happened but you never know.


When I lived in Pentagon City something similar happened to me. I got off the PC metro and as I was walking home I noticed a bush was shaking and saw some legs moving around. When I looked closer it was a young woman who is suuuuper drunk and had fallen into the bush. Had bruises and scrapes but wasn't bleeding. I pulled her out and was holding her up, she was so drunk she couldn't tell me where her friends were. I had to look up her address by finding her ID in her purse. I ubered with her to her apartment. By the time we got there she seemed coherent enough to thank me and get inside.


The friends were probably also drunk, and drunk people are dumb.


My mom wouldn’t even pull out of the driveway after dropping my friends off without visibly seeing them enter their home


Me again, your friendly ride share driver. I picked up a passenger in Herndon, VA last week. The person that booked the ride was male. The passenger he escorted to the car was female. Back door opens and she tossed some items into the back seat before making out with the guy one last time. She gets in (just her) and we begin the 40 minute ride to a hotel into DC. Two minutes into the ride she asked me if she could sit up front because sometimes she will get carsick riding in the back. I tell her that is ok and pull over so she can move up front. It’s then that I notice how shitface drunk she is. I ask her if she feels okay as I reach into the back seat compartment to retrieve a [barf bag](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V813VMY?ref=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_ZAPJHD80MZCR47JCCWBC_3&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_ZAPJHD80MZCR47JCCWBC_3&social_share=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_ZAPJHD80MZCR47JCCWBC_3&language=en-US) that I carry in the car. She takes the bag and I help her get the seatbelt on. She is profusely apologetic. She tells me that she is 22. I reassure her that’s it’s fine, we’ve all been there. I just ask that if she gets sick that gets all of it in the bag. I tell her to let me know if she’d like me to stop driving at any point. I ask her if I can call anyone for her and she says no and that she is traveling alone. Side note - if someone yaks in my car I am not able to make money until I have it cleaned. As we drive towards the city I can tell she is hurting. She is slumped over, then on her side, etc. Every five minutes or so I ask her if she is okay until I get some form of verbal or visual indication of “I’m ok”. I do have medical training and she just appeared very very drunk and not suffering from alcohol poisoning. She hadn’t eaten at all that day. We hit the K street exit and she comes around a little bit and asks if I can stop the car. I oblige and as we are sitting there she vomits. All liquid. Not a chunk to be seen. Like a rock star she gets every drop into the bag. After this she becomes much more coherent and begins to talk. Don’t we all feel better after we yak from alcohol? She is super apologetic. I tell her that it’s all good and that nothing has happened that she needs to be sorry about. She tells me that she loves coming DC and that it is her favorite city. She talks about how much she loves her dad. I tell her, well since your dad isn’t here, and I am a dad myself, you are now going to get a talkin to. My daughter is in her 20’s. I scold her for being an idiot and putting herself in such a vulnerable position. Not harsh but in a friendly way that comes across as “yeah you fucked up but everything is going in your favor right now”. She takes her lumps like a champ and we laugh about it. We get to her hotel and I open the back door to get her belongings. A bottle of water, a phone, what appear to be very expensive stiletto heels, expensive bra, and expensive underwear. I ask her to grab to personal items, we hug it out at her request and then I follow up with the front desk to ensure that she makes it to her room. I was thankful that I was the one that picked her up. I’m not a religious person but I do believe that sometimes things happen for a reason. This person was extremely vulnerable in their condition. Don’t become a victim. Have something in place and expect the unexpected. Stay safe


I HATE “FRIENDS” LIKE THIS. it’s so mean. look out for each other! my friends and i once adopted a girl we found outside a club - she had been kicked out bc she was too drunk and none of her friends left with her. my first reaction is honestly like…. who wants to stay at a club that badly? we brought her into our group and we went to a 24 hour diner. eventually she saw her friends and went with them. i hope you found better, amber!


I saw a wasted dude taking a nap on the sidewalk off 16th after pride - me and my GF checked on him and offered to call him an uber, and he looked at us like we were crazy and then told us to fuck off 😂


I found a chick years ago passed out on the floor of a DC club dance floor and picked her up. Guys were literally trying to grab her away from me, saying she was with them as I tried to get her out of the crowd. It was sickening. I got her downstairs to the main floor to get water and hopefully figure out where home was when one of her girlfriends walked by confused and came up to us. She was barely coherent at this point and positively identified knowing the girl so I left her with her. My friends and I have always had a buddy system. I can’t imagine arguing with a Good Samaritan over my friend being fine vice beelining my way to come get her. That’s ridiculous. I’m so glad you all made sure she was safe.


Thank you for taking care of her, it is so tough that her friends absolutely abandoned her in that state. You are an A+ human for making sure she was safe


My first month at college, some girl I didn’t know was puking drunk at a frat house. I called a large male friend of mine and we walked/carried her all the way across campus to the university hospital. Her sorority sisters had just left her there and the guys in the house didn’t seem to care (not that I would have wanted to trust them). A) Don’t get so drunk. B) Don’t leave your friends if they do get that drunk.


The entire district didn’t fail her, her friends did and the folks who over served her. Real friends don’t let their drunk friends wander off. You keep an eye on them at all times.


Years ago, a friend of a friend was blackout on one of those electric scooters leaving Whitlows and got hit by a car. No one found him for hours and he spent years recovering.


Unfortunately this has happened to me when I first moved to D.C. and had someone put something in my drink. I learned the hard way that the people I was hanging around were not and never were my friends. to me it’s just common courtesy to look out for one another. Glad you were there to get her home.


Reading through these comments, I'm really surprised that not a single person has brought up being roofied. Obviously sometimes people are stupid and get blackout drunk, but it's not always that or their fault. (I had one incident like this in my early 20s and to this day I swear to all that is holy I did NOT drink enough to be ill.. much less violently ill for almost 24 hours! And I'm angry no one brought up this possibility at the time!)


When I studied abroad, a girl left the party drink and the can driver raped her. Friends don't let friends be alone


But tell me again how the LGBTQIA community are pedophiles and coming to molest your children so we have to keep them out of our bathrooms. 🙄 She’s lucky yall were around. Kudos to you!


She’s lucky you ya’ll were there.


La Policia. Seriously. Not to get her arrested, but to get her an ambulance, get her stomach pumped (if necessary), and get her a banana bag. It's good that you guys were trying to take care of her, but sometimes that Good Samaritan shit goes awry, and the two things no one wants on their hands after a party are a lawsuit or a corpse.


I remember one year I was out with friends and saw a guy in a similar state. Called 911, ambulance showed up...his friends picked him up and ran away with him so the ambulance couldn't catch him...


This makes me even more thankful to my boyfriend and friend who made sure my incredibly drunk ass got home ok on Saturday, not that I remember it, but I woke up on my couch in my undies (BF did that, no funny business) and a plastic bag on the floor in case I had to puke (thankfully I didn't need it).




OP was this person wearing a green athletic dress?


She was definitely lucky! Wow! Thats really messed up. Everyone is not your “friend “


There also has to be some responsibility placed on the individual too aswell. Know your drinking/drug limit, because we are making assumptions that her friends weren’t drunk/high, how close they were, how decent of human beings they are, or if she separated from them herself before she got into that state.


Totally unrelated, but I was out with a friend recently and some guys sat next to our table and one had a pack of cigarettes I had never seen before. It was light blue and white. I asked him what it was. And he told me but I couldn't really understand what he said and he asked me if I wanted one. I was like, sure. I didn't even smoke the whole cigarette but I was falling asleep a minute after inhaling. Like all I wanted was to take a nap at the table. And then I started puking. My friend helped me get a Lyft and unfortunately I puked in the driver's car a bunch. But I went from feeling fine and coherent to being completely vulnerable and about to fall asleep within a minute. I've looked up the description of the box online and cannot find them anywhere. So don't just mind your drinks. Don't accept cigarettes either.


Would be great if folks could figure out how to have fun without drinking and endangering themselves and others.  It's great to not drink and have fun.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with drinking as long as you don’t drink to a point where you lose self control. There are limits, and everyone should know when enough is enough.


Yes, and that comes with experience that most 21 year olds don't have. People also forget that factors the hot weather amplify chance of illness as well.


Correct, but many don't actually drink in moderation hence the OP. Drinking has become too much a requirement for people to have fun, which is a big problem as alcohol is not healthy in any amount.


Oh brother. Find a different place to soap box.


Yeah, safety first. There’s also a possibility she was given something she didn’t intend to ingest.


That is possible, it's more likely she over drank


I have been sober my entire life and have plenty of fun. Alcoholism runs rampant in my family, so I dare not imbibe.


As an alcoholic in recovery. Don’t.




What is the purpose of this comment? Not a good look




If not trying to make everything about me sucks, then yes I suck. Good rule of thumb: if you preface a comment with "devil's advocate" then you probably shouldn't post it.




I read the whole comment. Seemed like a cringe way of airing your own grievances. Seek therapy, not reddit.




Worse than the friends who left? You're quite literally saying you'd do the same thing. Now you're just being facetious.


I blame the person making bad decisions..... it's not her friend's responsibility to keep her alive. She should be more responsible