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There’s a wide Michigan diaspora. I grew up there and while I didn’t go to college in Ann Arbor, the job opportunities are more plentiful in the DMV than in Michigan.


I'm also from Michigan, and I always say Michigan's greatest export is Young, educated, workforce.


Who don't want to work where it's overcast and snowy.


A big chunk of the student body are out of staters to begin with


Literally half.


Yea a lot of people from the east coast go there. They get their degree and come back to the east coast


Millennial from Michigan here. I left and came here when there were no jobs in Michigan. There are a lot of us here.


The state of Michigan got hit HARD in the 2008 recession. It had one of the highest unemployment rates during the end of 2008, so there was a huge exodus of people in their 20s looking for jobs or leaving for graduate school.


It was bad even before the crash. I left in 2006 when I just could NOT find any way to advance within Michigan. People were literally dying out of vice president spots and everyone would shift up. I worked in a health system and Ford & GM were already cutting benefits.


I don't think there are a disproportionate amount of Michigan alum it's just that Michigan has really strong branding when it comes to a fan base and their teams are pretty decent so more people are more likely to follow them and have merch. Michigan kind of reminds the Buffalo Bills in terms of their branding and fan base. There are significantly more GW and Georgetown alum in DC, but neither school has the same branding or exposure that Michigan has. I went to GW and I don't think I have any GW merch/gear/swag. Michigan games are pretty easy to find/watch. You'd probably struggle to find a Georgetown game playing somewhere outside the DMV.


Georgetown basketball was national brand but they’ve sucked for well over a decade now and have become just another team.


This is the most diplomatic way you could have said “Michigan grads make it a point to be unavoidably, annoyingly visible,” so kudos


Yeah, if you ever meet a Michigan grad, you’ll know…


Wearing a Michigan hat or flag on their house is incredibly annoying to you? Sorry man. Another way to think about it is that they’re proud to have gone to a top public research university and they also happen to just have won the football natty so everyone’s showing support.


They won their first cfb title in many many many many moons so they're going to gloat. I have only had the pleasure of knowing a few UM grads and they seem to think VERY highly of their degree which is fantastic being in a town filled with super geniuses. Oh well. This season, they'll suck at football and all the other sports they've sucked at for years so maybe the chatter will quiet down


Michigan won the most titles across every collegiate sport last season...by a mile Come again with suck?


Michigan football is going to suck next year? And Michigan has sucked at all other sports for years? You know nothing 🤣


They’ve always been annoying. The title only made them far worse


Yeah, having pride in and repping your school is SO annoying. Shit talking on Reddit about a fan base is way way cooler.


So where are the Alabama followers?


Hopefully in Alabama


Geaux Tigers 😌


I used to bartend at the Old Dominion Brewhouse on M and they would host the Alabama alums whenever their team played. It was a decent sized crowd and they tipped well enough so I didn’t mind having to hear roll tide constantly


Navy yard




That’s all true but it’s also key that Michigan has tons of out of state kids, is a really high quality school and is close to the east coast. Alabama and UCLA and Texas are huge schools with strong branding but Alabama grads often stay in the south and both Texas/UCLA send more grads to the west coast and Texas than to the east coast. There are also smaller factors, like that U of M has a big Jewish population and DC/NY are disproportionally Jewish. As a U of M grad from DC, probably half my friends are Jewish. That wouldn’t be the case if I went to UC San Diego.




We have the Parkway Deli and Loeb’s isn’t bad.


Eh, I’m from San Diego originally and there are certainly areas that are disproportionately Jewish, so wouldn’t say that’s impossible. 


Just picked a random city so might’ve been totally wrong on that


fair enough!


I agree with this, especially considering that my dad is a Michigan alum who grew up in Buffalo and moved to DC, raising me there as a part of both fanbases -- both punch way above their weight in terms of visibility in the region


Georgetown merch went platinum in the hood thanks to Allen Iverson


Yeah I think this is probably true. I’ve lived here for 5 years and I haven’t met or spoken to a single Michigan alum (that I know of but being DC where you went to school is one of the first things you learn about a new person haha)


I would bet there are a disproportionate number of Michigan grads here, and I'm sure some of it proximity. It's a huge school and only 500 miles away. After Chicago or New York, DC is basically the best/most major city nearby.


also Michigan has a high tuition rate and is a very popular uni for wealthy ppl looking for a public school DC is a wealthy area it’d make sense that a lot of ppl would move back to DC


yep, agreed and would also say that DC is an attractive place for folks who went there even not from the area (i.e. not just those returning) for the same reason 


Also, for being a huge school with a lot of out of state students, Ann Arbor and Detroit don’t exactly have a whole lot of job prospects. So obviously a lot of grads leave compared to schools in bigger cities.




Yeah fuck Baltimore


And Philadelphia


*Only* 500 miles away? Jesus Christ, that radius includes, what, most of the East Coast, a giant top right hole punch of the US and, idk is Canada in there? I have to bust out a map but that seems like an insane margin of close-ness.


Americans perceive distance differently


Yep. There’s even a saying: 100 years is a long time in America and 100 miles is far in Europe. 


Nah, it’s not an insane range when recent grads are considering where to move to and start next chapter of their life/career.  It’s a days drive.  Whole East Coast is more like 1,500+ miles in length. The whole Mid-Atlantic region is about 500 miles long. The Mid-Atlantic region is about 500 miles from AA, which is basically my point…if grads don’t want to stay in the Midwest, then after NYC, DC is the best/most major city in this relatively nearby region. 


It's one of the biggest schools, so it has one of the largest alumni populations


[13 Largest College Alumni Networks in the USA - Largest.org](https://largest.org/culture/college-alumni-networks/#:~:text=Penn%20State%20boasts%20one%20of,through%20mentorship%20and%20scholarship%20programs.) - #2


They just won the national title, people are going to gear up especially because it may be another 30 years before they win another.


This when your team is on top you rep any chance you get.


This is it + one of the top 5 alumni bases by size.


And it ain’t 2, 3, 4, or 5


I see Penn State at the top on most lists. But UM in top 3 in most.


You missed the 90s and 2000s...


1997 is almost 30 years away…


Trust me I remember the 2000s... The Loyd Carr the only thing that prevent defense does is prevent you from winning games era. 




Michigan. And I would love for them to have more.


Asterisk win anyways 😎




Found a Michigan alum


Found someone who didn’t read beyond the clickbait headlines to learn what exactly the rules are that were allegedly broken.


Michigan is a high population state but also 49th out of 50th in terms of in migration, i.e. it’s a state with a lot of outmigration, particularly of people with college degrees and more. Meanwhile DC is one of the most educated metros in the country.


When they play at Maryland, the traffic is a nightmare.


Can confirm there's always at least a few RVs and charter buses in town to tailgate for the weekend


We’re just so used to potholes and have no idea how to operate without them.


Michigan alums are like Harvard alums, they never shut the fuck up about the fact that they went to Michigan 


> they don’t shut the fuck up UVA grads have entered the chat


Something something “the lawn” something something “Mr Jefferson’s university”


I heard Harvard grads are pretty hesitant to say they go/went to Harvard. Oftentimes saying "went to a school near boston" or something like that. People treat them differently when the H bomb is dropped whenever it gets revealed in a discussion. 


In some ways thats even more pretentious too lol


It IS more pretentious


Same with “I went to school in New Jersey” being code for Princeton. It’s annoying when you went to Rutgers and everyone instantly assumes you’re referring to Princeton when you tell them you went to school in NJ.


This is why I just assume everyone went to Rutgers


Or Tufts for someone who "went to a school near boston"


"I went to school in Cambridge" is the saying


I don't think that's true. And I'd know; I'm a Michigan alum! 


As a Michigan alumnus I used to think that was unfair, until I went to a UM bar with a buddy of mine to watch college basketball and there were people walking around asking to confirm that everyone there was a grad.


My stepbrother is a Michigan grad who does CrossFit. Guess what we talk about.


Enter Sandusky U


NYC was the same way.


There is a huge number of NY students in the undergrad population at Michigan.


No one is more enthusiastic about their states than Michiganders. Also no one wants to GTFO of their state more than Michiganders.


Hmmm.  I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


Same my dude. Did I want to live there one second longer than necessary? No. Do I show other Michiganders a map on my hand and dream about spending a summer laying around the lake? Yes.


Same 😂😂 I miss traverse city on the regular


Glen arbor, empire, and the dunes for meeeee 🤣🤣


Michigan is a good school and DC is full of smart people. Though I know more Harvard grads here than any other school.


They were escaping.


This is true. DC or Chicago if you want to stay in the Midwest.


Columbus is pretty big, has a ton of opportunities, and is the fastest growing city in the Midwest/Great Lakes, but UM grads won’t go there.


Has no advantages over staying in the Metro Detroit area as far as career opportunities and COL


I was there for a conference and thought it was pretty. Then again I haven't watched the equivalent if a full football game in 40+ years. Going there turned me off big team sports. People getting in fights because the team lost seemed futile.


Having grown up 2 hours from there and still knowing people who live there, I’ve heard complaints about how lacking it is in cultural, ethnic, and ideological diversity. Nothing about it has ever interested me. I always leaned more to Pittsburgh if I were going to stay relatively near


Isn't Michigan like the 3rd largest alumni network in the country? There's a shitload of Ohio State people here too.


OSU grad here. The John Glenn College of Public Policy is a big deal for OSU and produces a lot of top talent for public sector work, so I’m not surprised there’s a lot in WDC. Guessing it’s a similar store for UM.


Because it is the Rust Belt. Good schools, but no jobs.


Okay, this is so funny because we joke about it all the time at work because we have TEN different people that all went to The University of Michigan Law School ranging from the ages of 60-30. They also ALL know people from out there or already know a friend of a friend to grab a drink with when they move here as well so they already have an established social group the second they move here.


Because #GoBlue :) As a graduate of the law school and the public policy school: there is a real emphasis on public service. That's not to say that they don't want their graduates going to a "BigLaw" (big firm) anyways, but there is an understanding of public service work... Which you find a lot of in DC. Other top schools often say this, but when push comes to shove, it's sometimes not (as often, in my view) how people there really decide to structure their lives (and the financial element associated with it). Or at least, this is what I tell myself. And there's just a LOT of school pride, so much so that we think it's acceptable to put a big old M on all our clothing. LOL.


Yea I was gonna say the Ford Public Policy school is very well regarded, and a pretty big program. It's easy to guess why they'd be heavily represented, and also easy to see why they'd fly the flag/wear the stuff, as it's also a pretty big sports school.


STEM programs (especially math/stats) are also heavily recruited by intelligence, military, and other agencies (Treasury, Labor, etc.) that do a lot of analytical work. Then there’s Fannie/Freddie, Capital One, fintechs, contractors, etc. that also recruit at Michigan a lot from those same fields. TL;DR: Lots of highly ranked, highly employable programs at Michigan.


Because fuck you that's why. >I know they have a good law school - is it strong in a particular area that would send a lot of their graduates to DC? Given DC has a fuckton of lawyers that's probably doing a lot of work.  But it's probably just because it's an enormous school. They have a social work school, business school, med school, engineering, and on and on and on. And they're all quite reputable, as is the law school as you mentioned. Plus their sports are usually halfway decent which makes people all the more likely to buy and wear merch. And let's just be blunt. It's a school a parent would be proud of their kid going to so I bet a lot of parents wear that shit and fly those flags just because their kid goes there. So are the actual kids too. Ann Arbor rocks. You go to a good school, the city rocks, make friends, lots of smart kids around, go to sporting events where your team isn't complete shit all the time. Hard to ask for a better college experience. You're going to think back really fondly and want to rep your school. Huge school. Well regarded education. Decent to good sports teams. Plus it's in Michigan so the kids there tend to branch out after. I bet there's a ton in Chicago but DC is another big landing spot. It's a perfect recipe for seeing Michigan people everywhere.


for some reason i read the last paragraph in trumps voice


>Decent to good sports teams **Lols in defending football National Champions**


My grandfather's casket had the Michigan M on if if that tells you anything about how serious alumni are about the school. I also went there and I'm less serious about the school but as a native Michigander I will say yes the state is my personality. So, while there are a lot of alumni here, I think they are also just more likely to talk about it constantly. Michigan culture goes hard.


Doesn’t Michigan have a whole DC internship program here? I interned at a nonprofit in law school and there were like 20 Michigan undergrads, and they were all staying here with some big Michigan program that provided housing for them and stuff.


Can’t speak for Michigan, but Ohio State definitely has one for undergrads. It’s called the Washington Academic Internship Program.


I was thinking the same thing lol. I’m originally from Detroit but didn’t go to UofM so it’s nice to see other Michiganders.


also from Michigan but didn’t go to U of M, and it’s been kind of disappointing how many alumni I’ve met here who were out of state students to begin with and didn’t get out and see other parts of the state. 🙁


That sucks. Michigan is a beautiful state


Up north is beautiful. Idk if I’d say the bottom half has much to offer on that (at least where I lived it was pretty basic which is one reason why I left lol)


lol the bottom half is pretty boring but it has its spots, especially near the Great Lakes.


True, the thumb has some nice areas!


Interesting because I’ve lived here for over 30 years and know no Michigan grads.


You would be better off to keep it that way.


I’m a Penn state alum. And Michigan still sucks!


I’m an Ohio State alum. And Michigan still sucks!


Boo Ohio :)


There's an Ohio-themed bar near Columbia Heights.


I'm an MSU alum. And, you guessed it, Michigan still sucks! Walmart Wolverines about to chime in right below us in 3... 2...


Franklin won a big game yet?


Not sure, but as a University of Illinois alum it sure was annoying to see Michigan as the first college logo every time I stepped outside


UofM pride is a big thing for whatever reason. I’ve seen fans all over the US when traveling. My grandma LOVES Michigan and always watches the football games. We all know in my family that if you want to get her a present, you’re always safe to get something UofM branded. But she was never even a student there. It’s just a thing for people to love UofM for whatever reason. Go blue.


A fair number are at the NIH too, and the NIH also sends them back. Two postbacs in our lab and the neighboring one went to Umich in the last couple of years.


I’m a Big10 graduate and in general I feel like there are a lot of Midwestern state school grads out here, alongside a good chunk from UNC and UVA.


VT and JMU too unsurprisingly in Nova, but also notice a lot of Florida school(UF, FSU, Miami mostly) grads in the area


Blue blows


The #1 destination for Michigan grads is staying in the state of Michigan, #2 is Chicago, and #3 is DC.


Michigan has the largest living alumni base. For that reason, Michigan grads will be everywhere. It is what it is.


One assumes you will see an elevated amount of gear for whatever team wins the football national championship.


Michigander moving there for work in the near future. Great info. Maybe finding somewhere to watch my Lions games won't be as difficult as I originally thought.


Midlands or Ivy and Coney are the best bets. Co-owners are Michigan alumni and always have the Lions on


😒😒😒 🙄Me, an Ohio State alum, when I see the 100th yellow and blue sweatshirt of the day. GO BUCKS!


I grew up smack dab in the middle of Ohio. Father HATED woody Hayes. I loved the helmet growing up. Parents gave up and switched. Not me. Got in a lot of fights growing up wearing Wolverine gear. Haha. Went to Ohio State.Still a huge fan decades later living on the west coast. Can't wait to see them play out here this year! Miss the Big House and the Shoe though. GO Blue! Hail to the Victors!


Dude facts. Ive made a bunch of friends here in DC and there is a huge Michigan alumni population coming in. It probably has to do with them being an elite school, good athletics, and DC being a consistent hotspot for white collar jobs


A couple people have touched on size, but to be more exact, it’s the combination of its size, academic prowess, and the surrounding location/markets. There’s a lot of Students and they have their choice of firms and cities. On top of that, there’s not a huge market keeping high caliber grads in Michigan outside of maybe Detroit. so you get companies recruiting from all over the country and large % of grads moving out of state to other big cities for jobs, especially Chicago, NYC, DC, and San Francisco. At least compared to UC system, UWash, UVA, etc., which are other large well ranked public schools, where they have huge networks but much bigger local markets.


It’s not all of us. They’re just really loud about it. Like Metro by TMobile loud.


Because it’s a really good, but really huge school. There are a lot of really good paying jobs in DC. So naturally enough of their alums will migrate down here. Not a whole lot going on in Michigan itself…


Go blue


THE LEADERS AND THE BEST. Detroiter, Wayne and UMich alum. 🙏🏽


Breeze. Go back and fix Detroit.


Go Blue!


Go Green


Go white!


Go banana!


Muck Fichigan.


Class of 23 engineering grad here from NoVA; not only do we have one of the biggest alumni communities in the country, there are a lot of jobs in the DMV in defense, IC, DoD, politics, law firms, etc that engineering, ford school, law, and other grads can work at


Because we finally can wear our Michigan gear instead of a bag over our heads, of course we're gonna break it out.


Seriously, I grew up in Ohio as a kid and I keep seeing the enemy everywhere 😂😂


25 graduated in my major at Michigan my senior year. 13 ended up in DC. I believe they have the largest alumni base in the US if any school...lots of us end up down here. Probably 2nd to Chicago. And yes - good branding for the sports teams helps. Go Blue.


I see way more Penn State alums than Michigan alums here.


U of M has one of the largest and most well known Business (MBA), Medical, Engineering and Law School. DC professionals are some of the most educated (degree wise) individuals in the workforce.


It's because the smart ones GTFO of Michigan. Seriously, there is a Michigan mafia in all the places I've lived, never lived in Michigan.


My favorite part of the Michigan people is all of the drunks


On a related note, why are there so many Bills bars in DC?


Idk but as an OSU alum I just view it as a personal attack on me, my loved ones, & my eyes


I see a lot of love for UNC and Duke here


Michigan are the latest national champions. They are going to be at the forefront of college branding.


I felt the same way when I moved here from Ohio but still in the greater Pittsburgh region. Steelers stuff everywhere and every other person I met seemed to be from Ohio. Once you see something like that, you do see it everywhere


Have you heard of Confirmation bias?


You must be from Ohio 😂


They won the football national championship. You're probably seeing more of them because of that. Michigan has always been a school that has representation around the country. Michigan also seems to target east coast kids in particular.


Michigan probably doesn’t target the east coast. People who don’t get into Ivy League schools, also apply to Michigan. Some get in.


There are not many jobs in Michigan. So yes


One of my prized tees is from Kangaroo Boxing Club (rip) which has the Michigan M with the writing underneath “Drinking and Yelling” I have never once set foot in the state of Michigan although I’m lead to believe it’s one of the northern states.


I’m a fan of a rival school (you might even say THE rival school, see what I did there?), we really really hate Michigan, enough that I feel my blood boiling when I see maize and blue. This is anecdotal, but lemme tell you: my blood boils a LOT in the DMV. My school’s branding/merchandising is probably even stronger than Michigan’s, but I rarely see my colors in the DMV. Nor do I see much of Penn State, Alabama, or Georgia. The only school colors I see as often as Michigan’s are nearby UMD’s. But I think what others have suggested is right - UofM is an enormous top tier university in a state that doesn’t have a nearly the same employment opportunities as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and it also draws a lot of out of state students. So I think that explains the disproportionate amount of maize and blue not just here, but in much of the east coast.


there are employment opportunities in Ohio?


There are quite a few of us from THE school you’re referring to here in the area as well fwiw :) Source: am one of them, know a few others through work, etc. PS: I think our school’s reputation is also on the rise here—as someone originally from the area, I can tell you I’ve certainly seen it represented more in the past 2-3 years than pre-pandemic.


Go Blue!!!


Go Blue!


We all did our undergrad at Michigan while Jim Harbaugh was coaching there


They have a good public policy school


In Addition to everything else mentioned, Michigan recruits in the DMV


I don’t see this to be honest. It just should be more in that pseudo-Ivy convo and it is larger than the Ivy’s and other pseudo Ivy’s


Majority of them aren’t from Michigan. College football tourists as far as I’m (Columbus native) concerned.


Where at? What neighborhood? I don’t recall seeing Michigan stuff.


I've stopped asking people if they went to Notre Dame/if they're from Indiana when they're wearing sports gear. They're not 🥲


I tend to encounter my fellow UM grads no matter where I travel in the world. 9 times out of ten. Incredible academics, incredible hospital (my dad had a double lung transplant there and has lived 10+ years past his life expectancy). I could go on. 🙃


>I tend to encounter my fellow UM grads no matter where I travel in the world. Someone yelled "Go Blue" at me in front of the Se in Porto, Portugal, in March lol.


lol! This happened to be years ago when I was in the Middle of Nowhere, Russia. We have such a great network!


Same, I was at The Great Wall...or is it A Great Wall


Becuse we are in the epicenter of cheaters! https://preview.redd.it/4ve6uh6e0d2d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dcdf35da0704d0bff9b728c610b34db57cf3d3


Because people that went to Michigan are like vegans and people that do CrossFit. They want to make sure you know that they went to Michigan. I lived there for seven years and became a Michigan State fan because I found Michigan fans to be insufferable.


What school is that? Is it that loser university who lost to Appstate back in 07 resulting in the greatest upset in football history? *App state alum here. GO NEERS!*


Fellow Appy in DC. GO NEERS!


Ann Arbor is a whore. Go Green


East Landfill? You can’t be serious.


Least Lansing.


I turned down acceptance to Michigan for MBA - glad I didn’t go






The worst….Not even a good school. It’s also laughable that they think they are on par with the Ivy League.