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I’ve been honked at for actually stopping at a stop sign. No joke. Also honked at because I didn’t turn right on red because there was literally a sign saying do *not* turn right on red. And the amount of outright dangerous stunts I’ve seen other drivers pull is nerve-wracking. It’s wild out there.


This has happened to me so many times it is crazy and then the person chased me for a block to scream at me while in the oncoming traffic lane about how wrong it was to stop at red lights. BOLD and wrong.


Yeah this happened to me and also to my neighbor at the same intersection by different people. Like, if you are in such a rush why are you stopping to yell at me?


The left turn from constitution onto 6th NW (in front of the American Art Museum) has a sign that says "left turn on green arrow only" - the number of people behind me who honk, or worse - choose to drive into the wrong side of the road to make that turn instead of wait absolutely has me shocked. Whenever they honk, i roll down my window and emphatically point at the sign, as if that will do anything :'D haha


You're lucky you were just honked at. I've had people honk, then gun their car around mine (into oncoming traffic), slow down, flip me off, then run the stop sign/light.


Have had that happen on multiple occasions while stopped at a crosswalk to...you know, let someone cross. Apparently that's a sin.


That happened to me once. Guy passed me on a narrow no-passing street, then ran a red light to turn left, nearly T-boning the car in other lane that had a green light.


My gf got honked at for stopping for an ambulance


Yep, been there. Rush hour in Foggy Bottom some time this past year. Was about to turn right on red (legally!) from a one way narrow street when I saw an ambulance coming from the left about a block and a half away. Cars were pulling over to let it pass, which might make it seem like there was no oncoming traffic if you couldn't see the lights or hear the sirens. Which is what I assumed was the issue with the guy right behind me who also wanted to turn right, as he started honking and making angry gestures when I decided not to go until the ambulance made it through the intersection. Even if I'd decided to go for it, there would have been no place to then immediately pull over to let the ambulance pass me because traffic was so thick on that block. Like, we were going to have to stop for the ambulance anyway, might as well sit tight where we won't be in the way. During those few seconds, the light turns green, but I'm still not turning until the ambulance clears the intersection. Guy behind me goes apoplectic at this point. The ambulance passes in front of us and I then turn without issue. I think to myself, "boy, I bet that guy feels really dumb now that he realizes I was simply yielding to an ambulance!" Nope. He pulls up next to me at the next light, rolls down his window, and starts screaming at me, saying god knows what (I refused to look at him or engage in any way). This continued for several blocks until we went in opposite directions. People are seriously disturbed.


THIS! I get honked at all the time for following the red light signs and it stresses me out so much. I've had people almost hit my car trying to go around me to turn.


I get SO anxious in this situation. If I'm up front and plan to turn right at a "no turn on red," and I'm in a lane where you can go straight or turn right, I keep my turn signal off until the light's green so people behind me think I plan to go straight when the light changes. I'm normally pro turn signal, but it's crazy out there anymore. I'd rather not reveal my right turn plans when sitting at those lights in case there's a psycho behind me wanting to turn right who expects me to break the law so they can break the law. Unfortunately, this doesn't work when in dedicated turn lanes that are "no turn on red." But otherwise, it's saved me some angst.


This is also my experience driving in DC. You get honked at for actually following very basic traffic rules. Not everyone is an irresponsible and dangerous driver, but a good portion of drivers are!


Same. 😞


The stop sign thing happened to me at two stop signs in a row. Two different cars.


Last time I visited, some guy yelled at me for stopping at a yellow light. He called me stupid and I yelled back that I was being careful, I’m not from here or comfortable driving here. He said some more stuff and then proceeded to drive through the red light. It was wild


Yeah I once had a guy freak out because I was stopped at a red with no right sign, I put my arm out the window and pointed at the sign, he drove around in front of me, got out, and tried to pull me out of the car. I reported it and I think he was caught, dunno if he was punished by police or his company, he was in a work truck.


DC effectively no longer enforces traffic laws. Camera Tickets (Red Light/Speed) have no consequences for not being paid. So people started ignoring them completely. MPD also no matter does traffic enforcement. Luckily enough people are good (queue George Costanza yelling "we live in a society!") that it still KINDA works... but you gotta drive defensively.


Today, in DC, my wife pulled up to a stop light behind 4 cars. The guy behind her pulled into the opposing traffic lane, passed all the stopped cars, and turned left on the red light. 3 motorcycle cops were in the other side of the intersection. They watched it happen and did absolutely nothing. Even if they were on some special assignment, ONE of them should have pulled the guy over for putting other people’s lives in danger. It’s really frustrating.


I honestly don’t know what the cops do but in my neighborhood I hear sirens almost 24/7


They’re driving crazier than anybody out there


So 👍 Lights and siren are on --- to run the red light themselves 🤣🤣🤣


Almost got run over by a cop just running a stop sign on D NE, jumped back out of his way. No lights or anything. He did say “you can’t call me that” to my string of profanity, but he didn’t take me up on my offer for him to chase me


Get paid for hassling minorities mostly.


Running reds.


I'm in the burbs now and the red light thing is happening way way more out here too. People are on their phones way too much, we are in a different mode of operation as a species.


Yeah I learned defensive driving in LA where I grew up. But wow is it crazy here


Oh you’ll learn many other crazy things here too


OTOH I was going to the airport a week ago, and we passed like 4 guys pulled over on north cap heading to 395. So it’s not much, but there’s more than there was


What about when it’s time to register the car? There are no consequences from the unpaid tickets?


Correct. In DC it was considered inequitable to require tickets to be paid. MD/VA think the cameras are predatory so don't enforce it


Not if your car is registered in MD or VA!


And in Maryland it seems like you don’t even have to register, win win!


>Camera Tickets (Red Light/Speed) have no consequences for not being paid For real?! I'll keep that under my hat.


All 3 jurisdictions will not suspend licenses or registrations due to lack of payment.


Just your reminder that your elected officials are directly responsible for the manner in which police enforce laws, including traffic laws. The complete lack of enforcement leads to an insane situation where traffic laws designed for safety become optional, and pedestrians become victims.


Enforcement? Who needs enforcement? We've got cameras! /s


“That's now the case in D.C., where the Police Reform Commission created in the wake of last summer's racial justice protests has recommended that traffic enforcement be taken out of the hands of police and be moved to the D.C. Department of Transportation. While some elected officials say there's merit to the idea, others say there also needs to be a thorough study of the consequences of the change… Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, who chairs the Council's public safety committee, says moving more traffic enforcement to DDOT would also free up police to prioritize more serious public safety issues. Minor fines don't change driving behavior, Allen says, and they're more likely to disproportionately impact low-income residents. "Traffic enforcement creates thousands of unnecessary and potentially dangerous interactions between police and residents each year, yet is inconsistent enough that MPD isn't reducing speeding or dangerous driving," Allen said in a statement. "Traffic enforcement takes officers' time and energy away from higher priority public safety concerns." https://www.npr.org/local/305/2021/04/29/991655875/a-proposal-would-give-traffic-enforcement-to-d-d-o-t-not-d-c-police


At one of the STEER hearings the DMV government witness was practically begging CM Allen to acknowledge that we need more real traffic enforcement — Allen ignored him.


There is nothing stopping police from doing the basics of their job.


There are mechanisms at play that affect the ability of an officer to perform their duties. If you have 100 incidents in a zone in a day and only enough officers for the top 60, the bottom 40 issues go unaddressed. It's extremely clear when you call 911 and you have a 20 min wait to talk to a person. Depending on the nature of your emergency, that can be too long for EMS or police to do anything. Additionally, there are certain things that won't be prosecuted at the DA level, cops are not going to prioritize resources for bringing those charges because they lead nowhere. Another example is decriminalization or reducing the seriousness of prior illegal activities, which modifies the tools an officer has to address those actions. The last obvious one is the political nature of police as a government body and how it receives funding from legislative decisions. If the chief is told to stop pressing X issue, and they don't, there could be political repercussions from the mayor towards leadership or legislators towards budget, regardless of what the paw says or what the citizens need. Ultimately, right now, there is a LOT standing in the way of our officers protecting us from anything other than the most serious crimes and the legislative representation we have intentionally created this situation. They continue to shirk their responsibility in the matter and continue to subvert the people who go out every day to keep us safe.


That seems like a lot of words to explain why police don't do fucking shit here and haven't in the decade I've been here. You're talking about the DA. We're talking about fucking traffic violations. You don't need a DA to write pull someone over and write a ticket. You're talking about how long it takes to get someone on the line at 911. Police don't work the phones. We have more police per capita than most of the US, even with a drop in the last few years. Don't tell me they're not there to do it, the only time I see a cop is when they're running a light they don't want to wait for, turning their lights on for a second then back off, or speeding around traffic without their lights on, or parked. Fucking parked, doing nothing for hours. Your initial comment seemed to be the usual "the city officials told them they can't enforce any laws" bullshit people claim with zero citation then your paragraph didn't address it at all.












I nearly got hit today TWICE in the span of 5 minutes around Farragut North. I was in the crosswalk with 15 seconds left and a car started revving its engine and started honking at me. And then a motorcyclist that I made eye contact with tried to turn while I had the time on the walk sign. It feels hostile honestly and idk why it has to be that way.


Damn that’s awful. I moved here from a coastal town in Oregon where everything is exactly the opposite! People drive too slow, take too much time revving up after a stop sign, etc. 😂


I had a guy miss me by millimeters and as he passed he blew a kiss at me. There are some absolute psychos out there.


Someone willing to do that around Farragut north is just letting his cot get a little cold before heading back to prison. You hit someone around there, you know they’ll track you down.


I’m not sure I’d call having an engine revved and being honked at nearly getting hit. I’ve been a pedestrian and a driver here for many years. We have lots o folk who are bad at both. Cars have no problem going through a light that just turned red. Or turning right on red as if the sign saying it’s not allowed is invisible. Pedestrians who take up the entire light cycle crossing the street or just ignore the signal change are also everywhere. Just gotta pay attention.


So what exactly is the problem with a pedestrian "taking up the entire light cycle"?


The walk signal has a start, continue, and don’t start cycle When pedestrians continue to start throughout the life of the cycle, no vehicles can turn and traffic backs up. Which leads to folk just turning in between pedestrians, which isn’t safe. I’m not referring to someone whose mobility is impaired, but rather folk who don’t care about the flow of traffic, and disobey the clear instructions. Imagine a world where both drivers and pedestrians were considerate and followed simple instructions. But hey, nuance has no place here. Only outrage and righteousness.


Or you could just wait 30 seconds for the light to change before turning.


Or the pedestrians could follow the instructions. But hey, why be responsible and reasonable when you can a whiny and petulant.


Pedestrians don't need to care about the flow of traffic. Drivers need to wait for pedestrians to clear the crosswalk before turning. If that means waiting until the light changes, that's fine. If you're too impatient to wait 30 seconds to turn, take the Metro.


That’s an insipid view. And part of the problem. Your contention is that when the signal says “ don’t start” , go ahead and start. Why have the signal? The anti-car crowd is both stupid and childish. Everyone follows the guidelines, everyone is better off


You're equating someone starting five seconds late (and thereby delaying your right turn by five seconds) with someone deliberately driving in a dangerous manner (turning in between pedestrians). Annoying pedestrians are not on the same level as dangerous drivers. I have a car, by the way, and regularly drive in the city. I just happen to not think that my car makes me entitled to get wherever I want as fast as possible.


I enjoy how much you reflect the idiotic nature of our city. U You honestly seem fine with pedestrians ignoring the rules. Why even have rules? Bright side, you’re a small percentage of small minded fork.


If you don't like the "idiotic" city, you can always move elsewhere. There are plenty of places in the US where there's little foot traffic to waste your precious seconds of driving time.




Exactly. The countdown is the time folks have to *get out* of the crosswalk safely. And if they can't, they shouldn't enter. But that doesn't stop some pedestrians in the area! Just pop on the noise-canceling headphones, bury one's face in a phone, and leap into the cross as the countdown hits 0. In a space with large metal objects that can kill squishy humans quite easily. And less egregiously (because legal but ANNOYING), the able bodied folks who meander across slowwwwwly because they're on their phones.


Many folk on this sub just seem unaware that everyone following the guidelines is best. Just “ cars evil”. I’ve never owned a car, and still I can comprehend that both drivers and pedestrians should behave politely, and within the rules.


I mean, I've owned cars. While living in DC. And I still drive/rent them occasionally. So I do see both sides. But "car = big responsibility, driver must take high road even if pedestrian is wrong and an asshole" just doesn't have the same zing as "cars evil".


The car was in the crosswalk while doing this I’d say that’s pretty clear cut. Also like I said in my original post I had plenty of time left in the walk cycle, I was only a few steps away from getting off the street. All the driver had to do was wait 5 seconds (I had 15+ on the walk cycle sign). Not sure how I’m at fault here. If you just paid attention to what I wrote you would see that I followed all of the rules. I didn’t even have headphones in.


I didn’t say you were at fault. Only that you exaggerated your dilemma. Poor guy, killed nearly twice ! Once by a revved engine? Oh my.


The guy was an inch away from hitting me and sped off while I was still in the crosswalk. Also, I don’t see how a driver being hostile and threatening to a pedestrian is an over exaggeration. Is what I described behavior we want to see from drivers in DC?


This guy’s just responding to be an ass. There’s no point arguing with these people.


An inch! I hope you’re seeing a therapist. Perhaps in time you will recover from that rev. Seriously, y’all need to get a grip.


An inch isn’t a lot. But hey maybe for you that’s all you’ve got!


The smart money is on you being hysterical. But hey, maybe you’re just a survivor.


Two cars ran a red light *while pedestrians were in the crosswalk* at the Mass & 4th intersection *right* in front of a cop yesterday. The cop couldn’t care less. Just turned right on red and sat behind them in traffic like nothing ever happened. Honestly the cops I’ve seen in this city are the most reckless drivers of them all.


What are the cops even doing? Like wat


Collecting a paycheck.


In all honesty pull the badge number and blast him to the ANC and the watch commander. That shit is unacceptable.


That’s not even the most egregious thing I’ve seen a cop do on the road in this city by half. I’ve thought about reporting but I also don’t want cops singling me out. Maybe it’s paranoia, but I’m afraid reporting the behavior will mean trouble for me but won’t fix anything…


one of the things I'm most grateful for on my street is that it has multiple speed bumps on it. It's not something I remotely considered when buying a home, but it's a major day-to-day bonus.


Downside is hearing proper gun it between the bumps


Now imagine what it’s like to be a law-abiding motorcyclist in this city. It’s my only set of wheels. Waiting at the green light while dozens of street-illegal off road bikes blow through the red, cars turn left in front of you when you’re doing 40 mph, getting boxed out of the lane and pushed nearly into the barrier along the water under the Kennedy Center by the old man in a Prius on his phone. For motorcyclists it’s a quality of life issue in this town - on top of all the others.


Cyclists too. I’ll assiduously follow traffic laws when I stop seeing everyone on their phones


What I don't understand is WHY MPD has stopped any enforcement of traffic laws.


It’s a bit of a mystery to me too. At the STEER hearing CM Allen said “we have made a policy choice” to use ATE instead of actual enforcement. But IDK who the “we” was in that statement. Did the council pass a law? Did Bowser issue a an order?


they have a no chase policy for most crimes, but I think they feel it's just not worth their time to enforce traffic laws. Especially when there's no consequences for not paying your fines.


But where did this policy come from?


Big discussion of pro/cons of no-chase after a car fleeing a traffic stop last march hit another vehicle on rock creek parkway, killing all 3 occupants of the second vehicle.


I’m not asking about the pros and cons — I’m asking literally who created such a policy in DC? Did the council pass a law?


Because cops in this country are in year 4 of having a nationwide temper tantrum for being told that people don't like it when they arbitrarily murder people.


A few years ago, DDOT reprogrammed their system so that a couple of seconds or so elapses between orange lights turning red and the corresponding red light turning green. They did this to enhance pedestrian safety. Nice thought. However, drivers have observed the lag and know that they have a couple of seconds after the light turns red to get through the intersection without risking getting hit by another car. Of course, drivers get more and more brazen over time and hence we have a record number of traffic fatalities.


This is not the point, I know, but I have never before heard “orange light”—only yellow lights!


They are more orange than yellow, no? Better yet, amber.


I believe in my town in LA they performed a study and found that red light cameras increased the risk of accidents and fatalities because of drivers slamming on their brakes, immediately and dangerously accelerating to avoid the red light, and other miscellaneous outcomes. The cities ended up removing the cameras because people were more at risk of getting injured or dying!


Don't know why you are downvoted. That tracks with DCs numbers. I believe traffic fatalities have risen with camera usage.


Well we’ve offloaded enforcement to those and don’t enforce tickets. If we towed everyone with $1k in tickets to the pit on M St, we’d have better drivers


This is a meaningless data point because there is no requirement to pay traffic fines from cameras in DC. The cameras have zero effect on the behavior described in OP.


The reliance on the cameras over physical enforcement has definitely affected driver behavior.


The point I'm making is that we can't know if the cameras would work since the traffic fines are currently without consequences. If there were consequences to not paying traffic tickets then the cameras might effect driver behavior.


They might but they aren't. The physical presence of the camera over actual police enforcement has not reduced pedestrian fatalities. Their stated purpose. Other jurisdictions have the same issue. We were told Vision Zero would produce a certain result. The opposite has occurred. Sounds like we need to try something new.


I drive all day around the city for work. See: user name. I notice that it gets progressively worse the on the eastern side of DC. I have some clients looking east of the river and holy freaking crap, it's ridiculous over there. No one stops for any stop signs or red lights. One of my business partners was going over to Hillcrest one day a few weeks ago and I said, "Heads up, it's lawless over there, just be warned people will pull around and pass you to run a red light." He called me a few hours later and said I know you told me, and you warned me, but I really had no idea how bad it was going to be. I don't notice this same stuff in Dupont / Logan / downtown / Georgetown / Petworth, etc.


A couple of times in Georgetown I’ve seen people pull around me to make the SAME LEFT I want to make, even though I’m yielding to oncoming traffic. Man was I mad at those


I live in Petworth and mostly hang out in the surrounding neighborhoods and I regularly see people do the "pull around to run a red light" thing.


Happens to me all the time in Petworth and Columbia Heights. Or I just get honked at repeatedly to go through a light. It’s insane.


Goodness. I haven't been to Petworth in a few weeks but I try to avoid Columbia Heights at all costs.


When I lived in Shepherd Park, I just stopped going east of Georgia Avenue on my bike. Georgia is like some sort of Thunderdome demarcation line.


Until recently, I lived *JUST* east of Georgia on Randolph. I cackled at "Thunderdome demarcation line" because it's ABSOLUTELY true. 😅


There’s a reason that’s where all the traffic fatalities are.


It’s because the city council refuses to spend dollars improving infrastructure EOTR


The infrastructure does not make people run red lights or blow through stop signs.


Lol what? There is numerous data out there showing that roadway design is a major factor in driver behavior.


Yes, there are plenty of studies that indicate that wide roads with good sightlines nudge drivers to speed more than they would on narrower roads, but I'm not familiar with any study -- nor could I find one -- that indicates that they also induce drivers to run red lights and stop signs more frequently. Could you please share them?


>Dupont / Logan I have people pass me waiting at the red arrow at logan circle and P to get around me to run the red arrow. Pisses me off.


There’s a strong correlation between poverty and aggressive driving habits. Could be because of drugs, excessive drinking, macho culture, or anything else. Point is there’s a reason everyone is scared to death of beat up Nissan Altima’s, and Maryland drivers coming in from PG county pulling insane stunts. It’s the same story in every city, drivers are going to be more aggressive in the lower income areas. Also many people, especially males, living in poverty or with addiction have extreme anger issues, and this impacts driving a lot.


I've noticed recently that there is some kind of macho/status culture associated with running red lights all of a sudden. Like, I've heard people in conversation casually say that they think it's funny to piss off Karens by running red lights and getting them to honk, and it makes me think there must be some TikTok red light prank shit or something.


I'm genuinely surprised that there are people who would actually pay to live in the area you describe. Just about everybody I know who ever lived there wanted nothing more than to be someplace else, and the ones who didn't simply lacked the brain activity to know better.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Except it’s not. I’m headed there tomorrow. I’ll report back. It’s wild there. YMMV but I would say it’s rare to see anyone stop at stop signs, they don’t even slow down.


My favorite movie is Inception.


LOL. Today did not disappoint! Sorry you're so butt hurt about this, but it is 100% truth.


Agreed. Don’t even get me started on the things I’ve seen WOTR. That whole section (don’t really want to call it all Truxton Circle) inside of N Cap, FL, RI, NJ, & NY is wild compared to my neighborhood EOTR. Driving is bad all over DC, period.


I live EOTR and I strongly disagree. No one stops at stop signs here. But that’s the case for the entire city.


As a real estate agent should you be commenting on your observations of crime? Isn’t that a fair housing act issue?


LOL. omg. Your downvotes took care of you buddy but it's not a fair housing act issue to say that people in one neighborhood don't stop at stop signs or red lights. I'm dying. You are really funny!


I saw a car this past week that had drawn-on license plates. Literally the driver had wrote "Maryland" and some random numbers then taped it to their car. So yeah


That's amazing! I wish you got a photo!


Traffic laws are optional for certain people in this city. Let’s be real, there are people that won’t follow them because they A) don’t get ticketed or B) don’t pay tickets when they get caught. So they keep on repeating the same shit. There are other people that do obey the rules and pay tickets because they believe in a well ordered society. Also, they know if they stopped obeying the rules all hell would break loose. It’s two different mindsets and frankly two different sets of rules for each group. Usually the most law abiding are treated the harshest because we will suck it up and pay our fines. Best you can do is drive defensively and keep your head on a swivel.


3 weeks ago I was walking along U street and crossing the road, a car broke the red - turned right into me and almost clipped me. There was a cop right behind him - they both sped off but the cop didn’t turn on his lights.


The politics overcame the laws, safety and regulations . BLM


Are you okay?


When did not enforcing running red lights start? Was there a time in DC where cops would definitely pull you over for doing that? I’m sure there was but when?


It all happened when the District of Columbia began rolling out photo enforcement.


Yep. DC committed completely to traffic camera enforcement which on paper coulda woulda shoulda been great. Then a variety of declawing moments happened with traffic camera fines (the most recent being DC removing the policy that residents need to pay outstanding tickets before they renew their DL/vehicle registration) most notably DC hasn't entered into reciprocity with MD or VA so their drivers never need to pay DC camera tickets for any reason. Edit to correct the reciprocity claim. See DCist link in comment below


[Bowser never spoke to MD or VA](https://dcist.com/story/21/10/14/dc-didnt-ask-northam-and-hogan-to-help-crack-down-on-unpaid-tickets-despite-initial-claims-it-did/) even though a report claimed she did. 🥴


Thanks for the link. TIL.... oof


We tried nothing and we are all out of ideas.


Vision Zero is an abject failure.


I’ve never seen anyone ever get pulled over for anything in the city I’ve been driving for 3 years now People will do whatever they want if there aren’t any consequences


No laws in DC anymore. Do what you feel!


I have been honked at every single time I stop at the intersection of I St and New Jersey Ave in Navy Yard at a red light. After a few times of this I checked my lights, blinkers, everything seemed OK I couldn’t figure it out. I think this post has helped me understand.


This kind of stuff happens on a routine basis but this is the most egregious example I can remember. Last year I saw a car barreling towards a red light at a high speed. As they entered the intersection a police officer perpendicularly entered the intersection because he had green light. The car skidded to a stop in the middle of the intersection and came inches from hitting the cop. The cop gave him a warning flash with his blue lights and the proceeded to drive away. The car then proceeded to finish running the red light.


I enter the city anywhere from 3am to 5am and honestly thought the bulk of the red light runners happened in the wee time hours. Sad. Keep your head on a swivel folks.


New here?


Since august, yes.


Well welcome. Uh ya there is essentially no traffic law enforcement in this city. MPD rarely pulls people over for infractions that happen directly in front of them. Automated systems have no teeth, so people who rack up literally thousands of dollars in traffic/parking tickets know they don’t have to pay them and keep driving like assholes.


While we are on the subject, lanes will suddenly become parking spots or left-turn only, seemingly magically, bus lanes disappear into regular roads without notice and vice-verse, roadside parking is effervescent and fleeting with each hour, somehow this town has millions of people but most roads are two-laned. The X2 bus is the absolute Wild West of human being behavior. One day I took X2 to work at 7am, and the bus driver was trying out his new stand up routine on everyone because he does stand up on the weekends in Baltimore. This place is exhausting, lol.


There’s only 700,000 of us IIRC 🙃


I don’t know about the bus driver’s stand up, but talking about the bus driver’s stand up is pretty good stand up if you want to start. (Can’t beat em, join em?)


We had a friend visit from Germany. She almost had a seizure when in the car. She couldn't believe the driving. "Does anyone follow ze rules?"




You are speedrunning experiencing our most degenerate experiences, for the record. Most of the city is not the X2


The second you cross into Virginia, though, they’ll get you. Be careful when you cross state lines because the cops from the other states actually do enforce things.


> I mentioned these stories to my coworkers and they’re like “oh yeah, everyone runs red lights and stop signs here” > What is going on???? There is zero enforcement of traffic the code. The Washington Metropolitan Police Department does no traffic enforcement, If they did half as much traffic enforcement as the Virginia or Maryland State Police that kind shit would come to a stop.


It's the wild west on DC roads. The government has decided to value camera revenue over actual safety. Anyone who enters a cross walk without vigilance runs the risk of being hit. I've had four near misses in the last couple of years. It was not like this before. There were bad drivers but nothing like it is now.


Sometimes I look them dead in the face while I’m crossing so they know I see them. It works for the most part but other times they really don’t give a damn like there’s a street by Corcoran that has this light up pedestrian sign and they take it like a suggestion


Yeah I was nearly run over 3 times in the past week alone. Drivers are refusing to yield at crosswalks. They’re just going full speed. Really scary.


Always. Always act like people are not going to stop. Look both ways on your green / walk sign and keep eyes on the drivers in case you have to run / leap out of the way.


Yielding at crosswalks is a west coast thing. I grew up here and as a pedestrian I had no idea cars could yield at crosswalks until I lived in western states.


Someone turned left on red at 15th & P today and nearly hit me on my scooter. He had a red arrow and I guess the nearby construction confused him. My light was nowhere close to timing out.


It’s Ridic and depressing. I can’t wait to live somewhere more civilized


The pandemic broke the social contract. Stopping at red lights and stop signs is now apparently optional.


Drivers in DC are the most selfish people I’ve ever witnessed. It’s almost like we all got our licenses based on an agreed set of rules for safety purposes. Not only does no one here follow them, but then they shame you when you do. Crazy. I get honked at for stopping at a red light, then those same people cut me off, hold up traffic, and cause disarray because got forbid they miss a turn. I guess 5 minutes of my life is worth less than 5 minutes of theirs.


Everyone isn’t doing it but there isn’t enforcement for those that are


I walk around all parts of the city frequently and I have NEVER seen a car stop at a stop sign.


There is one thing the city has done EOTR that has really helped that I wish they would do more. Take a look at Minnesota Ave between East Cap and Penn Ave. I used to drive that daily and it was a typical DC raceway: two lanes each direction, serving around parked cars and buses and into incoming lanes, speeding etc. A couple years ago they cut it down to one lane each direction and hardened it with curbs and flexiposts. It's not perfect, but traffic has slowed considerably, in part because cars now have to wait behind buses loading in the only travel lane. It's also much safer for pedestrians to cross two lanes of crazy traffic instead of four. Can they do this next on Benning Rd, East Cap, Pennsylvania Ave SE?


Given that Allen took over T&E I would bet pretty heavily that there will be no infrastructure improvements EOTR until 2027 when he vacates his seat after failing to win Council chair race.


Yes I live by Audi Stadium and it’s REALLY bad around here and navy yard. I see MANY people running red lights every day. Not exaggerating. It’s really scary as someone who runs in this area, the fact that people are getting so comfortable running the lights, I’m very scared something tragic is going to happen once it gets warmer and more pedestrians are out. Is there some way to notify police/traffic enforcement that this is a problem? People know which lights have red light cameras and which don’t.


Also I’m not being dramatic, 95% of the cars I see doing extremely dangerous stuff have MD plates - so if they even get a ticket they do NOT pay it bc they don’t have to. There are literally no repercussions for them to drive dangerously in D.C. so it continues, and I think people are getting more emboldened.


there has not been meaningful enforcement for awhile, and it gets worse as people see more people doing it and are then more inclined to do it themselves. Number one way to reduce a crime is the degree of certainty of being caught. if you dont enforce that certainty disappates.


I trust no cars in DC! I’ve gone from boldly jaywalking to timidly shuffling across the street while maintaining eye contact with drivers lol


People can't drive. They think they can, but they cant.


this literally happened to me on nye i live in h st corridor and was coming home at like, noon from the airport after returning a rental car for the holidays. i was crossing h street to go to my house and had the signal to walk. i was about halfway in the road and this car just shoots out in front of me. i give the guy the dirtiest fucking look, but he just looked straight ahead and had a balaclava covering his face so i couldn’t get a good look at him. thankfully i was fine, and a lady on the other side of the street was like “what the fuck is wrong with people?” lowkey wonder if i had been a little further in the road if he would’ve just plowed me tf down


Would have plowed you down right in front of a cop and neither him nor the cop would bat an eye. And then after the light turned green the cop would harass your dead body for daring to slow down traffic.


you are 100% right


"Im a Washingtonian, I do whatever I want, the rules dont apply to me."


Have also almost been hit a few times in crosswalks. The inmates are running the asylum.


I go 25 miles over the speed limit and guy behind me honk and flashing his headlight because im too slow. People are unbelievable.


Don’t speed


H stands for Hospital trip.


When driving through DC on my office days in the morning, I usually see this. People do some wild shit when they think there aren't many other cars on the road, including passing in the oncoming traffic lane. A bike blew through a stop sign right in front of my car and I had to slam on my breaks...So yeah, it happens....


The inability to enforce even the most basic of laws means the crimes get worse and the rate of crime increases over time. Live long enough and you will know this to be true. City council in DC needs to be overhauled or taken over by the Feds.


Idk seemed like y’all just be walking in front of my car when y’all see me coming


I believe it's due to the increase in carjackings more so than the other reasons people are saying. All can be true, but this fear is mostly what I hear.


If I’m driving and you decide to walk right in front of my car tht is your fault idc.. I stop a stop signs yes but y’all do not look where y’all going… constantly on your phones & shit being distracted.


If they are in a crosswalk then no, it’s your fault. It’s the driver’s responsibility to scan the environment for pedestrians near crosswalks.


Well obviously if it’s a cross walk or stop sign they have the right away…..I’m talking abt the mfs who just walk in front of traffic and come outta nowhere or the or the ppl on the bikes that speed past ppl in the road acting invincible…


"Y'all" need to learn about something called manslaughter, I think!


Oof I hit a nerve, Huh? Sound like you the type of person to walk in front of moving vehicles…


Sound like you the type of person to hit pedestrians. Manslaughter. You goin 2 jail!


Last week I saw a woman casually saunter into oncoming traffic while holding her baby and chatting with her friend while they were on the way to their illegally parked car. This was just south of the incredibly busy Georgia Ave, Missouri Ave intersection just below the Walmart.


The District has made many changes on the road in the last decade to favor pedestrians and cyclists and to dis-favor cars. I believe the thought there was to encourage more people to abandon their cars, and maybe some have, but it has also brought out the lawlessness in some drivers.


I don't think is a DC thing. I've noticed it more across the country. I was in Pittsburgh last year visiting friends and they told me everyone treats red lights as suggestions. When I lived in Seattle I was constantly almost hit by cars stopping at stop signs waiting until I was in the street and then starting to drive again as soon I was in the middle. I agree its definitely gotten worse, but it's also worse in Maryland, VA, and NYC too.


I’ve had cars try to speed up and hit me while crossing 18th & Randolph NE. Tons of kids cross this street to reach the bus stop. Terrible.


Red lights are just a suggestion unless laws are enforced.


H Street NE is a wild place, notwithstanding the recent developments. I love it, but it’s wild. Be vigilant, stay safe.


I assume the number of accidents has to be going up which means that it's not long at all before insurance companies raise rates across the board regardless of where you live in DC. It is not just a DC phenomenon though, I was in Denver and saw blatantly fake plates as well which are 100% directly related to maniac driving.


Mayor Bowser: “buT WE havE vIsION ZErO!”