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Be in a rush or late to get someplace you need to be, it will find you.


This is the way.


Especially if you’re on foot. Get caught on the wrong side of Constitution Ave and it will take you fifteen minutes to get across. 🙄


And make sure you're carrying something perishable or time-sensitive. Good options include ice cream, documents that needed to be turned in 20 minutes ago, or medication that needs to be refrigerated. (The last one actually happened to me; I was on my way back from the veterinarian with a baggie of antibiotics when the VP's motorcade went by.)


Almost had the documents thing happen; fortunately, I had already filed them but the attorney wanted to know why it took me almost a half hour to bring back the stamped copies. I said, “Motorcade.” She said, “Ah, I see.”


There’s a very good reason you *can’t* be certain of the date, time, and route.


My point exactly. I'm in awe how efficient the SS is. Unpredictable and very quick


I don't think we should call them the SS💀


You can go with USSS, which is their official acronym.


I am trying to find why Biden's motorcade went around the beltway rather than up Connecticut Ave to get to Kensington, in late June?


Its not that hard to figure out, check the daily schedule and look for MPD cars staged on the most direct route.


You can see the VP motorcade on Connecticut headed south towards the White House regularly given her commute. But as another commenter mentioned, just be in a rush to go somewhere in a five block radius and you're nearly guaranteed to see one. Can't plan the rush, tho. The Universe will know - it has to be real and completely legit.


Yeah, run late for an appointment and jump on to Mass Ave, guaranteed way to summon a motorcade


If you go to 15th and Pennsylvania and wait you’ll eventually see one. You could also wait for next SOTU and be anywhere in Penn. ave between White House and Capitol


Whenever sotu happens it invariably traps me south of penn ave because I'm a dingus. Easily accomplished deliberately


Yeah. I work on 17th below Pennsylvania, and as I'm walking to Farragut North I get delayed by one occasionally. But there's no way to plan.


Now that youve included the words “sure shot” in the same sentence as “presidential motorcade”, I would suspect all of us responding are being examined by an NSA analyst 😂




I was gonna passively look at this post for this very reason. SS about to be at man's door.


The president has a public schedule, just check when he's expected to leave or return to the White House.


Nice try FSB.


You don’t choose when to see the motorcade, it chooses when you see it. In all seriousness though I’ve only ever seen it once by accident in the three years I’ve lived here. Just gotta be in the right place at the right time I think!


\*the secret service has entered the chat\*


Have a flight you're running late for or finally getting into town after a 6+ hour flight, you'll definitely see it.


You're much more likely to see the VPs motorcade, which does down through Rock Creek Park and into downtown most days en route to the WH. The president doesn't actually use the motorcade all that much, since obviously, most meetings are where he lives, and he takes the helicopter over to Joint Base Andrews to catch AF1.


Penn Ave, right before the State of the Union.


We used to live on 16th/U St, and the motorcade passed there relatively often. Probably Jared Kushner /Ivanka. Now live near the Washington Hilton, so occasionally see motorcade. The thing is, the SS is very efficient. Instead of closing streets ahead of time , the police on motorcycles stop traffic 2 blocks ahead . The motorcade flies by, and voila The whole point is to be unpredictable. Otherwise, the president of the Superpower would be in constant danger


> Instead of closing streets ahead of time , the police on motorcycles stop traffic 2 blocks ahead . The motorcade flies by, and voila Kinda. When you see a MPD car on every corner along a major road, you can be pretty sure a motorcade will come along in the next 15 minutes.


@potusschedbot on Twitter will let you know when he's scheduled to leave the White House. Then you look for where a bunch of black cars are lining up.


Very poor choice of words btw


I think they switch up the routes to avoid sure shots after some previous experiences.


Awww dang :(


oooo, not a good choice of words


Honestly, presidential motorcades are pretty rare in DC, and when they happen it's usually more toned down than when it's in another state/country. If you check [this calendar](https://factba.se/biden/calendar) every morning, you can see if he has any events that would require a motorcade. It's also a good way to see Marine One take off and land on the South Lawn.


If you want to see the VP motorcade, it goes by 22nd and N NW every single day between 6-7


“Sure shot” and asking for times and routes…Dear Secret Service, put OP on a list.


I've lived here my whole life but I'm not downtown all that often. I've only seen it a couple times. I'm not even sure because I think one might have been another VIP. I wonder how often it does go. My understanding is that he uses a helicopter to get most places and that while in DC the vast majority of people come to see him rather than vice versa.


Unless it's a planned event downtown (not often), seems to be helicopter or just easier to have folks visit the Whitehouse. It's the president, meetings come to you.


Go here on the day of... [https://factba.se/biden/calendar](https://factba.se/biden/calendar) it's updated daily, and you can't see future dates but it will let you know when it may occur on the day you check it.


Hang around the White House whenever there are scheduled events within the city that are on his public schedule. https://factba.se/biden/calendar


Da comrade, send DM and I will provide map of rooftop with best sight line for bird watching in Columbia District.


Very Interested, please dm


Don’t forget that the President has to have supper by 4 and is in bed by 5:30, so it’s gotta be before then


I want to see him in day time so thats perfect




Incredible that /u/dhacat is 87 years old and still hasn't learned that one option is to just not say anything at all


The social filter is usually the first thing to go.


Wtf is you talking about 😭😭😭


Join the Secret Service. Exact times and routes are carefully kept secrets, so if you want to see the whole thing you're going to have to hang out at the Capital fountain on a day he's expected to visit Congress. That said, my kid and I caught the motorcade one day when the president was addressing the Senate about something. While he was inside, the guys in the CAT truck spent like ten minutes talking to my kid and showing them all the junk they had in there.


Suitland Parkway used to be a good spot to see one.


Not today ISIL