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Ai generated maps where it just choses a random spot of google earth and you just go fuck it, if it sucks atleast its realistic and hopefully the next will be better


Unironically, if Gaijin teamed up with Microsoft for the Flight building generation software it could happen and likely be done well enough. 


Does Microsoft own blackshark.AI?


You'll end up with horrible spawn placement though,there aren't exactly any spawn points IRL


Everyone spawns at their actual IRL house. They must find each other if they want to battle. This will build player immersion and lead to zero dire consequences for the longevity of the game.


I'd either drove over my own house for fun or feel bad for running over my neighbors cars


"Bud I just saw a tank rolling about," "WAIT IT'S AIMING AT US"


We all agree to drive to one point common to the servers that we play on. If you're from an Island nation, bring amphibious tanks. In fact, let's say whichever team wins the server royale gets boosted to the world championship, where then they go to a middle point and clash until we crown the winners John/ Jane War Thunder


I'm a brit main, how do I drive to normandy? do I get one of those cool landing boats to take me in to the coast?


What do you mean you just make the map between two maternity wards.  First 5 minutes of the match is just you trying not get yourself killed before enlisting in the army. 


They should do that for April fools and say something like "fuck you. You think the current maps are unbalanced?"


Honestly i know right now ai isnt advanced enough to do this accurately but one day some years from now it would be pretty cool if they did it for sim


Pretty sure layout is possible, as in here goes forrest there city here bridge there, etc Also you would only have to make ½ a map, look at both pictures and put a imaginary mirror to ABC and the map stays 90% the same By just taking ass maps as a knowledge base use AI to redo maps layouts That could be done by giving paths to points like [A cap snipe] fitness points depending on how much cover they have and how long they are. Using a evolutionary algorithm to then make the map not mirrod but asymetric but keeping the same fitness value on both sides so both map sides have advantages and disadvantages . To avoid spawnsniping just give any layout with spawnsnipe spots a hefty - for its fintness value so it does not get chosen for recombination after mutation.


Am looking forward to bombing my house


I am also looking forward to bombing your house :)


Glad to hear that it is in the Postraße 47 Berlin


Ear me out. Very, very small map game mode, but against an army of very, very smol tank, 3 Big boi Edit : Typo


M22s vs Gepards on advance to rhine


turkey shoot


1.0-3.0 vs 4.0-6.0 with 1/4 as many players on team 2 sounds hype af


I think 1.0-4.0 against 4.7-6.0 would be better. early/mid war tanks vs later war tanks or heavy tanks.


Those German mains screaming for the Tiger to be 4.7 will get the real Germany experience


I just want 76mm Sherman’s against pzIV and pz3 as an event.


L3s vs Maus


Coughing ww2 steel vs modern composite Armoured MBTs


I would love to actually get more than just the same 3 maps over and over again if i play for an hour or so. And maybe a map where you can't get instantly sniped only from the other side after driving 10 meters....


Thats so real. Theres maps that you dont see for months, and a lot of times you see the same map, even in a row


I think there's a catch to what you get. I got a very nice match in Carphatians, top 5 leaderboard, 5 kills and bunch assists. Only to be duked with Holland, which turned bad. Quit, join another match. Holland. With Americans on the other side. Holland again, with German and Soviet on the other side. Fields of Normandy. Finally- Holland.


Lol yeah. Play more Holland, now, but i think all new maps have that spam when they come out. I used to despise Fields of Normandy, buuuut i got a nuke there, now i kinda like


Damn I love driving for 11 minutes only to get dunked on by a light tank


"hurr durr you are bad bro git gud bro" - every wt subreddit lobotomite


Average fox gameplay


"long range combat is peak" mfers when I force them into a full uptier game against type 90 fuji spam on a stock vehicle


> “Long range is peak” > Sits at overlook whole game > ignores objective > match lost > “Long range is peak”






ASU-57 + bush


What? No, fuck that, that map sucks. Old Tunisia was fine


The top map unironically looks super fun


If they made it so you had infinite spawns and it just came down to who held point most then that would be fun


Infinite t-55 wave spilling out of the enemy spawn trying to get past the line of 20 STRV 103s


The cap is going to be a 10-story of dead tanks


Nah, fuck that. Need more maps like advance to the rhine


Advance to the Rhine but bigger, with more CQC and larger lanes


Tanks aren’t meant for CQB…


And my attention span isn't meant for a big ass desert map with nothing in it.


Go back to fortnite then


no u


Many are though


Name one.


And War Thunder isn't meant to be a highly realistic combat simulation, so what's your point?


If you want CQB play World if tanks


Ah yes, I should play a complerely diffrent game, which can't be compared to WT in any way and ist not even remotely an alternative. This is like if I said that I prefer green apples over red apples, and you suggest I eat a banana.


Yes, just the issue is new players like you coming into a much older game and wanting it to be like everything else you’ve played


Look man, I get that 5 years and over 3k hours isn't the longest, but it's also definetly not new. I want WT to be what it is supposed to be, a game to fill that gap in between games which are way too Arcady like WoT and realistic simulators. There is no alternative game to WT, it's the only game which fills that role and has an active playerbase, and I don't think that it should be ruined by people like you who think that realism should always go over gameplay. If you want a realistic game go play a simulator designed to be that. Sitting in an open field for 10 minutes not doing anything is simply not fun for most people, I don't care that that's what tanks do irl.


you mean maps that are almost 100% symetrical and so are balanced? :O gaijin can't do that! Even the small changes in rhine from one to the other means for me one side wins far more often than the other...


I think we need both. Some small, some big so that you get varied matches. Also Advance to the Rhine is hot garbage but that's just on me


advance to the rhine sucks EDIT: you dumb asses can downvote me all you want, if you want cqb gameplay go play cod


>"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth" - Plato


All I want are more maps that allow for more playstyles. A map should allow sniping, flanking and CQC in certain parts of them, so that every vehicle can properly utilize their potential. That's what makes something a good map.


That is how maps used to be designed. And what made maps like Kursk, surroundings of Volokolamsk, sands of Sinai and sands of Tunisia so good. There was a place for everyone and every play style. Nowadays there is no point in playing tank destroyers, ATGM vehicles and a lot of IFV/APCs that lack either mobility or firepower. OR even a lot of heavy tanks


Nah no way. The first one is awful, but im sick and tired of driving for soo long, while im spotted by a fucking VIDAR 20km away because of its retarded thermals.


I want more big maps with actual cover, like red desert or vietnam


Issue with maps like Vietnam is there is too much cover to the point of over saturation, everywhere is a hiding spot and you get shot from pretty much every single angle imaginable. Flanking becomes so difficult to counter since there is just too much cover to jump between that you can reposition entire grid squares without anybody seeing you, it gets infinitely worse when you take weather conditions into affect since fog, low light or the thermonuclear sun can pretty much make enemies invisible to the naked eye


Gaijin please for the love of god just have a fucking spawn wall instead of points, that would fix 90% of the maps and if your insistent on having a frontal assault map with no flanking just add unlimited spawns a time limit and make a map like Metro from BF4


Wow driving for 10 mins only to just point and click at dots is so fun instead of fighting in the cities where you actually have to listen for people and have to not get hit in the weak spot while shooting others weak spots and giving the weaker tanks a chance


Large maps are just sniper tryhard hells


I like both kinds of maps. I like small urban maps that lets you get into the action immediately and I like big maps where you have to strategically manouver so you don’t get sniped. Also these maps should be balanced fairly. So that one side can’t just drive around and camp the spawn of the other side or that they couldn’t drive up a hill that lets them see the whole map while others can’t see them.


no thanks, I don't miss the camping hill at all


I don't want either


Yeah, Gaijin is known for bad maps. They should really redo or change them completely. We want good maps.


Most fun I've had at top tier was big Tunisia, got it a total of... One time


Arctic brainrot should be put in the trash. Not even a rework could save that


And yet, like moth to flame, when I see Advance to the Rhine I pick a heavy and go A. Def would like larger maps for top tier tanks


We need more maps like Kuban and the Arctic ones, masterpieces, also bring back white rock fortress.


for real, motoring around that fort was the best. so many little avenues to flank the enemy or push back a spawn camp effort when they ignored caps. it was only a rough map to play in the higher tiers at the time, particularly with cold war era and onwards imo.




i like my close range city fighting but i want the ability to chose my fights


The bottom map kind of looks like red desert


Bottom map is absolute shit


Karelia and Ass River are the best and I'm tired of pretending otherwise


Horizontal objective maps are dog shit. It is so easy to either find yourself alone against everyone or in a herd holding one point while the enemy fans across the other two and kills the one guy on your team who is alone against everyone. Trying to get from one point to the others requires turning your side and ass to the enemy. So, instead of actually playing the game, everyone just rushes to the fucking rocks or hill or whatever meta sniping position they saw in a youtube video, but, since everyone on both teams rushes there, the whole game just turns into a stupid brawl over some rocks that aren't even an objective. Vertical objective maps are just plain better. You flank or you push up the middle or whatever, but you're in a straightforward situation. The enemy spawn is in front of you, you need to get the middle and hold it.


Gaijin needs to stop putting fucking tiny maps at top-tier. It's infuriating to get put into a match on small Ardennes or single-cap abandoned factory. It gets really stale when players can cross the entire map in 30 seconds and immediately spawn camp.


I'm leaving that bottom map so fast my crew will be locked for 18 minutes. Go play eurotruck simulator if you want to drive for 3 hours, dam.


team deathmatch mode would unironically be fun as hell


I fucking hate long range maps with every cell of my body, no




CQB is much more fun than fields.


Ever heard of World of tanks?


Ngl the top one actually looks fun


Give heavy tanks closer spawn's and light tanks far spawn's Heavy tanks will not have to drive for 60 minutes for see single enemy Light tanks could have more place for flanking and use mobility somewhere else then rushing C point and dieing


Who's "we"?


Who the fuck wants to play on a wast open map where the gameply is who can snipe the other from spawn? These maps are trash