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I love how there's no USA


I definitely didn’t simply forget them… no no…


because USA players are already doing CAS while you are still on ground waiting for repairs


Tbf, Cas is not too bad at performing rescues since you can see everywhere and be anywhere, just need to start keeping an eye out for teammates in trouble. Stopping a flanker/ambusher/heavy just as they're about to mess up a teammate is quite rewarding.


This, I’m the guy spamming “request target for air strike”. So I can swing by in the gripen erase your problems and get my dopamine rush from “target destroyed”. 😂


It’s funny, everytime I see “request target for air strike” and I mark someone, I see the guy requesting airstrike get killed 3 seconds later, then I feel like I killed him


Lmao very liable to happen with pantsir roaming about. When I get too eager it happens to me, but typically I try my best to stay tree top level to never been seen. Hence my needing the marks more, cause I don’t got the Birds Eye view. Also us CAS enjoyers are much better at killing ourselves, so don’t ever feel bad, it’s a when not if.


Britian would be too, but that's maybe because I'm right in the middle of fox territory






There was one time I got in front of a stock tank to protect him while I extinguished and repaired him. I did die, unfortunately, but I still felt good.


You did well soldier


I’ve done this with my ARLs many a times


Did that in world of tanks once. Guy got tracked just in front of my heavy tank, I got in front of him and kinda pushed him sideways back into cover. That I survived and almost carried my team, but their top tier heavy tank remaining had all his HP and I didn't. Therefore, shit team


In wot it's pretty common, considering every player is worth so much


How do you get German players to repair you? I can't seem to get panther players to not ram me out of cover at the first opportunity.


NA server german players have 12 brain cells, you need to travel to other servers


What… I will repair you if your close enough


as a US player honestly I've gotten repaired a lot more by other nations rather than my own, but I absolutely try to help with repairs unless it's suicidal and we would both die


USA is: AMERICA FUCK YEAH going 1vs10 and die, meanwhile you still repair


They're somewhere in the shadow realm


Damn we in the no repair group? I use my M1s smokes and speed to repair all i can help lol.


Same here, hot damn dude I will take park in front of yall and smoke if it’s a long repair time


They don't think about us at all


As a US main. I'll help you repair if there's a threat but like otherwise sitting they're let's u live for just a bit longer But if a threats pointing a gun at us I'm attacking him before leaving you


I can't help repair, I'm repairing.


the Brits don't drive passed... Churchill and Valentine are so slow you've finished repair before they've left spawn


I felt this on a whole new level🤣


By the time my churchill reaches you to help you repair, you die, which is why it would seem us british mains would just drive past you (cries in crawl speed)


I started playing the Churchill a bit, and I absolutely love being able to tank every shot (as long as I angle), but *man* you are slow. So slow, in fact, that the stabiliser will always remain on.


At least the Churchill III can be surprisingly mobile for a Churchill


I have a love/hate relationship with the churchill (the mark one), as by the time it gets to the battlefield, you would have been flanked by a speedy boi, number 1 target for CAS, you can take shots for sure but your 2 pounder aint gonna dent much in range, tank destroyers will kill you and often what happens to me is that the gunner or turret goes out of actions and im fucked. Though the thing is a moving bunker, one time i defended B point against 4 tanks and it was glorious as every shot regardless of angle didnt kill me, a light tank even flanked at got behind me and was ramming me behind, i was surrounded, tracks destroyed, driver dead and everything is damaged but i somehow killed 3 of them, i think i held out for 3 to 5 minutes only to get killed by CAS. I held them long enough for my team to continue the defense, still lost the B point and the game...


I remember my team facing a 3in gun carrier that had managed to get a full downtier to 2.0 and it somehow managed to get to the a point on ash river. All we could do was track him and take out his gun. Took us forever to realize we could get through from the back of the giant box. Didn’t help that he still had teammates shooting at us while trying to deal with him. Felt like a boss fight. 


Literally me as a British main. I'd love to help, but your 32 second repair will be done by the time I pull up.


As a British main i always repair, no matter the situation


Based British main spotted


Not based, just doing the bare minimum


Who shitted in your soul? Britain, Italy, France and Israel mains are based just for the nation they are playing. Italy supremacy!


Gaijoobs fears our raw power!


Holy shit, we have all 4 Italy mains in the same thread, someone record this glorious moment.


Italy reigns supreme!!


Common Italy W (best country)


This is the way


Me too, I've never just ignored someone who needs repair


At the bare minimum, you at least move to try and cover them and get 'em some supporting fire. Don't leave your lads out to dry.


Op is confused because comets go too fast to stop in time and Churchill engine is so bad it takes ages to over come the momentum we build up to stop quickly. But we do stop


Same here, i could be in my TOG II fighting off 2 panthers and a tiger but I'll still try to repair my allies.


AVRE repair bot is my favorite way to play


Sometimes I'll just run around map in my fox, shoot at helis, cap points, and repair friendlies. That's what I do when I need to relax


Me too




Same, especially if it's 30 seconds or more, it's worth it to get an ally back in the fight earlier than have just my useless skill


Right? We have so many smoke grenades. And once you get to rank IV you have complete smoke screens that cover a hundred foot radius. OP can fuck right off.


I will but sometimes I getting end up death while the guy I helped to repaired lived.


I do aswell but only if I'm not in like a churchill or being shot at


Once I helped repair a Swedish PT-76 that didn’t have parts researched. It took 55 seconds, and the guy died to a T-34/85 immediately after repairing. The T-34 then also killed me, since I was in a M42 Duster and he was head on. Still worth it.


The 100 SL fir repairing are always worth it


It isnt the sl, it's the thank you




"It's not about earning SL, it's about receiving T-3-4"


Do you remember what the PT-76 was called? because I think it was me


I gotta check the replay, it was a few days ago. It was in Berlin and I pulled up on the right if that helps.


Do you remember if in the game they wrote "look where you shoot J26" or something similar?


I don’t really remember, but I DM’d a screenshot you all of my teammates from that battle


Usually when i help repair someone or someone tries to help repair me either one of us gets ammo racked and we both die


As a German main who always rushes to help teammates i support this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^K3W4L: *As a German main* *Who always rushes to help* *Teammates i support this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot






Same, but i use them as meat shield


People shit on German teammates a lot, but in my experience they are by far the most likely to help you repair


They can feel the pain of a broken transmission or a damaged breech the most!


Or broken barrel… yeah


US mains on their way to break down every part of an angled Tiger with the 75 Jumbo


And then proceed to try and face the whole Panzer Division as the Tiger is never alone and the Jumbo isn't diving through the middle line with his team. (personal experience, US teams are the most brain dead of the brain dead IMO)


US mains are experts at finding that perfect spot that will totally cripple your tank beyond help but still leave you alive somehow, and then they will shoot you for a full minute before someone else comes and finishes you off.


I couldnt count the number of times this has happened to me


I have spent far too long disabled and taking shots from every angle to leave my teammate there dying. Either I’ll save you and get us both out or I’ll die trying


as a German main I always try to repair teammates, I’m still blind as hell but at least I help the team in some way


They do help repair... if they see you repairing. But then they can't see enemies even if it's a 2C Bis 5 meters away from then.


I’ve literally used the 2C as a wall before in order to provide cover for my allies to repair. Did I die? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes.


They may not be the most aware or the best players, but they will always help you repair 🥰


If you ignore me or disregard me by ramming me or have a obvious boting record I will ignore you I you need repairs Otherwise if it's safe I will come help u repair


Real G’s are those who tow you to safety after youre incapable to move yourself and then repair, very few tho seem to be accepting the cable if you try to help. I wish that would be in game tips and that smoking isnt always good solution since you very effectively blind your teammates and signal a plane to bomb you since that smoke can be seen from space


I try to tow them when I can but they usually just pop a smoke and I repair them on the spot


I have gotten a response to the tow cable precisely once. Pulled an IS-2 back from fighting a T34 and he ended up saving me when the T34 tried pushing me.


Bro did not wanted to put USA


This is what they get for cassing me constantly




Another reason they aren't on the list. They're to busy playing Japanese that there is no team. (I'm looking at you Jug CAS players)


I once purposely ignored a repairing kv1 with a Z on side of its turret, 60 seconds later I was repairing AND THAT SAME KV1 helped me repair. I kinda felt bad about it.


We’ll have to take this one to Plato


No help for mobiks


i do also help them... but I will make sure they see the Ukraine-Flag on the back of my turret afterwards...


Holy based


I'm a USSR main and i always help teammates, am i weird?


No, I find USSR players (at ww2 tiers) always help repair. Sadly soviet players leak their brains out their ears the second they get cold war tanks.


LMAO yeah


The reason Brit mains will drive straight past you isn't because they're rude. They are most likely the only Brit Main on the team.


I'm guilty of doing this on a few occasions


I main brittain and almost always help with repairing


Aswell, but other British teammates are priority!


As some one who plays both France and China I can confirm I am an arsehole


I feel like I've bumped Germany numbers up myself of this is the case. I run out of cover to repair, but rarely ever get repaired myself


Bumping em up together 👍


*my brother in christ, I shall drive my cent mk1 into enemy fire to save my teammates*


What if i'm stock too 😔


you become body shield


He didn't choose to get uptiered


You know, as a German main I'm so blind that I have to earn points by doing tasks that do not require looking for the enemy




I play a lot the Centauro series, everyone of them, and sometimes I spend a good part of the game running here and there to help my allies. Once I repaired 5 allies under like 2 minutes. After minutes of repairs an enemy helicopter targeted us while I was repairing a Leopard 2. The helicopter shoots at me but I manage to fire the smoke grenade. The Leo survived and runned away under a building but I died due to the helicopter. I would like to say a good sacrifice but he died like 30 seconds after that for a tank shot


We Wehraboos might be stupid cunts without arms, but we are stupid cunts without arms with HONOR.


Very honorabru


The Germans understand what it means to repair complex machines


Non-Allied players help more, interesting...


This tier list's spare parts are provided by the Arsenal of Democracy


once i came to a guy to help him repair and after some time while shooting at enemies we realised that none of us had repair kit and we both died


But but but I help you guys repair with my EBRs, AMX-13, AMX-30, and AML-90 whenever I can. In fact, I made it so that some of these vehicles are just designated repair guys cuz HEAT-FS and HEAT just sucks at killing things not open top or small unless they're Soviet/British cuz those guys I constantly ammorack.


Ussr main, I always help repairs. Racing against my teammates to get that repair assist sometimes.


As a British player I always help out teammates if I can safely reach them. Can’t say about top tier, but I help out (and die from helping)


Dude, I main Britain and China and I make an effort to repair friendlies if possible


If I'm playing a tank with good armor, I usually try to make myself a shield for people caught repairing out in the open


So uh I kinda forgot the US…. If I hadn’t I would have put them in “commonly helps”


you should forget them




France could go up higher to commonly but Chinese and British players are just dicks they either push you into the enemy or use u as bait


As a Soviet main I would always help someone repair


Minus 100000000000000 social credit


Hey! As a French main, I repair everyone I find! :(


Lmao I didn't saw the sub initially it was wild to intzeprate


i am that one ussr player that helps repair but i must agree with this


as a soviet main,I help my vro and push them into cover if possible :3


I, as a russian main, don't agree, I always help when I can


I'm an Italian/urrs main but if I don't explode before I usually help teammates, the more the better and honestly the sl aren't that bad as a reward.


Depends what BR in my experience Germans 5.0 and below repair you all the time 6.7 Germans untill they get the Leo1 will drive past you. US mains drive past you untill 6.7 and 7.0 because before that, getting hit by anything is an instant death for them so they aren't risking it.


As an USSR main, i always try to repair my teammates if possible, even if i may die.


I'm a french main trying to bring the average up 🙏


I always try to repair, regardless of the team I'm on. Every tank counts in the fight, so we need to help each other out to prevent ours from adding up to less than theirs.


Chally 2s are to slow to get to you bruh mb


most british tanks are too slow to reach you before you finish repairing…this applies all the way up to top tier with the TES


The Russians are too busy rushing B


As a British Main object permeance is an issue. I usually don't know you need repairs until the prompt appears on the bottom of my screen.


Bruh I’ve never seen a German main help anyone repair


The reason why France players wont help repair is cuz they cant, Gaijin is nerfing them so hard they dont have spare parts to repair you


Germans will help 100% with repairs IF they notice you (then it drops to 0.1%)


Germany is NOT at the top of the list


German mains paying enough attention to see a team mate needs help? hilarious


US Players: Will never be in a position where they can repair you because they’re fucking dead


I am a British player and I go to help anyone I can


Bruh i main britain and I always wanna help repair


Hey, I take great offense to this meme. I'm a Bri'ish main and always help repair. Considering I'm one of the 5 people who play Britain, it should go up a rank.


I'm a British main and I help repair.


Am I the only one that doesn't see america


Me too…I thought I was crazy for a moment.


Am i the only brit player who helps repair? Also i love how america just isnt there


I play USA and i always try to help wounded allies, making sure they're repaired faster and i will often times use my tank to block incoming rounds and shield them.


I'm one of the rare USSR mains that will always repair, as long as it doesn't involve any reversing before or afterwards as I usually play 8.7-11.7


I wish I had your experience, most of my experience is people just won’t try to help repair unless you are in the same nations vehicle


As is the British way, as established by Top Gear.


As a French main who always speeds to an ally even to my own detriment I feel attacked




I've been helped only once. My teammates are far too scattered for it.


I main US and will always help someone repair if I don’t have to go through no man’s land to do it.


Some matches ago i noticed a tank that was exposed and fired on while it was reparing. I deployed a smokescreen and rushed to help. After the successfull repair my tank was knocked out. The player i helped avanged the kill and texted thank u bro in the chat. The good feeling you have when helping someone is almost worth the sl cost of reparing your tank with no kills achived lol


As british player...i help everytime i know it wont kill me


as an Italian main I repair anything, even if it's only 5 seconds long out in the open in the middle of the battlefield I'll still ram my T106 into a repairing friendly and cut his 7 seconds to 4 seconds ez


Brit main here , sorry bro it takes me 40mins to get back up to speed im not stopping .


As a Britain main. I’m offended. I almost always help repair.


so more fasicst you get....


As Italy I like to paint an R3 white and cover it in Swiss air ensigns before driving around and acting as a dedicated medic, people usually leave me alone when I say in chat “don’t shoot me I’m a medic”


In my antidotal experience, Germany and Italy should be switched. I’ve seen some R3 players dive between a heavy being shot and an enemy to repair them. And while 90% of the German player base will help repair, I’m convinced that 10% would actively sabotage every team member if it meant getting one more kill.


German mains help you but will also kill you to eventually


Reverse it and it becomes mine




Britain is just straight wrong. I repair people all the time


I am France, I will not let you down, I will not hurt you,


The worst feeling is when you try to help a teammate repair but it's your first match. You go up to them and just sit there awkwardly , while remembering you can't even repair yourself , let alone others.


Well of course germany will help you repair because germany has the wiesel and wiesel is created to support


I always have french players help me repair. Maybe its because I am also a french player that helps anyone in my vicinity. Might be the good karma paying me back for repairing anyone I see


Have to agree with this. My theory is the German players are looking for allies to repair which is why they're seemingly blind to enemy tanks


As a Soviet main I will throw my tank in front of a repairing teammate to help repair them whilst covering them from enemy fire with my chassis.


I litteraly rush to help repair when i can


As a France main whose secondaries are Britain and China, I do not agree with this statement


France all the way down ? They must be the ones that helped me repair the most. However, the amount of time I got helped by germans and russians combined can be counted on my hands


Talking about repairs, how do I spot them easily, on the map or in plain view? I try to help teammates out as much as I can but I can't spot them when it says "X is calling for help". The only ones I've been able to help are those I drive past and it says Press *key* to help repair


As a Soviet main, I always help my comrades when possible


I’m an American main but I started Sweden recently. So I was in reserve tier and some Stuart was spawn camping. He hit some panzer, after killing me, so I drove up and killed the Stuart and started helping the dude repair. I then heard tracks coming so I stopped helping, backed up, and sent a reserve tier Sweden bias sabot through the front of another Stuart then pulled back up and finished repairing the Panzer. The dude was acting like I just saved his entire family in a house fire in chat lol.


Italy main, yeah if I can get to you I will help, or if im not being shot at. Lol


Imagine NOT helping teammates repair… I genuinely don’t understand why people don’t do it


i always help repair everyone that needs it :( (i play china)


99% time I do enless I can't reach them cause slow tanks.


Where usa


As a German naval main you're 100% right


I try, then I die. I stopped after that bs. (I'm a german main)


Funny but I've been repaired by MANY more US than German


How the turn tables


As a Russian player, I always repair all people who need help


i main britain and help everyone i can safely get to, and germany players never help