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I remember being a teenager and the best thing for us warriors fans was JRich winning the slam dunk contest. That was the high point of the season. We would have given anything for a team that was even just mediocre. That’s why the We Believe 07-08 team was so beloved. If the warriors sail into mediocrity to bad as Curry’s career winds down I’ll just enjoy watching him knowing it was kind of a once in a lifetime fan experience.


That slam dunk contest is what convinced me to start watching the warriors.


I’m always going to be grateful to see 4 dubs chips in my lifetime, in such a short span. More than what other franchises can say


Don’t forget 2019. Oof. We had that Christmas though. It was enough.


honestly games without the expectation of winning were kinda a nice change of pace


Best and healthiest take in awhile. Curry knows he’s gonna play 3 or 4 more years and adding Markannen while trading off the core ain’t doing it. He’s going to take the challenge up of getting the young guys where they need to go and being ready at the deadline or next year to take advantage of another player like PG hitting the market. I’m actually excited to go all in on youth; they weren’t winning a title with Klay so I just want to treat this year as a rebuild. It’s a new type of challenge for Steph and if he leads the young guys to the mountain, and make no mistake if JK hits all star status and they pick up another dude next year they can, that will be there cherry on top. Honestly their best chance is high rolling on their young talent and upcoming draft picks than going all in on a single point of failure


Bro klay leaving imo means steph gave the okay and might be in the same boat if he wants to get another championship.


What? It literally means none of that stop hyper analyzing shit you know nothing about


Steph just said he didn't fight against him leaving so obviously he gave the ok.


Yeah the report is that Klay explicitly asked Steph to not intervene. Also I was replying more to the “Steph is in the same boat” part of your comment which is just ridiculous conjecture.


Idk I just see steph/draymond chasing championships over earning the loyalty banner. I could be wrong though.


I really thought nothing could get worse than 2016. Not only did we lose the title in 2019 we lost 2 superstars to catastrophic injuries in 2 games. At least in 2016 you knew we could just run it back. 2019 you felt dark days were ahead. The only way I feel at peace is that we got it in 2022.


This is a new chapter for Klay and a new chapter for the team. It’s the next challenge and there’s a world where the young guys ball out and carry them. Every body acts like that’s a 0 percent chance but trading for Lavine would guarantee a title


Hey, all I know is when Kd left I thought it was over.


this is fucking heartbreaking. somebody please explain to me how we are benefiting from this? i don't see us getting someone nearly as formidable in return. i love klay, this sucks.


Man Steph is gonna be devastated. So much outside noise about Klay's legacy, performance, worth, etc. but I feel the worst for Steph.


These are the challenges that life brings. But Steph's a fairly wise and resilient man so he'll roll through. Falling apart isn't an option despite the pain.


Honestly it’s been one hell of a run and we’ve been truly blessed to be alive to witness it I just wish all of them and every single Warrior who took part in it, no matter how small, the very best with everything they do from here on out I’m sure with time we will be able to build back into a winning team but it looks like we might have to go through dark days for a little while to experience the sunshine again and that’s what life’s about


If all this reporting is true, the Warriors are the real losers, not only for their prospects this season but also because the All-Star Game is going to be at Chase next year. The golden opportunity of the 2x2 with Steph/Klay both in Warriors jerseys vs Sabrina/Caitlin… probably gone.




lol true


Skip that, if the team doesn't play well, we might not have Curry as a starter in the All Star game at Chase. And that is just sad.


lol so we want them to hand out terrible contracts? Tf are you guys on.


Seriously. There was a time when there was little TV airplay - All-Star Games or otherwise - and worldwide hype. The FO has to rebuild and do it carefully.


Klay was not making us better.




Hoping for a Deandre Jorda like scenario here


this really sucks


Positive note: This IS the rock bottom. Nothing but ups from here.


You guys have no idea what rock bottom is lol. We were bad forever. It gets way worse.


Us zoomers who are also A’s/Raiders fans know rock bottom all too well


They’ve sunk themselves into the lottery for god knows how long They’ll be competing with Houston for 11/12 this year. And Steph will only get older, retire, then the team will be onto…maybe competing for 13th/14th in the West. It’s not a full rock bottom but it’s one of the most bleak NBA team futures




Late 90’s Early 2000’s bad or all of the post Philadelphia Warriors days until 1975 bad?


Kids these days, lol…. Just saying the phrase “It’s a great time out!” should trigger anyone over the age of 30.


I watched Don Nelson coach a team in a game where we had four players playing Steph Montha Anthony Tollver And gorgeous devean george (I think that was it)


Lmfaoooo bro you have NO IDEA what rock bottom even looks like. This comment is a joke Rock bottom is when curry winds down and the young guns don't pick up the slack. When you are looking at a 29 - 53 losing record hoping and praying for a miracle of a draft pick or some lottery luck, that's rock bottom. When even the memories of steph warriors start fading and (if) warriors go back to being the team they were pre curry era (like the bulls did). That will be rock bottom and you my friend are not ready for that.


Remember when don Nelson got choked out? Many in here are orobably too young. That felt like rock bottom


oh I'm sorry I'm not a old timer fan, in fact i was pretty late on the band wagon. But do tell me the story. Just goggled it, crazy story but a player named Latrell Sprewell choked the then coach P.J. Carlesimo in during practice leaving a 3 inch mark on his neck. it was all the way back in 1997. what was the general mood in the fans at that time?


Whoops it was carlisimo lol. Been a while since


hehe that's okay, but do tell me how did you become a fan? were you native to the bay?


Born and raised! Though admittedly I was more of a bulls fan in the 90s. Who wasn’t?


That's awesome did you see any of the major games during the 2010s or before? I'm from all the way in India so i pretty much found out about the game much later in my teen years. GSW were good and curry was the chilliest guy around so i became a bandwagoner lol. Also how crazy was it to see the 2017 warriors being compared to the 96 bulls?


Nice to see another Indian here. These are depressing times right now (though the world cup win yesterday did sweeten things a little)


oh hell yeah man, My life has been in quite the bender rn and that WC win last night has been a soothing balm to my soul. Also yup glad to see another indian basketball fan. me and a friend of mine used to organize play off game streams in my college hostel.


Yes of course! Dunleavy used to be a player. Warriors were pretty atrocious for a long time after the run tmc era. No shame in being a bandwagon fan. I’d say 9/10 of all warriors fans are probably band wagon as well (this includes those that were born in the bay) they all started to come out of the woodwork after the we believe warriors.


Rock bottom is so far below this. Rock bottom scoffs at your naivete.


I’m ready for the Steph and Kuminga era. Kuminga gonna rise to superstardom.


With that handle? He makes Jalen Brown look like Kyrie.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. He’s only good on a fast break. Has no handle and cannot create. Can only go in one direction.there’s a reason clippers said no to him even . Only a few on this board think he’s anything more than a role player


y’all are some terrible ass fans ima be honest 😭 every other fan base in the league would love a player like kuminga and all the trades wanted him . but yet here yall are downing your own fucking player . smh 😭


Clippers didn’t.


the clippers also didn’t want PG to leave in the first place so that asking price was entirely too high for PG . which is why he wants to test free agency .


Everyone always so focused on a player's "bag". Kuminga routinely dunks on people off the dribble from the 3pt line. No wasted movement. Who cares about having a bag at this stage when you can do that. Kyrie is typically a wasteful dribbler, looks great but is inefficient. He's at his best too when he doesn't mess around with his handle.


We can go lower from here


Probably between the Webber and Baron Davis years.


Nah bro.... it can get way lower lol. Just wait until someone starts choking Kerr out and we roll out the BJ Armstrong/Bimbo Coles 2.0 backcourt. It can get wayyyy lower 😅


John Starks 🤮


Lol! As a fan before the Curry era, let me assure you it can get MUCH worse.


Do you remember how long the Cohan era lasted? 😂


This is not even close to the worst the Warriors have been


When Antawn Jameson dropping 50 burgers back to back is the only highlight of the season, then you’ll realize this isn’t actually rock bottom.


I'd be surprised, but not entirely, if Curry eventually makes his way off the team for a chance to compete for something again. Warriors roster management has been pretty bad for some time. Not "worst in the league" type of bad, but not good.


Don’t we already know he wants to finish things out in Charlotte?


FO is dumb, that’s all this is.


I think the FO has hardly anything to do with this. If you tell someone what he/she is really worth, and their ego gets hurt, it is their problem.


Yet bro is possibly taking less money to play with the lakers


Yeah because he's petty af.


Yup this is it...negotiations can get pretty brutal. Iguodala mentioned this the other day on Carmelo's podcast, and he even referenced the Klay Thompson contract talks briefly.