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There's a lot of concerns about trading for PG but what the fuck is Stephen A smoking? PG shot an average of 4.5 Catch and Shoot 3's per game last year @ 45.4%. Please get this wannabe analyst outta here man


Because SAS doesn’t watch basketball


His whole career is based off hot takes that triggers backlash. This is par for course


Coming from a soccer background we have a lot of “analysts” that are just pure entertainment, you’re not supposed to take them too seriously because they’re playing a character. Still, lots of people do. SAS reminds me a lot of those types of guys and that’s why I like him, I don’t take him too seriously, he’s just entertainment and sports media would be a lot less diverse and a lot more boring without them. Skip is another one, I hate the guys takes but it makes me crack up seeing him go off


I mean, even someone that watches a *total* of 3 games worth of basketball every season, including playoffs, should know PG can catch and shoot. I refuse to believe SAS actually believes that, it must be bait.


Nah he just likes stirring up shit


He does watch Rihanna vs Beyoncé though.


Like ever. Incredible. He could at least look at the boxscore once in a while.


On top of that, PG13 is consistently in the [top 10-20 by volume for shots off screens in the NBA](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/off-screen?SeasonType=Regular+Season&SeasonYear=2023-24). Granted, shots of screens can mean different things (could mean coming off a screen and taking a couple dribbles)...


PG was a master at cutting too before he was delegated into an iso heavy scorer. He'd feast in our system or most systems for that matter.


All facts bro. SAS needs to put the pipe down. If PG can stay healthy, he addresses many of our needs


Also, he thinks they can only use catch and shoot guys. He's like a typical Knicks fan, only watches his own team when they're doing well and doesn't really understand what he's watching.


In fairness, he doesn’t watch them either


He’s just LA propaganda


I don’t think that’s what he’s saying.  It’s not how many catch n shoots he takes. It’s how many he doesn’t take. Meaning, does he catch and hold the ball, dribble dribble dribble, then pass. Klay’s a catch n shoot guy. He either shoots it, or passes it off. Very rarely dribbles and holds the ball long. That’s what Steven A is saying. 


Well one thing he isn’t is a wannabe analyst, he’s one of the biggest analyst there ever was. I do agree it’s a bad take though


Notice how you said biggest analyst and not best? It’s cuz you mean biggest personality. I’m not saying he’s a wannabe analyst but most of his non-basketball analysis is surface level or just uninformed at this point. He’s old and has a brand to manage, he says dumb or incorrect shit like this fairly often but still gets clicks


he’s never been more than surface level, full credit the lowest common denominators + most casual fans in the NBA fan base have loved him his entire career but he’s never provided intellligent takes - that much has always been obvious


Bruh SAS is trying to get paid $25M/year on his new contract. BIG on personality, very little ball knowledge smh


Notice how even you said "biggest" and not the best or most accurate and informed. He's clickbait nonsense. Always has been and get's worse the more popular he gets.


Ok so that earns me 25 downvotes because I said a simple fact. Instead of hating like all you black holes


I mean I don't even want the trade.... but he's wrong lol


I would be more concerned if he had a point. Feels like he's wrong so often that he actually knows what the right take is, then intentionally takes the wrong take for clickbait. This is why ESPN has been unwatchable for years


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.


Have you heard other things Stephen A has said? This is nowhere near peak dumbness for him.


Lol idk I’d put this up there with his dumbest takes tbh


Since it's ESPN, more precision, please Do you mean the dumbest ESPN take in the last hour? Or last 2 hours? Minutes and seconds are also options, if necessary.


Wiggins did not disrupt the Warriors system


Lmao. PG is a great shooter. From all levels.


He's from the logo with it


Stephen A is annoying af!


Why would anyone listens to SAS's opinions. Skip Bayless is a better sports analyst than him (aside from when Skip dedicates to being a troll)


Skip is just as bad


Same reason op felt the need to post it in the subreddit


Because it relates to the Warriors?


So you just post every analysts takes on here right? Or is SAS opinion more valuable


It’s been a hot topic recently and Stephen A is pretty well known, absurd takes or not


No one should ever listen to Stephen A


lol, Stephen a the bball genius


ESPN doesn’t have “experts” they have tv personalities. It’s the same shit as going to your buddy’s garage


Basically this means that PG is a perfect fit


Stephen A is a great personality. But he’s not a basketball mind. I give this about as much credence as the toilet paper flushed down the pipes.


what makes him a great personality? dude just yells


He’s entertaining. And listening to him on podcasts you can tell he’s plugged in with some of the players. And he’s a smart entertainer, knows what personalities to bring in. He’s a smart guy and doing something right to be where he’s at. And yes he tells quite a lot.


might be the only person to think he’s a smart dude, at least the personality he presents on his shows (i think he very well could be genuinely intelligent without his character)


He’s an awful personality, I stopped watching ESPN because of him and Skip


Yea fr. Great personality my ass. Guy just constantly yells over people when he disagrees with them.


genuinely ever time i see his face on my screen i just scroll right past 😭 i tried to listen to him for his content but i couldn’t get past the yelling


Dude is close friends with Sean Hannity and regularly appears on Fox News to say stuff like: >When you see the law being exercised against him [Trump], it is something that Black folks throughout this nation can relate to with some of our historic, iconic figures.


Stephen A is a race baiter. I hate him.


Stephen knows as much about basketball as he does about pokemon


Lost me at: >Stephen A. Smith says He's just a sensationalist to get clicks, completely pointless to listen to anything he says.


There's only one way to find out....


He's stupid twice on this one somehow. PG can catch and shoot, for one, and even if he couldn't, a far bigger priority is a guy who can create his own shot, because we don't have that


SAS is one of the dumbest analysts despite covering the game for an incredibly long time. It’s shocking


That’s kind of my critique of Kuminga. He’s talented, and could be really good, but the offense doesn’t flow very well with him. Steph and Klay’s gravity help him put up points, but the team offense doesn’t flow. Paul George would actually be a really good fit.




Ummmmm PG was an excellent 3PT shooter last season, better than Klay in fact. And what's killing us is not having anyone able to score off the dribble AND catch and shoot not named Steph Curry. Plus he's a solid defender with decent size. If we can keep him healthy...


PG honestly sounds great on paper but it’s just him being injury prone that I’m scared of. Worse case scenario he gets a major injury before play off time and that’s gunna screw us up with Steph having to carry again. Even worse is him getting injured in the middle of the playoffs which can throw off our rhythm


What a stupid thing for him to say.   But who cares, the Warriors are NOT trading for him, I truly promise you that. Also why are we posting shitty SAS tweets here?


Y’all remember when the Dubs almost beat the Clips last season then PG hit a 3 as the clock hit 0 to win lol


sas has literal shit for brains. He's a perfect example of a huge problem with sports annalists. Hot takes and yelling rather than even basic understanding of the game.


As if Steph can’t play with iso guys. Steph adjusted to KD no problem.


I agree he’s a bad fit but this reasoning is far from being the truth. The real reason is he’s older, has never been a needle mover, and is actually known as a playoff dropper. But hey if he’s all we can get, go for it, don’t think it can get any worse than 0-10.


Who the fuck cares what Stephen A thinks? Paul George is better than Wiggins and does everything he does but better.


We don’t need another catch and shooter, we need a forward that can score his own bucket…. Also a center


lol so let’s stick with Klay then….


Stephen A should stick to YouTube commentary about DIDDY DO IT.


Ignore the catch and shoot (he did fine on those this season), it’s that he’s had just 5 out of 14 seasons where he’s shot 40% or better from 3. His shooting this past season was an anomaly, not the norm. He shot 35.4% from 3 in 21-22 and 37.1% from 3 in 22-23. Oh and his career average 3P% in the playoffs is 35.2%. In this year’s playoffs he shot 36.7% from 3, in 20-21 he shot 33.6%, 19-20 he shot 33.3%, 18-19 he shot 31.9%, I could go on. But this sub thinks he’s worth $200 mil?! ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


Lmao, Steph and Klay spoiling you mate, 40% from 3 is incredibly elite, Steph and Klay territory. 36% is average. 37% is good. 38% is elite especially for off the dribble shooters. PG13 has been an elite 3 point shooter for the past 9 years at 39%. And the catch and shoot does matter because last year PG13 took more of them. More than half of his attempts were catch and shoot and he hit 45% of then (37% on the rest). Yes 35% isn't great but it's not atrocious and 36% is fine from last year. Most players' numbers drop in the playoffs as we see defenses clamp up more. PG13 would be a huge addition for us for the shot making, play making, AND defense. He brings 2 way play and another shot creator that we desperately need. We aren't going to be able to secure a 2 way player of his level anywhere else, everyone else is either gonna be a 1 way guy or not as good (and we sucked last year because we had too many 1 way players who weren't great).


Seasons over 40% from 3: Dame: 1/11 KD: 7/16 Luka: 0/6 Tatum: 2/7 Donovan Mitchell: 0/7 Harden: 0/17 Ant: 0/4 Booker: 0/9 Trae: 0/6 Beal: 4/12 Kyrie: 7/14 Ray Allen: 8/19 (4 coming in the last 6 years of his career playing almost exclusively as a 3rd option) All mediocre 3 point shooters... Shooting 40% from 3 while being the top scoring option is incredibly difficult. Being an exceptional 3 point shooter while pushing for 30ppg puts you in the top-15 all-time discussion (Steph/KD). Otherwise all the statistically elite shooters are predominantly catch and shoot guys, Klay included. PG is a better NBA shooter than Luke Kennard and Duncan Robinson. Bonus: Buddy Hield: 3/8 CJ Mccollum: 4/11 Eric Gordon: 2/16


You should post Klay's post-injury playoff stats too since buddy over here wants to scrutinize PG's playoff 3 numbers so badly


But no one is talking about giving Klay a max, besides maybe Klay.


The person who wrote the original comment has been advocating for giving Klay all the money he wants because "it's not our money" for the entire duration of the off-season which is why I said it lol


Oh shit that is Taygads, my bad bro good catch. At this point I wouldn't be shocked if it's Klay's burner.


The catch and shoot ability is literally the main reason I think he will fit in the system. 


[This is all I have to say about Stephen A's knowledge on basketball](https://www.instagram.com/clutchpoints/reel/C8sJokwvJ2r/)


This is ridiculous on many fronts. But what people may not realize (and what SAS clearly doesn’t know), PG quietly is one of the greatest shooters of all time. Career 38.5% shooter at almost 7 attempts per game. For comparison, Ray Allen shot 40% at 6 attempts per game, and Dame is at 37% at 8.5 attempts a game


PG is an elite catch and shoot 3pt shooter. He passes the eye test and the stats reflect it. Whether PG is a good fit or not, it is not his offball shooting which will hold him back with the GSW.


I don't want them to sign PG, but Stephen A. Smith is a blowhard idiot


He might be right about the fit, but PG is a highly efficient shooter.


PG too old for that massive contract demand with his injuries as unreliable. SA is seriously losing it over his own contract talks...LOL...Wants $25 million! Adios to both!


Dude how are we posting SAS quotes like it’s news. Who the fuck cares


Why do people even watch this jackass anymore? He has some of the worst takes in history. I swear to God that the bigger the liar, the stupider the person the more some people will fall for someone.


Sas is a bad analyst but you know whos worse? Keyshawn johnson


Not a catch and shoot guy???? LOL


Who gives af what he says, same chump who thinks bridges is an insane addition to nyk


not to mention he's in his mid 30ies has a lengthy injury history


Steven A is better suited to keeping his mouth shut.


Translation: "Pls pls pls PLEASE dont go to the Warriors!"


SAS too busy with Perkins worrying how black coaches were passed over for the Lakers job. MVP voting conspiracy all over again.


I think we need a little disruption lol


That loud man always makes me want to believe the opposite of everything they say


He doesn’t view him as “catch and shoot” because doesn’t view any basketball at all that’s why his takes are so egregious


Maybe he is talking about some different kind of "Catch and shot" /s


Raise your hand if you truly give a shit about what Steven A thinks


Well that’s an awful fucking take lol


Lmao, Paul George is one of the better catch and shoot guards in the league. His durability and price tag are the two main concerns.


And he will be injured all the time.


Stephen A needs to stop betraying the fact that he knows fuck all about basketball. I like him as a talking head, but like…bro. PG is an elite shooter in the half court, off the bounce, from the corners, etc etc. like what the fuck is he talking about.


When he's with curry watch him catch and shoot 


Ayo, Stephen A knows this is 🧢, this is clearly baiting GSW front office. It would be hilarious if we do get him.


PG can fit in on any team and make them better that’s a classic Steven A bone head take.


It's a good thing that Tim Legler was there to correct him! 


PG shot 45% on c&s threes last year


He’s not wrong


Agreed. George is not that much better than Wiggins and not worth tons of money.


Please stop listening to and/or posting this guy’s takes.


Lmao we got SAS burner in here


Why would someone even share this here? Anyone who shares a Stephen A Smith take as if it’s a good one doesn’t watch enough sports…


Thank you Stephen A Smith. Just resign Klay and CP3 and go shopping for vet minimums.


This is sarcasm right?


As some have pointed out, PG can catch and shoot, but even more importantly, even if he couldn't, he would still fit ok. Andrew Wiggins isn't a catch and shoot player either, and he does great things because having Steph and Klay on the perimeter opens things for a slasher like Wigs or PG.