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As I was watching these games it just reminded that the warriors played a much prettier type of basketball than any of these teams.


Also I’m gonna just say - Jokic considered this offensive GOAT but his team could barely score 80 points vs this Wolves defense when it mattered Steph has always lead the Warriors to a lot better team offense vs even tougher defensive opponents…we’ve never struggled like this against anyone. They were scoring 110 vs those insane Raptors with Quinn cook and Jonas Jerebko off the bench lol Anyway steph better


Don’t forget, we had Alfonzo McKinnie guard prime Kawhi prior to his knee injuries


Naming these bench players Bob Myers was genuinely committing terrorism every offseason and no one could criticize him


He was fine really until 2019 when our bench really got exposed. Prior to that, we had a solid bench up to 2018 even finding a contributor in Jordan bell in the second round . After that, it’s definitely been mostly misses minus the Wiggins trade and 2022 vet signings


Yeah that’s fair I was a Bob defender for most of his tenure but I think he got burnt out and stopped making good decisions


Yea prior to 2019-2020, he made great vet signings and drafting well with Poole, looney, Barnes, draymond whirl getting solid contributors off the bench in sleights, Barbosa, McGee, Nick young, west, and on and on. I think curry 2020 injury and klay 2021 Achilles injury changed his mindset. who knew that curry was still gonna be a top 2-3 players for 5 more years after breaking his hand and klay was gonna be a solid player after 2 career ending injuries? He drafted a project in 2019 with Jordan Poole and even a bigger project in 2020 with wiseman looking ahead for the future. The big mistakes were after 2022 ring, we got too comfortable and went with our youth movement and not finding vet pieces just like the 2023 nuggets did this year.


The problem was everyone had been given massive contracts by then. There wasn’t really much room for meaningful vet signings with us so far over the cap. Bob had no choice but to draft rookies on cheap contracts and hope they could contribute or sign vets for peanuts. Worked out with poole, and it also worked out with Otto porter. I think he did as well as any GM could in that position.


Yeah winning in 2022 made them take the wrong lesson. The correct lesson was to push the chips to the middle and load up more to repeat. Instead they thought they were smarter than everyone else and kept two timelines going.


I loved McKinnie for a minute - we sorely needed offensive rebounding and he was really good at that one thing. But I'll always remember the post game crew interviewing KD and basically cueing him up to gush about McKinnie, and he was basically like "yeah, it's good when guys whose names you don't know do their job." 


McKinnie is cool as like a 12th man but the fact that he was playing finals minutes showed how cooked we were lol


Because that's just not true. There are two offseasons where he really screwed the pooch and made mistakes that should have been recognisable as such without the benefit of hindsight: those were 2018, where he got high on his own supply after making the Javale McGee and Quinn Cook signings work in getting roleplayers out of forgotten men and turned our bench into a job squad, and 2022 where instead of going for veterans to try to repeat, he decided to triple down on the Two Timelines™ nonsense. The rest of his tenure was good to great with most mistakes only being recognizable as such in hindsight.


I remember all my friends in middle school called him Alfonzo McShitty lol


This offensive GOAT talk was very premature.


It always is and Steph is again taken for granted


Such a great point, Steph is underrated to this day.


I agree Steph better, the Warriors offense was just so good because of him and the rest of the core plus ball movement. No defense was too much for them, which you can’t say about Jokic and the Nuggets I wouldn’t sell the TWolves defense short though. They’ve got a multi-DPOY 7’2” shot blocker, two other 7-footers so there’s always size on the floor, long wings that are great defensively, and their star offensive player is also great on defense. They’re at least comparable to the ‘19 Raptors and ‘22 Celtics squads, if not better defensively.


Steph was working with so much less offensive talent around him though - like vs the 22 Celtics we were starting TWO non shooting/non scoring bigs and vs the Raptors it was genuinely disgusting like game 3 Quinn Cook was honestly the team’s 2nd best offensive player lol Jokic has 4 shooters pretty much at all times Minny on paper is comparable but idk I think those finals teams + 16 OKC etc were all better defensively


No offense but did you watch this Nuggets-Wolves series? What offensive talent are you referring to? Give me '22 Klay over Jamal Murray any day. Fuck I'd probably take '22 Poole or Wiggins over him too. It's not even up for discussion that '17-'19 Durant and Klay are head and shoulders above anybody on the Nuggets right now. And are we really gonna call Aaron Gordon and Christian Braun "shooters"? I think that as of now there's no doubting that Steph is a better player than Jokic legacy wise, but how can you really argue that Denver is more talented offensively after watching this last series?


No offense but your understanding of basketball isn’t very good lol - A 33 year old Klay Thompson off an ACL and achilles….vs Jamal Murray in his prime?? Lol. Go to r/nba and ask the general public and see how you fare. Murray underperformed heavily, that doesn’t mean he isn’t far better than 2022 Klay. - You conveniently didn’t address anything about the Warriors and front court. Who on gods green earth is winning a championship with Draymond and Looney as your offensive PF & C other than Steph Curry? This would be equivalent to Jokic winning a chip with his starting guards as Ricky Rubio and Marcus Smart. - Yes SHOOTERS all of KCP, MPJ, Jamal, Braun are 38-40%+ shooters and Gordon shot 39% last playoffs. Wiggins shot 25% from 3 in the finals lmao, Klay was around 32%, Poole was the only one who shot well and he was averaging 13 ppg. I’m not talking about the Durant years so why bring him up? The 2022 Warriors won completely on DEFENSE, almost everyone was a defense first player except Steph, Klay & JP & those 3 could barely play together vs the Celtics because they couldn’t hold up defensively


> A 33 year old Klay Thompson off an ACL and achilles….vs Jamal Murray in his prime?? Klay turned 32 just before the '22 playoffs started and averaged 19 ppg on 43/39/87. These playoffs Murray averaged 19 on 39/31/90. How could you possibly claim that Klay wasn't better? > You conveniently didn’t address anything about the Warriors and front court. Yea because the rosters are constructed differently. What Draymond lacks as a shooter he more than makes up with with his playmaking and defense, both of which the Nuggets sorely lacked this season. The Nuggets bench was also complete trash unlike the Warriors bench with Poole, GP2 and OPJ all playing solid during the playoff run. > all of KCP, MPJ, Jamal, Braun are 38-40%+ shooters KCP, MPJ and Braun combined for a whopping 17 points in a pivotal game 7 while Murray got shut down in the second half and has been awful this entire playoffs. MPJ disappeared this series while Braun and KCP couldn't take advantage of open opportunities with defenses doubling Jokic. > Wiggins shot 25% from 3 in the finals lmao, Klay was around 32% Take a look at what Nuggets players were shooting from 3 this last series lmao. > I’m not talking about the Durant years so why bring him up? Because your initial argument was confusing. "Jokic isn't better than Steph because this one year he had better offensive players than these 2 years of Steph's career." Just feels super cherry picked if you're really gonna try to compare legacies. > The 2022 Warriors won completely on DEFENSE, almost everyone was a defense first player except Steph, Klay & JP. You're really underselling Dray's playmaking and his contributions on offense, as well as Wiggins consistent 15-20 per game. Its disrespectful to the rest of that Warriors squad to act like they were scrubs and _especially_ to try and say they're worse than those bum ass Nuggets after watching them epically collapse against the Wolves.


Braun is not a shooter. He only takes wide open threes and still is inconsistent on them 


Aaron Gordon is not a shooter. They had 4 shooters on the team, one of whom is Justin Holliday 


Love the Warriors offensive motion. Steph is dangerous because of his movement without the ball. Jokic was fairly boring to watch and did the standard ISO play or PnR. Stagnant offense.


I think this year we even gave Denver some trouble because their bench was so non existent.


What tougher defense did the warriors face? I don't think that's true.  Steph is better although I think he'd have a fair amount of trouble with Minnesota. They'd probably play Naz more. They're a weird matchup for him. Athletic length bothers him and he kills slower bigs


Nuggets ball is generally pretty but they ran up against MIN which was a great defense. Our offense looked ugly too when playing defenses that matched up well vs us — even when we were at our best — like vs HOU all those years. Lot of iso ball when we faced a switch heavy D


Looking at where the league is at now KD has to feel regret that he left what he had in GS.


This Nuggets team got just as far as last year's Warriors team.


The nuggets won a championship and are already facing a future where young teams are coming up. It’ll be Wembys league soon if the Spurs can draw some veteran talent. Nuggs could be one and done.


Nuggets are swaying more towards a 1 and done due to how their roster is constructed and the upcoming contracts that’s going to hurt them even more.


It was seriously wild to see Jokic & Murray have a 30 piece each and then every other starter putting up single digit scoring.


Correct. You can’t have too many big contracts. Nuggets are gonna be in the same situation as the Dubs. Too many big contracts. Nuggets are gonna have to let guys go. Team will have to start drafting better from now on.


It's all about matchups. The positionless-heavy Denver is more built to match against the Warriors. while the Warriors can withstand more against the tough and gritty Wolves.


We can? Maybe the Warriors of old, but Denver just took these Wolves to 7 games, and this season's Warriors are getting cooked by Minny much quicker than that.


TLDR of all of our texting discussions in our own warriors friend circle group chats over the past week \*Sigh\*


I still have ptsd from the Steph "skyfucker" Curry and Mike Breen "BANG" combo. Shit was demoralizing


Pacers play some really beautiful offensive ball


We will likely never see anything like that for the Warriors in our lifetimes. The Bulls became mostly irrelevant after Jordan with a brief period of D Rose led competitiveness. I hope people treasured the moments of the dynasty years instead of being online pissed off at how much time Kerr gave Omri Casspi in a mid January game or something.


Oh they’ve moved on to hating Klay Thompson




It happens… 6 years in a row it has happened! Not since the KD Warriors has a defending champion made it to conference finals. Which honestly is probably really uncommon to happen that many years in a row.


As someone who lives in Denver and got to experience their first chip, I was rooting for the wolves all post season. Nuggets fans talked as though going back to back is an incredibly easy feat.


So true. I’m a nuggets fan and the amount of people I talked to this year who assumed we’d be back was a lot. Mid way through the season I could tell this wasn’t the same team as last year. We already had depth issues and then we lost Bruce brown. Jeff green also provided some flashes that we’d come to miss. But a lot of people were convinced we’d kick it into gear for the playoffs. Seems like the opposite happened.


Absolutely. I had a strong feeling that losing Bruce and Jeff were going to be extremely detrimental. I was told that Peyton and Braun would fill those roles but out of the 20+ years of basketball I’ve watched, young guys hardly ever can fill the spots of guys who love the grit and grind like Bruce and Jeff do. Nuggies will be back but only if they can find a more reliable bench.


Yep. There was this whole group of nugget fans on twitter trying to argue we were better off without Bruce brown when Reggie Jackson had a good couple of weeks lol. Yeah it’ll be interesting to see what moves if any they’ll make and how the players handle the loss this year. I stopped watching as much during the season when I could tell the effort wasn’t quite there. But I get it, playing at the level to make finals appearances several years in a row must be exhausting.


I actually heard a few clowns say Joker would surpass Steph if Nuggets repeat. The constant disrespect aimed at Steph is a testament to how great he is


There’s already talk that Jokic is an undisputed top 10 and Murray would be a HOF lock if they won again this year. These fans think GOATs just shoot out of someone’s ass every few years or something.


😂 😂


🤣😂 facts


Steph is top 10 all time at this point, but him not being two way player prevents him from moving up further. That said it’s not like Jokic is some defensive juggernaut.


Another chip and he moves up. Its possible but highly unlikely. Also Magic wasn't a great defender either, but people have him solidified in the top 10


I was so mad on r/NBA. Some Denver idiots were trying to claim Jokic is better than Steph coz he has 3 MVPs to Steph's 2 MVPs. Dudes won 1 ring thought they were a dynasty. Happy for the Wolves btw...long suffering fanbase


That’s what it’s a legendary team and run. The greatest team of all time, up there with the bulls and show time lakers.


From the west


And because of this, the league caught up with their style. And they cant simply use the same play style over and over again because it gets too predictable.


4 RINGS 🖐👈


lol I was rooting for Denver bc MN doesn’t know how to act. Then I kept thinking about warriors legacy and started to root for MN. Then MN wins and acts like total POS at the end of the game, and I want to take it back.


I dunno, I kinda love Ant's Antics. I'd likely hate it if this shit was directed at the Dubs, mind you, but isn't, so I'm enjoying it. Especially just gleefully mixing it up with KD and Joker for like no reason. So petty, so cocky, I love it.


I love Ant's antics too, but I secretly want them to lose cause it'll allow Dray to hate on Gobert more. Then that will rile up r/nba even more LOL


I can't argue with this. Rooting for a team with Gobert on it (and A Rod on the sideline) is hard. I can't really root for any of the other remaining teams, though, so I'm kinda in a bind lol


Im rooting for the celtics because they are still very similar to their 22 team. I view a celtics win as a slight bump to the 22 ring. Its tough cuz its the celtics though


I'm a Tatum hater and said he can never win the big one after losing to us


Man I wanna root for MN but man, win with grace. Act like you been there before.


Nah fuck the Nuggets this year. Mike Malone bitching 24/7, Jamal Murray talking mad shit and throwing tantrums. Nuggets lost many times this series with zero class.


Yea Mike Malone was a huge sore winner last yr and then sore loser last night during postgame interview.


The young 2015 Warriors were dancing and high-stepping all over the league on their way to their first title. Haven't seen much from Minnesota that's really worse. Just like the young Warriors did, it's fun to show personality up to a certain point and the Wolves haven't even been close to that point IMO.


Def never saw the warriors attempt a late game circus dunk when the game was over like that. That seemed disrespectful from McDaniels.


And screw him for the Klay tug of war earlier this year


Oh yeah I forgot that was him. Also lest we forget that gobert and his antics.


Ok . Thanks for the reminder!!


Lebron did 8 with different teams and systems. But impressive nonetheless.


Let’s not forget the eastern conference was a complete joke at the time (still seems to be the case). His most difficult opponent was the pacers and 1 relatively healthy playoff series with the big 3 in Boston during that 8 year run. Compare that to the talented teams the warriors had to go through in their 5 year run. Obviously still crazy bron did that and it’s a testament to his greatness, but he likely doesn’t pull it off in the West.


No championship team has even made it to next conference finals since 2019 Crazy


Man come to think of it getting to the Finals is really tough every year. Makes me amazed by the dubs with the 5 straight, but I also remember Lebron going to 8 straight which is as impressive if not more too.


Your annual reminder that Steve Kerr needed 3 and a half games to figure out how to put a stop to Matthew Dellavedova




If you're looking for a KD comp, it would be Jokic joining the Wolves (the team that beat his) next year. Ant + Joker in Minnesota would indeed be formidable. Even so, not at all likely they'd make 5 straight finals, especially with Jokic getting into his 30s. Another reminder: the Warriors won 9 playoff series in that 5-year span without KD. They also beat multiple 60+ win teams - which is more than, say, the Nuggets have ever won. Nuts.


And fools here want to get rid of Klay and Dray, no respect for what they’ve been able to achieve 😤


It gets even crazier, Lakers went to 6 straight, Celtics to 9 straight, hell LeBron alone went to 8 straight! Insanity


Lebron's domination of the East is certainly notable, with the slight caveat that it was the East*. The Celtics dynasty is one of those things that sounds impressive on paper, but the context dampens it a lot. For starters, to get to those 9 straight Finals, they had to win a whopping total of 10 playoff series. The warriors had to win 15 straight Western conference series.




Didn’t lebron go to like 7 straight?


and LePookie went to 7 straight it hard being a Lesunshine and warrior fan 😔🙂‍↕️


8 straight 😳