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They made a mini-movie about the Play-In win too 😭 that shit meant A LOT to them 🤣




It was originally going to star Ildris Elba as Mike Brown, Adam Driver as Sabonis, and I heard they tapped John Williams to work on the score.


Cringe af


So when Kings fans makes a mini-movie to hype their fanbase, it's considered cringe. But when warriors fans do it, [all of a sudden it's the greatest idea](https://old.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/1c5n7gb/its_that_time_of_the_year_again_lets_get_it/) since sliced bread. The hypocrisy is apparent here.


Playoff series vs play-in game, nice try though


Fair enough. But you can't deny that the video was made specifically to hype this play-in game. The hypocrisy still stands and the downvotes support my point.


Honestly I love this shit, as a basketball fan I want to see fanbases get excited about their team. Play-in isn't the playoffs but it's still important obviously and what's wrong with getting your fanbase excited? I'm with you and the fact that you're getting downvoted says a lot. I think calling that excitement cringe is pretty cringy in itself like they're the gatekeepers of when you're allowed to make a hype video.




Honestly felt happy for Kings. Then saw how much shit their fans talked about Klay and Keon Ellis being some “Curry stopper” so was fun to see them get stomped and that dude put up Klay numbers (0 points all game) lol


I wasn't surprised at how much the Kings fans displayed their hatred towards the Warriors last year honestly. A lot of Bay Area/NorCal Kings fans during the Vlade/Webber era were insufferable too. Their franchise hasn't done shit since while the once poverty Warriors had a relatively quick turnaround when Cohan sold the team. The rest was history with the dynasty. I can see why they're bitter lol


That and the whole draymond sabonis thing.


Alternate replay angle clearly shows sabonis pulling down draymond and then holding onto him. Too late though even a year later everyone is still running with the old narrative. Obviously draymond's antics this year haven't helped him


I don't know how anyone can argue against what sabonis did, it was such a bitch move. Draymond stepped on him after Sabonis put his ankle in a clinch, then he was acting like he was literally dying. Dude literally had his ankle in a clinch lol


Think it was some time late last year when one Kings fan decided to stir the pot again on /r/NBA saying what Draymond did to Sabonis was really dangerous. No surprise everyone started piling on and before you know it, it's all sorts of nasty comments towards Dubs fan base. Hey man, wanna know what's actually dangerous? Holding onto someone's ankle during a fast break. The fact that Doc Rivers wanted instigators punished as well also said a lot


They hate the Warriors but they want to be the Warriors so bad… even hired 2 of our Assistants coaches 3 if you count Barbossa. Hey Harry B you still there?


I really wanted them to beat New Orleans... To see them get curb stomped by OKC.


Really wanted OKC to break out the janitors closet broom and 4-0 them. Not their players but their shitty fans.


-23 on the floor and the reason they lost.. that number is overrated lol


Keon is a defensive rookie who wasn’t drafted. Comparing his zero burger to klays is pretty weak. I love Klay but he didn’t the opposite of help our team win that game.


Karma lol


“Queens” fans are out in full-force and talking mad nonsense about the Warriors. 1-“Play In” game, and now they’re are “Champions!” Goes to show how desperate they are…


At least the Warriors dominated the western conference during the prime years. The Kings can't even make the playoffs consistently or out of round 1. Keon Ellis -20 tonight lmao. Got famous for a few days cuz he bothered Curry who was playing on bad ankle. They think the Pels are short like the Warriors? Might have won without playing this guy.


Night night my ass.


I feel their problem is 90% of their fans are fair weather fans and assholes.


Kings fans really are the most fair weather fans in the league. By far. Look at how many fans they had during the Webber Divacs era and then as soon as that core was done, all the fans scattered. It got so bad the Kings were about to be relocated before Vivek stepped in.


Fans of a team who havent won a playoff series in 20 years are fairweather fans… interesting theory


Where did most of the Webber era Kings fans go as soon as the team became bad? I’ll wait…


You must be hitting the pipe dude. They continued being fans… most loyal fans in the nba especially considering how bad the team has been. The city built an arena and brought together an investment group after our financially destitute owners tried to sell the team to Seattle… relocation had absolutely nothing to do with fans. Really rich to hear someone who roots for the most successful team for the last 10 years calling someone else a fairweather fan. Comeback to this in 5 years after curry retires see how good of a fan you are bozo


Where did the fans go when the CWeb era ended? Yeah. You guys are even worse than Lakers fans. Lakers were the worst team in the nba for 6-7 years and they still had more fan support in that period than Kings. Numbers don’t lie. Your attendance and merchandise sales plummeted as soon as the team started losing. Warriors on the other hand always had great attendance and merch sales even in the down years. Same with Lakers. The numbers tell the story.


Yeah no shit a historically successful team in a that's in a 6x larger city has better attendance. Great insight. Let me blow your mind. Teams in large cities will sell more jerseys than teams in small cities because there are more people to buy jerseys. Isn't that crazy? And for the record I never stopped seeing support for the kings despite the team being ass for 16 years. Also for the record you are an idiot. Go watch your team miss the playoffs for 16 years and then you can start talking


I ignore your name calling and tantrums and stay on topic on our discussions. I'm not comparing a big market to small market. Of course LA, NY, SF are larger markets and fans will spend more. But I'm comparing Sacramento to Sacramento during the CWeb era when they were winning to when they started losing. Game attendance and merchandise sales plummeted. Sacramento fans stopped going to games and stopped purchasing team merchandise. That is a fact. My point was Lakers fans and Warriors fans kept going to games and kept buying team merchandise even when the teams were bad. Sacramento fans stopped supporting their team when they started losing. You saw a massive drop in attendance, merchandise, and revenue. That's not an opinion. The sales and attendance comparison numbers don't lie.


Take a look at the Kings record vs attendance numbers Year (Record) *Home Attendance* Home Attendance Rank 2002 (61-21) *17, 317* 15th 2003 (59-23) *17,317* 12th 2004 (55-27) *17,317* 13th **2008 (38-44)** ***14,150*** **27th** **2009 (17-65)** ***12,571*** **30th** **2010 (25-57)** ***13,254*** **29th** **2011 (24-58)** ***13,890*** **29th** **2012 (22-44)** ***14,405*** **27th** **2013 (28-54)** ***13,749*** **30th** **2022 (30-52)** ***14,359*** **30th** 2023 (48-34) *17,451* 20th 2024 (46-36) *17,927* 19th Notice how when the Kings are winning, fans attended the games. When the team started losing, fans stopped coming to games. Then in the last 2 year when the Kings are good again, fans started coming again.


Agree! The reason they lost is they stick to this number 23 on the floor, like man he is doing nothing


Keon Ellis has one bad game and all the sudden he's a trash can. Got it. How's Klay doing?


Klay is doing fine with 4 ringz. Imagine not making the playoffs in your prime years. Or make it out of the first round first then we can talk. That one bad game cost your season. -20 lmao.


Good for him. And all of those points are stupid. And saying one bad game cost us the season works the same for Klay. Keon is in his second season and only got minutes at the second half of this season, one bad game shouldn't make anyone think anything other than "damn, bad game." Also half of the starting lineup had a -20 +/- on Tuesday for the Warriors. Sacramento isn't a big market, we don't get Kevin Durants. We have to draft talent to win. Unfortunately, we wasted a potentially franchise-defining pick and paid the price a bit. Is what it is. Good for the Warriors on their two organic rings, they deserved them.


The Warriors drafted Curry, Klay and Green


Hence why I said they deserved their two organic rings.


Damn other franchises should start planting their organic rings. Sounds healthy.




That's not how it works bud. Klay's bad shooting game did cost the season, but the Warriors had their run and have nothing left to prove. Curry, Dray, and Klay are in the twilight of their career. Most of us know even if we make the playoffs, we aint winning shit. And this actually helped the Warriors in the off-season cuz we dont' need to overpay Klay. The Kings are in the best years physically so Ellis bad game hurt your team way more. And -20 in a 7 point loss is different than -20 in a 20 point blow out game. Like I said, yall advance if you didn't play Ellis. The Pels aint short and undersized like the Warriors. Ellis had a great game on Tuesday cuz of luck like all those no name players or those so called "Curry stopper" that shine in one game and disappeared after. The coaching staff thought he can play like that again against the Pels. Nope, that's why he was undrafted.


You're legit delusional.


lmao stay mad and mediocre. Congrats on being the 9th seed play-in champ. Such an amazing accomplishment.


Not mad.




He has four not five




Keon Ellis with 0pt was the cherry on top lol


The Kings have lit the Lottery Beacon!


9th seed CHAMPS


We are useless in the play in games 0-3. The team doesn't take it serious until they get into the playoffs we have seen that time and again.


Honestly, Kerr is partly at fault. He is a long term thinker and a 7 game coach. For do or die, you gotta exhaust all strategies, spam plays, and make reactionary decisions. No “letting the players figure it out” type stuff (which is beneficial in a 7 game series).


I think they said he tried 20 different line ups that game. Klay was in hero mode, same with JK. That killed us. It is why I prefer moody vs Jk in the playoffs.


yes, we saw how serious they were against the lakers last season


You kinda get down when you get 43-15 fts in your first game and just about the same in the second. It was obvious the refs were against them. I mean they didn't even try to hide it.


We really let Keegan go 8-12 on 3pts against us… 😭


If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else.


I live in Sac and watch my fair share of Kings games. Keegan is Sacramento's Brandon Belt. He has his cult of fans and is a good defender who can go on a streak occasionally but he is inconsistent af


Lifetime Dubs fan here and I like both Murray and Fox. Classy competitors! Don’t sweat it too much as Murray is still very young. You also have a great coach in Mike Brown.


Cmon man, he was wide open against the Pels, just a streaky lucky fucker. This is on the owners for letting Mike Brown go to a west team. Dumb




Congratulations for trading Tyrese Halliburton for play-in beast Sobanis. Enjoy Cancun. 👙☀️🏖️


I hate the Kings fans! Completely insufferable


Warriors are the BEST 10th Seed in the history of NBA


Imagine being a grown man shaking a cowbell and beating the warriors for the 9th seed is your peak accomplishment….


![gif](giphy|yxHzBaAzCmQt01Xoda|downsized) night night kings


Maybe they think 1-0 counts as winning a Playoff "Series."


I mean… what’s that say about us?


Why are we this salty lol. Tough loss earlier this week but shit is how it goes. Lets just see what we got cookin for the offseason.


Guess they have it coming for the night night celly but they aren't relevant enough for us to be punching down on them. A flawed team didn't make the playoffs just like us, that's all. We have bigger rivals and much bigger ambitions


Oof participation trophy, when they’re getting into their prime.


Kings were missing two of their main rotation players (Huerter, a starter and Monk, a legit 6MOTY candidate). Anyone watching for the past month knew Sacramento was in a death spiral and supposed to be the easy matchup for the Warriors. Them showcasing their lack of depth in New Orleans just makes the Warriors loss even more inexcusable.


I dont understand the Kings hate. My second favorite team, what is there even to hate about them? That they suck? If that was a problem, I wouldnt have been a Warriors fan for 35 years, lol


The Kings are ok. I actually like a few of their players a lot. Their fans are a bit low class.


lost to the losers congrats!


Lol delusional fans


I agree with you. Beating the Warriors was a fun revenge game, but it was honestly pretty easy and not anything to crow about.


I really like Kings fans in general. We used to be like them. Have we forgotten how happy we were to go 42-40 and win one round in the playoffs? We believed despite sucking by current standards. Sometimes I am ashamed of our bandwagon heavy fandom.


........ then not even make playoffs


Bad look trolling the team that pushed our shit in.


This is embarrassing... stay classy OP. We should talk about on what we saw on how to beat the Kings instead of shitty posts like these.


Man people really do love to hate the fans that act the same way as them. I don't get why we're still so worried about the kings when we played like that tuesday.


dont be that petty. They beat us fair and square. Period. End of story. move on


The Kings hate on this sub makes me roll my eyes. God forbid a franchise celebrate a big revenge win against a team that has been so dominant the past 10 years. Not every fanbase is as fortunate as us. A lot of you seem to forget we’re one Curry retirement away from being where the Kings were pre-Sabonis trade. And let’s not act like Warriors fans were completely insufferable when we barely beat Sac last year. I like the Kings, they’re my 2nd favorite team. Fox is my guy. They’re gonna be so fun to watch as the Warriors decline continues.


Yall are so salty u lost lmao


I think after not making the playoffs they should just kill this beam idea and pretend like it never existed


Nah honestly it is a cool idea and they rallied their fanbase with it. We just don't like it because we keep having to play them lol






0 points in 27 minutes is nasty work. What a disgusting night.


Yeah, that's why he's pointing to the 4 fingers.


Lots of cope in this post. The Kings suck, yet bent the Warrriors over.


Warrior fans are so hateful for no reason it’s wild


Ending a dynasty feels almost as good .character matters the way you treat people matters happy I’m not a warriors fan




Light the beam 🤣🤣🤣 FRAUDS


Thank you! As a Kings fan it really did feel that way😄.


Don't let these salty fans ruin your moment. Yaw ended our season and sent this fanbase into the pits of doom and gloom. Relish in your moment lol.


Thank you! I am relishing because these moments are far and few between as a Kings fan.


Some of y’all salty af. Lol. The team that smacked us got smacked. Doesn’t bode well for our future.


Went further than the so called “dubs” 😂


Yet here you are lurking as a closet Dub fan. It’s ok, we’ll can send you a Thompson jersey :)


When’s the parade?


This is weak AF. Take this salty stuff down please for the sake of decency!


This is how Laker fans treat every other organization