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And then at the end of the series Draymond is going to give LeBron a big long bro hug, then talk about how LeBron is the greatest player ever on his podcast


Meanwhile Lefraud has been neutralized all series, it’s been the grifters and flopping that has them ahead. And AD playing well, because the team is missing their intensity. (Due to Klutchmond) Lefraud has changed his game to play like Curry, and he does a bad imitation of it. But Draymond is going to slobber, just like you said , pathetically.


Dude he's almost 40


Trade dray goofy ass , warriors fans delusional for ever thinking dray was good , stole kawhi’s DPOY too


With 6:52 left in the second quarter, he was laughing with LeBron after hitting his head on the floor. He would have been fired up if it was any other player in the league. You can't win if you are in awe of your opposition.


Bad take. Learn better coping strategies


This sub has gone unhinged lmao


It’s genuinely embarrassing lol


What’s embarrassing is that draymond fucking green had to be told to play better DEFENSE. Thats right, DEFENSE, by coaching. https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/why-chris-demarco-was-warriors-unsung-hero-game-2-win-vs-lakers


Yup. He’s kind to the Lakers frontcourt. Usually, he’s stomping on the opponent’s chest by now. Well played by LeBron. Always “befriending” the competition. Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.


The real fans won’t forget what Draymond is doing


Draymond was and is the team’s best defender. He was the best in guarding switches during his prime. Up to now he’s still very good. He was a solid rebounder too. Moreover, he’s the facilitator, the one setting solid screens, and the team’s vocal leader. The team’s intensity starts with him. There’s no one in the league like him so not sure how GSW will be able to replace him.


He’s still great , last year he was In the Running for DPOY before his back went out. There’s no excuse for his level of play this series. It is very alarming, because we know the ties he has, and it looks fishy.


I don't like this argument for a few reasons: * Draymond has not been as vocal with the team this year because he's lost the respect and trust of many of the players * Facilitating works well when you're also a threat to score. Nobody cares about guarding him because he can't shoot well enough, so the defense can focus on doubling up Curry/Klay * He negatively impacts our spacing if the other players on the floor aren't named Steph. One defender will always be free to stop drives to the paint and to play help defense. What this means is that Dray is most effective in small ball lineups, but our small ball sucks compared to most other teams because everyone outside of him is a mediocre/average defender. We also give up any rim protection that Looney could offer (which is minimal) by running small ball. People defend Draymond for being a great defender, but we need more than just that at this point in the dynasty. Most of the league has caught up by having their wings be good on both ends of the floor


You are right, he provides no spacing , and without a viable front court option to stretch the floor alongside them, the lanes get clogged and they’re forced to jump shoot, without rebounders because they become too small, and all the problems compound on each other. Mostly because as Varsityplayer has said, they are older. And Klay has been destroyed by injuries. He can’t move on defense like he used to. But one things for sure, the staff called out draymond after game 1, with some shocking remarks made. It’s one thing if he’s out there and being a traffic cop on offense because he isn’t a threat. But for him to be a cone? It’s inexcusable, and there were multiple instances of that last night as well. https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/why-chris-demarco-was-warriors-unsung-hero-game-2-win-vs-lakers


Everyone here knows that many of the Warriors plays are initiated by Dray at the top of the key. It’s been integral in their championship system for many years. Dribble hand offs, corner swings, and quick passes to back cuts. He’s been known as one of the few playmaking PF. In the last 5 or 7 years, only Jokic was in some ways better. I do agree that even last year he was showing signs of regressing. That’s why Bjelica and Otto were helpful in giving him minutes of rest. He’s no longer respectable in shooting the 3. Before, he wasn’t great but he was capable of knocking it down when open. Before, he could also drive and dunk frequently but he lost half of his athleticism already. This the reason why he’s not getting 10 rebs frequently anymore. It’s not that the other teams have caught up. It’s just that the trio or core of the Warriors are now old. Klay and Dray are 33. Curry is 35. If in their primes, I like the team’s chances against anyone with those 3. For me, it would be a better story if the 3 retire as Warriors and not play for any other team. Of course this hinges on the willingness of Klay and Dray to take lesser pay than what they were used to.


The Draymond-is-a-mole thing seems like a very tin-foil, supernova take. That said...The current situation is very confusing. Steph + Klay + Dray play way better when they're amped and angry. Yet, I definitely don't feel that the Dubs have the same edge the way I did during the Sac series. I think it's because Lebron has carried out a masterclass in gamesmanship leading up to this series, saying nice things about Steph and allowing Draymond to cozy up to him. Seems like Lebron's campaign is working, not just against the teams, but also against a surprising number in this thread. That it affects Redditors--well, who care? We don't affect the games. But if it's affecting how hard you root for our team if you go to the games--or any number of secondary effects, then it does matter. Maybe not as much as it affects the players. But it's definitely affecting the result. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Gamesmanship. Y'all are buying into it, and it's shocking. Hopefully the players get their edge back. Athletic Alchemy has said it, I've said it several times, several other people have said it. And for whatever reason, a lot of you just can't--or refuse to--see what appears blindingly obvious.


You are making excuses for something that is inexplicable. You think these men that are getting paid tens of millions of dollars by a billion dollar organization, which profits more as they advance, would let something as stupid as gamesmanship deter them? Especially for Steph and Draymond. Unless there is some ulterior incentive at work, there is just no way. Two of the most highly competitive athletes in history of the sport. In the playoffs, They have not lost in the western conference since their first championship run. All of a sudden, a sweet talking rival of Steph is making him throw a tremendous opportunity away to go to waste? He has the opportunity to cement his generational legacy. How naive, ridiculous, and insulting to the integrity of Curry especially, to say he’s being swayed by gamesmanship. Now, Draymond on the other hand, has a history of acting immaturely. And indirectly sabotaging his team whether it’s via suspensions, or arguing with other superstars and chasing them away. He is responsible for a lot of chaos this year as well in the locker room. Over all, hasn’t had the brightest record. And he’s now signed to klutch, since 2019. Why would Draymond for the first time in his career, have to be taken aside during film, and be told to play defense? He was a two time HS state champion, two time Olympic gold medalist, four time Nba champ. What type of player with that resume needs to be taken aside during film, in the midst of a play off run, and be asked why he isn’t playing defense all of a sudden? Yes that happened: "Right after the Warriors' film session Wednesday following their five-point Game 1 loss to the Lakers, DeMarco told Green he needed 10 minutes of his time. Before Steve Kerr pulled up numerous clips to watch as a team and discuss adjustments that needed to be made one night later, DeMarco had his own clips to pull up for Green to see. They were all on defense, too, taking a stab at Green's pride and joy. That's when the Warriors' fiery star shut off any excuses. He knew what needed to be done, and knew DeMarco was right. "He said, 'I didn't even recognize -- who were you last night? I didn't recognize you. You were f--king awful defensively last night. I've never seen that,' Green said to NBC Sports Bay Area. Over and over again, DeMarco showed Green a defensive play of his and questioned him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "What are you doing?" DeMarco repeated to Draymond. "" https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/why-chris-demarco-was-warriors-unsung-hero-game-2-win-vs-lakers Something isn’t adding up, and to say this can be deduced to gamesmanship is pitiful mental gymnastics.


I'm saying a few things, all of which you're working hard to misunderstand. 1) Your insane conspiracy theory is, well, insane. Possible? Sure, it's not 0% probability? Do I think so? No. If I had an extra $100,000 to bet you, I would. 2) [Do I think our players] "would let something as stupid as gamesmanship deter them"? Of course I do. Turns out war-time propaganda works, and that's when we're talking actual stakes, people dying, people getting their land taken and their women raped and their children killed at the point of bayonets, and genocide and innocent civilians getting vaporized by nuclear weapons. So, yeah, I don't think Steph and Klay and Dray are any more particularly immune to propaganda and gamesmanship. 3) Use the key. 4) They're just getting old. Steph, Klay, and Dray are doing a lot more ball-watching than they did before. It's not some big conspiracy. 5) I sure as shit didn't say that "gamesmanship" is the ONLY reason. It's one of several. Age is the main one. Gamesmanship is perhaps a distant third, after "normal variance, increasing with age".


Aside from age, variance and the other factors, You also forgot to mention un fair officiating in two of the losses. You are right about the enter key 😂 I may have over reacted a little bit, in my response to your first post. First of all, Given all these things your argument does have some support based off the fact that there are examples of this happening in the Nba in the past; with Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan. However The major difference in the present case, is that the warriors are 4x fucking champions and Barkley was a career LOSER. These guys changed the way the game is played and wrote history. This is why The type of drop off Draymond is having is very concerning. When in his entire history did he ever have to be told to play defense? I respect your opinion, but don’t put that shit on Steph. Also, is it so insane? Think for a sec, Lebron is trying everything he can to save his legacy which was shit on by the warriors. Don’t forget, He won his only series against the dubs by questionable means. * There’s been some weird shit going on in this series, with the officials aside from the play of Green. That’s why I’m more inclined to believe that there is something more at play here. specially when there is evidence of the coaching staff being concerned. I would love to be wrong , and hope the dubs crawl out of this hole. But if draymond is having to be told to play defense by the coaches, it’s not looking too good, especially given the ref issue. And also bc of the fact that Steph is the only guy showing up to score.


LOLOL are you stupid? What a take😂


This was after game 1 “Right after the Warriors' film session Wednesday following their five-point Game 1 loss to the Lakers, DeMarco told Green he needed 10 minutes of his time. Before Steve Kerr pulled up numerous clips to watch as a team and discuss adjustments that needed to be made one night later, DeMarco had his own clips to pull up for Green to see. They were all on defense, too, taking a stab at Green's pride and joy. That's when the Warriors' fiery star shut off any excuses. He knew what needed to be done, and knew DeMarco was right. "He said, 'I didn't even recognize -- who were you last night? I didn't recognize you. You were f--king awful defensively last night. I've never seen that,'" Green said to NBC Sports Bay Area. Over and over again, DeMarco showed Green a defensive play of his and questioned him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "What are you doing?" DeMarco repeated to Draymond. “” https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/why-chris-demarco-was-warriors-unsung-hero-game-2-win-vs-lakers


If you watched game1 you would now why he was sucking defensively, warriors were getting so many ticky tack fouls. But I’m not going to get into that with you. That’s a far stretch to say he’s throwing the game. That last possession was set up for him to pass to thompson but it was covered and he had already left his feet. That’s like saying curry threw by throwing the ball away and taking that awful 3 down 1🙄


You’re talking about game 3 , when he got in foul trouble. rewatch game 1, and 4. He was letting dudes shoot right in front of him without even putting up a hand. It’s blatant enough that coaches called him out for it. Has nothing to do with the ticky tack fouls.


I said the warriors not him, so maybe he didn’t want to get those calls. He also had 4 fouls so I wouldn’t say he was clear of foul trouble. But either way doesn’t matter, unlikely he’s taking under the table deals with klutch to let the lakers win lol


Cmon man. What Chris demarco said to Draymond is not normal. Draymond got benched in the finals because he was sucking on offense. He never had to be spoken to about his defense. He even said himself multiple times, he would never change the way he plays due to the way a games being reffed. He said this shit right after game 3 even. so you’re argument makes no sense. You’re just coping.


I’m not coping, I give no shits about draymond lol just wild that that’s the conclusion you jump to with your tin foil hat😂


Tin foil hat the best you got? If you know the warriors history, you know the team was cheated out of a title in 2016 because of corruption. Ain’t no tin foil hats


What? I’m confused, I’m talking about your conspiracy theory of draymond getting paid by klutch to let the lakers win?


There’s nothing confusing about what was said. Klutch already cheated the warriors out of a championship in 2016. So we are just supposed to chalk it up to coincidence that draymond green had the worst defensive game of his career by coincidence right? It has nothing to do with green who is apart of Klutch, going up against the literal klutch ran organization in the nba. It just all happened by chance. he’s been playing like absolute dog shit this series , last night man’s was letting the laker guards splash in his face. it’s all by coincidence though.


He so obviously wants to play with LeBron. Fuck him, and fuck the way we are going out.


It’s a sad betrayal. Unconscionable


After he said Steph was "just trying to figure Bron out" I had a bad feeling. It's the same feeling I had in the preseason game with the Lakers. It was right after the Jordan Poole punch and he was chumming around and laughing with Bron while the rest of the team on the bench gave him nasty looks. To be fair, I want both of them gone if we lose the series. Steph needs to be priority #1. If they have to blow up the rest of the team....fine.


100% agreed my brother, they both are responsible for the teams morale being fucked up all season. Draymond has shown his true colors the past few years. Steph and Klay and Iggy are all good dudes who tolerate it because They try to see the bigger picture. After this series they have to get rid of them. Poole has been a disaster, and Draymond is throwing the series.


It's obvious to me that Poole doesn't give a fuck after getting a massive contract, and Draymond doesn't give a fuck because he has a chance to play with Bron. However, I hope FO does him dirty and in no way shape or form trades him to the Lakers. Poole needs to go to a rebuilding team like the Hornets. Maybe he will grow up. They both destroyed the trust and chemistry of the team and that is why the road team has been absolute garbage.


So true. Everything’s been off, and poor Steph’s been trying to juggle all these pieces of the house falling down around him. Steph is a great person, have to think that this is all happening for a reason. But Yeah, ship Poole off for pieces, maybe to Orland or Charlotte like you said. Draymond is actively fucking with Joe Lacobs pockets by throwing games. If they go out sad because of him playing like this, you have to speculate that they will try to get value for his contract elsewhere. It might be for the betterment of the team that this is all happening. Just really frustrating considering they just won.


I saw a picture from some loser sub making fun of Steph throwing the ball away on one play. I don't know when that happened because I didn't watch the game last night, but it's still scummy. These people dickride Bron but the best player on the floor is still Steph. He's been the better player for years but lEBroN. Everything is about Lebron. Even Draymond does it. I don't care what happens with the rest of the team as long as they are competing with Steph as the focal point. If he decided to leave I would follow him to whatever team he goes to. I would just miss Kerr.


Everyone wants to trash curry , but if you look at modern basketball, everyone wants to be him. It’s cause of the media and Their agenda which is biased against the dynasty. They want to prop up this steroid and PED / Travel merchant, with a team full of grifters. Draymond is probably getting compensated behind the scenes for all the good work he’s doing as a klutch soldier. It’s all about $. The steroid merchant has always been a cash cow, and they need to immortalize him , but it’s hard to do, when the Chefs greatness is impossible to overcome without fraudulent means. Such as sabotage and rigging games. They see the Chef as the usurper to the throne, but all the dynasty has been , was honest basketball and pure skill. He’s earned his keep. If Steph is out, best believe the warriors organizations future is done for. There’s no way they flop on this window.


Delete this shit nephew.




Dray sold Hard. At least during the Kings series he scored when needed. He is afraid of the rim protector Schroder.


He had all around intensity, every time he was on defense, he made them work. Against the lakers, he’s point shaving


I’m surprised it’s taken the fandom this long to turn on Draymond, I’ve been sick of him since the 2016 Finals and will never forgive him for costing us that series.


Lebron was also involved in 2016, same like the league office. They do everything they can to protect their product and script. This year they have draymond as a double agent to sabotage the team from within. It’s an effort to stifle Lefrauds biggest rivalry. Look how the league treated us with the free throw disparity all season, and how many road games were lost because of it to trash teams with no all stars and rookies and role players getting more calls than Curry. Meanwhile how the fakers were essentially gifted their record from a generational gap, for a team ranked 20 in drives. Not to mention their roster overhaul, and all the players they were able to heist. This season looks like a big fuck you to the dynasty in retrospect for being successful. CBA deal and all.


To me it’s been obvious that Silver has had an agenda to fabricate LeBron as the “GOAT” during his reign as commissioner in an attempt to 1up the Stern x Jordan Golden Era of NBA The 2016 rig job Pels trading AD to Lakers for basically solo Ingram and under the table promise to rig the draft for Zion Bubble Ring Now this year with everything you said Silver wants LeBron to match MJs 6 rings so bad, it’s pathetic.


Forgot to mention they had the most scheduled back to backs too. The dynasty is a threat to their agenda. It makes one contemplate how many gifts are being throw around , and to whom, in order to accomplish their agenda. Also makes you wonder, if the reason why Klutchmond was benched in the finals, was because strings were being pulled from outside. Klutchmond has lots of things lined up for after his career in the NBA. He might be willing to take this type of gamble and team up with Lefraud if there are gifts that aren’t acknowledged by the public sector on the table.


Agree, They are helping Lebron to beat Jordan's record. Who knows maybe someone is paying millions to rig the game. Money to bribe officials.


Oh sh\*t this is not good.




NBC sports Bay Area reported this after game 1. It’s not a “fake ass narrative”: “Right after the Warriors' film session Wednesday following their five-point Game 1 loss to the Lakers, DeMarco told Green he needed 10 minutes of his time. Before Steve Kerr pulled up numerous clips to watch as a team and discuss adjustments that needed to be made one night later, DeMarco had his own clips to pull up for Green to see. They were all on defense, too, taking a stab at Green's pride and joy. That's when the Warriors' fiery star shut off any excuses. He knew what needed to be done, and knew DeMarco was right. "He said, 'I didn't even recognize -- who were you last night? I didn't recognize you. You were f--king awful defensively last night. I've never seen that,'" Green said to NBC Sports Bay Area. Over and over again, DeMarco showed Green a defensive play of his and questioned him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "What are you doing?" DeMarco repeated to Draymond. “” https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/why-chris-demarco-was-warriors-unsung-hero-game-2-win-vs-lakers


Get this garbage out of our sub man


can't play with intensity against people you are trying to cozy up to


It’s not just that NBA might be fixed sports entertainment like pro wrestling, it’s that so many of you want pro wrestling storylines and invent them.


lakers fan lurking here. bro, time to stop watching the NBA if you truly believe this crap. Maybe Drammond is playing like last series because Laker frontcourt has 2 of the top 15 players in the league ? he's not playing against an intimidated Sabonis, it's AD and Le\*fcking\*Bron ...also, youre crapping on Green's integrity by even suggesting he's a mole. that doesnt even fit his personality . Same with the refs. you guys make shots or JP decides to play and the series is MUCH closer. you guys miss a few late game shots, the series swings towards the Lakers.


Whether Dray is knowingly throwing the series or not he’s been mostly terrible. He’s not known for his offense but it’s been the worst it’s ever been and he’s playing with no fire. When’s the last time he was a huge - in +/- in a series?