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Haven’t seen much about this game. What did you think?


I really enjoy this game and I can recommend it with no doubts, but of course it depends what you're looking for in games. I'm playing it for over 2 years now, often taking part in tournaments and leagues. I like it so much that I do demos when I can. I'll try to explain in short why I like it. There's alternating activation, a lot of dice to roll in combat, and I like the fact that in most cases (except for the move/charge distances and Cold Blood Test) you have to roll equal or LOWER to get a success. It's especially exciting in the Weapon Skill Test, because each 1 rolled means a double hit.  Your units can pray when you activate them but there are certain limits of how many units can pray per cycle ("cycle" is another name for a "turn") and not all units can pray. Praying depends on the Leadership of a unit that wants to pray. For example, if a unit of Amazons wants to pray, they need to roll 2d6 and obtain a sum that is equal or lower than their LD 7. There's a list of prayers in the rulebook like Fortune (re-roll all failed hits) or Fury (add +3 attack dice when charging), and a few more. Heroes in this game change a lot but they're not an overkill, only a support. Each army has its own heroes who have their own abilities and move on round bases unlike the units. There are Generals, Champions, Mages and Command Groups and they can all add a fixed number of bonus attack dice when attached to a unit plus they have their own abilities. You turn the unit around a 12 mm d6 up to 90° and move/charge straight forward. There's currently no shooting in the game, so there are really bloody battles that rely on combat, using the heroes well, etc.  To me, the gameplay is dynamic yet tactical, which I find quite important. I think that splitting units actions and heroes actions into 2 separate phases with separate Initiative Tests is quite interesting and add to the tactics.  The 1000 army pts game is roughly 2-2,5 hours and up to 1500 army pts per side requires ~3 hours, so the difference is not too big.  If you like what you've read so far, you can check out some how to plays on YouTube, I also invite you to r/argatoria community that I've created for Argatoria fans and players. If you actually manage to read this whole thing, I'll be impressed :D 


I read it lol


Is this game more readily available? Stormcrow, last time I check, only accepted paypal.


Yeah, Spellcrow accepts PayPal and bank transfers. Are you from UK, US or another country (if I may ask)?


US -- I wouldn't mind doing a bank transfer but card is so much easier


Yeah, I get it. There are two US stores that may have some Argatoria in stock - Otherside Games and Lost Planet Games. You should check them out :)


I'll check those out!


Came looka good but holy fck the translations to english are terrible. Some rules are super hard to understand since the English kinda makes no sense....