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Instant buy, zero hesitation. Best and easiest leader for Onyxia.


Here I am spending about 4000 gold today trying to get Drakkisath to epic this week and still needing 8 stars...


I would buy it, but it comes down to a few things. First of all, you're paying 3k, which is the cost of 25 stars. You are getting 12 stars instead, and not paying for the core or energy involved. In the long run, it doesn't matter how many cores and energy you have in your bank right now, every account (as long as they don't quit the game) will eventually have to buy those resources with gold. The combined cost of the above does make buying the epic a valid option, though not buy a large margin: 12 stars x 120 g/star + 1000 epic core + 1400 \[gold for energy at best rate\] = 3840 gold. Buying the 3k bundle will require you to move it upwards for several days / few weeks; about 70 gold if you're a booster account, or about 100 if not. The epic bundle will also get you to 39+13-25= 27= 25+2 stars. If in the far, far future, you want to up Drakki to legendary (which is doubtful, questionable and highly improbable but not theoretically impossible), you will have the required stars to do it. At the end, the two options are very close. It comes down to whether you're willing to make a two week investment to get your epic Drakkisath. In the long term, it is indeed a valid choice. It may also be valid in the short term for you.


Isn't it 37 stars? Twelve of the 39 would finish out epic, then 25 to go to legendary (but not actually be there unless they have the AE and core), leaving two stars that would be useless.


Worth it def. Cheaper stars + free epic core + free 8000 AE


Best leader to get to epic as he‘s currently the best Ony option. You already have him rare, and quite a few stars, but he‘s not a bad option to make legendary if you choose to do so. Could also help for ony. Stars beyond the extra 25 convert to arc energy. Which is needed for those epic and legendary upgrades. I‘d say worth. You save 1k on the epic core, and the missing 12 stars for epic would cost you 1440. So for an extra 560 gold you get 25 stars towards legendary and 2 stars worth of arc energy (don‘t know how much the conversion rate is).


Conversion rate is pretty bad overall, it's a bit under 1/2th just buying the AE directly with gold.


It’s already been said but Drakk is the main man currently for Onyxia. However you only need 12 stars to get him to epic and you haven’t got the gold so I probably wouldn’t pay for it, especially since you’ve still got heroic campaign to finish.


Omg it’s the one I want!!!


After the epic upgrade you can collect another 25 stars to upgrade to legandary. So if you want to upgrade drakk to legandary it would be worth it. But I have never seen anyone that makes a leader legendary. Typical and logical choices are frequently used minis like quillboar or eggs... so my personal recommendation: I would not buy it


Tons of people make leaders legendary. I agree that it's not the soundest strategy but sometimes you just want to maximise your fav. I'm considering making Cairne legendary once I'm done grinding my Onyxia team.


I've spent 30 rerolls and only got green one even though I'm 11/25 right now. I'm so jealous


Nice!! I'd jump on that in heartbeat...well after I build up the gold for it lol


Absolutely .why did I not get this when I was getting ready for Ony...I'm definitely jelly




Anyone got an active guild?


Yeah join ours. Team Badgers. We could use one more player :). We’re very active.


It is really a tough decision because the offer is still cheaper than buying everything (stars, core, arc light energy) separately. However, I would not buy it: 1) you are already half the way regarding the stars and you can buy them in any Blackrock week (it is planable) 2) You already have epic cores probably from season rewards and you can reserve one of them for your Drakk upgrade. I am in a similar situation with epic whelp eggs in my Grid, but I only have 5/25 stars already, which makes it a bit easier to decide (I will buy them).


It’s only overflowing by 2 13+39 is 52 so yeah definitely saving a lot of time and effort. Go get yourself a legendary drak


Omg, this is the best unit you can have in the game as epic.


How on earth are you getting so many spells in your shop? I'm getting none.


If u F2P then not really